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Various Buildings(Image Heavy)

I have been on this forum for a few days and I am copletely impressed with the feedback and critiques. Here is some of my recent work. The last building is a wip and have 3X1024 res texture(diffuse only) so far. C&C Please.

*Images removed for faster page load.


  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I'm no pro environment modeller, but the first thing that stands out is how visible the tiling is on the bricks and stone that make up most of the buildings. While you've definitely managed to break up the walls very nicely with the windows and arches, the tiling base texture detracts from that quite a bit. Some of the other folks here can probably make some good suggestions on how to break that up, but otherwise, very nice first post and welcome to the forum!
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    LEViATHAN polycounter lvl 11
    The bricks are too small, also I suggest you add some dirt overlays and such to break up the monotony.
  • Pedro Amorim
    everythinh looks nice except for the obvious tiling issues on the model. most notorious in the first model. so what i would do to hide the seams of the tiling is add a little ledge under each window that goes arround the building, that way makes the building more interesting and hides the seams. :P
  • edwardE
    I think what you have here are really nice base buildings that could be elaborated and made more interesting. They look extremely clean; like cleaner than real clean buildings. You have hints of scuffing on the bottom of the first buildings, and on the top of the last, but that's kind of it as far as wear goes.

    Unique smudge/variated brick decals would really push the first and second buildings. There's a line of bricks with a different hue in your brick texture that make the tiling a bit more obvious - with decals this might not be so apparent, though. The little fenced areas and gutter pipes going up the sides are nice touches. The way the door is placed in the first picture seems like it wasn't really designed to be there - it's surrounded by the same brick of the rest of the building - there's no sign of a frame.

    The third building has nice variation in it, but it's very obviously repeated, and seems like a quick texture job. The textures are missing that extra layer of logic, similar to how the door didn't have a door frame.

    The newest building is better as far as wear goes. There's more dirt where edges meet up which is good. The bottom half looks pretty good - the top half could probably benefit with some more variation in the bricks as well, though. Also, maybe you haven't gotten to this yet, but it'd be nice to half maybe three different window textures, some open, some closed, and some halfway between the two.

    What you have is done well; I just think it'd be worth further developing on it - these could look super rad with a little more love!
  • salman_fas
    Thanks for welcoming and really good critiques. The first 2 models were quicky but on the current building(wip) I am taking my time and trying to push the textures. I am gonna add variation to the windows but first I wanted to get overall textures down. Once I am done with this building I will go back and redo the textures of the first 2 buildings.
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    In my opinion, the second one is by far the strongest. I like how you have all that dirt on there and it doesn't look tiled.

    The first one, to be honestly, is reminiscent of a box made of bricks with windows slapped on. I'm no architect, but it feels as if you need something to define each of the floors - some kind of trimming to give the structure character and break up the silhouette, emphasize those sharp corners with some kind of decoration.

    Overall though, I'd say these are quite nice.
  • salman_fas
    Thanks Pangarang, I have mixed feeling about the 2nd building.
    anyways here is my progress on the third texture map I tried to make it dirty hopefully its not too dirty. Its pretty close to get done, and then I will go to the upper storey's texture to match those with this one with some dirt.
  • EvilPixills
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    EvilPixills polygon
    Looking good so far.

    For your first piece I think it would be nice to see those windows broken up some more, maybe by adding in a/c units or flower pots/boxes etc.

    Keep at it!
  • frubes
    I like the way these are heading and with a little work i can see them turning out well. I Would check your scale of the door in the first building. It seems tall in comaprison to the sign and the height of the windows.

    The tiling textures have already been mentioned but its also very noticeable on your 2nd building. Do your textures tile left to right on your map and if so are you moving your UV's across them to get the most out of them?

    I would be careful about your poly usage. At what height will these buildings be seen from? Ground level? or maybe higher? If its only ground level you really dont need to model the window frames from any higher up than you can see when on the ground. I expect that means you can chop quite a few polys from your third model especially. Also, engines/cameras distort scale quite a lot so i would make the extrusions for the window alcoves a little deeper so its more apparent, currently from an angle they almost look flat.

    Thirdly, 3x1024's for one building is a lot. The third building, which is your best imo, could easily be 1 1024 and possibly a 512 with a wide variety of windows on which you could use through all of your models.
  • edwardE
    Your latest update is looking very nice. (:
  • salman_fas
    I have removed all the window frames from upper levels. Frubes, I am not sure what your asking about UV's but you can see the wires of this building here. http://www.salman3d.com/environment/TS1w.jpg

    I might not be able to change the texture sizes for this building but will keep in mind for my next project.
    Here is the progress so far. Almost there....
  • salman_fas
    I took it in unreal engine and here is the result. the window have reflection vector basd material. Please critique about the lighting in this scene.

  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    The emissive on the arch look the same as the windows (from that angle at least). Unless its raining, I would lower it a lot (if not take it completely). Bricks don't glow.

    Other then that, pretty cool dude.
  • edwardE
    This is looking excellent; lighting looks nice and believable and has a Gears-esque atmosphere.

    The main thing that sticks out to me that isn't holding up is the curly knot carvings. They look like a picture tiled across the surface; it seems they have their own lighting, as well. All in all, even the design itself doesn't seem to match well with the rest of the building, with its straight and serious lines. Personally, I'd change that aspect of it - I really like the rest, though.
  • Pedro Amorim
    i think some parts have a strange size.
    for example the size of the door, in relation to the sidewalk. looks kinda small. i mean. the sidewalk looks huge in size. ppl would have to have huge legs to step the sidewalk coming from the street.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    looks real nice, I second edwardE's comments.
    The knotted tex/trim doesnt really feel right with the style and the scale of it is throwing me off as a viewer.
    just fix up the scale of the sidewalk and the rest should seem in scale I think.

    See what you can do about the spec on the brickwork but sometimes if lighting is strong enough in UE3 it blooms out areas anyway, so that might not be your fault.
  • EarthQuake
    oh wow yeah the doors are tiny, its not the sidewalk thats the problem, the door is smaller than the windows.
  • salman_fas
    Thanks for excellent critiques I will adjust/change the things pointed out soon :).
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    looks really nice, but people have already spoken up about the crits i was gonna sling out there =P so ill just leave it at, really nice piece, hope you make the fixes and pimp again!
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    looks good, but i would chamfer those large vertical edges so they catch a bit of highlight.
  • salman_fas
    I am amazed to see that everybody liked it. I did some changes with the scale of door and texture. Also tested some decals:)
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    I'm probably not the best person to comment on this, but a couple things need to be stated.

    1. Are the windows meant to be floor to ceiling? if not, there's too little space between the windows.

    2. The scale is all wrong still. figure out the size of the windows you want in something approximate to real world values. do some research on window sizes and door sizes and go from there.
  • Nilium
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    Nilium polycounter lvl 18
    To illustrate what Keg means about the window size:


    I've taken the door and placed it against a window above the door (same column of stuff, more or less- point was to get it at the same distance from the view as the door). The image's text should sum this up pretty well.

    The building doesn't look bad (to me, anyway), but I'm in agreement with Keg that the scale is way off. If at all possible, try to determine the height of a floor first, then you should be able to more easily position and scale the windows and doors to appropriate heights. Right now, this building is made for smurfs (I would appreciate if you gave this thing a blue color btw, it'd make me happy), so get to work.
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    I don't really agree that that's a problem, I was in Berlin last week, and I noticed many similar buildings there to this, and they all had huge windows, sometimes bigger than the average door size.

    I'd like to see this in unreal3 with some more dramatic lighting! Looks cool =)
  • salman_fas
    I had been really busy so I didn't get a chance to post reply. I think there is probably a mis-understanding about the upper levels windows. Those are supposed to be from floor to ceiling and actually those are set of 2 windows together and the glass part is fixed on top of the windows. While it was my fault i made each set kind of same looking(half open,closed and open) but I will try to get a bit variation going so it gives an impression of 2 windows in one place. I hope this image explains what I mean.

  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Looks REALLY good in the engine. What kind of lighting set up/how many lights do you have in there? Great work.
  • salman_fas
    Thanks Cody
    This scene has only 2 directional lights.
  • salman_fas
    I am currently working on this model. It has 2880Tris and one 1024res texture. Still a wip though not complete yet.

  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Another nice building. Well done. Only thing that stands out to me is the sign next to the door just has two poles sticking into the building. IMO some brackets or mounting to the building would be nice to show how it is attached.
  • ciprian0077
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    ciprian0077 polycounter lvl 11
    FOR salman_fas :

    I saw that you work in Maya.

    How did you render with that shadows?....

    I made a model that look preety nice in viewport , but I don't know how to render it, especially with shadows, glows etc....

    Can help?....thank you

    P.S. I saw in your portfolio and first impresion was that all your models are too dark also your building...I don't know why?
  • salman_fas
    Thanks Cody
    your opinion is very important. I will get that implemented soon.

    ciprian0077: These renders are in Unreal engine3. I don't know how to make nice shadows or glow maps to display in hardware render(unless you do the software render but your normal maps wouldn't look right). That's why I usually take my assets to engine. Hopefully someone around here would help you out on that.

    I usually keep the lighting a bit dark to avoid washed out look in the scenes, But is it too dark to see?????
  • ciprian0077
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    ciprian0077 polycounter lvl 11
    Now it's not very too dark but if you put a lighter environment you will see the difference..

    Unreal engine3 it's freeware?......

    Thank's for answer.
  • salman_fas
    it come with the games(unreal tournament3, Gears of war etc.). just have to buy the game though
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    salman_fas wrote: »
    I am amazed to see that everybody liked it. I did some changes with the scale of door and texture. Also tested some decals:)

    I like it! Aside from the teeny tiny doors(or maybe the windows are just huge...cant say for sure since i dont know what ref u were going by) but I think you did a great job
  • Oneil
  • Sayanora
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    Sayanora polycounter lvl 11
    Just gonna echo all of the scale remarks regarding the first street scene. Otherwise, it looks great! Your second project, even more so. If you're going to develop this one further, one thing I'd recommend is adding more smallish/medium objects to round this building out. You could start with vents, smokestacks, newspaper stands, fire hydrants, and maybe some nasty alpha nastiness dripping down the sides of the building(depending on what state of repair you had planned for this piece). One other thing, post your texture sheets.

    This is more of a general statement, but I'd be really interested to see more fully fleshed out levels being produced. Naturally, I'm taking into account that polycount isn't a level design forum, but it would be cool to play through some polycounters' levels! I know Virtuostic was working on a Mayan themed level awhile ago. Maybe he still is?

    This is turning into ramblefest, so I r ending this transmission :D
  • Generalvivi
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    Generalvivi polycounter lvl 14
    This stuff is looking really nice man! really digging the way they are turning out for sure.
  • salman_fas
    Thanks for comments. I will fix the widows as soon as possible(hopefully this weekend if I get time).
    Here is an update on my current building and some textures(original size 1024X1024)


  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Small side walk eh?

    Looks nice.
  • salman_fas
    Side walk is just a place holder for now as I will develop more buildings like this.
    I worked on the normal map a bit.
    I wrote a tutorial on how to setup reflection vector in a material in Unreal engine3. Here is the link. Please let me know what do think.

  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Sweet tutorial, thanks man. BTW I'd just like to say the texturing work is great! You made great use of the space and tiling. And that brick texture is sweet. I assume you used one you found one cgTextures, or something similar? Also, do you have normals on these?
  • salman_fas
    yes I think I got the brick texture from CGTextures.com or maybe environment-textures.com as I only use these 2 sites for textures. Also this building has a 1024 X 1024 normal map.
  • salman_fas
    An art test without a job
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    wow I like it alot! really nice colour choices, not so sure about the scratches on the edges of everything but it is pretty subtle so thats ok.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    salman_fas wrote: »
    Side walk is just a place holder for now as I will develop more buildings like this.
    I worked on the normal map a bit.
    I wrote a tutorial on how to setup reflection vector in a material in Unreal engine3. Here is the link. Please let me know what do think.


    Looks awesome the only thing I'd change is I'd model out the little piece of stone under the pillar it screams decal at the moment with no depth in the side angles looking forward to seeing more stuff. Love the enviro stuff.
  • salman_fas
    Thanks for comments.

    Dekard: I will keep those points in mind, I am not getting any free time these days, Mainly searching around to land a job.
  • salman_fas
    Started some thing fairly simple
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    salman_fas wrote: »
    An art test without a job

    Bummer man - it looks good to me - how long did they give you?
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    I like your first building and your decorative prop.
  • salman_fas
    They told me to take my time and send in something I would be proud of as they wanted to see the quality not speed.(which I did and done this in 3 weeks, spent around 50 hours).
    At least I got strong folio piece :)

    onionhead_o: that decorative prop was another failed test for a mod
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