A question regarding mask. The loadout and the in game lighting seem to have very different effects on the mask. I will use my recent submission as an example.
The masking looks way to bright in the loadout, but looks fine in game. I created my mask based on what it looked like in game since I thought the loadout had lighting issues. However I noticed that other submissions don't look so blown out in the loadout. Which makes me think they created theirs with the loadout look in mind. That being said, what should I be going for? The in game seems so subtle even with the overly bright loadout.
In my opinion, the in-game look is always more important than the loadout, but that's thinking practically. The loadout view, I guess, is what will sell your set in the store, but the in-game view is what they'll be looking at most of the time.
Edit: Fantastic looking set, by the way. I especially like how the sword is so much darker than the usual ones while still looking completely suitable.
The last remaining shard belonging to those who witnessed the very begining. It is said that with the help of these shards these progenitors and titans were able to reshape matter at will. The Worldsmith Elder Titan hopes to use this shard and mend the damage he has inflicted on this world - but to accomplish that, the Elder Titan has to rejoin the shattered pieces of his soul. Only when he is complete he can properly use the Echo Shard.
The Horse Strangler: those bunny ears are cute as hell
Clyptic : I feel that the helm could have a bit more contrast with the green glow of the face ; just a small critique
AAAaaaand horing myself out ->
Hey guys just finished my warlock set :
U guys ain't even giving a word to a previous posters, u just post ur job atop of others and waiting to get more votes. But there are some really interesting stuff to discuss. And Volvo still adds nothing)))
Looks pathetic.
Hey guys, I'm facing a problem while trying to export the cape of Drow Ranger's back slot, but it seems that the animation doesn't work properly, even if I export the original file from valve (maya, fbx and smd).
When running, the cape goes crazy, and with other animations it looks hard as rock.
Does anyone knows what this could be?
(Btw, on the maya file, the joints are nammed differently of the fbx files. Anyway, I tried both and nothing)
Hey guys, I'm facing a problem while trying to export the cape of Drow Ranger's back slot, but it seems that the animation doesn't work properly, even if I export the original file from valve (maya, fbx and smd).
When running, the cape goes crazy, and with other animations it looks hard as rock.
Does anyone knows what this could be?
(Btw, on the maya file, the joints are nammed differently of the fbx files. Anyway, I tried both and nothing)
The files on the technical requirements page have incorrectly named bones. From memory only a minor change is needed for the cape to work, otherwise you could decomplie the correctly named bones from the game. I am not at my machine for a while otherwise I would decompile it myself and refresh myself on the name change that you need.
@ChiZ Thanks, you make a good point as far as it being one of the selling points. I think I will base my masking off the load out next time and see how it comes out.
@mihalceanu Ya I definitely agree, one of those things you don't notice until you are done with it >.<.
@darkkyo In the future I would suggest adding more variety to the damage. At the moment you have very similar damage evenly spread across the entire sword, giving it a striped look.
@Rocket_Science Ya I agree with you on that. This thread seems to be more about posting your new work for up votes and less critiquing and problem solving.
A question regarding mask. The loadout and the in game lighting seem to have very different effects on the mask. I will use my recent submission as an example.
The masking looks way to bright in the loadout, but looks fine in game. I created my mask based on what it looked like in game since I thought the loadout had lighting issues. However I noticed that other submissions don't look so blown out in the loadout. Which makes me think they created theirs with the loadout look in mind. That being said, what should I be going for? The in game seems so subtle even with the overly bright loadout.
@darkkyo In the future I would suggest adding more variety to the damage. At the moment you have very similar damage evenly spread across the entire sword, giving it a striped look.
This was my first experience giving a lot of damage to a weapon/item and I think I learned a lot -- I'll take your advice into consideration for future projects. Thanks!
Hey guys, I'm facing a problem while trying to export the cape of Drow Ranger's back slot, but it seems that the animation doesn't work properly, even if I export the original file from valve (maya, fbx and smd).
The files on the technical requirements page have incorrectly named bones. From memory only a minor change is needed for the cape to work, otherwise you could decomplie the correctly named bones from the game. I am not at my machine for a while otherwise I would decompile it myself and refresh myself on the name change that you need.
Cool/creepy idea, it looks like a parasitic roshan! Is the orange part going to be the ward eye? If so I'd cut back the black grasping aegis things and make the number of them fewer and the remaining ones fatter for an easier read from afar. If the eye is going to float above then I'd think about how to make the orange aegis visable in game as the design looks hunched over (and we'll see the ward from above most of the time, obscuring the aegis)
Cool/creepy idea, it looks like a parasitic roshan! Is the orange part going to be the ward eye? If so I'd cut back the black grasping aegis things and make the number of them fewer and the remaining ones fatter for an easier read from afar. If the eye is going to float above then I'd think about how to make the orange aegis viable in game as the design looks hunched over (and we'll see the ward from above most of the time, obscuring the aegis)
There's going to be a floating eye, its not done yet and I still need to look at the other wards as eye references ^-^ . As for the hunch/visibility, I'll leave that to the animator (I need one if anyone is interested) I kind of want the ward to fly a little off the ground a bit so the aegis of immortality would read better during some times of movement, I'd probably have to straighten the ward a bit.
btw check out the International merchandise catalog guys, I see some pretty interesting immortal items. There's a custom Undying tombstone with custom zombies!
(And Dragon's Ascension! Hope it'll be available outside of the International as well.)
I bought too many chest this week. Volvo, why you do dis!? Great work all around. I'm also quite suprised to not see Vidottos Alliance Courier in the Alliance chest, it seemed like a nice fit for it. :thumbup:
I bought too many chest this week. Volvo, why you do dis!? Great work all around. I'm also quite suprised to not see Vidottos Alliance Courier in the Alliance chest, it seemed like a nice fit for it. :thumbup:
maybe in future chest.so many alliance set in workshop.
Gratz all! I guess my steam wallet money will be soon lost Also I would love to be able to buy some of those cool TI4 items in dota store... I hope they will add them eventually
The masking looks way to bright in the loadout, but looks fine in game. I created my mask based on what it looked like in game since I thought the loadout had lighting issues. However I noticed that other submissions don't look so blown out in the loadout. Which makes me think they created theirs with the loadout look in mind. That being said, what should I be going for? The in game seems so subtle even with the overly bright loadout.
Edit: Fantastic looking set, by the way. I especially like how the sword is so much darker than the usual ones while still looking completely suitable.
The last remaining shard belonging to those who witnessed the very begining. It is said that with the help of these shards these progenitors and titans were able to reshape matter at will. The Worldsmith Elder Titan hopes to use this shard and mend the damage he has inflicted on this world - but to accomplish that, the Elder Titan has to rejoin the shattered pieces of his soul. Only when he is complete he can properly use the Echo Shard.
Clyptic : I feel that the helm could have a bit more contrast with the green glow of the face ; just a small critique
AAAaaaand horing myself out ->
Hey guys just finished my warlock set
check it out plox : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=280154305
Looks pathetic.
Hey guys, I'm facing a problem while trying to export the cape of Drow Ranger's back slot, but it seems that the animation doesn't work properly, even if I export the original file from valve (maya, fbx and smd).
When running, the cape goes crazy, and with other animations it looks hard as rock.
Does anyone knows what this could be?
(Btw, on the maya file, the joints are nammed differently of the fbx files. Anyway, I tried both and nothing)
The files on the technical requirements page have incorrectly named bones. From memory only a minor change is needed for the cape to work, otherwise you could decomplie the correctly named bones from the game. I am not at my machine for a while otherwise I would decompile it myself and refresh myself on the name change that you need.
@mihalceanu Ya I definitely agree, one of those things you don't notice until you are done with it >.<.
@darkkyo In the future I would suggest adding more variety to the damage. At the moment you have very similar damage evenly spread across the entire sword, giving it a striped look.
@Rocket_Science Ya I agree with you on that. This thread seems to be more about posting your new work for up votes and less critiquing and problem solving.
wow, that is looking great in game!
This was my first experience giving a lot of damage to a weapon/item and I think I learned a lot -- I'll take your advice into consideration for future projects. Thanks!
@Clyptic Really dig the big knight/regal vibe
add cape_ as a prefix to the cape joints.
Works now!! Love you guys!!!
I don't think you should make the actual shopkeeper a courier. Who's going to sell you equipment!
There's going to be a floating eye, its not done yet and I still need to look at the other wards as eye references ^-^ . As for the hunch/visibility, I'll leave that to the animator (I need one if anyone is interested) I kind of want the ward to fly a little off the ground a bit so the aegis of immortality would read better during some times of movement, I'd probably have to straighten the ward a bit.
Thanks for the critique, I'll adjust the ward
(And Dragon's Ascension! Hope it'll be available outside of the International as well.)
maybe in future chest.so many alliance set in workshop.
I stole all your rares
edit: prob not needed
Aha, we're planning on making it like a "mini" courier, like the mini-pudge courier
Awesome to see so many items added for The International 4
started to work on Oglodi race for footmen frenzy
Perfect bakes
What magic?! Share magic plz つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
^ this, share the magic please!
You're my favourite. :poly124:
Moffee, well some ppl have some fat above muscles on the belly))
Vayne4800, go go go bro