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Unreal Engine 3 - MASTER THREAD



  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Hey there guys im having a huge issue!

    i keep getting this error while trying to run ut3:
    Assertion failed: BulkDataOffsetInFile == Ar.Tell() [File:.SrcUnBulkData.cpp] [Line: 610]


    RaiseException() Address = 0x767bf328 (filename not found) [in C:Windowssyswow64kernel32.dll]
    CxxThrowException() Address = 0x74b38e89 (filename not found) [in C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.3053_none_d08d7bba442a9b36MSVCR80.dll]
    Address = 0xbb4f92 (filename not found) [in c:program files (x86)steamsteamappscommonunreal tournament 3Binariesut3.exe]
    Address = 0xe874b94c (filename not found)
    Address = 0xe874b94c (filename not found)
    Now i though there was something wrong until i deleted my utgame folder and let the editor rebuild itself.

    when i open it then it runs perfectly.

    the problem is im trying to make a MOD! and this is the second time this has happened. now i havent changed anything for the mod just building a level now.

    but when i put my files back in there corresponding folders ut3 crashes again?

    anyone know what the problem might be?

    alright it seems to be something with my map i was working on if i dont put that in the folder everything runs :S

    i have a props set up map where i put my props for beauty shots but that doesn't corrupt ut3? my only conclusion is that its has something to do with the terrain? as for all my other maps i have never used terrain and using it now i always get this corrupt files? anyone know what the problem could be?
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    ablaine wrote: »
    Quick question: I brought my character into unreal engine 3 and it looks like the textures for the arms (shoulders, upperarms, lowerarms, and hands) are much more blurry than those of the rest of the body.. any idea why this would be the case?

    The character is broken up into 5 pieces - head, torso, arms, legs, boots. I'm using one 2048x2048 texture for the head and one for the rest of the body. I didn't do anything differently for the arms than I did for the other parts of the body when bringing them into unreal editor and applying the materials. The textures look perfect in max, but in the engine they're so blurry.. and only really on the arms.

    Any suggestons for how to fix this would be appreciated!

    Which compression settings are you using while importing the character? TEX_Character allows higher mip levels so the character isn't shot down in resolution like you're having now. Also, there is an INI file in Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini that has the TEXTUREGROUP section with maximum resolutions allowed... make sure it's not dropped to something lower than you're using (though it should default at 4096 regardless.

    Let us know those import settings (image would probably work best) so we can get a better idea of where you're at.
  • System
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    System admin
    I have created a ship for unreal and used the code from the manta and replaced it with my own package files, ive sorted out 99.9% of the problems however when i try to enter the vehicle i cant, the log shows that "Accessed None SeatPawn" im guessing that that means there are no seats set up, my background in coding is a big fat 0. and was wondering if anyone could help me out, in case it helps ive posted my code to the _content.uc. here

    thanks for any help :)
  • ColinR
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    ColinR polycounter lvl 9
    Wondering if anyone can help me at all. Working with carlo_c on a UT3 map and it's got to the stage where we need a poster printed with some of our work on it.

    What we're after is a high res Unreal Engine 3 logo like this.

    I've tried checking through Epic's press section but have had no luck there or anywhere else. Wondering if anyone has one to hand at all or knows where I could get hold of one.

    If not then we'll have to deal with using a direct frame from the UE3 splash movie for UT3 which just about does the job, but is a little small for print.

    Quite an 'out there' request knowing that this is all more tech focused in this thread, but I'm being hopeful! :)

    Edit - Got hold of one now, just in-case anyone felt the need to reply.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 15
    hey has anyone compiled actorx for max2010 or know where i could get actorx for 2010
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 15
    so we have to put a custom weapon in the engine for a class, im using the enforcers script, i get 0 errors when the scripts recompile, but i cant use the gun in the editator, and when in the game the mesh dosent show up, but in the behind view there are floating hands, any ideas?
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Quick question: I brought my character into unreal engine 3 and it looks like the textures for the arms (shoulders, upperarms, lowerarms, and hands) are much more blurry than those of the rest of the body.. any idea why this would be the case?

    The character is broken up into 5 pieces - head, torso, arms, legs, boots. I'm using one 2048x2048 texture for the head and one for the rest of the body. I didn't do anything differently for the arms than I did for the other parts of the body when bringing them into unreal editor and applying the materials. The textures look perfect in max, but in the engine they're so blurry.. and only really on the arms.

    Any suggestons for how to fix this would be appreciated!

    Sounds like your seeing a resolution change. Think about it, one 2048x2048 for the head, and one for the rest. Things in the body texture will be much more packed in that the head one, which would decrease the texels. That would be my guess.
  • Okt
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    Okt polycounter lvl 19
    kite212 wrote: »
    so we have to put a custom weapon in the engine for a class, im using the enforcers script, i get 0 errors when the scripts recompile, but i cant use the gun in the editator, and when in the game the mesh dosent show up, but in the behind view there are floating hands, any ideas?

    Possibly some sort of offset to deal with the camera's output FOV? This is set in the AnimSet Editor if this is what it turns out to be. I'd take a look at the settings for one of UT3's weapon assets.
  • Hatred
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    Hatred polycounter lvl 18
    Guys anyone know how to get rid of this annoying seem?? THOSE are 2 separate meshes one near other! when i rebiuld lightning the seam appears, got normalmap backed continuously (like low poly where copied and attatched to both corners of base mesh so the vertex are ok), it looks like sth is going wrong in lightmap (vertex light sucks here). 67617431.jpg

    This is material without specular map, if a spec is for example like metallic it is worse!

    edit: i forgot to mention that the seem apperars at some angle, not always (shoot is from the same angle :) )
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 15
    thanx for the post okt, i got it figured out for the most part, i added an offset var to the code and am tweaking little by little, now my problem is the first person muzzle flash isnt going to the socket and it all matches up in the mesh and code, so when i have time i need to dig through more vars
  • Hatred
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    Hatred polycounter lvl 18
    If someone is interested in my problem i found a solvation:
    problem was in horizontal uv'd mesh, when i flipped it 90' and baked again now the bug dont ocure, I can now place aset next to other and there is no lightmap bugs

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    why didnt you just put the seam where it is instead of the middle of each stone? o_O
    not that this would fix your issue but it'd hide it
  • Hatred
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    Hatred polycounter lvl 18
    you know i got it like that: 21428123.jpg
    i didnt want to got each step with seam under the other you know, abowe (the normal map) you got only a litle sample of whole texture
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    ablaine wrote: »
    Quick question: I brought my character into unreal engine 3 and it looks like the textures for the arms (shoulders, upperarms, lowerarms, and hands) are much more blurry than those of the rest of the body.. any idea why this would be the case?

    The character is broken up into 5 pieces - head, torso, arms, legs, boots. I'm using one 2048x2048 texture for the head and one for the rest of the body. I didn't do anything differently for the arms than I did for the other parts of the body when bringing them into unreal editor and applying the materials. The textures look perfect in max, but in the engine they're so blurry.. and only really on the arms.

    Any suggestons for how to fix this would be appreciated!

    a real quick way of fixing this is to double click on the texture itself from your package to open its properties and either;

    check off 'never stream'
    and/or set your lod level to -1 or -2

    that will do the trick.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    ae. wrote: »
    Hey there guys im having a huge issue!

    i keep getting this error while trying to run ut3:
    Now i though there was something wrong until i deleted my utgame folder and let the editor rebuild itself.

    when i open it then it runs perfectly.

    the problem is im trying to make a MOD! and this is the second time this has happened. now i havent changed anything for the mod just building a level now.

    but when i put my files back in there corresponding folders ut3 crashes again?

    anyone know what the problem might be?

    alright it seems to be something with my map i was working on if i dont put that in the folder everything runs :S

    i have a props set up map where i put my props for beauty shots but that doesn't corrupt ut3? my only conclusion is that its has something to do with the terrain? as for all my other maps i have never used terrain and using it now i always get this corrupt files? anyone know what the problem could be?

    hmmm sorry im not sure how to answer this, but have you tried checking the ut forums mod section?


    I believe I came across your problem or a similar one a while ago while going through there. Im certain if you post your problem there you'll have a much better chance at finding the solution
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    k now does anybody know if its possible to hide the world orientation widget in the lower left corner in the perspective window? Its kinda annoying when wanting to take screenshots from the editor
  • Okt
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    Okt polycounter lvl 19
    Anyone done any work with using the BINK encoded videos in the engine? We are running into issues consistently getting the audio to play from machine to machine. I wasn't able to find much documentation on the functionality of the feature or even some kind of best practice for working with it.


    Okay so we were playing them using the following process, Import the movie into a package as an animated texture, call a UIScene and apply the material in there. Using Kismet we play the movie when we wish for it to be called.

    From what I can understand our issues are coming from loading the large files into the current rendering thread.

    What I just found out about was a little console command called 'TestMovie' it will play the move from the Movies directory in the UT3 root install directory. I think it's calling the GFullScreenMovie player which pauses the current game thread and processed the movie?

    So now we are using the misc > consoleCommand Kismet node to call 'TestMovie MyMovieFile' in the level and it opens the player, plays the movie (With sound), and closes the player resuming Kismet/Level. (It seems to actually pause the current Kismet sequence resuming where it left off once the playback has finished)

    Just thought I'd toss up what I was able to find, maybe it'll help someone else.


    Further research also says that the TestMovie command does not work when it's run from the Kismet node if the map has been cooked. :S
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    you could do the mesh aniamtion with morphtargets and the material change would just be a triggered shader expression
  • hollaAtMe
    I just have a pretty simple question when it comes to Unreal, that I'm hoping someone can help me with.

    I seem to recall hearing that when you UV an object that is going to go in the Unreal Engine that those UVs HAVE to be in 0 to 1 space.
    So, essentially, if you want to do the tiling cheat that many people do for environment objects, where you stretch out the UVs outside of the 0 to 1 space, you can't do that for Unreal. You would essentially just have to overlap that UV space over and over again to get that same effect.

    Am I correct in this thinking?

    Thanks so much for any comments on this! :)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Wrong :)
    just do it, it works
  • hollaAtMe
    Neox wrote: »
    Wrong :)
    just do it, it works

    Nifty! Just tested it.

    Though...I'm wondering why my Lead said that it had to be 0 to 1.

    Is there any reasoning behind this that you know of?

    I'm just interested because I noticed in Gears of War 1 that they didn't tile any of their environments like that. All their UVs were in 0 to 1 space.

    Thanks alot! :)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    are you talking about public udn? because in the developer udn i know there is a chapter about that in masteringanimations

    and about sss yes you can do this, just google up how to do a sss fake in hlsl and rebuild that with nodes, i just did it a few days ago for my airwhale it might not be perfect but its good enough for me

    BTT: Does anyone know if and how i can turn on shadows for speedtrees?

    Does anyone know if i could get a lightfuction to work with modulated shadows OR does any one know how to brighten up normal shadows without using modulate or another light (shader complexity is exploding when having more then one light)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    what currently is not added but what i tested here


    is a map to mask thickness which you can paint or generate with xnormal i think
  • 00Zero
    mmm, man neox, that stuff is so beautiful.
  • RodrigoB
    Hey everyone! First time postin' here :D however I've been around for a while as a guest :P
    Anyway, I'm having a little problem with UEd3. I started 'sketching' a map with BSP and then I exported it to obj. The problem is that when I import my .obj into 3DSM all I get is some kind of plane...an screenshot will explain it better.


    Hope you can help me :thumbup:
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    the first one is what i did.not every part but yeah thats the one
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i didn't :)
    but if you want to lower or increase the effect based on the distance, just grab a scenetexture, take the alpha out of it (scene textures alpha = zbuffer) and use this as a multiplier, you can divide it further to have it in a smaller range etc.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i can't either, look at the first post its all written down, reading code to me is like reading a european language i don't speak i can understand some words but it doesn't make much sense to me, i have to think a lot and go back and forth to understand whats going up in code, way to abstract for me :)
    1) A dot product between the inverse surface normal and the light, clamped from 0 to 1, and finally distance attenuated;

    this is the core, basicly a dot between ne normal and the light is a gradient that goes between the brightest spot and the darkest spot, in verting this is just the basic mask for the SSS, it shows where the light is not and therefore where the SSS should come through. Remember its just a simple fake there is no real light transmission going on, but SSS always happens in the places that are opposed to the light direction

    2) Another half-lambert term between the inverse normal and view, also distance attenuated;
    This is just a fresnel i didn't do it the way he did it, because i want to control it like a fresnel, what i did is a 1 - dot between the normal and a camera vector (could use a reflection vecotr, im not sure what the real difference is the result looks exactly the same, camera vector is just a few instructions cheaper.
    And raised the contrast of the result with a power node, the power in that case gives me control of the fresnel falloff
    3) Scaling of subsurface color by red, green and blue extinction coefficients. The final shot demonstrates the effects of tweaking these to produce a blue scatter color.
    I just multiplied the result with a color

    then i just added another multiplier that gives me control over the "thickness" well just a mask that scales down the effect, white = thin black =thick surface
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    reflection vector takes in to account the surface normals, camera doesn't.
    What's wrong with the old transmission function in shaders? Theres a tutorial about SSS on UDN, pretty basic but shows you how to reproduce without using the transmission function. Also, could you not just swap out zbuffer for screenpos z? At least, that would get around having to have a translucent material, surely?

    Problem is needing to use lightvector, which if I'm right, isn't considered on static meshes? Tried it once, and upon baking lighting all the lightvector info is gone. Great forr characters, not so much for props.

    When I've exported BSP, the only real way I found useful was to delete every static mesh/anything that isn't BSP, take the level containing BSP (if you've got a multi-level map set up) and purely open that in UE, not the main map, and then export ALL to .obj. It normally imports fine for me, from there, but it could be an engine build thing if that's what you do.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    What's wrong with the old transmission function in shaders?

    it doesnt really work with my custom shading, thats why i added sss by myself into the airborn shader, with normal UT phongshading it surely works
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    its based on the light direction and as i only have one direction lightsource in the level and didn't rotate the whale, of course its only on one side ^^
  • aerynSun
    I'm probably going to sound like a ridiculous noob right now, but I have to ask because I find this look that you guys are creating really nifty.

    How do you even accomplish that look?! :P

    I can understand basic cell shading. I use Maya, and have created similar effects. When I did it in Maya, I just used a Toon Shader, which is basically just a hard edged ramp texture.

    What I don't understand, is how to apply something like that in unreal. I really have a hard time grasping how to use different Material Expressions.

    I tried to follow Noex's TF2 tutorial


    The term "half lambert" boogles me. What does that term even mean? I can understand that a lambert is just a matte materal. So what is half a matte material?

    I suppose I'd need to get more kung fu with shader creation in order to really understand this. Do you guys have any advise on where to start?
    Where did you start? Did you just start fiddling and eventually get amazing? :P

    Hopefully someone can help me with noob questions. :P

    Thanks! :)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky


    its awesome how your referring to me with my tutorial on that site, haha who ever needs credits :P
  • wisebrownmonkey
    I tried searching this thread, but it's to long. I just have a simple question. I made a simple level in unreal, i was wondering how I could export it out to maya. I want to make some props and texture some stuff. Thanks.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    select everything and export it? ;)
    i think there is a export to obj and stl option
  • Okt
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    Okt polycounter lvl 19
    I tried searching this thread, but it's to long. I just have a simple question. I made a simple level in unreal, i was wondering how I could export it out to maya. I want to make some props and texture some stuff. Thanks.

    Neox wrote: »
    select everything and export it? ;)
    i think there is a export to obj and stl option

    This is correct, there is an export function in the file menu, I'm not sure how the OBJ interpreter in Maya is but I've had limited success in getting usable geometry out of Unreal and into MAX. There is usually a good chunk of cleanup before anything becomes manageable.

    Definitely give it a go and see where it gets you though.
  • wisebrownmonkey
    Thanks for the quick reply guys. I got it into maya. For some reason I thought it was harder then that. Do I feel dumb now :)
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    So I´ve been messing around with your TF2 shader too neox In an attempt to learn but i´ve stumbled onto a problem and I wonder if anyone has a clue what I´m doing wrong. As far as i can see i´ve done it exactly like the tutorial.

    I seem to have an issue with the parmcube (I put a simple flat color texture into it aswell).

    And if i just remove the parmcube and the add and connect it directly into the multiply everything pops up. Well. Except in the left view as you can see. PItch black.

    So yeah... sniff. Halp. :(

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    errr errrr either turn on custom lighting... oooorrrr unplug everything and plug in result by result til you have the mistake

    the cube is a real cubemap if you just want one texture why are you plugging the surface normal into ha i did this in the tutorial... should clean that part :D if you use a cubemap you need a normalized reflectionmap as the source of the uvs :)

    the tutorial is old and has some mistakes, especially in the specular term... i should do a "airborn shading tut" some time in the future because i learned alot over the past months and quite some stuff changed, even though the tutorial still works its not perfect
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks alot neox for the fast response. Yeah i forgot to change the phong to custom. I thought it would be automatic. I guess i got my answer about the cube aswell. Ended up popping in a constant there instead. :)

    I would be very interested in seeing the Airborn shading tut and I think the rest of the 3D world would be too. :)

    Just a quick question. What´s the difference between a "TextureSample" and "TextureSampleParameter2D". It looks the same to me. :/

    EDIT: Here´s the result. A simple test wooden club to try out shaders with. Way unfinished of course so dont mind the bug topright. This is your TF2 tutorial all the way through except the cube-thing and dang. You really made me want to play around with shaders more.

  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    a Texturesample Parameter gives you the ability to change the texture inside Material Instances (MIC), so the idea is, that you create a Mastershader with Texturesample Parameters that are just shared textures (in case of airborn its a greying albedo, a clean normalmap, a generic cubemap etc.) and then you create a MIC apply it to your asset and exchange the parameters with the tweaks and textures you want.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I see. Sounds like a smart way of doing it... but tricky. Won´t even pretend to know what it is. Live and learn. :)

    Is there any downside to doing it this way? I guess the positive thing is that you won´t have to mess around to much once the "Master" is done.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    well it also good if you want to keep everything up to date, i changed the shader heavily last week, doing it on a "per asset" base would have been a crazy waste of time. so i only have to change one shader and every MIC updates automaticly.
  • Proxzee
    I wish I knew MAX better. I was trained in Maya and getting Maya into engines is a huge pain.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    hu? maya has actorX and ASE possibilities too o.o
  • Proxzee
    I dont..understand...explain what those are to me.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    actorX= unreal skeletal meshes and ASE = unreal static meshes with those you can easily get any model from maya into the engine...
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    no time right now but its on my list for things to do in the future
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    right now we have a very simple selfmade cube, its one blue tone for the top, one brownish for the bottom and and gradient between the two for all sides, once we have the env done we can create real cubes that we can use to integrate the dynamic assets better in the prebaked env.
  • aerynSun
    Thanks Neox for that valve link! It's been quite helpful! :)

    I have a question though. What exactly is albedo?

    I did a google search on the term and it was defined as reflectivity. Though in that Valve paper it looks to be just diffuse shading. And the TF2 unreal shading example appears to be just a diffuse texture as well.

    Thank you so much again! :)
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