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The Huntress



  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    hahahaha HELLS yeh. She is still a little puffy around the eyes, but whatever, she is looking RAD. Love all the shapes and I am pretty excited to see some more.

    Now she kind of reninds me of detective Linden from The Killing.


  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Ooooo shiny.

    Fan-fu*kin'-tastic progress so far. Maybe you could chuck in a horn. That may add or lead to some interesting shapes you are looking for the back design.
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    this looks already really good. i like the volume of the clothes. :)
  • guhhh
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    guhhh polycounter lvl 9
    Amazing so far fletcher...i can see the entire shapes with so many quads. I will keep my eye on this thread for sure. You are always a inspiration
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
  • whw
    Dig the shapes and the ribbed clothing is a nice touch. I'd say the hip seems rather wide and the accessories widen them more. It feels a bit dwarf-like (bottom heavy) from the waist down rather than an agile hunter ready to pounce on her prey.

    I think the folds on the neck scarf are off - they seem okay from the side but look too rigid from the front view. If you're aiming for leather then please ignore my comment.
  • Quickel
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    Quickel polycounter lvl 12
    Looks fantastic! Your art is some of my favorite. Can't wait to see it finished.
  • Mark Dygert
    I love it!

    But I would hate having to work with all the overlapping dynamic cloth elements if it was for realtime, if its for rendering awesome that stuff isn't an issue. Even in realtime there are some newer solutions in some engines that will help pull off some of that, so its not impossible but would still be a headache.

    Still... Rockin character so far!
  • nyx702
    So awesome!

    I totally saw Ygritte from Game of thrones before I had read anything. Didn't really care for Ygritte in the books but she is one of my fav characters in the show.
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Impressive progress already!
  • Azkur
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    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
    man that's really dope love how the cloth layout its working on lower and torso section! cant wait to see it finished! the only thing i would say is that i preferred the old face but its personal preference.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13

    progress made over the weekend, still not sure what i want to do with the forearms, but i like the bulk. The gloves will be one of those mitten combos where you fold it on, one hand will have the fingers exposed
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    Awesomesauce. I love the costume design going on. Her boobs would get a bit cold no? :poly121:
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    nice design, tasteful amount of detail, nice silhouette- Awesome job so far!
  • hovotz
    I love the concept, and the sculpt is beautiful. I really like the belt and those pads and furs.

  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    great work. its gonna be a hard one to animate with all the stuff jingling and dangling around her...i'd love to see her trying to walk through thick snow muttering "they told me winter was coming but i wouldnt listen"
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    Man this sculpt is so awesome. I love the amount of detail you have in it already. Im learning so much just by seeing the WIP shots. sooooo gooood.
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11

  • makecg
  • Azkur
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    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
    dope love the latest update specially the leather work
  • woogity
    fur detail is awesome neox very soft but still interesting!:thumbup:
  • Dylan Brady
  • beezul
    itismario wrote: »
    Oh lawdy... Superb. Been observing from a distance. I was gonna wait till the end to say how amazingly amazing it is, buuuut. Other than it being amazing, those boobs are WAY low. Do you have a model under the clothing to show.

    Here's a quick scribble to show you what I mean.


    anatomy.. does you knows it?
    sketch is way off bro. neck is short and thick, and you painted her shoulders reallllly high up there. i know they are a bit high on the model, but nothing like that. she has shoulder armor as well as that cloak. the claok looks like it should be a pretty thick material... being in the snow and all
    fletch! lookin dope man.. maybbbbe move the shoulders down like mario implies. i think that he makes a good point IF the fabric and armor is not very bulky.. but i imagine they would be. done editing O_O
  • beezul
  • beezul
    i think your interpretation is a bit off. you arent compensating for the multiple layers of clothing she is wearing and her armor. while your intentions are good ide highly recommend putting in a bit more thought in your paint over. no offense of course. :D
  • The_Blenderer
    Don't take this the wrong way but both your paint-overs point at a problem.
    In one the shoulders are too high(or boobs are too low)
    In the other the neck is too long(The distance between her Head to her Clavicles really doesn't make sense)...

    Learn some basic anatomy from observation:
    While there are no hard rules about anatomy notice that even in cases where females have seemingly longer necks it is still proportional to the head and never too narrow.

    Also notice the distance between the head and the Clavicle(collar bone).


    TL;DR: IMO take the critique and move the head a few centimeters lower, there is no point in insisting on a longer neck if you don't show it off anyway.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    BetelGeist wrote: »

    Even so that neck is fucking long, the truth of the matter is, something is wrong, other than that, I really like this whole thing.
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    My 2cents: looking at the midsections, I'd say the tits are a little compressed into that area bit much.

    It's anatomically possible I think, but maybe not the preferred tit style society subscribes to.
  • beezul
    actaully nope. the lenght of her actual neck (base of the neck to the back of her ear is the correct proportion, i measured the reference photos you provided for an example. same proportion of the neck. the mistake i made was i arched the clavicles. woops
    but yeah the boobs are to low if the clavicles go up a bit
  • beezul
    moof wrote: »
    My 2cents: looking at the midsections, I'd say the tits are a little compressed into that area bit much.

    It's anatomically possible I think, but maybe not the preferred tit style society subscribes to.

    i agree
  • SharDCG
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    SharDCG polycounter lvl 8
    Great work! Really love it!
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    What just happened D:

    Hah, thanks for the feedback.

    I'm aware of the issue, which MoP brought up at work, its most likely the neck length from fiddling around with the head too much, and the scalf and cloak throw the eyes off, the cloak is going to much thicker so it is quite a bit higher.

    I have a base underneath it and I will be revisiting the neck shortly anyway. Cheers for the crits. :)
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13

    shifting the design a bit, wanna redesign parts of the cloak from behind so the strap doesnt tied it back, make it more like a poncho or something. Pushing for more medium scale detail with super thick folds, although they need some work, they look a bit naff in some places at the moment.

    Loincloth will change, maybe to more of a rectangular shape, and will be cloth stitched onto thin leather or something, will see.

    Unsure about the legs and what to do, feel like pushing for more asymmetry but it may just be something simple like a large kneepad type thing on her kneeling leg.

    the missing knot was caused by GoZ being lame,

    more soon. :)
  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    This is coming along very sweet, love the face.
    I guess the folded hood is pretty thick but from that angle it kinda looks like you've put her shoulders very high or maybe I'm simply looking for that now that I've read the previous comments.

    My 2 cents, I think a rectangular loincloth would break the harmony of shapes you got going on now which is quite rounded, but there's only one way to find out I suppose.
    Maybe wanna shorten the gloves fingers to expose her fingers a bit more as it kinda look wierd to me the way it is now. Either that or cover the fingers completely, perhaps even change them to stitches leather gloves. Looks like some kind of cotton fabric right now which looks more modern than the rest of her. Which era is this character suposed to be in btw?
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    This is looking awesome Fletcher, I love the subtle color changes in the brown cloth even with the base poly paint. cant wait to see it finished. Also love your zbrush shots, whatever post work you do in ps its awesome.
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    wow this is coming along nicely! great folds! keep it up man
  • Low
    This is so much win. I enjoy every updates.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    Looks awesome Fletcher, but I'm not sure the folds in the sleeve's make any sense without something to push up against near the hands. Unless they're being held back by the the folded tops of her mittens/gloves, in which case the sleeve's should probably hang lower under her palms.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13

    Yeah Scud I've already started re-sculpting the whole thing as it was originally a tighter sleeve as part of an overall coat but it didn't really fit with the chest area, so I separated it to just a sort of 'tie on' sleeve (I'm going to replace those skanky straps too they don't really fit.)

    I'll post another pic later when ive made more progress, it's already looking much better. :)

    @ AimBiZ

    I havent done anything to the cloak+hood yet but yeah that height is from the thickness of it, the shoulders are actually much lower.

    I will see about the loincloth, I agree that it would break the curved shapes it's got going at the moment, this was mainly something to do with some feedback I got at work.

    Gloves are still early and will change. :)
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Wow, gotta say that this is looking awesome. Big fan of the silhouette/costume design. Her toque bugs me though...it seems so big and floppy
  • tsabszy
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    tsabszy greentooth
    you're awsome, just like always!! excellent concept regarding feeling, design, impression! also great start in 3d! there's always something more in your works than "great" something most people cannot learn.. i can see her face advanced a lot in a great direction, but if you don't take it offensive i created some changes that might help i hope.. if not just pls ignore my silliyness! :poly141:

    don't get me wrong coz she looks pretty and suits well to the concept, but i'm only talking about some little nuances.
    her eyes look a bit too cold, and she looks shocked right now. like on the right: using some dark, deep blue color, moving her eyebrows upwards, rotating her eyes slightly to be more V shaped from the front, narrowing her eyelips maybe?
    and maybe her nose tip with her mouth could move a bit higher and her chin could be more pointed/sharp.


    i'll be watching this thread :) can't wait to see more epicness here.
  • Azkur
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    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
    those sleeves are so dope your wrinkle work is pretty rad cant wait to see it finished
  • Ichiban
    Looking good. Enjoying the thread !
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Soo good. Really inspirational work!
  • Digital Cantina
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    Digital Cantina polycounter lvl 11
    Looking great!
  • woogity
    Hey Jfletcher, the latest image is looking pretty sick dude, as far as crits, I think while you are sculpting unbelieveably good cloth folds, you are overdoing it. I think the loincloth was much more believeable with the previous sculpting with the minimal folds. they just wouldnt be able to exist in that volume in such a consentrated area without the being some weird pouch in the material there. I think they are a bit strange in the sleves too, mostly just in the forearm area, dosn't seem to be any element that would merit that much bunching. If you were going to keep the rounded loincloth to keep them curves coming you might consider reversing the curve her corset makes in the loincloth. Just some thoughts, looking really nice so far, boot block-out is looking interesting, keep her comin!:thumbup::thumbup:

  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Cheers Woogity, although at the time I had already scrapped most of it, I appreciate the crit. :)

    Ok, so, update time.


    I wasn't happy with where this was going so I redid a lot of areas and pushed for more asymmetry in the central of the body, and toned down on the bulk a bit. There are still a lot of things I wish to change (the lower legs are going to change completely, I haven't really been focusing on them at all.

    Sorry for yet another front shot, thats just where I've been focusing :P I'm making a bunch of changes so she looks more interesting from behind but its still pretty bare at the moment so I'll show something later. (see the clipping, I've pretty much just thrown random shit together)

    I'm aware of the weird folds on the cloak above the left breast, it's just like that because there was a backpack strap before that I decided to remove and just didn't get around to re-sculpting that area (as it's 3am :( )

    Upper arm folds need work, etc etc.

    Hands may be a bit big, will probably scale them down but try to keep the bulky gloves.



    oh, and consider the original concept abandoned! :) This is what I meant by iterating when I got into 3d.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    fuck that looks ace!
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    ae. wrote: »
    fuck that looks ace!

  • Azkur
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    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
    man Fletcher that looks dope man i wish you would do a tutorial on how you work out characters! cant wait for the final piece
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