I am so excited that this concept got picked! Totally gonna participate! Should end up with a good portfolio piece!
I have chosen quite a different path with the scenery of this room, I'm going egyptian and instead of foliage I'll try with sand (keeping the lilys though!)
It's good to see all these possible variations I've never thought of. Great job everyone. I think I'll stay a little more classical so here is my classical blockout...well nothing extraordinary.
biofrost Its not the most efficient way of doing that part. You would be better using geometry on the corners to add in the last squares and make a texture that tiles in one direction. Its up to you but for future stuff you might want to know a cleaner approach.
Robeomega yeah looks fixed just try to get equal spacing from top to bottom on the pillar. As at the moment your going to be squashing at the "B" area. There will always be a visible seam on a cylinder you just have to hide it by making it look seamless with texturing skillz.
Hi all!
This is the first time I'm participating in one of these contests, and it seems I'm late to the party compared to how far others have come :poly124:
Anyway, I have the basic blockout done:
As probably many others have, I interpret the positioning of the colums in my own way. I feel it's similar enough to the concept that it's acceptable enough, I just want symmetry in my scene!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the parts outside of the camera's view yet. I had an idea of making the scene into just a little corner of a full deathmatch map, but I'll try not to let things get out of hand and just focus on learning what I need to get it to look right!
Brandon Kern:awesome addon to the map mate, when I was doing my blockout I had the exact same idea but I thought I'd leave it to later just to make sure I get all the basics done first, I wish I had called dibs now
Looking forward to seeing your iteration of it! This is the first environment I'm ever going to complete so you'll probably out-do me hehe. Show your wip so I can maybe learn from you. I honestly want to make my stair sections more modular.
Nice work everyone, Mathew, looking badass already!!
Looking forward to getting going with the sculpting on this one, for now here's my vague plan; the rest is in my head Let me know if I you see something I've missed
How? How did you get this almost perfect perspective? I've been trying like mad and I can't even get close to the reference. I tried using the script someone linked a while back ( I understand it was made by you ), but it generated a weird camera position ( inside the reference plane ).
remeasured things. worked on getting my scale in unity (if i'm modeling in feet in maya I have to import to Unity at .0328 scale for the units to match up). Set up the FPS camera in Unity (perspective shown in image below)
Added the statues and tree, I still need to actually try and model the center statue the one there atm is a place holder. But I think I can start doing more detailed work.
Looking good guys I have a feeling this thread is going to be insanely busy this month, anyways I've made a little more progress on my modular pieces/blockout. I keep playing with my lighting as I go because it's definitely my weakest area so I'm going to try and stay on top of it. Back to work tomorrow so there'll probably be no real updates from me until next weekend now.
How? How did you get this almost perfect perspective? I've been trying like mad and I can't even get close to the reference. I tried using the script someone linked a while back ( I understand it was made by you ), but it generated a weird camera position ( inside the reference plane ).
Please share your wisdom, master!
I didn't write the script, (wish my Maxscript skills were that l33t ) but did you see this mini tutorial on the script page? It goes through a step-by-step. when I did it I lined up the splines with the ceiling and the edge of the pool, like this:
It then gives you two cameras and you need to use the one that's NOT directly facing the image plane (this means your geometry will be in line.) Hope that explains it!
benji: Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I walked through the tutorial twice, bit it gave me some really weird cameras both times. I'll try it again with your splines.
Meanwhile, I managed to fiddle the camera into place by setting the reference as a viewport background and then moving / rotating the scene until the grid aligned nicely to the reference. Here's what I got so far:
The perspective viewport aligned to the reference:
biofrost Its not the most efficient way of doing that part. You would be better using geometry on the corners to add in the last squares and make a texture that tiles in one direction. Its up to you but for future stuff you might want to know a cleaner approach.
Thanks man, ill kept that in mind as I move forward. After I get the rest done I may go back and do it that way.
Hello everyone!
You guys are super fast. The first time, I will do the environment.
I try to build blockout closest to concept, then move the vertices and make normal size and position of objects.
Any comments and critics welcome.
Applied test textures to see initial mapping and take a guess for future textureset. Messed with udk for the first time after many years and discovered that it's now supercool. Set up export pipeline from maya, thought it'd be more complex as it used to be. So, nothing special to look at so far
More or less finished up the first modular tile section, still need to make a corner section and a broken up piece combined with a bit of poly painting should be enough for that section
@Benton - That's why everyone is doing this to try and learn a little more and improve
So I am working on my blockout, and I am having trouble matching the proportions and scale. I saw BurningFactories (I think that is your name?) had actually measured some of the parts of the scene, and I was wondering how he did that and how accurate that is?
Okay, okay... NOW I'm done my blockout. I'm gonna start sculpting stuff tonight. I may add in some extra assets like urns and stuff later if I'm feeling good about the rest of the scene. I'll also develop out the rest of the rounded stair part later.
Its all indoor.
Brandon KernI really like your block out I might extend mine now that I've seen this. Though I will wait until I have the initial area done so I know what I have to work with. What sort of Style are you going to do this in?
Okay, okay... NOW I'm done my blockout. I'm gonna start sculpting stuff tonight. I may add in some extra assets like urns and stuff later if I'm feeling good about the rest of the scene. I'll also develop out the rest of the rounded stair part later.
Its all indoor.
Woohoooo guys, You guys are super sonic and the output is coming out greaaatttttt....
But I am too lazy , ha ... haven't even started blocking... will be starting soon
Trying to give the asset more life, character, and better silhouette overall. Which is a goal of mine for this entire project. I want each asset to get the love and attention they deserve. I believe that anyone can texture a cylinder and throw it in a scene, but I want each asset to have a level of design and care- but still stick to the general idea of the concept from which is comes.
That doesn't have a spec yet because I'm not done with the actual texture yet.
The texture is tileable. I've just tiled along one direction. The destroyed tiles are to slot into places where I feel its needed.
The process is just sculpt out the blocks in zbrush. I then took the normal map in xnormal and did a normal to cavity which if you follow this tutorial http://www.donaldphan.com/tutorials/xnormal/xnormal_occ.html gives you some nice edge highlights for your diffuse.(though I want to go back and re do this as its not uniform because I've done it in stages.)
Then I textured it.
Wire frame
Texture as it stands. NOT FINISHED
If people are up for it might be cool to do a hangout at some point I can share things easier that way.
Little update! I made a statue. This is how it looks in 3ds max with xoliul shader and in udk with image-based reflection.
I spent a lot of time trying to fix ugly seam on statue. It still slightly visible.
mootybog : great idea with the stairs but watch out , they do feel a bit aztec or mayan compared to the concept.
EDIT: Raindance : cool you already started with the statue , the only thin I can say right now is that it kinda looks likes is melting , my opinon anyways.
Well I don't think tonight would be a great idea (for me at least its late) but yeah if a few other people are up for a hangout I'm up for it tomorrow or maybe next weekend.
@rockguy: Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it. To be honest, even though its still WIP I kinda got so excited about the base that I forgot the main body xD woops! haha
@Moonshank: the texture is looking great but that photosource gravel/dirt is looking odd because of the baked lighting in it. I'd say, use a more evenly lit texture or try to (edit1)remove the intense shadowing.
Raindance: I agree with @rockguy- It does look like your statue is melting. Instead of having nice carved details, it looked like the details are waxy and gelatinous. His arms also look like they are melting into his body.
I'm always down for doing google+ hangout- and am in one right now. We had a bunch of artists before but it's just me at the moment. I'll post the link if anyone is interested.
RogelioDI liked your take on the pillars I agree its better than doing a standard cylinder. Yeah its very temporary as I'm thinking I'll do a general dirt texture for decal or blending so I'll replace it at that time. I might actually sculpt some of the stuff stuck between the cracks if I really want to like rocks and something like moss. I'm just not sure right now if I want to go that far.
@RogelioD - I like the design on your pillar. The "clamp" looking thing looks like it would have been made with machinerey, where as the concept is depicting of a time long ago. The clamp just looks out of place imo, nice sculpting btw.
Alright, pretty much finished my blockout, I think it's good enough, it has the major pieces in it. Gonna start with the floor and walls, and then go from there.
Alright.... soo I'm trying to rough this out, and it may be cause I've decided to work on this at 4am, but I can't seem to get any scale right on this. I make my rough in may bring it to UDK, try to set up scale go back to Maya and tweak it but still seems off, anyone mind pointing me in the right direction to get this started?
I will arrange it as I please
I have chosen quite a different path with the scenery of this room, I'm going egyptian and instead of foliage I'll try with sand (keeping the lilys though!)
Thanks Steen for the modular paint-overlay!
Who's doing the Pok
Now it's time to start sculpting
Also is it possible to remove this UV seam in my Pillar or is there always a seam in Cylenders?
This is the first time I'm participating in one of these contests, and it seems I'm late to the party compared to how far others have come :poly124:
Anyway, I have the basic blockout done:
As probably many others have, I interpret the positioning of the colums in my own way. I feel it's similar enough to the concept that it's acceptable enough, I just want symmetry in my scene!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the parts outside of the camera's view yet. I had an idea of making the scene into just a little corner of a full deathmatch map, but I'll try not to let things get out of hand and just focus on learning what I need to get it to look right!
Looking forward to seeing your iteration of it! This is the first environment I'm ever going to complete so you'll probably out-do me hehe. Show your wip so I can maybe learn from you. I honestly want to make my stair sections more modular.
How? How did you get this almost perfect perspective? I've been trying like mad and I can't even get close to the reference. I tried using the script someone linked a while back ( I understand it was made by you ), but it generated a weird camera position ( inside the reference plane ).
Please share your wisdom, master!
So far i made this:
painted my texture plan and modules blockout.
Added the statues and tree, I still need to actually try and model the center statue the one there atm is a place holder. But I think I can start doing more detailed work.
Keep on trucking guys
I didn't write the script, (wish my Maxscript skills were that l33t
It then gives you two cameras and you need to use the one that's NOT directly facing the image plane (this means your geometry will be in line.) Hope that explains it!
Meanwhile, I managed to fiddle the camera into place by setting the reference as a viewport background and then moving / rotating the scene until the grid aligned nicely to the reference. Here's what I got so far:
The perspective viewport aligned to the reference:
The resulting scene:
Thanks man, ill kept that in mind as I move forward. After I get the rest done I may go back and do it that way.
Good luck.
You guys are super fast. The first time, I will do the environment.
I try to build blockout closest to concept, then move the vertices and make normal size and position of objects.
Any comments and critics welcome.
I started mine today, this is what I have so far.
Next thing I'll do will be the floor but that will be after refining what I already have.
It's alright if a total noob does this, right? My stuff will probably be total crap but it will be a great learning experience.
That's the point.
More or less finished up the first modular tile section, still need to make a corner section and a broken up piece combined with a bit of poly painting should be enough for that section
@Benton - That's why everyone is doing this to try and learn a little more and improve
Its all indoor.
I thought this was a noob challenge lol
Awesome work
Everyone's posting good progress so far.
Also is this a complete mesh or is tileable ?
But I am too lazy , ha ... haven't even started blocking... will be starting soon
Great going guys..
Version two of my pillar asset.
Trying to give the asset more life, character, and better silhouette overall. Which is a goal of mine for this entire project. I want each asset to get the love and attention they deserve. I believe that anyone can texture a cylinder and throw it in a scene, but I want each asset to have a level of design and care- but still stick to the general idea of the concept from which is comes.
The texture is tileable. I've just tiled along one direction. The destroyed tiles are to slot into places where I feel its needed.
The process is just sculpt out the blocks in zbrush. I then took the normal map in xnormal and did a normal to cavity which if you follow this tutorial http://www.donaldphan.com/tutorials/xnormal/xnormal_occ.html gives you some nice edge highlights for your diffuse.(though I want to go back and re do this as its not uniform because I've done it in stages.)
Then I textured it.
Wire frame
Texture as it stands. NOT FINISHED
If people are up for it might be cool to do a hangout at some point I can share things easier that way.
I spent a lot of time trying to fix ugly seam on statue. It still slightly visible.
RogelioD : Great high poly the base has great detail but still looks to clean on the main body.
cmtanko : same here , I will gather a good amount of progress and assets completed before posting anything.
Steen : Maybe I was seen things.
mootybog : great idea with the stairs but watch out , they do feel a bit aztec or mayan compared to the concept.
EDIT: Raindance : cool you already started with the statue , the only thin I can say right now is that it kinda looks likes is melting , my opinon anyways.
@Moonshank: the texture is looking great but that photosource gravel/dirt is looking odd because of the baked lighting in it. I'd say, use a more evenly lit texture or try to (edit1)remove the intense shadowing.
Raindance: I agree with @rockguy- It does look like your statue is melting. Instead of having nice carved details, it looked like the details are waxy and gelatinous. His arms also look like they are melting into his body.
I'm always down for doing google+ hangout- and am in one right now. We had a bunch of artists before but it's just me at the moment. I'll post the link if anyone is interested.