For some reason the map decided to not save for me so I had to redo the blockout. T_T
This is what I have so far, sadly I haven't being able to work as much on it as Id like to. I still need to tweak the material for the floor, I'm not getting the spec I want out of it on UDK. And I need to to adjust the color of the trim to match.
Progress is going really slow - I start a mesh sculpt and bake it out then realise it dosen't match the style I want to go for and throw it out : / Seems to have got a grip on it now here is my progress
Hi guys Im going at a lower speed for the moment , but I wanted to share the pillar I was working on, the textures are hand painted because I really need to practice it, the mesh modeled in 3d max and the high poly in zbrush, I gonna try to upload the scene after I fix the floor and wall texture.
Thanks for your time.
EDIT : There was a typo in the image, fixed
I don't like the way the vines intersect neatly at rightangles periodically up the beam. Feels like they shouldn't intersect, or if they do, in a much more organic way. Otherwise this is great
Did my first environment textures today ! Took forever to work out how to get pom to work untill i read that the normal and displ map have to have the same name
Hi guys Im going at a lower speed for the moment , but I wanted to share the pillar I was working on, the textures are hand painted because I really need to practice it, the mesh modeled in 3d max and the high poly in zbrush, I gonna try to upload the scene after I fix the floor and wall texture.
Thanks for your time.
EDIT : There was a typo in the image, fixed
Ok yeah WAIT A MIN
But er typo?
After taking stuff from UDK and 3dsMax back and forward I have learned a couple of things! Apparent for most of you guys, doing modular pieces with multiples of 16, exporting 1:1 in inches and making the environment more modular than ever. It has made me scratch my head more than a couple of times. My first modular environment and I am loving it. My bigest challenge for now, its making modular pieces that fix to the concept, and the sizes using a 96 units as a human standing...
Also, I have barely done nothing... lol, so much trial and error. Doing a lot of hours at work too ;(
Thanks for the feed back tkfxity and Y_M I will fix the vines after I finished more asstets
also thanks Moonshank I will see what i can do to fix the uv space.
Also Robeomega, whoops my mistake :P sorry about that.
Thanks for the feed back tkfxity and Y_M I will fix the vines after I finished more asstets
also thanks Moonshank I will see what i can do to fix the uv space.
Also Robeomega, whoops my mistake :P sorry about that.
I don't know if this was said, I like the vines a lot, but your texture usage could be halved if you used a tileable for the vines made a tilable for the pillar, you could even re-use it on other parts of the the scene and then just use unique normals+spec in the same map for some variation. Also a more natural vine distribution would be cool.
If you're using max use use the generate mapping coordinates for renderable splines. And in Maya you can convert paint FX to polys and get the same result, then would could use a 128-256-512 for the vines, whatever you want.
AlexCatMasterSupreme : Thanks, mmmm didn't thought about it, I guess I was more focused on the pillar , to be honest the vines only took me around 20 min to model and texture , yeah I should have examined better the possibility of tileable placement, good thing is still work in progress, at least people are reacting well to the model.
Thanks for the feedback I will attend people criticisms as soon I'm done with the current assets.
I need some help with my workflow and now I know this sounds badly noob, but I need a hand with workflow on making a tileable texture.
I'm wracking my brain with how to go about doing it, could somebody post their workflow for tileable textures? Because I'm completely stumped about how to go through it.
AlexCatMasterSupreme : Thanks, mmmm didn't thought about it, I guess I was more focused on the pillar , to be honest the vines only took me around 20 min to model and texture , yeah I should have examined better the possibility of tileable placement, good thing is still work in progress, at least people are reacting well to the model.
Thanks for the feedback I will attend people criticisms as soon I'm done with the current assets.
Also, if you are worried about it looking tiled, you can use vertex paint to add variation in the colors of the texture, dark, lighter, saturated ect, using the material.
I need some help with my workflow and now I know this sounds badly noob, but I need a hand with workflow on making a tileable texture.
I'm wracking my brain with how to go about doing it, could somebody post their workflow for tileable textures? Because I'm completely stumped about how to go through it.
I have a question, aimed mostly at Carter and VictorSantos -
I want to model geo into my modular floor pieces, like tiles being physically pushed in, sticking up, etc. similar to what you guys have done. How did you guys go about that? Did you model and retopo modular pieces, or just made a tileable texture, baked that to a flat plane, and then modeled on top of the texture? Or did you use a height map or something? If you have time and wouldn't mind, could you show us your separate pieces with their textures? I would love you forever.
I have a question, aimed mostly at Carter and VictorSantos -
I want to model geo into my modular floor pieces, like tiles being physically pushed in, sticking up, etc. similar to what you guys have done. How did you guys go about that? Did you model and retopo modular pieces, or just made a tileable texture, baked that to a flat plane, and then modeled on top of the texture? Or did you use a height map or something? If you have time and wouldn't mind, could you show us your separate pieces with their textures? I would love you forever.
I typically bake it to a flat plane and model on top of the texture.
After taking stuff from UDK and 3dsMax back and forward I have learned a couple of things! Apparent for most of you guys, doing modular pieces with multiples of 16, exporting 1:1 in inches and making the environment more modular than ever. It has made me scratch my head more than a couple of times. My first modular environment and I am loving it. My bigest challenge for now, its making modular pieces that fix to the concept, and the sizes using a 96 units as a human standing...
Also, I have barely done nothing... lol, so much trial and error. Doing a lot of hours at work too ;(
This is my first proper attempt at using UDK myself, and I was a bit confused by the snapping being like it is. I have modelled in cm like I do with everything and made a 200cm tile for around the pool edge. I would never have thought of it not being metric in scale...
I have a question, aimed mostly at Carter and VictorSantos -
I want to model geo into my modular floor pieces, like tiles being physically pushed in, sticking up, etc. similar to what you guys have done. How did you guys go about that? Did you model and retopo modular pieces, or just made a tileable texture, baked that to a flat plane, and then modeled on top of the texture? Or did you use a height map or something? If you have time and wouldn't mind, could you show us your separate pieces with their textures? I would love you forever.
Sure, I just do the usual zbrush workflow individual subtools for each and sculpt as normal then once complete drop the subdivisions low enough without losing the outside shape, so I know the mesh is going to tile dynamesh all the subtools together and run the decimation script on it its pretty messy but its also much much quicker than retopologising it by hand the UV's are simply planar mapped front and the sides and then relaxed - hope that helps
I need some help with my workflow and now I know this sounds badly noob, but I need a hand with workflow on making a tileable texture.
I'm wracking my brain with how to go about doing it, could somebody post their workflow for tileable textures? Because I'm completely stumped about how to go through it.
Help me please?!
Depends on what you prefer, if you prefer doing your textures in PS then just keep offsetting the canvas, easy.
Quicky threw it together in udk so I can feel like I did something..
I know there's a lot of errors, like the light bleeding in from the outside and smoothing on some of the meshes..
Also hand painted stuff doesn't really seem to work well with lightmaps.. so I'm kinda lost here.
Any tips on a good light setup? at the moment there's just one dominant spot light.
I have a question, aimed mostly at Carter and VictorSantos -
I want to model geo into my modular floor pieces, like tiles being physically pushed in, sticking up, etc. similar to what you guys have done. How did you guys go about that? Did you model and retopo modular pieces, or just made a tileable texture, baked that to a flat plane, and then modeled on top of the texture? Or did you use a height map or something? If you have time and wouldn't mind, could you show us your separate pieces with their textures? I would love you forever.
Hi Sybrix! As Biofrost said I normally make a nice sculpt in Zbrush, I place the tiles there (Zbrush) and then I decimate (or not) the model to take it to 3DsMax to make a planar model or a low poly version of it thinking on the UDK units to place it later (128x128, 256x256, etc).
Render of the High-poly version almost prepared to be baked:
Does anyone have any video tutorials for making low poly models then bringing them into zbrush and back again to be baked down? I've tried following some of the stuff on the wiki and i'm finding it difficult :L
EDIT - I've been reading a bit, and found that some people export their high polys from zbrush and lows from the 3d program straight into xnormal? does anyone happen to have something explaining this process? much appreciated.
Aaarg... I just found this! I've never successfully completed a game environment before, but I've been looking for a community activity to join and the concept art for this challenge is just so incredibly lovely.
Even though I might not have time to get through it I think I'm going to dive in... at the very least it'll get me sculpting, and I figure going through it with others will help me when I inevitably run up against the (modular :poly121:) wall where my technical knowledge runs out and I start to cry.
No problem, there are a lot of threads with people asking these questions. If this is too heavy of too much, there are a lot of threads that break it down too, just search threw technical talk.
Some more stuff from today, Everything is super blergh but im learning heaps so its good, im excited to see how much i can improve the next one once i have all the workflows understood
Being this is my first polycount contest, and I have very limited knowledge of UDK, Catmaster pumped me up with the intro rules, I agree, definitely looking to learn a lot and surprise myself. Good luck to every one.
@Biofrost - I LOVE YOU! ty for showing me the dx11 tessalation. Now my plain brick models look amazing with cracks generated from a height map! Just one question. Doesnt the tessalation add a lot of verts/faces to a model? Because it doesnt seem like the the tessalation decreases when you get farther away. I may be wrong, but what do you think?
Forgot to post, here is my WIP. Adding new stones that accent the pool. Currently changed the stones on the rim of the pool. Next are the larger stones. Textured my pillars, and added more contract between the fern leaves and the stone wall. Still dont know what to put in the middle of the pool.
Ok, I've wasted well over an hour in 3ds max trying to blockout shapes to fit the reference-yes, total noob, I know right? How did you guys go about doing that? I did the Photoshop vanishing point tutorial but I don't understand exactly how that helps me when inside of 3ds max. I have a box with 96 units as a character ref and I started creating the pool trim at 12x12 units; it just doesn't seem right to me. Only difference is that all of you seem to have managed this in mere minutes.
I created an imgur account to host pics of my progress and even made a design board-per other pplz ideas-but sadly, that is all I can account for.
This is my stage atm, I have figured out how big the pieces are, what pieces to use and how it repeats around the scene. The modular pieces are multiples of 16 UDK units with high tendency of being multiples of 64. I have changed the grid settings in 3dmax to 16 as well to snap the pieces. There is in this scene 13 modular pieces? Plus its variations (the blue blocks, light pink and pink walls will surely have variations)
After its 13 modular assets, there is the statue (composed of 3 pieces) the door (door and steps) the pool steps and the wall pillars.
Ignore the pale yellow stuff on the far left. Used that to figure out the sizes of the pieces. So much fun! Its like making the lego bricks.
Also, I will showcase the environment, if done, as its open to see the to public as a 3d concept, so it will not have back walls or anything just yet. Maybe at later implementations I will do a full scale dungeon/ruins with more assets.
@Biofrost - I LOVE YOU! ty for showing me the dx11 tessalation. Now my plain brick models look amazing with cracks generated from a height map! Just one question. Doesnt the tessalation add a lot of verts/faces to a model? Because it doesnt seem like the the tessalation decreases when you get farther away. I may be wrong, but what do you think?
It should be working as long as you multiply the displacement by a World Normal. However it is going to be harder to see depending on how high you have tessellation multiplier.
The lower that number the less tessellation it will have. I have it on 2 right now because the scene is so small I traded visual quality over performance(not a huge loss im still getting around 120 fps). However when the number is higher you have to be further away to notice the tessellation go down just because there is so much of it going on.
As you can see here I have to be pretty far away to notice it going down.
Wow, dint notice it took that many triangles Oo I'll give it a go! But not with this project. I am already taking way long and I am afraid I will not finish on time
This is what I have so far, sadly I haven't being able to work as much on it as Id like to. I still need to tweak the material for the floor, I'm not getting the spec I want out of it on UDK. And I need to to adjust the color of the trim to match.
I don't like the way the vines intersect neatly at rightangles periodically up the beam. Feels like they shouldn't intersect, or if they do, in a much more organic way. Otherwise this is great
Sculpting stuff hanging above the circular door. Takes time...
Btw it's supposed to be noob challenge... quality of the work says otherwise
JeremiahJensen - you got a really strong normal map. Maybe dial it down a bit ? It also looks a bit soft. Not rock like.
thanks man, I think i got a bit excited with the POM haha, but ill tone them down abit and try make the surface abit harder
Here's my first work in progress, just the AO, a few color tweaks, and the Normal map baked, I'm working on the modular set of the floor.
Keep it up people!! There's some nice stuff going on in this thread.
EDIT: I forgot to tell you that I'm keeping it very low poly, 180 triangles per piece (1x corner, 2x squares).
Totally agree going to tone down the cracks when I get home
You're right! I'm working on it.
Ok yeah WAIT A MIN
But er typo?
Also, I have barely done nothing... lol, so much trial and error. Doing a lot of hours at work too ;(
also thanks Moonshank I will see what i can do to fix the uv space.
Also Robeomega, whoops my mistake :P sorry about that.
I don't know if this was said, I like the vines a lot, but your texture usage could be halved if you used a tileable for the vines made a tilable for the pillar, you could even re-use it on other parts of the the scene and then just use unique normals+spec in the same map for some variation. Also a more natural vine distribution would be cool.
If you're using max use use the generate mapping coordinates for renderable splines. And in Maya you can convert paint FX to polys and get the same result, then would could use a 128-256-512 for the vines, whatever you want.
Thanks for the feedback I will attend people criticisms as soon I'm done with the current assets.
I'm wracking my brain with how to go about doing it, could somebody post their workflow for tileable textures? Because I'm completely stumped about how to go through it.
Help me please?!
Also, if you are worried about it looking tiled, you can use vertex paint to add variation in the colors of the texture, dark, lighter, saturated ect, using the material.
If you want to bake a tileable texture from models, you might want to check the wiki here:
I want to model geo into my modular floor pieces, like tiles being physically pushed in, sticking up, etc. similar to what you guys have done. How did you guys go about that? Did you model and retopo modular pieces, or just made a tileable texture, baked that to a flat plane, and then modeled on top of the texture? Or did you use a height map or something? If you have time and wouldn't mind, could you show us your separate pieces with their textures? I would love you forever.
Ceiling and side wall ommited for your viewing pleasure.
also, does my sizing look like it will work? Main section I am concered with is the center statue piece, which I haven't added a statue to yet
I typically bake it to a flat plane and model on top of the texture.
This is my first proper attempt at using UDK myself, and I was a bit confused by the snapping being like it is. I have modelled in cm like I do with everything and made a 200cm tile for around the pool edge. I would never have thought of it not being metric in scale...
Sure, I just do the usual zbrush workflow individual subtools for each and sculpt as normal then once complete drop the subdivisions low enough without losing the outside shape, so I know the mesh is going to tile dynamesh all the subtools together and run the decimation script on it its pretty messy but its also much much quicker than retopologising it by hand the UV's are simply planar mapped front and the sides and then relaxed - hope that helps
Depends on what you prefer, if you prefer doing your textures in PS then just keep offsetting the canvas, easy.
Quicky threw it together in udk so I can feel like I did something..
I know there's a lot of errors, like the light bleeding in from the outside and smoothing on some of the meshes..
Also hand painted stuff doesn't really seem to work well with lightmaps.. so I'm kinda lost here.
Any tips on a good light setup?
I really like those. You have to be one of the most bipolar artists I've ever seen.
Thanks man! I wouldn't say bipolar, just way to harsh on my own work most if the time.:poly124: Bad habit I need to kick.
You're not the only one man.
Hi Sybrix! As Biofrost said I normally make a nice sculpt in Zbrush, I place the tiles there (Zbrush) and then I decimate (or not) the model to take it to 3DsMax to make a planar model or a low poly version of it thinking on the UDK units to place it later (128x128, 256x256, etc).
Render of the High-poly version almost prepared to be baked:
BTW strong work biofrost!!
I want to learn to do that, do you use a height map?
How funny! I did this yesterday on 3dmax to figure out the modular pieces I need. I'll put up a shot when its done.
Yeah you bake out a height map and take a look at my material set up. Remember you have to have a DX 11 compatible video card for this to work.
EDIT - I've been reading a bit, and found that some people export their high polys from zbrush and lows from the 3d program straight into xnormal? does anyone happen to have something explaining this process? much appreciated.
I just started this challenge.
Even though I might not have time to get through it I think I'm going to dive in... at the very least it'll get me sculpting, and I figure going through it with others will help me when I inevitably run up against the (modular :poly121:) wall where my technical knowledge runs out and I start to cry.
Do we post WIPs here or in separate threads?
All WIPs go in this thread, so we can get/give feedback and likely see a bunch of different workflows with the same concept.
Right on, thanks!
*edit!* - Wow, holy crap dudes... I just finished going through all 16 pages, and this stuff is fantastic!
@Carter - I love where yours is going... such a great style.
Alright, time to get started--got to play catchup a bit. Does anyone have a good rule of thumb/tutorial for setting up Maya units for UDK?
I've read conflicting info, so now I'm just confused (showing my game-dev noobness already
getting weird seams where the edge should round off. I have an idea that it has something to do with where the seams are but i dont know enough yet.
Split your UV islands on hard edges.
No problem, there are a lot of threads with people asking these questions. If this is too heavy of too much, there are a lot of threads that break it down too, just search threw technical talk.
I created an imgur account to host pics of my progress and even made a design board-per other pplz ideas-but sadly, that is all I can account for.
After its 13 modular assets, there is the statue (composed of 3 pieces) the door (door and steps) the pool steps and the wall pillars.
Ignore the pale yellow stuff on the far left. Used that to figure out the sizes of the pieces. So much fun! Its like making the lego bricks.
Also, I will showcase the environment, if done, as its open to see the to public as a 3d concept, so it will not have back walls or anything just yet. Maybe at later implementations I will do a full scale dungeon/ruins with more assets.
It should be working as long as you multiply the displacement by a World Normal. However it is going to be harder to see depending on how high you have tessellation multiplier.
The lower that number the less tessellation it will have. I have it on 2 right now because the scene is so small I traded visual quality over performance(not a huge loss im still getting around 120 fps). However when the number is higher you have to be further away to notice the tessellation go down just because there is so much of it going on.
As you can see here I have to be pretty far away to notice it going down.