WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED!! .......Well more of a gentleman's challenge.
The Theme: Deadly Beauties
The Specs:
Approx 15,000 tris (Character only, weapons/accessories are an optional extra)
Pedestals are optional and have no limits.
Each artist must post work in progress images to document progress.
The Deliverables:As many images as the artist would like, however these should be included:
Beauty Shot - A final shot of the posed character.
Construction Shot - This can include a wireframe shot of the character, zbrush sculpt and/or textures sheets.
so Wacoms at the ready aaaaand go...
afisher - Daphz - LRoy - Mrskullface

super fun concept afisher, can't wait to see what you guys cook up
nice pick afisher
Is there a deadline on this?
This is gonna be fucking crayze. cant wait to see the sparks fly.
here's my ref board
gonna go with somekind of fancy knight chick
Saw that "Dark Elf Assassin" a couple of weeks back on CGHub and fell in love with it, can't wait to see it come to life in 3D.
You guys should work in hangouts when you can so people can watch
Sweet! Looking forward to seeing some heavyweights do battle. I'm going to sponge-up any bits of knowledge that falls over the edge.
Can't wait to see this battle evolve, super stoked
this is Nawols concept ill be working from! Deergirl
Agreed ^^^
(hope everyone does well, need some more stuff to add to my inspiration biz ^_^)
(omg omg omg)