Let 2018 begin! Past WAYWO threads:
Why these rules? See
WAYWO UsageModerator note: if you want a higher chance for being front-paged, make a topic and include the link in your reply.
As far as render-engines go, I wouldn't say there are specific ones for organic modelling - you could achieve good results whatever you choose, whether real-time or otherwise. This is of course more to do with lighting/shading.
If the concern is SSS then Arnold would be my recommendation as it comes native in Maya 2017 now and its shaders are very flexible.
This is a Demon enemy for the Argentinian Indie Game - Hellbound
Concept by Fernando Muzzio
the image here, break more of the rules...WTF? be respectfull
Video and more pictures here:
Additional render on my thread >>> here <<<
More screenshots you can see at my srtastation https://www.artstation.com/artwork/WWkZX
Some progress on the bodywork.
More on my thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/184236/wip-mini-environment-mad-bombers-basement#latest
Check out the wip here:
Here is a kriss vector I worked on this month.
I'd love to get some critiques.
Any helpful tips on making effective game res meshes would be much appreciated.
pretty happy with the lighting now, just need to finish some more props and replace those UE4 benches
Trying to get some character work out. Really stylised stuff but its fun! Designs are not my own.
Wip Thread -> http://polycount.com/discussion/196502/weapons-modeling-thread-2018#latest
and Artstation for high res -> https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AxGWX
Hey guys! Here's my WIP sci-fi weapon: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8YNVR
Skull Grenade
more images and 3d printed version of pics at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/99nPo
Polycount Project Progress : http://polycount.com/discussion/196169/archer#latest
Animation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/NRPPg
My Last personal project was a CA5-K MP5K (MP013M)
When i have time again, i will do some little improvments (combine alle the metal pieces, etc.) and going to retopo it and create a low poly version of it. It was also my first tiem using keyshot to render it.
More shots and wireframe on Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qynBe
Rigging & animation test.
Made this handy hammer during some down time I hand in between projects for work and school work. Haven’t had much time for 3d so I’m pleased with this hammer!
More renders on artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8YVq6
Created all the art for it.
Game can be downloaded at the link under the video if anyone is interested! I hope you enjoy it if you do take time out of your day to play
Polycount Project Progress: http://polycount.com/discussion/198433/w-i-p-3d-cgma-class-hardsurface-modelling-for-films/p1?new=1
Just a little fan work.
Edmund: And what is your name, little fellow?
Baldrick: My name is Baldrick, my lord.
Edmund: Then I shall call you... Baldrick.
Baldrick: And I shall call you "my lord," my lord.
More shots: www.artstation.com/artwork/axkqk
MOAR: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4KQ94
Here's something new that I've made. Following a drawing by Anna Maystrenko.
You can find more images of it and a link to the original drawing on my artstation page here: https://www.artstation.com/doide
Let me know what you think! ^^
What do you think of it?
Reference: Church Of Seed
Artstation Link: Church Wall Substance
A small art dump with my assets - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/NRDEq
more screenshots- here