sadly i have no control whatsoever over mask2 mask1 does work, self illu and metalness, but i have no control over specular or the rimlight
so i had to bake and paint in way more specular than usual
That weiner is huuuge!
Regarding the mask, it is obvious that it works, just looks at the amount of rimlight. it's just courier material is so different from most of the heroes, the spec is not that bright and rimlightis really intense. You may also want to check blue channel for specular by color texture and alpha for the specular sharpness.
But if you want something shiny, use metalness.
Regarding the mask, it is obvious that it works, just looks at the amount of rimlight. it's just courier material is so different from most of the heroes, the spec is not that bright and rimlightis really intense. You may also want to check blue channel for specular by color texture and alpha for the specular sharpness.
But if you want something shiny, use metalness.
thanks for the reply man!
it obviously does not work as the normal shader.
It is a known problem anuxi and others ran into the same issue.
The only way to get something like specular is either removing the tinting entirely, which makes the specular completely purpleish. I could load up a working mask setup from any weapon and it doesn't work on the courier.
Now if i remove the tinting and have that purple specular it doesn't get touched by the glossyness at all.
I tried back and forth, removing the rim for instance or making it 100% it doesn't work like the other assets so far, so is there any type of documentation to see how the masks are used?
okay lets try to dig deeper, on Mask1 metalness works, selfillu does as well, the other 2 channels are not needed in this case.
My Selfillu is 0 my metallness like 10%.
Mask 2 does pretty much nothing, well it does stuff, but lets show you
first of all my current test masks, its obviously not a final texture but i'm constantly playing around with the values, so until i know how it works i keep it messy. As said, even maps from working assets don't work at all on a courier.
here are my masks:
So the spec is high at places, the Rim is 0 besides on small white pixel to not mess with the compiler, the Tint is also 0 besides one pixel and the gloss is semisharp with sharp areas here and there
the current result
the result, Now lets invert the rim
no change whatsoever, the green channel is completely white besides a bit of black, obviously as it is inverted.
now lets invert the tinting
oh nice, purple spec, not white as on all other assets.
Okay lets try to make it sharper at places, with tuning the glossiness, his thigh is a good place to test this
current status of mask2
The result, no change at all - now lets ramp up the spec at places
you see a difference? yeah me neither, okay lets try something else, lets remove the spec entirely.
I don't understand those ppl. Why steal concepts while they could cooperate with so many talented concept artists here... Other thing is that ... stealing from top 10 dominance war entries is like stealing logo from coca cola... everyone just will know it was stolen...
@Neox: Ah, that would explain why I couldn't get what I wanted either I spent hours doing tests and nothing was changing. Is it alpha on the feather of his hat? I couldn't get the alpha working myself.
I see what you mean. There are two things, actually.
First of all, check out the grillhound
Material is exactly the same along with the purple spec and hard rimlight everywhere, even where it's black on the mask. Shiny parts are only the ones with metalness mask, and so on.
The second thing is, loadout view and ingame view is two different color spaces, how it looks in the loadout preview can be completely different from the thing you see ingame (see Slardar, Ursa and so on), this comes from the lighting setups, partly because loadout preview is a bunch of spotlights while ingame is more complex, with sun/night, dire/radiant lighting setups.
What i suggest is, make out your masks as you think they should be and try testing it out ingame.
The specular works fine (you can test it with really-really dark texture), except that it's faint purple and it's really hard to see. So i think you should check it out ingame (not the day/night view, but full-on testmap) and work within the confines of the material.
You can test the masks not by changing the masks, but first by testing the texture.
so is there any type of documentation to see how the masks are used?
of course i know this one, but i meant how they are intepreted by the couriers shader, because they are obviously not working as described in this document
of course i know this one, but i meant how they are intepreted by the couriers shader, because they are obviously not working as described in this document
They're all the same, so the material works fine, it's just the way it is and you should work in the confinements of the material. Make your color map solid dark color and test the maps around.
Kraken - Like your Lion set and sculpt
Frump - Slick TA set, nice sculpting!
Neox - Haha, he's looking cute! Weiner balloon might be tad too big IMO but nice work for sure
however, besides the bugged rimlight i think the baked in spec works just fine, of course its not the same as a proper one, but with the somewhat static lighting it looks good ingame.
Hey guys, how do you go about making your LODs for the helm? I mean, if you start from LOD0 and then take away from that to get LOD1, its gonna mess up your UVs. One does not simply alter the geometry after the textures are baked. Or do you just ignore whatever warping that occurs as a result of messing up the silhouette?
Hey guys, how do you go about making your LODs for the helm? I mean, if you start from LOD0 and then take away from that to get LOD1, its gonna mess up your UVs. One does not simply alter the geometry after the textures are baked. Or do you just ignore whatever warping that occurs as a result of messing up the silhouette?
if you plan out your uvs well enough from start you if course can create the lod1 from lod0, what software are you using? in max turn on preserve uvs and most things will be just fine. however i prefer to do it the other way around, do the ingame asset first and make it rounder afterwards. besides hats it doesn't matter for the portrait anyways.
It is a known problem anuxi and others ran into the same issue.
The only way to get something like specular is either removing the tinting entirely, which makes the specular completely purpleish. I could load up a working mask setup from any weapon and it doesn't work on the courier.
Now if i remove the tinting and have that purple specular it doesn't get touched by the glossyness at all.
I tried back and forth, removing the rim for instance or making it 100% it doesn't work like the other assets so far, so is there any type of documentation to see how the masks are used?
okay lets try to dig deeper, on Mask1 metalness works, selfillu does as well, the other 2 channels are not needed in this case.
My Selfillu is 0 my metallness like 10%.
Mask 2 does pretty much nothing, well it does stuff, but lets show you
first of all my current test masks, its obviously not a final texture but i'm constantly playing around with the values, so until i know how it works i keep it messy. As said, even maps from working assets don't work at all on a courier.
here are my masks:
So the spec is high at places, the Rim is 0 besides on small white pixel to not mess with the compiler, the Tint is also 0 besides one pixel and the gloss is semisharp with sharp areas here and there
the current result
the result, Now lets invert the rim
no change whatsoever, the green channel is completely white besides a bit of black, obviously as it is inverted.
now lets invert the tinting
oh nice, purple spec, not white as on all other assets.
Okay lets try to make it sharper at places, with tuning the glossiness, his thigh is a good place to test this
current status of mask2
The result, no change at all - now lets ramp up the spec at places
you see a difference? yeah me neither, okay lets try something else, lets remove the spec entirely.
not a single F* was given.
Can you repost this on the dota2 dev forums? This is very well laid out and could help them in fixing the courier shaders
So I managed to get my first item in to dota, but does anyone know how to get the particle effects working for the bow string, or how to make your own ones? Is this something usually handled by Valve, or something I need to do?
I just finished the sculpt for my crystal maiden staff, i'm posting it here for critics and opinions. any suggestions for amelioration ?
I know its not very readable, and the inscriptions are a bit random. What do you think ? I Need someone else to comment on this before o proceed ( amateur here ... )
@Neox: Ah, that would explain why I couldn't get what I wanted either I spent hours doing tests and nothing was changing. Is it alpha on the feather of his hat? I couldn't get the alpha working myself.
nope, the alpha from the color map is another feature that does not work, so invested the polies
@JeremyKlein and Danidem, holy shit! That is some badass stuff you guys got there, and the video is top notch. Great work! Skeleton sword is also great, but i think it would stand out more if you add another color, maybe the eyes? Just something more to catch the attention.
It is a known problem anuxi and others ran into the same issue.
The only way to get something like specular is either removing the tinting entirely, which makes the specular completely purpleish. I could load up a working mask setup from any weapon and it doesn't work on the courier.
Now if i remove the tinting and have that purple specular it doesn't get touched by the glossyness at all.
I tried back and forth, removing the rim for instance or making it 100% it doesn't work like the other assets so far, so is there any type of documentation to see how the masks are used?
okay lets try to dig deeper, on Mask1 metalness works, selfillu does as well, the other 2 channels are not needed in this case.
My Selfillu is 0 my metallness like 10%.
Mask 2 does pretty much nothing, well it does stuff, but lets show you
first of all my current test masks, its obviously not a final texture but i'm constantly playing around with the values, so until i know how it works i keep it messy. As said, even maps from working assets don't work at all on a courier.
here are my masks:
So the spec is high at places, the Rim is 0 besides on small white pixel to not mess with the compiler, the Tint is also 0 besides one pixel and the gloss is semisharp with sharp areas here and there
the current result
the result, Now lets invert the rim
no change whatsoever, the green channel is completely white besides a bit of black, obviously as it is inverted.
now lets invert the tinting
oh nice, purple spec, not white as on all other assets.
Okay lets try to make it sharper at places, with tuning the glossiness, his thigh is a good place to test this
current status of mask2
The result, no change at all - now lets ramp up the spec at places
you see a difference? yeah me neither, okay lets try something else, lets remove the spec entirely.
not a single F* was given.
Maybe I ask a stupid question. You save the mask in a 32-bit TGA? And you changed the name when uploading the files?
I ask because I had the same problem. And in this way I solved it.
Maybe I ask a stupid question. You save the mask in a 32-bit TGA? And you changed the name when uploading the files?
I ask because I had the same problem. And in this way I solved it.
yes and yes, the caching issue is known to me and that changing the name fixes this, however not in this case. It does update, and the channels i said are working get updated.
but spec, gloss, color alpha and rim do absolutely nothing - on the courier, they work as they should on any other item so far.
the axe based on the concept of stefco is done, now back to the items or crew designed
This extrordinary axe was forged by a drunken omexean forgemaster who's mind had crossed the edge to insanity ages ago. He fused the earth, rock and metal of the drylands of Omexe into this odd shape. At first it caused plenty of sneering and mockery when Bradwarden the Warrunner first wielded the axe on the battlefield. That is until his enemies saw him chopping his first opponent's both arms in one strike. From that day only terror shows in the faces of those who stand in the way of the Twins of Rok.
@Neox presentation shot of your items are always superb!
Weapon looks even better ingame. Gold material came out really well! To bad you can't tweak material on you courier in such way Anyway I could image that those arms were chopped from Alchemist hero while he was preparing his mixture
Hi guys, after months from the beginning, me and randname finally finished the Death Prophet set we started back in the day for the contest.
Hecate's Gift is in the workshop since a few hours, yay!
Hi guys, after months from the beginning, me and randname finally finished the Death Prophet set we started back in the day for the contest.
Hecate's Gift is in the workshop since a few hours, yay!
Best DP set evar! xD I remember watching you work on this during the comp, so I'm super stoked you finally finished it!
So I was thinking, I stream all my work but wondered how cool it would be to stream a google hangouts with a few other people who also make dota2, items. People can ask us questions and we can talk about it between us, then if you guys want to stream you can and we can pimp you out over the stream and on twitter so more people will follow your work.
The downside is only 10 people can be in a hangout at a time. even if someone doesnt stream the hangout it will be nice to hang out with other dota2 artists.
So I was thinking, I stream all my work but wondered how cool it would be to stream a google hangouts with a few other people who also make dota2, items. People can ask us questions and we can talk about it between us, then if you guys want to stream you can and we can pimp you out over the stream and on twitter so more people will follow your work.
The downside is only 10 people can be in a hangout at a time. even if someone doesnt stream the hangout it will be nice to hang out with other dota2 artists.
That sounds like a really cool idea, I've just got all my stuff set up for streaming and I'll be starting tomorrow so I'm absolutely interested.
There are so many questions that I get asked and see other artists get asked regarding all this crazy item-making business it would be a great venue to give out as many answers as possible to as many people as possible.
That sounds like a really cool idea, I've just got all my stuff set up for streaming and I'll be starting tomorrow so I'm absolutely interested.
There are so many questions that I get asked and see other artists get asked regarding all this crazy item-making business it would be a great venue to give out as many answers as possible to as many people as possible.
Just curious, will this be published here on poly forums or elsewhere in the web ? i'm 100% sure it will be a valuable gem.
As for ppl i'd like to see in this discussion : Anuxi (duh, original idea) , Bronto ( last interview was very informative, and very modest from you !) , vlad the impapler (is that correct spelling ? ) , roboguys ( the ones with robot avatars that seemingly work toghether) , T_vidotto (obviously), and Neox (airborn studios, they have a marvelous and kicka** start on the workshop).
Streaming a hangout is a cool idea. It would get us all an equal amount of viewers instead of splitting them to individual twitch pages. Given timezones and whatnot the limit of 10 people at a time is probably not too bad.
Does anyone have a download or something to the Dota2 materials from the VPK file? My GCFScape is being a rat and won't read the pak01_dir correctly or extract the materials folder. The models folder extracted fine so I don't need that.
In the midst of creating my set for Nature's Prophet this month - I decided to create a Slark dagger based on an idea that's been floating around in my head for a while.
This razor sharp dagger is made of volcanic glass from the depths near Dark Reef. After his escape, Slark chipped away the dagger and wrapped it with bone and leather. The thin edges scintillate with color as Slark bounds along dispatching his enemies.
Does anyone have a download or something to the Dota2 materials from the VPK file? My GCFScape is being a rat and won't read the pak01_dir correctly or extract the materials folder. The models folder extracted fine so I don't need that.
Hi guys, after months from the beginning, me and randname finally finished the Death Prophet set we started back in the day for the contest.
Hecate's Gift is in the workshop since a few hours, yay!
Finally! Been waiting forever for this one This is hands down the best set for DP i have ever seen. Grats on the finishing the set you two! Instavote from me. I would be surprised/mad if this doesn't get into the game. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Hi guys, after months from the beginning, me and randname finally finished the Death Prophet set we started back in the day for the contest.
Hecate's Gift is in the workshop since a few hours, yay!
Hi guys, after months from the beginning, me and randname finally finished the Death Prophet set we started back in the day for the contest.
Hecate's Gift is in the workshop since a few hours, yay!
GOD DAMN IT! Look fabulous. Tons of details and crisp textures. I am really curious how did you packed your UVs
The other thing is, there's quite a few of us streaming including Anuxi, Hawf, Hudston, Nannou, Vid, Vlad and myself. It sucks that if we want to stream, we each have to do our own thing more or less. I really enjoy whenever somebody from Polycount stops by in the twitch chat and I think the Hangouts would be great to bridge that gap and not have everybody separate.
I had an idea a couple of weeks back of making a Polycount twitch channel, where we can basically have any of us stream from more or less a semi-official channel but have it under one roof, again the main gripe I had with streaming being that it more or less forces all the Polycount artists who want to stream into different corners and I really enjoy the social aspects that the streaming brings. I think this would combo nicely with the Hangout idea so if a couple of you are interested, I'll set it up.
Regarding the mask, it is obvious that it works, just looks at the amount of rimlight. it's just courier material is so different from most of the heroes, the spec is not that bright and rimlightis really intense. You may also want to check blue channel for specular by color texture and alpha for the specular sharpness.
But if you want something shiny, use metalness.
thanks for the reply man!
it obviously does not work as the normal shader.
It is a known problem anuxi and others ran into the same issue.
The only way to get something like specular is either removing the tinting entirely, which makes the specular completely purpleish. I could load up a working mask setup from any weapon and it doesn't work on the courier.
Now if i remove the tinting and have that purple specular it doesn't get touched by the glossyness at all.
I tried back and forth, removing the rim for instance or making it 100% it doesn't work like the other assets so far, so is there any type of documentation to see how the masks are used?
okay lets try to dig deeper, on Mask1 metalness works, selfillu does as well, the other 2 channels are not needed in this case.
My Selfillu is 0 my metallness like 10%.
Mask 2 does pretty much nothing, well it does stuff, but lets show you
first of all my current test masks, its obviously not a final texture but i'm constantly playing around with the values, so until i know how it works i keep it messy. As said, even maps from working assets don't work at all on a courier.
here are my masks:
So the spec is high at places, the Rim is 0 besides on small white pixel to not mess with the compiler, the Tint is also 0 besides one pixel and the gloss is semisharp with sharp areas here and there
the current result
the result, Now lets invert the rim
no change whatsoever, the green channel is completely white besides a bit of black, obviously as it is inverted.
now lets invert the tinting
oh nice, purple spec, not white as on all other assets.
Okay lets try to make it sharper at places, with tuning the glossiness, his thigh is a good place to test this
current status of mask2
The result, no change at all - now lets ramp up the spec at places
you see a difference? yeah me neither, okay lets try something else, lets remove the spec entirely.
not a single F* was given.
Please report his ass
this dudes "ch weapon" :
dominance war one :
This guy had almost 0 work to come up with this, as the author made the model and texture downloadable in his site.
First of all, check out the grillhound
Material is exactly the same along with the purple spec and hard rimlight everywhere, even where it's black on the mask. Shiny parts are only the ones with metalness mask, and so on.
The second thing is, loadout view and ingame view is two different color spaces, how it looks in the loadout preview can be completely different from the thing you see ingame (see Slardar, Ursa and so on), this comes from the lighting setups, partly because loadout preview is a bunch of spotlights while ingame is more complex, with sun/night, dire/radiant lighting setups.
What i suggest is, make out your masks as you think they should be and try testing it out ingame.
The specular works fine (you can test it with really-really dark texture), except that it's faint purple and it's really hard to see. So i think you should check it out ingame (not the day/night view, but full-on testmap) and work within the confines of the material.
You can test the masks not by changing the masks, but first by testing the texture.
Now it's manly time! Not sure how am i going to retopo all of this
of course i know this one, but i meant how they are intepreted by the couriers shader, because they are obviously not working as described in this document
aaaaand nice beard
Take a look, El gato materials
IG dragon material
Shitty bear material
They're all the same, so the material works fine, it's just the way it is and you should work in the confinements of the material. Make your color map solid dark color and test the maps around.
Progress so far:
You should post this on the dev forum and see what they have to say.
The case may be that we just have to work with it like Vlad says or maybe it's another major overlooked bug.
Frump - Slick TA set, nice sculpting!
Neox - Haha, he's looking cute! Weiner balloon might be tad too big IMO but nice work for sure
yup i did, maybe wrong forum
however, besides the bugged rimlight i think the baked in spec works just fine, of course its not the same as a proper one, but with the somewhat static lighting it looks good ingame.
if you plan out your uvs well enough from start you if course can create the lod1 from lod0, what software are you using? in max turn on preserve uvs and most things will be just fine. however i prefer to do it the other way around, do the ingame asset first and make it rounder afterwards. besides hats it doesn't matter for the portrait anyways.
Can you repost this on the dota2 dev forums? This is very well laid out and could help them in fixing the courier shaders
So I managed to get my first item in to dota, but does anyone know how to get the particle effects working for the bow string, or how to make your own ones? Is this something usually handled by Valve, or something I need to do?
I just finished the sculpt for my crystal maiden staff, i'm posting it here for critics and opinions. any suggestions for amelioration ?
I know its not very readable, and the inscriptions are a bit random. What do you think ? I Need someone else to comment on this before o proceed ( amateur here ... )
and I just finished up a Skeleton King Sword With Rayph Beinser.
nope, the alpha from the color map is another feature that does not work, so invested the polies
Maybe I ask a stupid question. You save the mask in a 32-bit TGA? And you changed the name when uploading the files?
I ask because I had the same problem. And in this way I solved it.
yes and yes, the caching issue is known to me and that changing the name fixes this, however not in this case. It does update, and the channels i said are working get updated.
but spec, gloss, color alpha and rim do absolutely nothing - on the courier, they work as they should on any other item so far.
the axe based on the concept of stefco is done, now back to the items or crew designed
This extrordinary axe was forged by a drunken omexean forgemaster who's mind had crossed the edge to insanity ages ago. He fused the earth, rock and metal of the drylands of Omexe into this odd shape. At first it caused plenty of sneering and mockery when Bradwarden the Warrunner first wielded the axe on the battlefield. That is until his enemies saw him chopping his first opponent's both arms in one strike. From that day only terror shows in the faces of those who stand in the way of the Twins of Rok.
Weapon looks even better ingame. Gold material came out really well! To bad you can't tweak material on you courier in such way
Hecate's Gift is in the workshop since a few hours, yay!
Hecate's Gift Workshop Link
Props to the promo pic also. Very well done.
Best DP set evar! xD I remember watching you work on this during the comp, so I'm super stoked you finally finished it!
So I was thinking, I stream all my work but wondered how cool it would be to stream a google hangouts with a few other people who also make dota2, items. People can ask us questions and we can talk about it between us, then if you guys want to stream you can and we can pimp you out over the stream and on twitter so more people will follow your work.
The downside is only 10 people can be in a hangout at a time. even if someone doesnt stream the hangout it will be nice to hang out with other dota2 artists.
There are so many questions that I get asked and see other artists get asked regarding all this crazy item-making business it would be a great venue to give out as many answers as possible to as many people as possible.
Just curious, will this be published here on poly forums or elsewhere in the web ? i'm 100% sure it will be a valuable gem.
As for ppl i'd like to see in this discussion : Anuxi (duh, original idea) , Bronto ( last interview was very informative, and very modest from you !) , vlad the impapler (is that correct spelling ? ) , roboguys ( the ones with robot avatars that seemingly work toghether) , T_vidotto (obviously), and Neox (airborn studios, they have a marvelous and kicka** start on the workshop).
Lol good point
but i really want to see all of you together
I don't know. You're the celebs, you figure it out
In the midst of creating my set for Nature's Prophet this month - I decided to create a Slark dagger based on an idea that's been floating around in my head for a while.
Slarks Obsidian Dagger
Derp. I checked Nem's site and it said posted on Jan 17th 2006. I didn't see the modified On Jan 28th 2013. Thanks.
Finally! Been waiting forever for this one
Absolutely outstanding. Hands down the best set Ive seen so far.
I can only aspire to do work of this quality. Well done!
GOD DAMN IT! Look fabulous. Tons of details and crisp textures. I am really curious how did you packed your UVs
Fucking awesome how it turned out! Good to see it finally finished, though it was well worth the wait.
I made a PA themed HUD.
I had an idea a couple of weeks back of making a Polycount twitch channel, where we can basically have any of us stream from more or less a semi-official channel but have it under one roof, again the main gripe I had with streaming being that it more or less forces all the Polycount artists who want to stream into different corners and I really enjoy the social aspects that the streaming brings. I think this would combo nicely with the Hangout idea so if a couple of you are interested, I'll set it up.
check it out here if u wish :