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District 9



  • Sean VanGorder
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    awesome film.

    Now I must begin construction on my own mech suit.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    saw it with skanker as he mentioned. exceeded my expectations, i knew neil blomkamp had been steadily coming into his own stylistically but to see him hit the ground with such a great movie on all sides was a real pleasure. going to see it again this week.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Absolutely loved the movie, I highly recommend it to anyone!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    saw it tonight and it rocked my face. 1st couple scenes with the aliens I was like meh on the sfx but after that they rocked. the mech was fucking boner inspiring and I loved the down to earth gritty feel of the movie. It felt like it was quite beliveable.

    on the subject of the guns, I dunno if they were the halo rifles, looked like the tavor to me. either way super cool. super refreshing take on the sci-fi genre, no chrome in sight!

  • Sean VanGorder
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    When I first saw the white rifles the MNU was using, I thought it was a modified version of the XM8. I just found this though. http://www.imfdb.org/index.php/District_9

    I guess the rifles were actually modified Vektor CR-21's

  • diminished_Self
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    diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12
    yep. best thing ive seen in the theatre from a large studio in years. nicely done. i honestly hope they dont do a sequel though. its awesome to let such a vivid universe play out in my mind. hollywood proper gets a hold of this and they will fuck it up. hands down. game over man, game over.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    and i reallly loved the resemblance to our gaming culture i.e prawns/sligs, mecha/hl2's dog
    and the obvious gordon freeman connotations...

    Funny, I thought the prawns were more like the Vortigaunts than sligs. Especially with the little arms in their chests.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Swizzle wrote: »
    Funny, I thought the prawns were more like the Vortigaunts than sligs. Especially with the little arms in their chests.

    Yup agree..

  • TheZeke
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    Such a sweet movie! You could tell the guys who made it are gamers, I could practically see the text LEVEL UP on screen whenever they geared up or he transformed more *spoiler* Seriously that mech scene had me at the edge of my seat!

    Where can I find art from the movie? I've been googling it for awhile, I want to see some good sized pics of the mech and weapons so I can learn from their design!
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Finally caught it on Sunday. Fully enjoyed every second of it. Although the "exploding person splats camera with goo" was a bit overused. The story was great, the setting was perfect, the mech was awesome, and the "little one" was fucking cute! (I want one of each of the last two).

    Major thumbs up to Neill Blomkamp & Team, and to Peter Jackson for ponying up the dough & backing Neill up.

    Can't wait for the sequel!
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Nothin' beats the flying pig via gravity gun, halflife style!
  • torontoanimator
    the lightning gun was just about the greatest thing ive ever seen in my life. I just, i was so sad when the captured prawn was shot by it....i just, my brain couldnt decide which emotion was stronger my hatred of the mnu at that point or my love of that gun
  • dolemite
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    Man I shit my pants when watching this movie. I was not ashamed either.

    Such thoughtful social commentary on every level. I love how the government accuses him of fucking a prawn. If that seems far fetched, you should take a look at American politics some time.

    The art and style was so great. All the alien guns looked sweet. I love at the end how he is popping all the PMC guys with the lightning gun. The pacing of that final fight was really powerful and gut wrenching. I love how he just barely manages to kill all of the troops, but he does kill all of the troops.
  • [Deleted User]
    I personally hope they don't do a sequel. Why bother? What is left to be said?

    Make a new IP, make it as cool and fresh as this one... don't just keep milking the same old cow.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    It certainly doesn't NEED it. I like when the rest is left up to you, but at the same time, you know they're going to, so you might as well get on board with it now. I can't wait :P
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    I've heard a lot of good stuff about it. I'm waiting for my girlfriend to get back from Hawaii so we can go watch it :)
  • indian_boy
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    Work went out together today to watch it.

    Best summer movie i've seen all summer.
    Gonna watch it a second time with gf and friends this weekend
    Can't wait =D
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    Did anyone else think that it was a comedy first, a sci-fi movie second? Wikus was such the wrong character to be the main character, that THAT is what I loved most about it. The whole time I was picturing Murray from Flight of the Conchords which had me laughing the entire film.
  • swampbug
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    swampbug polycounter lvl 18
    Luxury, you're absolutely right about Wikus. He was a figure head main character that didn't quite belong. It took me a little to get used to that, but that's ultimately what made him unique. Near the end, Chris became more of an actual main character for me.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    It's not a comedy, but it's borderline. I mean the whole alien-sex story they slapped on him after he escaped? Some Yakkety Sax to go with the splash gun and it would have been quite funny I think.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18

    haha I love the points, because they are so narrow minded. Only looking at one aspect at a time so not to realize that the bigger picture disproves the point.

    One of the reasons i love D9 is because it shows how truly inhuman we are if we can rationalize a reason that its OK to be. The alien sex thing is a perfect example of making up bull shit to justify getting what they wanted.
  • Colemerson
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    Colemerson polycounter lvl 10
    Thegodzero wrote: »

    haha I love the points, because they are so narrow minded. Only looking at one aspect at a time so not to realize that the bigger picture disproves the point.

    One of the reasons i love D9 is because it shows how truly inhuman we are if we can rationalize a reason that its OK to be. The alien sex thing is a perfect example of making up bull shit to justify getting what they wanted.

    I was reading a bunch of reviews and surprised as pretty much all the negative reviews were crying racism. This almost belongs in the other thread about the easily offended.

    They seem to hate a lot of the imagery presented in the film as they believe its peoples actual views of African's. Having aliens scrubbing in the dirt and dumps for food is bad cause they apparently think this is how people view Africans?? I guess?? I don't remember anyone crying racism with similar scenes in Slumdog millionaire.

    Any African with questionable morals is automatically considered racist. As if their aren't people of all ethnicity's that have questionable morals. Let alone a gangster living in a slum of all people.

    I really wish people would stop crying racism at every turn. I feel that if people would stop taking offense with everything we would be farther along in abolishing racism than we currently are with everyone trying to tip toe around everything because someone somewhere just maybe, might take offense.

    With District 9 it goes completely crazy cause so many of the racist arguments are failing to see the overall social commentary. And lets ignore the native Africans who actually did good things during the film, like the guy who blows the whistle on MNU at the end of the film. And I don't see how you can cry racism if someone paints you in a negative light when everyone else in the entire film is viewed the same way. Pretty much everyone did something bad or exploitative during the film. Wasn't like the MNU was painted as this all saving holly grail.

    Also I'm assuming Neill Blomkamp who lived in Africa for what... 18 years? Has a greater knowledge on the subject than all these people taking offense who probably haven't stepped outside of North America.

    Plus everything stated above.
  • [Deleted User]
    Hahahaha I love it

    Black gangsters - not racist

    Black people with primitive beliefs - WHAT THE FUCK RACIST

    It's not like anyone gets mad that every white guy in the movie (including Wikus for the first half) is a heartless asshole who hates / takes advantage of / shoots innocent aliens / people
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    I just saw it tonight and really liked it. It was a different kind of movie though. It wasn't one of my favorites, but it was really good.

    I thought the different messages the movie gave were pretty realistic. Humanity has it's dark side, and it's good side, and you never really lose either, even if you become an alien yourself.

    Who thinks there is going to be district 10?
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, that chick is totally and completely off point.

    Muti, which is african traditional medicine, is real. There are still cases where people (particularly albino africans) will be killed for their genitals to be used in medicines. Not common per se, but it happens. The lore of the movie is based solidly in fact, so to call it out as racist is a load of shit. She should do some research.

    She was apparently so busy getting offended, that she somehow missed the entire theme of the film, which is essentially a massive, and entirely obvious criticism of the apartheid era in South Africa.

    but thats what makes blogging great...everyone can get on their little soapbox and yell as if they know what theyre talking about.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Opinions are like assholes, and all that.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    It sounds like the most realistic treatment of contact with aliens. Not as they often like to portray, them, as wise, benevolent, judgemental, superior aliens. They may have superior technology doesnt mean they have that attitude, and that they would be wise and all knowing.

    If they arent superior and are a bit naive, then they are going to get exploited(especially by the nigerians) although maybe not too the exaggerated extent, they would in the film.

    Also its not cannibalism if its another species, it might be a bit nasty eating something that can go ouch and nooooooo! but its still not cannibalism (unless their men in suits, in disguise).
  • dolemite
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    "I think it would be a better allegory, and a more sophisticated movie, if the aliens weren't unpleasant. If they were peaceful and kind, but the humans still demonized them, the film would be much more chilling; the horror would be "man's inhumanity to lobster-man", not "eew gross they eat pig heads!"

    That's what made the movie so great. Racists always feel like they have a legitimate reason to be scared. In the U.S. people are scared of Mexicans because of the drug war violence. People instituted Jim Crow laws because they were scared that former slaves might become violent, and rightly so.

    I thought it was really true to life. The aliens as a whole never really become human or likable. But when you get to know one or two of them, you like THOSE aliens. If they had been cute or pretty, it would have just made the humans look like senseless demons.

    When you demonize nazis, the KKK, or Sarah Palin, you miss the point. People often become violent racists for very legit reasons.
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    You know, I feel like I'm the only one who thinks the majority of the aliens were some kinda dumb worker class...

    didn't they mention that in the film? Insectoid animals/creatures often tend to have various castes specifically breed for a certain kind of task. I got the impression that most of the aliens were just stupid worker drones let off the leash.

    Only the green guy, his orange companion, and the green baby were kinda the "scientific class"; meaning they were able to reason at a higher level. I really got the impression that there was some serious biological/mental differences between the main hero alien, and the other ones.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    PeterK wrote: »
    didn't they mention that in the film? Insectoid animals/creatures often tend to have various castes specifically breed for a certain kind of task. I got the impression that most of the aliens were just stupid worker drones let off the leash.

    They did indeed. It was in one of the interview segments, they speculated that these aliens were mainly the workers and therefore weren't as advanced mentally.

    Or something to that degree.
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    that's what I thought of them too. I kind of expected them to be like the sand people in Star Wars. Mostly just bored hicks.

    I always like the idea (and I think they hinted at it some in this) that even in alien societies, some people are just assholes.
  • Savior
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    Just saw it. One of the best movies ive ever seen.

    Sci fi with a unique cinematic style, kickass story, proper character arc, the obvious social commentary......and no fkn space marines. Pure awesome.

    I'd happily trade 100 cans of cat food for that mech suit anyday.
  • kary
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    kary polycounter lvl 18
    Savior wrote: »
    I'd happily trade 100 cans of cat food for that mech suit anyday.

    And your humanity to be able to use it? (Sorry, but that is irresistible ;)).

    Very enjoyable film, neat that it was done on 30 million dollars and tramples films costing 3x more.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Luxury wrote: »
    Did anyone else think that it was a comedy first, a sci-fi movie second? Wikus was such the wrong character to be the main character, that THAT is what I loved most about it. The whole time I was picturing Murray from Flight of the Conchords which had me laughing the entire film.

    HA! First thing I thought when Wikus did his little interview at the beginning was Murray from FOTC, all he needed to do was take role call and say his own name. It's probably because he's sort of buffoonish and
    the South African accent is sorta nasal-ish like a New Zealand accent.

    It was a great movie though, I preferred both halves on different levels, with a very nicely paced ramp up of action.

    *Spoilers ahead*

    I agree with the folks that said the people who made this must love video games, because the structure of it as it got more action packed started to resemble a video game very much, you have the storm the castle mission to get precious object, driving mission to get the fuck out of there, get into giant robot and cause a ruckus, then escort mission in giant robot, and fuck up some more things.

    I don't know if I'd like a sequel, I think a book or short would suffice, the only thing I'd like closure on is how the Prawns ended up there in the first place, I get the feeling it was sort of an England to Australia sort of thing, or perhaps something more akin to Hitchhikers guide, in that these were the sort of Prawns that the smart and nice Prawns didn't want around.
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