Thanks for the lovely words folks and by all means, add it to blogs etc.
I decided to tweak the design a little, also if anyone is wondering, its mainly a mashup of a p90 and some other images, including a HONDA concept bike.
Also did another as these are so fun and relatively fast to do.
So yeah, a concept from quite some months ago inteded for a game that didn't get to be anything. I thought you guys may enjoy it. I never liked the weapon.
I can finally show this guy off! I'm helping out on a halo fan film called The Fallen. A really talented group of filmmakers, actors, and vfx people! I'm incredibly grateful to be given a shot to work with them and learn some film techniques and vray/compositing.
We've got a jr. artist from weta and a few freelancers on the project. I'm doing a lifepod for them too. It's all modeled and ready for texturing/vray action. I dont quite think i can show that yet.
I made a kismet-themed computer background, for +1 organization!
...I edited out the file names that hinted at the folder being filled with porn.
I'm totally kidding. I just edited them out because I'm fascinated by Photoshop's content-aware fill tool. So cool.
.... *cough*
Akira, cool machinery but a 6k pixel image at 5.7Mb? Is that really necessary? Especially when you can see all kinds of artifacts if you look at it in full res?
nathdevlin: haha! yep! The Subway sign I knew would be recognizable, going to update that sometime thanks to your comment, good on you.
Colditz: Cool; took me a little while to figure out it was a folding stock , it reads at first glance as a telescoping stock; something you would grab with your would grab with two fingers and your thumb and pull outwards.
You could try beefing up the hinge area (hinting more at the folding mechanic)or thinning out the actual butt stock cylinder. (looks pretty thick,something off a Carbine(M4))
Great work everyone! @nathdevlin: Awesome concept!
Blocking out the sci-fi machine room I build the generator for. I'am really not good at designing sci-fi stuff lol^^
Not sure if I should open a thread...
Hey guys, I haven't posted in a while.
Been playing a fair bit of Dead Space 3, so I thought I'd make one of those feeders (if not something similar).
-Rendered in Marmoset Engine, with A tiny bit of correction in Photoshop.
-I'll probably post the breakdown of textures and wires later on too.
Made a hallway for a space colony thingy.
First chance to dabble with Ddo, not happy with my result, but I'm not a strong with my textures yet.
I have bigger plans for a whole colony set, but we will see where it goes.
crosspost from my "space dive 2030" thread:
Update on the head in marmoset:
And with crappy stand-in hair:
Love the design, but I can't figure out how you would hold that comfortably?
I decided to tweak the design a little, also if anyone is wondering, its mainly a mashup of a p90 and some other images, including a HONDA concept bike.
Also did another as these are so fun and relatively fast to do.
Tomorrow hopefully i will finish the texture...and at least start the rig.....
7k tri for the low poly
So yeah, a concept from quite some months ago inteded for a game that didn't get to be anything. I thought you guys may enjoy it. I never liked the weapon.
That's a pretty boss wolverine nimlot, not as beefy as i'm used to but looks ace.
We've got a jr. artist from weta and a few freelancers on the project. I'm doing a lifepod for them too. It's all modeled and ready for texturing/vray action. I dont quite think i can show that yet.
Here's the teaser:
And here's what i did in the teaser:
...I edited out the file names that hinted at the folder being filled with porn.
I'm totally kidding. I just edited them out because I'm fascinated by Photoshop's content-aware fill tool. So cool.
.... *cough*
(this was a double post but I decided to make it informational)
psyched for the tutorial, thanks for doing it!
This is still a WIP. I feel I need to fix the eyes, spec on the gloves and maybe add a small cut on his black eye before I can call it done.
All feedback would be welcome in my thread!
some more of that little guy
Updated version of the model I was making. Probably gonna test it out in Unreal soon.
Painting up my forrest druid creature.
Here's a concept I did for my current model in production. More info can be found in the thread
Still needs a few tweeks.
Leuchtpistole (Black) with Satz Zubehรถr Sturmpistole (Grey), Wehrmacht, WWII
Colditz: Cool; took me a little while to figure out it was a folding stock , it reads at first glance as a telescoping stock; something you would grab with your would grab with two fingers and your thumb and pull outwards.
You could try beefing up the hinge area (hinting more at the folding mechanic)or thinning out the actual butt stock cylinder. (looks pretty thick,something off a Carbine(M4))
@nathdevlin: Awesome concept!
Blocking out the sci-fi machine room I build the generator for. I'am really not good at designing sci-fi stuff lol^^
Not sure if I should open a thread...
Some wood textures :
Been playing a fair bit of Dead Space 3, so I thought I'd make one of those feeders (if not something similar).
-Rendered in Marmoset Engine, with A tiny bit of correction in Photoshop.
-I'll probably post the breakdown of textures and wires later on too.
Boyo: that's the nicest looking wood I've seen in a while
Amazing stuff!
First chance to dabble with Ddo, not happy with my result, but I'm not a strong with my textures yet.
I have bigger plans for a whole colony set, but we will see where it goes.
Looks really REALLY awesome dude! I noticed on the video that the tongs have no backfaces or 2 sided texture so they their insides disappear.
Otherwise really incredible work! Looking forward to the tutorial
More clouds, because they're fun to paint!
sculpted the hair in zbrush with fibermesh, then exported the splines to max
Little update on this!!
Character I'm working on
good study!