@selwyn369 The sculpt looks decent, but if you intend for it to tile as a whole horizontally, you will get a noticeable vertical seam on the edges. You did a good job offsetting each stone so it doesn't happen in the middle, so it meigh look odd at the seams.
That looks really good, I really like the way you prepped this, makes me wish I'd done a better job, saved your prep photo for future reference.
Looking at your wall also makes me rethink how I was going to do mine, yours makes more sense than mine from the perspective of sculpting so thanks for that, I almost forgot to be modular.
As for your floor sculpt it definitely needs some roughing up, a few more pronouced chips and a little more erosion, it looks old, but it doesn't look as old as the concept. Still a little too clean.
Your work helped me out in my process so thanks for that!
Oh wow guys, this is day 6!, we still got until day 31
Trying to figure out what modular pieces to use with the pool, Thinking of 3 pieces (corner, 3 and 2 tiles) with a couple of variations to break monotony I am doing some blocking and then transport to zbrush, dynamesh, Do some retopology after that, reUVs and put into UDK. I have been practicing before and outside of this challenge just days before I started this and with Dynamesh, sculpting in zbrush is so easy and fun
not participating this time, I'm working on another project right now. But keeping eye on this one everyday @Arctic Furnace , selwyn369 : Mind if I ask you, what's up with the color palette ? I know its for making env. consistent in look but how do you select it ? Color Pick ? what if we have a b/w concept art , How can we do that ?
Well since I failed miserably in last months challenge thanks to a 6000 word essay and some other unforseen commitments- I'm back. So far I have done a quick plan on how I might go about making the level, a block out in maya and 2 modular floors in Zbrush.
Quick plan...
Blockout. I also imported this into UDK to make sure it looked good from the characters perspective.
First thing I have done in Zbrush for a while. Actually quite happy with it. Exported Normal and Ambient Occlusion map successfully too . For added texture for the floor I'll overlay another texture over my exported normal map.
What do you guys think?
Can you show me your process for adding the detail to the pillars? I sculpted detail in but it looks horrible when importing into max, and When I bake it, I lose the detail on the edges of the rings near the base, any ideas? Maybe post your UVW map for me please.
Egads you guys are fast. I'm working on my centerpiece man right now, (Do some of you people have these things just lying around in your previous works to import this into it?! I mean wow! Some people already have the thing done! I have a thing or two to learn!) This is where he's at right now, I'm planning to put an ornate sword in his hand (Still gotta make it. ). I'm working off this concept and here's where I stand:
And that's what I spent the last 5 hours doing (Thanks for helping me Netflix!) and if you can give me some feedback on this little guy that'd be great! Tommorow I'll be working on his sword and then getting the whole thing UV'd if I finish it. After that I'll be working on incorporating some Dark Angels style modular pieces into the background. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I'm going for the Warhammer theme.
I'm gonna give this a shot. I've been meaning to do a real environment project. As soon as my current job is finished, I'm gonna try my hand.
I'm thinking of Cryengine. Anyone know of any issues with it? I'm familiar with the interface, only I haven't made anything interesting with it yet. And if you have any handy tips, I'd love to hear!
@m4dcow: Yes I was worried that would happen. I haven't textured them yet so I can go and resculpt if I need to. Hopefully I can get rid of that obvious seem
@interrogator_chaplain: Thank you very much. I'm glad you like what I have so far. And don't worry extra detail will be going into this sclpt via photoshop Although I don't want to put in too many details that stand out too much as that'll make tiling more obvious.
@joshschmitt: Hi there, I think you've got the wrong guy as I haven't modelled my pillars yet lol. I'm pretty new to Zbrush so I'm not too sure why you're losing detail. If you post pictures of you're model and UV map perhaps someone could help you. Good luck
not participating this time, I'm working on another project right now. But keeping eye on this one everyday @Arctic Furnace , selwyn369 : Mind if I ask you, what's up with the color palette ? I know its for making env. consistent in look but how do you select it ? Color Pick ? what if we have a b/w concept art , How can we do that ?
For the colour palette, I used this website: http://www.colorhunter.com/ You can either just link to the image or upload it. There are quite a few different websites that you can do it with, I just googled a bit to find one
Hmmm, Are you able to save Targa files in 16 bit mode? I can only save it as a Targa when in 8 bit mode but that obtion wont be as good for the Normal maps. Anybody know why this is happening in photoshop?
WOW. I have been searching all over and can't find anything on this issue of not being able to save 16 bit mode photoshop files into targas. Has anyone had this issue before? It has put a stop to this challenge. Im stuck and darn it, frustrated
Did you make the low poly after the sculpt? I am having problems myself, mybe because my low doesny match with the cuts I put into the sides.
I'm gonna retopo. What that lp mesh is, is my lowest sub-div sculpt from zbrush with some edited and optimized topology. I want to fix the sculpt today, rebake it onto a new mesh and texture it today.
So what the hell I'll try an environment challenge... I am noob sauce with characters but I have never even tried environments before...
Here is what I have blocked out so far. Used PS vanishing point to export for the scale of things....I have never worked with UDK's scale for an environment so this should be hilarious to those who know what they are doing lol...
Today has been a slow day . As predicted my floor tiles don't tile as nicely as they should and learning Zbrush is a pain in the arse. anyways progress has been made. I've sculpted another piece. Next up: attempt to put some intricate details onto it.
I tried to sculpt the floor in zbrush, but how do you get such beautiful cracks? Do you split the mesh in the two parts that the crack makes?
For that type of tiling floor, I would personally go about it another way. I would start off in Maya or Max first creating the tiles individually and arranging then as low poly blocks. I would then sub divide them to get the mesh ready for Zbrush and import them into Zbrush. If you keep the tiles separate, you can make each tile its own subtool in Zbrush and hide the other tiles while you're sculpting to keep from unintentionally sculpting on the surrounding tiles.
For cracks and stuff, I'd recommend trying out some other brushes. Orb published his cracks brushes a while ago (google Orb cracks brushes and they'll come up) - those are awesome for making cracks. TrimSmoothBorder is also good for beating up edges without making them look too mushy (as the standard brush tends to do)
@ LuCh! I don't have the ref you might be looking for, I've got an idea in mind for what I plan to do with mine that might not apply to yours, but when you find what your looking for, if you haven't already seen it, Eat3D did a great little tutorial video on making bas reliefs using displacement maps with xNormal, Mudbox and nDo2. http://eat3d.com/free/mudbox_displace
I tried to sculpt the floor in zbrush, but how do you get such beautiful cracks? Do you split the mesh in the two parts that the crack makes?
What I do personally, is make a basemesh with even poly distibution.
Then line them up how you want.
I usually will use the trim dynamic brush in zbrush and beat up the edges, then I'd use a stencil to add more detail quickly. Then sculpt in more details ect.
So many ways to do it, this is one way you can, it depends what you need, what kind of detail you need. I used this for a painted brick wall so it didn't need a ton of detail.
And yes Josh, I am at my job now, but I don't have Zbrush yet here:( I will in a week or so though!
This ugly image is me wondering about the sunlight directly hitting the ground without creating a hot splash on the floor, and trying to get a lot of decay so the edges are dark.
Must be a cloudy day in that place.
I did spend a while really struggling with reconciling the sizes inferred in the concept with reasonable ingame units. In the end: "Sod it, whatever looks good"
I think I got it pretty close so I'm happy with that.
This also reminds me how ghastly SSAO is in modern games. I definitely think SSAO has become worse in the last few years, not that it was ever a good thing.
Hey guys, time to ruin the feng shui of the good posts. Here's another attempt at the block out stage, I feel like this one is right, but don't want to keep moving till I get some feed back. Also Textures I just threw on from UDK they are not mine
Progress is going really slow - I start a mesh sculpt and bake it out then realise it dosen't match the style I want to go for and throw it out : / Seems to have got a grip on it now here is my progress
Hi guys Im going at a lower speed for the moment , but I wanted to share the pillar I was working on, the textures are hand painted because I really need to practice it, the mesh modeled in 3d max and the high poly in zbrush, I gonna try to upload the scene after I fix the floor and wall texture.
Hi guys Im going at a lower speed for the moment , but I wanted to share the pillar I was working on, the textures are hand painted because I really need to practice it, the mesh modeled in 3d max and the high poly in zbrush, I gonna try to upload the scene after I fix the floor and wall texture.
Thanks for your time.
Those columns look awesome, did you model the vines out, or did you use something like speed tree?
Update on my pillar bake, I made 2 broken sections, the map has some for smal shards of rock, after I do a few of those, and tighten some of the pillar sculpts I get to texturing.
R0gu3 : Hi man thanks for the kind words, amm the vines I modeled in 3d max using a spring object its under the dynamic objects , I made a few with diferent values and then combined and unwrapped.
That looks really good, I really like the way you prepped this, makes me wish I'd done a better job, saved your prep photo for future reference.
Looking at your wall also makes me rethink how I was going to do mine, yours makes more sense than mine from the perspective of sculpting so thanks for that, I almost forgot to be modular.
As for your floor sculpt it definitely needs some roughing up, a few more pronouced chips and a little more erosion, it looks old, but it doesn't look as old as the concept. Still a little too clean.
Your work helped me out in my process so thanks for that!
Trying to figure out what modular pieces to use with the pool, Thinking of 3 pieces (corner, 3 and 2 tiles) with a couple of variations to break monotony I am doing some blocking and then transport to zbrush, dynamesh, Do some retopology after that, reUVs and put into UDK. I have been practicing before and outside of this challenge just days before I started this and with Dynamesh, sculpting in zbrush is so easy and fun
Bonus: Free Epic Art Tool
Developed by Epic Games Senior Environment Artist Warren Marshall, Carapace is a simple, standalone app that lets you place vanishing points around an image placeholder to flesh out the shell of your drawing.
@Arctic Furnace , selwyn369 : Mind if I ask you, what's up with the color palette ? I know its for making env. consistent in look but how do you select it ? Color Pick ? what if we have a b/w concept art , How can we do that ?
Can you show me your process for adding the detail to the pillars? I sculpted detail in but it looks horrible when importing into max, and When I bake it, I lose the detail on the edges of the rings near the base, any ideas? Maybe post your UVW map for me please.
Thank you.
And that's what I spent the last 5 hours doing (Thanks for helping me Netflix!) and if you can give me some feedback on this little guy that'd be great! Tommorow I'll be working on his sword and then getting the whole thing UV'd if I finish it. After that I'll be working on incorporating some Dark Angels style modular pieces into the background. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I'm going for the Warhammer theme.
Inspiring stuff guys! Thanks!
Here's my quick blockout. (Random statue placeholder not my model)
I'm thinking of Cryengine. Anyone know of any issues with it? I'm familiar with the interface, only I haven't made anything interesting with it yet. And if you have any handy tips, I'd love to hear!
here is a simple block out in UDK.
retopo'd my pillar and it's dressing, baked a normal map and AO for it, UV'd it, and imported it into UDK.
@interrogator_chaplain: Thank you very much. I'm glad you like what I have so far. And don't worry extra detail will be going into this sclpt via photoshop
@joshschmitt: Hi there, I think you've got the wrong guy as I haven't modelled my pillars yet lol. I'm pretty new to Zbrush so I'm not too sure why you're losing detail. If you post pictures of you're model and UV map perhaps someone could help you. Good luck
Thanks for the feedback guys
For the colour palette, I used this website: http://www.colorhunter.com/ You can either just link to the image or upload it. There are quite a few different websites that you can do it with, I just googled a bit to find one
Did you make the low poly after the sculpt? I am having problems myself, mybe because my low doesny match with the cuts I put into the sides.
Like I told Brandon,you guys need to retopo it.
I guess I gotta get it when I get home, oh, u start ur job yet?
I'm gonna retopo. What that lp mesh is, is my lowest sub-div sculpt from zbrush with some edited and optimized topology. I want to fix the sculpt today, rebake it onto a new mesh and texture it today.
Here is what I have blocked out so far. Used PS vanishing point to export for the scale of things....I have never worked with UDK's scale for an environment so this should be hilarious to those who know what they are doing lol...
for the statue base and door and stuff
Today has been a slow day
When importing into Zbrush I make every brick a separate mesh. Then you can Ctrl+Shift click it to isolate it and just sculpt that one.
Got a tiling floor into UDK
For that type of tiling floor, I would personally go about it another way. I would start off in Maya or Max first creating the tiles individually and arranging then as low poly blocks. I would then sub divide them to get the mesh ready for Zbrush and import them into Zbrush. If you keep the tiles separate, you can make each tile its own subtool in Zbrush and hide the other tiles while you're sculpting to keep from unintentionally sculpting on the surrounding tiles.
For cracks and stuff, I'd recommend trying out some other brushes. Orb published his cracks brushes a while ago (google Orb cracks brushes and they'll come up) - those are awesome for making cracks. TrimSmoothBorder is also good for beating up edges without making them look too mushy (as the standard brush tends to do)
Here's a good tut on the 2.5D Zbrush workflow for tiling textures: http://youtu.be/rNgs2DcAsF4
What I do personally, is make a basemesh with even poly distibution.
Then line them up how you want.
I usually will use the trim dynamic brush in zbrush and beat up the edges, then I'd use a stencil to add more detail quickly. Then sculpt in more details ect.
So many ways to do it, this is one way you can, it depends what you need, what kind of detail you need. I used this for a painted brick wall so it didn't need a ton of detail.
And yes Josh, I am at my job now, but I don't have Zbrush yet here:( I will in a week or so though!
Have to adjust some proportions though.
Ground textures W.I.P.
Must be a cloudy day in that place.
I did spend a while really struggling with reconciling the sizes inferred in the concept with reasonable ingame units. In the end: "Sod it, whatever looks good"
I think I got it pretty close so I'm happy with that.
This also reminds me how ghastly SSAO is in modern games. I definitely think SSAO has become worse in the last few years, not that it was ever a good thing.
Thanks for the tutorial and also nice bricks im really really jelly.
EDIT: Had wrong image >.>
Hi guys Im going at a lower speed for the moment , but I wanted to share the pillar I was working on, the textures are hand painted because I really need to practice it, the mesh modeled in 3d max and the high poly in zbrush, I gonna try to upload the scene after I fix the floor and wall texture.
Thanks for your time.
EDIT : There was a typo in the image, fixed
Those columns look awesome, did you model the vines out, or did you use something like speed tree?