Here's the video I put together for our Red Moon collaboration with Boonta and Pior. Considering I just picked up SFM at the start of this year, I'm happy with what I put together in such short time. Cheers!
Hey guys! We submitted our collaboration, titled 'The Three Virtues'.
It was a collab between Red Moon (bounchfx, Oroboros, and Andrew Helenek), Pior, and Boonta, with multitud3 helping out on the HUD. All in all, we submitted 3 sets WITH custom remnants for each, 4 loading screens, and a HUD. It was a ton of work but I think we are all proud of what we were able to accomplish in the last couple weeks. Here's the collection page link, hope you guys like it!
@BounchFX/ Helenk/ Pior etc - AMAZING work on that set guys. The quality is amazing and the amount of talent and hard work really shines through! Upvoted for sure.
Anybody had this problem when submitting items before?
After pressing the SUBMIT button it takes me to a page displaying the error:
An error was encountered while processing your request:
That item does not exist. It may have been removed by the author.
Here's a link to the Steam Community home page.
No matter how many times I log out/ back in/ restart the computer/ try different items, I still get the same error message.
Anybody have a fix? I feel like I've encountered EVERY problem possible in this whole process! So near...yet so far!
In all seriousness. That compilation, I'd call it a set but its just so muc more, is gold. From presentation to models, you guys nailed it. And a 23 piece item dump on top of that?
Let it be forever be known that the 18 of the first month in the year Twenty One Four was the day that shit got real.
@ Belkun and Hawt - Love those two items - upvoted for sure
...and to anybody who runs into the same problem I did up the page - it ended up being a problem with PeerGuardian blocking the connection to the Workshop Submission it seems. Turning it off whilst I uploaded the set fixed everything.
Thanks mate! Upvoted you Kunkka set as if there was no tomorrow haha
So, anyone knows if I can do anything to get the my Enchantress Spear for the event properly tagged? Ken posted on the Private Developer Comments section, but I'm not sure if Valve even read it. It was tagged, but that was before the importer fix, so we decided to update the files and be sure that it was working fine, and after that we just lost the tag. Every item is getting tagged pretty quickly, but it appears that ours was forgotten
F@#&^* HAHAUUUUHAHA 0___o wuuuu Where is "upvote all" button in this collection haha
Anyway I am updating all items on 64kbit internet connection haha that's crazy
Btw... what is the process after creating remnants for spirits, are those separate models or are just exported skeletal poses?
Hey guys, I need your help. I have a problem with animation of pudge's hook.
I bind hook to the bone: weapon_rt_1 but how to fix it?
(I use Blender)
got the orientation of the model right ? a detail that is likely to be overlooked. in normal mode the centre of an item must be 0 0 0 but rotation needs to be 0 0 0 aswell - after that go into edit mode and put the mesh where it needs to be and where it needs to be bound to a bone.
Well, after seemingly running into what seemed liked EVERY conceivable problem in the DOTA2 pipeline, I've finally got my first items up on the workshop. Woop!
It was great fun overall, and really pushed me to remember some of those old-school ultra low poly count, ultra-low texture size tricks I had a tonne of fun making the final banner image as well - so much so I decided to make it into a custom loading screen and package it with my set. It was really nice seeing how just a tiny bit of Photoshop magic could bring to the set.
Hey, I'm crashing this Spring event pretty late, and unfortunately my item I rushed reads like feces. Hopefully someone has some ideas on how to at-least improve the readability. I'll probably test out some new colors and see where I get.
I like the design of the hair, but those promos really do it an injustice. The lighting is not exactly flattering and almost looks like it's coming from all directions at once.
It looks pretty good in game, but you need to get those promos polished up or no one will see it!
I like the design of the hair, but those promos really do it an injustice. The lighting is not exactly flattering and almost looks like it's coming from all directions at once.
It looks pretty good in game, but you need to get those promos polished up or no one will see it!
:thumbup: Right now the promos look kinda plastic, i would use something else besides the white for the rim lighting
I think you'd do well to remove the lighting coming from below her face. The original looked downright creepy, this one isn't so bad, but it's still quite off. Pity, because the in-game view looks really pretty.
(edit: if you're online right now you can shoot me a pm, I'll send you a render out of marmoset)
got the orientation of the model right ? a detail that is likely to be overlooked. in normal mode the centre of an item must be 0 0 0 but rotation needs to be 0 0 0 aswell - after that go into edit mode and put the mesh where it needs to be and where it needs to be bound to a bone.
I centered at 000 and use Y axis but what to do with it?
Thanks for the feedback on the wolf guys. I checked out the Lycan wolves and realized they have red on their tails as well so I got rid of that. Here's what he looks like with the beast color palette:
F@#&^* HAHAUUUUHAHA 0___o wuuuu Where is "upvote all" button in this collection haha
Anyway I am updating all items on 64kbit internet connection haha that's crazy
Btw... what is the process after creating remnants for spirits, are those separate models or are just exported skeletal poses?
It's weird man, theyre all treated differently.
Earth Spirit uses new meshes for the spirits. So the cosmetic change is handled similarly to how normal cosmetics are handled, a simple mesh swap. Whereas Storm and Ember are differnet.
Storm uses new 31 frame, (30FPS) animation cycles, and captures a frame between 14-24 (I still dont know the exact point) and uses that to spawn the remnant from. So you need to create an animation where storm goes into his pose from idle, holds, then goes from the pose back to idle.
Ember just simply has idling cyclic animations for each of the poses. But no blending animation, the systems handles that.
SO, messed aroudn with shader some more. Thanks for the kick in the butt. I knew it was off. Thoughts now?
Yeah this is looking better, for the workshop thumbnail, dont be afraid to paint the shit out of it. Here is a quick paint over. Most of the edge lighting would have been painted in behind her head, but less than 10 min. of work can make a huge difference. hope this helps
Just snuck in another item after finishing up with the recent Ember Spirit set for the massive Three Virtues collaboration with the Red Moon guys and Pior!
Concept and Marketing Illustration by the amazing Calyx.
Just snuck in another item after finishing up with the recent Ember Spirit set for the massive Three Virtues collaboration with the Red Moon guys and Pior!
Concept by Calyx.
Nice little cherry to top it off. Really like this :thumbup:
Here's the video I put together for our Red Moon collaboration with Boonta and Pior. Considering I just picked up SFM at the start of this year, I'm happy with what I put together in such short time. Cheers!
Wip, jugger weapon
It was a collab between Red Moon (bounchfx, Oroboros, and Andrew Helenek), Pior, and Boonta, with multitud3 helping out on the HUD. All in all, we submitted 3 sets WITH custom remnants for each, 4 loading screens, and a HUD. It was a ton of work but I think we are all proud of what we were able to accomplish in the last couple weeks. Here's the collection page link, hope you guys like it!
that hair on Earth, so good!
Anybody had this problem when submitting items before?
After pressing the SUBMIT button it takes me to a page displaying the error:
An error was encountered while processing your request:
That item does not exist. It may have been removed by the author.
Here's a link to the Steam Community home page.
No matter how many times I log out/ back in/ restart the computer/ try different items, I still get the same error message.
Anybody have a fix? I feel like I've encountered EVERY problem possible in this whole process! So near...yet so far!
I bind hook to the bone: weapon_rt_1 but how to fix it?
(I use Blender)
Finally uploaded this weapon I did with NFWar I nearly forgot about it.
Also improviz, what model type are you exporting?
In all seriousness. That compilation, I'd call it a set but its just so muc more, is gold. From presentation to models, you guys nailed it. And a 23 piece item dump on top of that?
Let it be forever be known that the 18 of the first month in the year Twenty One Four was the day that shit got real.
If you use the Blender Source Tools, you have the option of configuring all the export settings on the 'Scene' tab.
There, select the SMD format and try changing the 'Export Up Axis' to Y, may do the trick.
Also check if the engine/game paths are correctly set.
...and to anybody who runs into the same problem I did up the page - it ended up being a problem with PeerGuardian blocking the connection to the Workshop Submission it seems. Turning it off whilst I uploaded the set fixed everything.
Thanks mate! Upvoted you Kunkka set as if there was no tomorrow haha
So, anyone knows if I can do anything to get the my Enchantress Spear for the event properly tagged? Ken posted on the Private Developer Comments section, but I'm not sure if Valve even read it. It was tagged, but that was before the importer fix, so we decided to update the files and be sure that it was working fine, and after that we just lost the tag. Every item is getting tagged pretty quickly, but it appears that ours was forgotten
Anyway I am updating all items on 64kbit internet connection haha that's crazy
Btw... what is the process after creating remnants for spirits, are those separate models or are just exported skeletal poses?
got the orientation of the model right ? a detail that is likely to be overlooked. in normal mode the centre of an item must be 0 0 0 but rotation needs to be 0 0 0 aswell - after that go into edit mode and put the mesh where it needs to be and where it needs to be bound to a bone.
It was great fun overall, and really pushed me to remember some of those old-school ultra low poly count, ultra-low texture size tricks
...and the link to the full set
I'd be really happy if you could pop over there and have a look and let me know what you think
Hey, I'm crashing this Spring event pretty late, and unfortunately my item I rushed reads like feces. Hopefully someone has some ideas on how to at-least improve the readability. I'll probably test out some new colors and see where I get.
@clyptic Loved this one, darksiders vibe! Also awesome lore by thuzar, he is the boss!
I like the design of the hair, but those promos really do it an injustice. The lighting is not exactly flattering and almost looks like it's coming from all directions at once.
It looks pretty good in game, but you need to get those promos polished up or no one will see it!
:thumbup: Right now the promos look kinda plastic, i would use something else besides the white for the rim lighting
(edit: if you're online right now you can shoot me a pm, I'll send you a render out of marmoset)
I centered at 000 and use Y axis but what to do with it?
It's weird man, theyre all treated differently.
Earth Spirit uses new meshes for the spirits. So the cosmetic change is handled similarly to how normal cosmetics are handled, a simple mesh swap. Whereas Storm and Ember are differnet.
Storm uses new 31 frame, (30FPS) animation cycles, and captures a frame between 14-24 (I still dont know the exact point) and uses that to spawn the remnant from. So you need to create an animation where storm goes into his pose from idle, holds, then goes from the pose back to idle.
Ember just simply has idling cyclic animations for each of the poses. But no blending animation, the systems handles that.
Yeah this is looking better, for the workshop thumbnail, dont be afraid to paint the shit out of it. Here is a quick paint over. Most of the edge lighting would have been painted in behind her head, but less than 10 min. of work can make a huge difference. hope this helps
Concept and Marketing Illustration by the amazing Calyx.
Nice little cherry to top it off. Really like this :thumbup: