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Fallout 3



  • sicsided
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    rooster wrote: »
    sicsided, as someone else said, you can make grenades out of tin cans
    edit: oops sorry double post

    damn, sorry. Thought they said they couldn't. New weapons either way :D
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Someone needs to makes a lawnmower blade boomerang.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    kwakkie wrote: »
    Dude, thats a major spoiler! The whole android quest is about where to find him!
    Don't worry, he isn't there. I was kind of disappointed by how quick and easy that quest was. I expected a lot more necessary roaming across the desert.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Okay... Vault 106... sufficiently freak-me-out-ish. Oh, and wtf is with that radiation hotspot just north of Lamp Light? Kills me off before I can get close enough to actually get a map marker.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    If you don't know about that you probably should leave 106 alone for the time being.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I has a Wazer Wifle! Hmmm, anyone seen any nuclear wessels? :D

    Jack - I fully explored Vault 106, even have a nifty collection of 106 uniforms in my closet now back at Megaton.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    *finished the game, looks in his inventory. 121 Missiles 21 mini nukes. huhh.... guess there's nothing left to do but to kill all the npc's :D"
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Anyone else want to use a couple of those mininukes and strap on some certain kids? They are REALLY getting under my skin.

    EDIT: Ahhh and news news news: http://www.edge-online.com/news/fallout-3-editor-announced
  • Mark Dygert
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    Whats the matter MONGO? Too stupid to figure out what they are saying? Mungo!? The thing is its only a few of them, it turns into a "you hunting down cowering kids in a cavern" kind of thing... not quite so satisfying after the first head rolls.
  • Rox
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    Yeah, I found the radiation pocket outside of Little Lamppost a few days ago, too. Killed off everything in the area, and when I thought it was safe, I jumped off my sniping cliff and died within seconds after... Bit of a waste of time and ammo, that!

    On an unrelated note, I freaking love the Deathclaw Gauntlet. On my next playthrough, I'm totally going to skip melee weapons altogether and just go for this thing right from the start. It's not that powerful, but it seems to deal with armor ratings in a unique fashion. And it's just downright satisfying to use.


    Speaking of Deathclaws, one almost scared the crap out of me a while ago, but I managed to stay out of reach and snipe its head off in VATS, which resulted in one of the fanciest death poses I've seen in a while. It just fell down on one knee in slow-motion and stayed there.


    I freaking love this game. Such a shame about the level cap. My passion for doing everything has diminished something fiercly since I hit level 20, it's just not as engaging when your character refuses to grow anymore. I'll have to download a slow-level mod for my next character.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah the level cap sucks. Even though I want to level and get better, I started to kill in alternative ways which doesn't give me exp, such as shoting some cars and watch them take out a gang of seven raiders in a car park or something. LOVE it! Bum BUM bum!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I don't really mind the level cap (other than missing the great sound it makes, so rewarding :D ). I already can plow through pretty much anything the world has to throw at me, and with my medical stats so high, just a few stimpaks bring me back to full health, and I'm usually carrying about 200 of them.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    flaagan wrote: »
    I has a Wazer Wifle! Hmmm, anyone seen any nuclear wessels? :D

    Jack - I fully explored Vault 106, even have a nifty collection of 106 uniforms in my closet now back at Megaton.
    Well in that case you just need to pay more attention when people tell you to be careful of the deadly, deadly radiation :p
  • greenj2
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    Awesome little story from:

    I was exploring a sewer filled, of course, with feral ghouls. I found a couple mercenaries trying and failing to fight them off, and eventually happened upon a tunnel where BOOM FUCK LANDMINE BLEEDING OUT

    I proceed to heal myself and creep forward more carefully, noticing bear traps and pressure plates attatched to iron beams and more land mines. I circumvent the traps and find a door at the end of the hallway. It leads to a darkened room, where a ghoul figure immediately opens fire on me. I think his name was Gorp. I dispatch him hastily and look around for more enemies, but I am now alone.Turning on my Pip-Boy light, I start poking around.

    First, a fridge with bloody meat. OK, a dude's gotta eat. Then a Nuka-Cola machine. Cool! How'd he get that down here? A shabby matress with a baseball bat leaning on it. Depressing but practical.

    Then a Nuka-Cola quantum. Twenty normal Nuka Colas. Nuka-Cola stools. A Nuka-Cola Bar Sign, Nuka-Cola Clocks, fucking tiny Nuka-Cola delivery trucks. The guy was obviously devoted to his collection.

    I mean, imagine being this dude. You just want to be left alone and surround yourself with nostalgic fantasy so you can forget that your eyes are falling out and your skin is peeling away. Suddenly a man in massive body armor with glowing red negro-skin busts in, gunning you down for no reason. He kills your pet radroaches, who try to defend you from attack but can't get out of their cage. This is the last thing you see before you die.

    Also you are wearing a party hat. It was your birthday D:
  • Malekyth
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    Malekyth polycounter lvl 18
    Bah! I just finished the game and saw one deathclaw, one single deathclaw -- and that non-hostile -- the entire game. I ended it midway through level 18; would that be the reason? Do they not stop popping up 'til 19 or 20?

    Not gonna spoil, but the end of the game, while satisfying enough, was a little cludgy. I mean, what with Fawkes standing next to me, and me wanting to wander out and finish exploring the wasteland after I took care of this little errand with my demonstrably capable friend. Maybe they could have solved this by *not giving Fawkes back to you right before you're likely to wrap everything up?

    I, a proud Fallout nerd, loved the game in general. I've read a lot of criticism that it doesn't feel Fallouty enough, and have to disagree, though it's hard to argue for or against something as subjective as "feel". To me, it feeeels very genuine, very much part of the series. The elements are all there, and they're put together well. Plus, my god this is a pretty game. 'Course, I enjoyed Tactics, so who's gonna listen to me?
  • Rox
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    Hm, I can't remember when they showed up for me. I think it was around the same time. But I met a whole bunch after 20. There's one town up north where three or four of them were walking around! But by that time, I'd made up a method of taking them down without being harmed, so it wasn't as much fun...

    I finally decided to complete the main quest yesterday, so I can start a new character already. The ending's rather poor! I guess I should've expected that since the game has the same structure as Oblivion and Oblivion didn't even have an ending... Still, it has far too little "this is what happened later". And that's what I want in an ending. In Ocarina of Time, you see all the strange creatures dancing around when the world gets saved and Link gets sent back to when he belongs. In Halo 3 you get to see the Earth safe for the first time. But I didn't get to see all the people I did good stuff to enjoying the good stuff I did for them! What's up with that?! The least they could do is dance crazily and send me back in time or something!

    Ah well, at least I get to make me an evil character now and do everything I refused to do last time. Tenpenny Tower, here I come!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Mal, need a fair share of Deathclaws? Go to Old Ornely, fall into the sewer entrance, enjoy.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I met one of those damn deathclaw as level 5 I think, when I came out of a tunnel. I thought I would be assulted by Talon, as I did in my last game, and when I turned around the corner, a Deathclaw stands there with a bunch of bodies around it and me screwed.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    might be inspirational : some fallout enviros posted by someone who worked on them :)


    yes its bad etiquette to post to another forum, but sorry :)
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    what is the highest level on this game? I´m in level 8

    I can say that graphically this game is not a great improvement on characters, but for randomly character made this is alright.
    Environments seems very confused/complex sometimes at the beginning, but later you get used to it, artistically looks amazing. It´s fantastic the way they used the textures, unfortunately sometimes larger and small ones but a great compo. Animation is a bit weird some times but the game design is complete and awesome, that´s what making me addicted. Nice job to people at Bethesda and companies that made it.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    level 20 is where the cap is
    i'm sure someone will mod it to either remove the level cap, or to make other stuff level at different speeds
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Just beat the game yesterday at lvl. 20...Although I think the game was pretty sweet, the ending...meh, I dunno. Gonna go back and play a lot of the side quests I missed out on.
  • Michael Knubben
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    The ending's a bit underwhelming, especially considering:
    - The bit before it's quite cool. I won't spoil, but it was chuckle-worthy.
    - I had my radiation-resistant mutant friend with me, but either of the two squishy radiation-sensitive humans needs to go in? Hmm. And this is no rare occurrence, I keep hearing about people who had him by their side at the end.
    - It ends. IT ENDS. You need to go back to a previous savegame to keep playing, and that tends to spoil it for people, from what I hear (it certainly did for me).
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Yeah, I'm in the same boat, Pea. I had the mutant guy with me and I even though "Oh, sweet, no problem, I'll just get my rad resistant buddy to dive on in. We'll save the world and be back in Megaton sipping ice cold purified water before sundown." But nope. He feeds you some bs line like, "It's YOUR destiny" and pretty much forces you to do it yourself. In retrospect, I should have let that charming mutant rot.
  • Rox
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    Alright, now that people are talking about the ending, I guess I can clarify my biggest gripe about it.

    It didn't have to end. Maybe James' story was finished, but mine wasn't. I still had other active quests. I was trying to make peace at Tenpenny, I had plans on raiding Paradise Falls as an alternative to doing their bidding with those silly quests. I had 11 mini nukes I never used, and almost 100 missiles that I'd found and scavanged and kept in case of another Behemoth outbreak that never happened. What did Rox, wasteland legend and savior do after the ending? I'll never know, because apparently the past is the only thing that matters, looking at the ending, and not the future.

    I kicked two sissies out of Tenpenny Tower but didn't finish the quest, what happened there afterwards? How'd the slaves I liberated fare when I never did get around to actually rid of the slavers? When I was playing, at least I could imagine what the outcomes might be depending on what I choose to do or not do. But upon finishing the main quest, it's all presented in such a lovely fashion that convinces me that none of that matters in the least anyway.

    In Oblivion, many sidequests would at least remind me that I'd done them, when revisiting all the villages and towns. Dar-Ma was there to eyeball me creepily whenever I visited Chorrol. I always had some potato bread with me to cheer me up. The constant, annoying Mudcrab conversations mixed with words of Shadowstep, the new Arena champion, and I knew I'd affected Cyrodiil in many ways. And since the game never ends, the feeling persisted.

    But in Fallout, I never got to see the results of anything I'd done. Because once I was finished with my grandest accomplishment, that's all the game felt important enough to mention. Hey! What about my Wasteland guide? I spent longer doing that quest than the main quest, don't I at least get to know if it worked in the end?? Oh, Fallout. Why would you do this? Ah well, I've got my second character running now. She's an evil bitch, and I'm still thoroughly enjoying the game. Time to make me another Deathclaw Gauntlet...

    [edit] Ohyeah. I also had Fawkes with me during that part. I mean, what the hell? I got her as my buddy like an hour before that. Did they really expect me NOT to keep her around? She was my first non-dog companion! And last, I guess... [/edit]
  • Michael Knubben
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    Her? Hang on, do you get a female Fawkes when you're a female character, or is there something I missed, and is fawkes just always female?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I was a female character and never got a female Fawkes! What the hell!
  • Michael Knubben
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    Man, what if there was an option of getting a female Fawkes, and you could go all Mass Effect sex-scene? That would've been hot, right?
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Just finished it a few minutes ago, when I went into the room, fawked ended up in there with me. Which somewhat detracted from the gravity of the previous decision.

    Really enjoyed the game though, and Alpha Prime is a legend.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Deathclaw Sanctuary... what a bunch of pushovers. ;)

    Oh yah, got Vengeance out of that place... laser minigun F T W.

    ...makin my way through the East / West Wings, I would say "I like the Behemoth in the main room" but a single shot with my Lincoln Repeater put him down since all the Talons in the building whittled him to nothing before I could battle him. :(
  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    Mongrelman wrote: »
    Just finished it a few minutes ago, when I went into the room, fawked ended up in there with me. Which somewhat detracted from the gravity of the previous decision.

    Yeah i found it a bit weird that
    you can't just ask him to go and input the code, since he's fucking radiation resistant after all and might just come out alive.
  • Mark Dygert
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    MightyPea wrote: »
    Man, what if there was an option of getting a female Fawkes, and you could go all Mass Effect sex-scene? That would've been hot, right?
    I read some of the notes in vault 87 and they chronicled the progression of super mutations, everyone lost their sexual identity and blended into an asexual being. So who knows what Fawkes started out as...

    I was a little sad the enclave took my dog and my robot and never gave them back.

    As for the ending I would have liked it if it let me keep playing. Oh well that is what previous saves are for...
  • Farfarer
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    Yeah, apparently Fawkes was female. I missed the detail, but speaking to my mate, he says one of the terminals around there states that she used to be a woman before she mutated and lost any sexual organs.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
  • CIgano
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    rebb wrote: »
    Yeah i found it a bit weird that
    you can't just ask him to go and input the code, since he's fucking radiation resistant after all and might just come out alive.


    another m8 character with similar traits refuses, maybe its the same if you try to pull fawkes into doing it

    During the final mission, Charon will follow you and you can ask him to enter the control chamber of Project Purity. He will decline however, stating something to the effect of "Haven't I saved your ass enough times already. Not this time."
  • Mark Dygert
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    I told Sarah Lyons to do it. She wasn't happy about it, but took one for the team. Sadly it came up that I was a chicken shit coward in the slide show that fallowed...

    Vag, that's hilarious! Especially considering those two characters are some of the most uptight assholes in the game.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Managed to sell off the violin to the old dude at Rivet City, said I'd completed a quest I didn't even know I had. I've still got the ink, didn't give me the option to sell that off.

    Is there some way to a) set up a mushroom trading deal with the Lamplight kids and b) get into the vault at the back of their cave without having the 'child at heart' perk or pissing them off / killing them?

    Besides freeing the kids and setting up a business deal with the arms dealer, is there any reason I shouldn't waste all the Slavers at Paradise Falls?

    The comm towers have a nice space-based surprise. :)

    About to mess with the elections at the Republic of Dave.

    I'm generally at a loss for missions right now, been exploring around almost the entire map, and I'd wager I've uncovered at least 95% of the marked locations. I'm sure there's a handful around downtown D.C. that I've missed, but I'm searching for them on occasion. Random locations out in the wastes are popping up that I've been finding, but seemingly nothing major. Essentially, does entering vault 112 for the first time signal 'the beginning of the end'?

    Viva la Gary clones! :D
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    flaagan... you can go in vault 112 just don't get in the little machine thingy and you will be fine. I hopped in before even doing GNR radio and saved my dad, but when I went back to GNR to finish it off 3 Dog was like thanks man for doing this even though you already know where your dad is.

    I also saved the kids, enslaved a few people and then wasted everyone at Paradise Falls.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Pfft, I just walked into Paradise Falls and turned everyone into goo, well, those that I didn't punch to death.

    It was funny, at one point I had Cross, Dogmeat, Fawked and I in a fight, then in VATS had the mysterious stranger appear (get that perk if you never have! :)), so there ended up being 5 on 1 for a few seconds.

    We won.

    Did anyone ever manage to get the railway rifle to actually pin someone to a wall? Never happened for me.
  • Mark Dygert
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    flaagan wrote: »
    Managed to sell off the violin to the old dude at Rivet City, said I'd completed a quest I didn't even know I had. I've still got the ink, didn't give me the option to sell that off.
    That was a quest item for an old lady that runs her own radio station. She doesn't give you jack for all the leg work you do. But it does unlock her radio station. I wonder if you can steal it back and turn in the quest...
    flaagan wrote: »
    Is there some way to a) set up a mushroom trading deal with the Lamplight kids and b) get into the vault at the back of their cave without having the 'child at heart' perk or pissing them off / killing them?
    Keep fallowing the main quest line, they'll drop back gate to murder pass when the time is right, which gets you in the back back door to Vault 87.
    flaagan wrote: »
    Besides freeing the kids and setting up a business deal with the arms dealer, is there any reason I shouldn't waste all the Slavers at Paradise Falls?
    There's a slave quest you can do, where you round up 3 high profile targets, kind of fun... but really once you get the kids out I don't think theres much holding you back?
    flaagan wrote: »
    does entering vault 112 for the first time signal 'the beginning of the end'?
    Nope, you have some things after that to do. Once you get the GECK, its the begining of the end, but you still have a few chances to escape the quest and go exploring again.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    so last night i found this area in the north region called olg something, it was filled with death stalkers which annihilated me at lvl 10. :( I walked all the way to republic of Dave, was i supposed to disrupt the elections? I saved it before so its easy to do again.

    I'm noticing on xblive that everyone is level 20 and no one is higher, is that the level cap?

    I haven't even started the main quest, been avoiding the GNR radio been doing lots of side quests. I'm really enjoying it.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    yeah lee right now 20 is the cap. Old Olney is the area you are talking about with all the death claws. Lots of good loot in the sewers below including a fat man and special prototype power armor.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    If you want a fun run-in with the Deathclaws, go looking for the "deathclaw sanctuary' on the east side of the map. It's near a radio tower that has its own map marker. Not nearly as bad as Old Olney's sewers (granted, I'm playing around at level 20), and some damn sweet shwag.

    I definitely have to say, for my setup, "Grim Reaper Sprint" was an excellent choice for my level 20 perk. I usually can kill most any enemy or creature within a single round of VATS, so it sets me up perfectly for whichever next baddy is in line for the slaughter. :D
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    flaagan wrote: »
    I definitely have to say, for my setup, "Grim Reaper Sprint" was an excellent choice for my level 20 perk. I usually can kill most any enemy or creature within a single round of VATS, so it sets me up perfectly for whichever next baddy is in line for the slaughter. :D

    Heh, with my headshot perks, high Energy Weapons, ridiculously high Sneak and the Silent Running perk, I usually offed around 2-3 super mutants with a laser rifle in one round of VATS before any of them even saw me...
    Headshot criticals all round!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    The Lincoln Repeater, maxed out on condition thanks to copious hunting rifles, usually kills most soft targets in a single headshot. The combat shotgun is usually equally as efficient at close range. The Reservist's sniper rifle, while limited to three shots, is definitely lethal at long range (red mist ftw), and usually so is the Scoped .44. Used the Fatboy once just to try it out, cleared out a whole mob of Raiders (couldn't find any remains of a few, in fact).
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    I love the Terrible Shotgun. (Combat SHotgun) Does a lot of damage up close and my chinease assault rifle.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Tranquility Lane... wow.

    This game does not fail on notching up the WTF factor every step of the way.

    I actually finished it doing all the bad stuff, exited the Vault, and realized how to complete the mission the 'good' way, loaded back, and did so. :)
  • Mark Dygert
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    I didn't know there was a good way to exit tranquility lane? I looked around for the secret terminal but found nothing. Took forever to hunt some of the residents down.

    Has anyone picked some pockets and put land mines back in the pocket? Good times...
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    The tranquility lane (good) escape is a puzzle in the house, if you touch objects they make a sound. Have to get them in the right order.

    I did it after making the boy cry and breaking up the marriage (was too fun to mess around with them like that before going :))
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    That was a quest item for an old lady that runs her own radio station. She doesn't give you jack for all the leg work you do. But it does unlock her radio station. I wonder if you can steal it back and turn in the quest...
    I believe if you give her some sheet music after that she'll hand you a nice unique magnum in return.
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