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  • Graxspayekgh
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    @Justo: yeah, the 3d cursor stuff is a bit hidden. Here's where I usually mess with it if I need to (you need the 3d cursor item selected in that left-most toolbar in the 3d view). As you can see there's also some pos/rot info in the right viewtab of the 3d viewport:

    @sinhead: Perhaps take a look at the drawing override stuff. You may have outline selected disabled for that main viewport (top left of the 3d viewport upper bar):

  • m00k
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    m00k polycounter lvl 6
    wilson66 said:
    - can I create custom palettes/ windows/ a list of custom buttons within Blender easily (I'm not a programmer) and put the tools into it that I need most frequently? For example, if I'd like to have a button for e.g. 'Mesh -> Separate -> Selection', can I place a button for that function somewhere in the UI, or do I need to navigate through the menu each time/ create a keyboard shortcut for it?

    Check out the pie menu editor addon. its like 20 bucks but it lets you create menu's (pie and others) really easy and its very versatile.

  • sinhead
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    sinhead polycounter lvl 6
     Which of these is a better option to attach a "Softbox texture (hdr/ exr)"   to an Area Light.  And I think After this the "Power" (watts) is useless. We just alter the Strength to adjust the light brightness.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    By the way, edge slide now has a "correct UVs" option (like "preserve UVs" in Max) in 2.8, and it's even enabled by default.

    O Joy !

  • f1r3w4rr10r
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    f1r3w4rr10r polycounter lvl 9
    sinhead said:
     Which of these is a better option to attach a "Softbox texture (hdr/ exr)"   to an Area Light.  And I think After this the "Power" (watts) is useless. We just alter the Strength to adjust the light brightness.

    What you did in setup 2 is most likely the default for the vector input of image texture nodes. I only say most likely, because I do not know if they behave differently for lights than they do for other objects.

    Also is this texture just a 2D softbox front or are you talking about a whole HDRi setup? If the latter, have a look at the world background instead.

    As for the strength: The strength input of the emission node and the strength settings of lamps are multiplied in cycles. Evee completely ignores the strength input of emission nodes as far as I am aware.
  • sinhead
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    sinhead polycounter lvl 6
    Yes I was trying to attach a 2d Softbox texture to an Area Light. 
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    pior said:
    By the way, edge slide now has a "correct UVs" option (like "preserve UVs" in Max) in 2.8, and it's even enabled by default.

    O Joy !

    Edge slide always had that, even way back in 2.79. It's when you move things that the UVs are not corrected :\
  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    sinhead said:
     Which of these is a better option to attach a "Softbox texture (hdr/ exr)"   to an Area Light.  And I think After this the "Power" (watts) is useless. We just alter the Strength to adjust the light brightness.

    Except the strength this should be the same.
    Area lights don't have any generated texture coordinates afaik and your mapping node doesn't change anything.
    You can try object coordinates and make adjustments with the mapping to fit the size, however I would recommend to use a mesh and add an emissive material in this case.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    @ant1fact : Well ! It certainly wasn't in 2.78 so I don't think this qualifies as "always had that" :D (I skipped 2.79 so I wouldn't know). Fantastic feature nonetheless, that's a relief.
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    pior said:
    @ant1fact : Well ! It certainly wasn't in 2.78 so I don't think this qualifies as "always had that" :D (I skipped 2.79 so I wouldn't know). Fantastic feature nonetheless, that's a relief.
    hehe apologies for the exaggeration!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Question for you all - has there been any attempt at bringing back an equivalent to the pre-2.8 layer management system ? By that I mean, something similar to the compact mini UI with grey/yellow dots to move objects in and out of layers.

    Of course such thing would have to account for the fact that Collections can have arbitrary names hence no implicit order (and therefore no way to order them in a little matrix like before). The new layers/Collection system is of course very powerful ; but while a classic outliner makes for great clarity when naming/reading Collections, it really slows things down when it comes to actually moving things around and I find myself ending up with less cleanly organized scenes than before because of it - probably because a complex scene will never always fit vertically.

    In other words ... the new system is great for people opening a scene and finding their way through it, but it certainly slows things down when actually working on things :/

    The fact that the outliner sits on the side of the scene (obviously!) probably contributes to this too. It should certainly stay there, but it would be great to have a mini version of sorts next to the snapping/center/coordinates controls for instance, or at the bottom of the viewport like before.

    Maybe some way to force the outliner to keep collections always collapsed could help too.

    [Edit] - just found out that there is, indeed, an order to collections - it comes from the order manually given to them in the Outliner, as shown by what happens when pressing the top number keys on the keyboard. Meaning that a dot matrix representation could indeed be possible ...
  • realeyez
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    realeyez polycounter lvl 11
    Does anyone have any resources on baking normal maps in 2.80? Most resources I have found demonstrate the process using 1 high poly and 1 low poly, and what I want to learn is  how I can bake by Mesh Name (like in Painter). Essentially what I want to do is control multiple high poly meshes and multiple low poly meshes and be able to bake them at once onto a normal map.

    I'd just bake in Painter, but I want that sweet sweet rounded edge shader  B)
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @realeyez you do it by compositing over the same image texture. Just select each mesh in turn and keep the same image selected and bake one after the other. Each bake will be added to the same map. Not perfect, but it does the job.
  • .Wiki
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    .Wiki polycounter lvl 8
    A simple python-loop should automate this process.
    @realeyez you do it by compositing over the same image texture. Just select each mesh in turn and keep the same image selected and bake one after the other. Each bake will be added to the same map. Not perfect, but it does the job.

  • VertexPainter
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    VertexPainter polycounter lvl 8
    @realeyez have you tried Tex Tools addon?
  • m00k
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    m00k polycounter lvl 6
    I have to learn maya for school this semester.(Even tho the teachers say it's all gonna be blender in a couple years anyway.) But obviously am a blender guy through and through.

    Anybody got some tips for me? Settings to look out for. Things to change.  Tutorials to help me translate my blender knowledge to maya? etc. etc.
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    m00k said:
    I have to learn maya for school this semester.(Even tho the teachers say it's all gonna be blender in a couple years anyway.) But obviously am a blender guy through and through.

    Anybody got some tips for me? Settings to look out for. Things to change.  Tutorials to help me translate my blender knowledge to maya? etc. etc.
    The question is, do you really have to? At uni I was supposed to learn Max and I did so a little bit but then I just finished all my projects using Blender and in the end I don't think I used Max for more than 30 minutes over the course of 3 years.

    At work it was different though, there I really had to learn Maya but then only for specific parts of the pipeline. Anyway there's a decent intro to Maya here: https://www.udemy.com/course/blender-to-maya-a-practical-guide-to-transfer-your-skills/ I bought it when it was half the price. It totally fails to "transfer" your skills from blender to maya as it barely does any kind of comparison but it's a decent overview of maya nonetheless.

    Other than that my tip is to keep holding RMB until you find what you need. Good luck

  • Peksio
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    Peksio polycounter lvl 4
    Hello, for work I need to switch from maya to blender. I wanted to ask some general tips in transfering. Ofcourse I am learning through tutorials as I would with any diffrent software.

    But I wanted to ask about hotkeys for example. I know that I can use maya shortcuts in blender but I am not sure if it is a good idea ?

    I heard from one guy that is is not a good option because If i broke something but accident not many poeple will be able to help me with maya shortcuts on.
    And I also I heard that this shortcuts are not working great and noone knows how long and how broadly they will be supported.

    Can you please help me ? Should I stick with maya shortcuts or force myself to use bledner ones ?

  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    @Peksio It doesn't really matter which one you choose, because you can always switch from setups without problems if you need to. In the Preference>Kepmap window, like this.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Peksio said:
    Hello, for work I need to switch from maya to blender. I wanted to ask some general tips in transfering. Ofcourse I am learning through tutorials as I would with any diffrent software.


    I'd go for the 2.8 release candidate version of Blender because there are alot of changes since 2.79. If you are coming from Maya you already know how to model. I came from 3DSMax so I spent quite a bit of time following Blender modeling tutorials to get acquainted with  modeling. Its not like relearning because you know what to look for but using standard Blender shortcuts seemed faster. I keep a Notepad++ file with the shortcuts I know I will need, but definitely not all of them.

    I think using the standard Blender setup speeds things up in the end
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    @Peksio : regardless of whichever keymap you end up using, the one thing you actually need to know is how the hotkey editor actually works : how to add new commands, how to disable/change hotkeys of already mapped commands without deleting them (tickbox off instead of deleting an entry altogether), and so on.

    Also : 
    "I heard from one guy that is is not a good option because If i broke something but accident not many poeple will be able to help me with maya shortcuts on."

    This is tankfully not true anymore. Up until about a year ago, Blender evangelists were all about "learning the default shortcuts" indeed - but this is a short-sighted approach because shortcuts are meant to be edited anyways, and the whole thing gradually became a mess because of popular addons forcing their own hotkeys on top ("Just press ctrl alt shift Q and drag !").

    Now fast forward to 2.8 : the default keymap is getting streamlined (some hotkeys being removed altogether, some being added), suggesting that users should customize things as desired. Also addon makers are all providing customization fields in their add-on preferences now. These are all good things, and hopefully help docs and tutorials will soon start mentioning actual commands and menu items rather than hotkeys from now on.

    In short : your're good to go either way, just make sure to learn how to operate the hotkey preferences panel. And if you break anything, delete the C:\Users\***\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80 folder and Blender will reset to defaults.

    I'd personally recommend using the Blender keymap as a base, and manually changing the viewport controls to be Maya-style. And then gradually customizing the rest as you go.
  • Peksio
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    Peksio polycounter lvl 4
    I understand. Thank you very much for your answers.

    I will set just viewport moving as in maya then and I will leave te rest as default and iterate on that.

    Thanks :)
  • m00k
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    m00k polycounter lvl 6
    Haha thanks for the link man. Just need to learn maya for the first year. The teachers warned me against changing the default keymap but I couldn't help myself. I've already started blendifying maya :) , custom pie menu's and all that.

    I'll try to do most of the work in Zbrush and baking in marmo since those programs I really do want  to learn
  • xrg
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    xrg polycounter lvl 10
    Here is a video on switching to Blender from other software that might be helpful for some. They use a lot of the hotkeys, but almost all the common functionality is in the right-click context menus too.

  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8

    wilson66 said:
    - what if I want to select polygons in edit mode, activate the move tool, then want to re-position the move tool widget without affecting the selected polygons? Can I move the transform widget independently from the selected polygons?
    No, you can't move the widget, but you have a 3D cursor, that an another way to work with an pivot object and more. Look the documentation.

    Someone created an addon to address this. Its called Modo-Me. Basically it takes Modo's action centers and recreates them in Blender, along with the "click and move" widget behavior.

  • LuisCherubini
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    LuisCherubini interpolator
    New demo for HardOps, Curium. Now with some nice easy points to adjust your bevels in real time.

  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    ^I tried the circular array and so far it works like a charm! 
  • f1r3w4rr10r
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    f1r3w4rr10r polycounter lvl 9
    I just want to note here, that circular arrays are already possible in blender without that add-on. Just for those people, that only buy it because of that.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    I just want to note here, that circular arrays are already possible in blender without that add-on. Just for those people, that only buy it because of that.
    Not in the way that it's integrated into the Hops/BC workflow. It's all about workflow. Same as most of the tools that are already in Blender. That's not really the point.
  • Auldbenkenobi
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    Auldbenkenobi polycounter lvl 11
    I bought HardOps not long ago, and I'm yet to properly dive into it. Am I best just following along with one of Masterxeon's own videos?

    Cos' I know it'll speed up my hardsurface workflow
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    I bought HardOps not long ago, and I'm yet to properly dive into it. Am I best just following along with one of Masterxeon's own videos?

    Cos' I know it'll speed up my hardsurface workflow

    The one headache hardops gives me is how difficult it is to learn everything about it (and boxCutter). And it is weird, because Jerry (masterxeon) puts a lot of time into making those videos and being as open as possible, but I think his material is not as clear and informative for a beginner like other content creators (like say, Machine and his tools). Some of his videos are for a more experienced audience familiar with the basics, some are not, and it's up to you to find which ones are the most suitable. Then again, hardops changes quite a bit in features constantly, so finding a beginner-level one from a previous update may or may not be that useful...

    His videos are good of course, and it is probably the best way. That and check his latest blog posts with GIFs. I dont know if this has changed since last time I saw, but as cool as his latest video was explaining everything about the new update, it came with no timestamps, so if I need to revisit something, doing it quickly is impossible unless you made your own timestamps when you watched it for the first time (and if anyone does this, please be kind and post it in the comments). 

    His discord, and the blenderartists page, is also a good way to reach out to him/the team behind the plugin.
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    In the most recent 2.81 builds my UI is completely broken, all menus are missing and nothing is usable in the interface.. Interesting thing is now even if I install the official 2.8 version I get the same issue. Anybody experiencing anything similar? I know 2.81 is experimental so I'm just curious if this is an issue with the latest build or windows is acting up on me

  • .Wiki
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    .Wiki polycounter lvl 8
    Propably 2.81 is overriding the 2.8 configuration-file. Thats why you see the same error in 2.8. You might need to reset your configuration to fix it.
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    Actually I completely purged Blender including installation files, temp files, config files, registry. Even updated my graphics drivers and still getting the problem on a fresh install. Somehow winwoes10 has gone mad

    EDIT: It turns out something got messed up in my PYTHONPATH environment variable and cleaning that up solved the issue. Seems like all hell breaks lose if Blender cannot find the necessary python stuff it's looking for
  • f1r3w4rr10r
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    f1r3w4rr10r polycounter lvl 9
    In hindsight, that is actually a pretty logical cause of the problem. All of the interface drawing is done in Python.
    Offline / Send Message
    MACHIN3 sublime tool
    ant1fact said:
    Actually I completely purged Blender including installation files, temp files, config files, registry. Even updated my graphics drivers and still getting the problem on a fresh install. Somehow winwoes10 has gone mad

    EDIT: It turns out something got messed up in my PYTHONPATH environment variable and cleaning that up solved the issue. Seems like all hell breaks lose if Blender cannot find the necessary python stuff it's looking for
    I bet your terminal was full of errors about it in that case.
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    I don't know actually. At work on my windows PC I don't have the terminal running alongside Blender by default. Or not launching it from terminal if you like. I can tell that the terminal that pops up for like a second when I start Blender just had the standard 2 entries, it wasn't outputting a long list of stuff. Nevertheless it could be that way but I'm not going to break it again to test that :P
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    "EDIT: It turns out something got messed up in my PYTHONPATH environment variable and cleaning that up solved the issue. Seems like all hell breaks lose if Blender cannot find the necessary python stuff it's looking for"

    It sounds like the first step of Blender becoming just a little bit like Maya :D
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    I am slowly dipping my feet into Blender's rendering features. This is Machine's demo scene from his Decal Machine addon with a pipe object I put in for testing. 

    Why is it both images, using different viewports, look the same, SSAO included? As I understand, Eevee works by rasterization and cheats: thus the SSAO is justified...but I would expect this to go away once I switch my viewport to Cycles, no? Since this works by pathtracing, I would imagine the SSAO shadows to go away...
  • LuisCherubini
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    LuisCherubini interpolator
    Interesting how Blender 2.8 assumes that a baked normal map is color data by default... obviously we all bake normal maps only because we like the purple color and find it beautiful.  :/

    And now you cant change its color space settings unless you saved your nearly created image to the document, which just adds even more friction to an already painful process... 

    Made a new EP for the city series, all props with UVs now:

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
     @Justo : if toggling between Evee and Cycles renderers seemingly does nothing, that means that you are currently in the third viewport state (I personally call it "Toolbag style") rather than the last (which becomes an actual path traced Keyshot-like renderer if and only if Cycles is selected in the render tab).

  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter

    I'm quoting myself, quoting myself:

    rollin said:
    rollin said:
    I have the problem where I can't do anything in the viewport. 
    The outliner does not react except the eye-icons work.
    Keymap in the preferences is an empty screen.
    Hovering over one of the buttons on the right screen gives "Internal Error" Toolttips
    The remaining interface seems to work normally but I haven't thoroughly checked.

    Testing with  Rc2 atm.

    Anyone had similar stuff happening?
    Hello me,
    so your problem is that your python install(ations) are bit strange and blender 2.8 is using the wrong one.
    The reason the debug batch files (like 'blender_debug_gpu_glitchworkaround.cmd') is because they clear the windows 'PYTHONPATH=' variable.
    So I made a minimum batch file which does just that and allows to be called with parameters which will get forwarded to blender

    @echo off
    echo Starting blender with PYTHONPATH=''
    %~dp0\blender %*

    Also I want to add:
    batch file to assosiate *.blend files with the above batch file (here it's called 'mgto_startblender.cmd')
    @echo off
    rem get file type
    assoc .blend=blendfile
    rem assign file type and, forward the file which should open (%1) and any possible further arguemnts (%*)
    rem Note: as this runs from a batch file we need to use %%1 instead of %1
    ftype blendfile=cmd /c call "%~dp0mgto_startblender.cmd" "%%1" %%*

  • Auldbenkenobi
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    Auldbenkenobi polycounter lvl 11

    Yeah that's the impression I got too I just didn't want to seem like I was coming across as rude because I really do think the tools are fantastic. I just find his videos hard to absorb for some reason. I'll do some more digging.

    Also, I've no idea why I can escape this quote box, could anyone enlighten me?
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    @rollin interesting stuff, thanks for that
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    If anything the safest is probably to not bother with the installer to begin with. What's the point of it anyways ? The zip version works very well, creates the same preferences folder on startup, and doesn't mess up anything system-wise.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    I'm only using the zip versions. But blender seems to use your manually installed python version (via PYTHONPATH=) by default and only uses the internal one if there is no python version installed in your system. 
    Imo it should be the other way round and require a user action to NOT use the internally supplied version. 
    Maybe I'm just not getting the point though..  
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    pior said:
     @Justo : if toggling between Evee and Cycles renderers seemingly does nothing, that means that you are currently in the third viewport state (I personally call it "Toolbag style") rather than the last (which becomes an actual path traced Keyshot-like renderer if and only if Cycles is selected in the render tab).

    Amazing! I am understanding so much more thanks to your comment Pior! So LookDev really is something like a Toolbag Style preview, and has its options in the Viewport Shading menu. And yeah, switching to Rendered view displayed different images when switching render engines, just like you said.

    LookDev looks so...simple and good...Might not put out the most accurate images, but dang it looks pretty. 

    I suppose achieving the same results as LookDev AND being more accurate is always possible in Cycles, it's just a matter of knowing where to tweak things?

    Some Qs regarding LookDev: 
    -As soon as I found out how to switch HDRIs, the first thing I looked for was how to easily rotate it, blur it, and darken/brighten its effects on objects. The rotation is in the Viewport Shading menu and there's even an addon to make it easier. I wasn't able to find how to blur it - or even show it in the background! Background is just a solid color...but I did notice if I switch my viewport tab to Shading, this is there by default, and blurred too! So it must be possible somehow. Where can I show the HDRI bg and alter its bluriness? As for brightening/darkening its effects on objects, I have no clue either. 
    -Those preview spheres in the shading viewport look like they could be useful too. Where can I toggle those on/off?
  • FourtyNights
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    FourtyNights polycounter
    LookDev is basically Eevee, but with instant HDRIs built-in for faster material, reflections etc. viewing. Once you enable both "Scene Lights" and "Scene World", it's identical to "Rendered" which is Eevee if you have Eevee selected instead of Cycles.

    Also, if you're working with a heavy scene with lots of caclulated lights, soft shadows, volumetrics etc. in Eevee (not Cycles), switching to LookDev is like Marmoset's "Rocket" setting. To speed up the viewport's perormance while panning, rotating and zooming in the scene.

    Speaking of Eevee in general, even though it's awesome in many ways, it's still missing important real-time features, such as proper ambient occlusion map input, or parallax occlusion mapping for faking the depth of pupil/iris. That's why I prefer either Marmoset or UE4 atm.

    I'm sorry if I'm derailing a bit, but here's how I see the "full featureness" of each package's current state in a simplified way:

    1. UE 4.23:
    - PROS: Has literally everything a game artist ever needs for FREE, even real-time raytracing and additional path tracing (the path tracing is a good option for those who don't own RTX cards)

    - CONS: Huge install of the engine itself, somewhat complex to use, and slow to open projects. Too big just for small to medium portfolio pieces.

    2. Marmoset Toolbag 3.08:

    - PROS: Versatile enough for game artists by having the most crucial features needed by prop and character artists. Environment artists too, but with an addon to add vertex blending materials though. Has the best texture baker, ever. An easy, fast and lightweight software.

    - CONS: No node-based material system, relies on baked textures with only minimal tileability on some areas, like detail normal mapping. Since there's no nodes, proper masking, tiling and procedurality isn't an option. No real-time ray tracing capabilities.

    3. Blender 2.8's Eevee:

    - PROS: Has a node-based material system. Looks almost as good as Marmoset or UE4. Easy and fast to use. Also the whole Blender is lightweight software as well. Cycles as an additional renderer for more precise realism is great.

    - CONS: The node-based material system isn't up to the bar of UE4's, in a game art workflow way. Some simple things need a "node spaghetti" setup, like simple normal mapping with Y-channel flipping (also a normal map node to get normal maps to work in the first place). No input for ambient occlusion textures in the Principled BSDF. No support for parallax occlusion mapping. No real-time raytracing with Eevee.

    I may have forgotten something, but those are my immediate thought for the comparisons.

    EDIT: All of these softwares are updating more or less frequently, and all of them are more or less open about their current development. Blender being the most active with bug fixes, newly added features and improvement. UE4 too, but not as fast as Blender's development. Marmoset's development is in the darkness between versions, so it's not known in public what comes to 3.09 next.

    For example, Eevee's developer, Clément Foucault has already added "Parallax Occlusion Mapping" to the todo list of his: https://developer.blender.org/T68477

    So, Blender's development has a pretty constantly bright future. ;)

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    On Eevee/Cycles : to be fair, once carefully tuned (same environment image and both taking the same lighting into account) the consistency between the two is great - quite remarkable even. It really allows for previz in the true sense of the word, it's a pleasure to work with imho.

    Although I am seemingly not getting screen-space object reflections in Eevee at this time (left), not sure why.
  • f1r3w4rr10r
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    f1r3w4rr10r polycounter lvl 9
    pior said:
    Although I am seemingly not getting screen-space object reflections in Eevee at this time (left), not sure why.

    You need to add reflection probes in order for that to work in evee.

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