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Re: The Bi-Monthly ENVIRONMENT ART Challenge | May - June (72)

Hey everyone! Once again, there's some really great work in here, keep at it and finish this cycle strong!

There is some housekeeping I'd like to do. I've been running this Challenge since January of 2020, and it's been a real privilege to continue such a long-standing tradition here at Polycount. (Fun fact: October 2021 will mark the 9 year anniversary of what used to be known as the "Monthly Noob Environment Challenge", and has since become this Challenge.)

However, starting with Challenge #73, I will be handing off the Challenge-hosting responsibilities to @Pinkfox. We've been talking for a while now about ideas for the future of the Challenge, and I think he's a great fit for the role. :)

Thank you to everyone who has participated over the last year and a half, it's been a pleasure to host, and it's truly inspiring to see everyone levelling up their skillsets and cranking out quality projects. Keep up the fantastic work!

Re: Sketchbook: Rodrigo Gonçalves

A small breakdown study of stylized hairs...

+ More breakdowns at:


Re: Tech Artist - What are you working on: FOREVER Edition!

Made a script for doing screen space booleans recently. It's a fun way to model, but only really works well when in an orthographic view.


Re: Sketchbook: MrN

Hey everyone! Here's my latest asset! 

I created this through my stream which was amazing! Had a lot of great feedback and lovely messages that has encouraged me greatly as an artist. 


Re: Sketchbook: MrN

Have a bunch of artwork to dump for our latest Voice Props DLC! 


Re: Tech Artist - What are you working on: FOREVER Edition!

added scripted gizmo width & length manipulators to my grid fill spline modifier, they are actually run/embedded from/in the plugin. gonna have to write mxs to string tool or get better at regex :). It's relatively simple to create sdk versions but they are not quite the "cut n paste" as mxs variety.


Re: What are you working on 3D? 2021

Hello Polycount! Some saddles I did for the main game and DLC of Assassin's Creed Valhalla!

Full project and all the saddles on Artstation! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/R346Br

Re: What are you working on 3D? 2021

Putting together a WW2 vignette for UE5. Pretty happy with my pipeline for nanite!

Re: What are you working on 3D? 2021

My last character!! Hope you like it! You can see more detail pics here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3dYPgA