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Looking for someone to help me with texture baking...

polycounter lvl 9
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Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
So I was hoping someone could bake my model for me. Reason why is because I'm trying to improve the quality of my texture baking. I use Blender but I've been told it is not the best program for Texture Baking. I've been told  Xnormal, Marmoset , and Substance Painter are good programs for baking. I would like to see how good the texture bakes look in one of these programs (or any program really).

 So I was hoping someone could bake my model and show me so I can compare it to what I've done and then I can work on learning to use a new program and improving on this. If someone could PM please, I would appreciate it. 

Thank you! 


  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    No, download a trial. Do it yourself. Watch any of the hundreds of videos about baking textures.
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    I am very much aware of the tutorials and the trial versions. Thank you.

     I know how to bake textures in Blender (and learned that through tutorials and asking for help). I just wanted to see how it looks in other programs so I can see it's potential. I see nothing wrong with asking for help if someone is willing to help me. Isn't that what this section is for? Or maybe I'm in the wrong section. 
  • zachagreg
    Offline / Send Message
    zachagreg ngon master
    Why don't you test it with your models to see its potential then? Especially since you already know how. This section is for asking for help not for asking other people to do something for you. There is a difference.
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    I said I know how to bake in Blender.

    I'm asking for someone to show me how it looks so I can compare it. 

     If you don't want to help me, please move along and stop leaving rude comments on my thread. 
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    I don't think @zachagreg was being rude at all. Logic is incapable of rudeness His advice makes perfect sense. Your request, not so much. Apart from the obvious concept of downloading a trial and 'seeing for yourself' there are 100s of images and videos online of baking results in these programs. 

  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    I'm asking for someone to show me a baked texture of how my model  looks in another program so I can compare it to Blender. I'm not looking to see just how any model looks.  If I see that there is a big difference I can then take the time to learn a whole new interface. And it takes me a while to learn these things (reasons why are personal) . I would like to know if it is worth the effort. 

    I'm not going to be ganged up on.

     I'm asking for help from someone who wants to help me. If you don't want to help me, I understand.  

    Thank you! 
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    What you're asking for is someone to take their time to take your model, not knowing what it is, and bring it in to any of three different softwares to bake textures. 

    With no information as to what the model is, what it's for, how it's broken up or composed. With possible issues arising from any number of things. So that you can see the difference in some texture baking that may or may not show a difference.

    So with all of this considering do you really think it's logical or fair for someone to spend their time doing all that so that you don't spend your time learning it? Do believe that is an equal transaction of time and knowledge for someone to do that?

    As @musashidan said there are already results of these differences if you would like to be shown to those then I'm sure we can find some for you and point out those differences. However asking for someone to do something for you helps neither you nor them.
  • Quantos
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    Quantos triangle
    You knobs need to quit patting each other on the back.  You have no idea what she's asking for or why, as support you should at least find that out before you hide behind your damned useless sense of entitlement.  Frickin' pathetic excuse for support.

    OMG - I might have offended the two panty wearing fluff tarts.  Too effin bad....
  • Quantos
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    Quantos triangle
    I don't think @zachagreg was being rude at all. Logic is incapable of rudeness His advice makes perfect sense. Your request, not so much. Apart from the obvious concept of downloading a trial and 'seeing for yourself' there are 100s of images and videos online of baking results in these programs. 

    And what the hell is this non-sense?  You really have the IQ of an apple eh?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Alrighty, let's unpack this.

    In principle I think the position of the OP is somewhat understandable : when facing a  seemingly complex task it can sometimes be good to see someone do it and then deconstruct it. No problem there ... in principle. However ...

    - First off, to the OP : no one is ganging up on anyone. No need to be overly dramatic, that's not going to get you anywhere near your goal.

    - Everyone here is willing to help. However, the whole point is that before providing help, one has to see the best effort from the person asking the question. So yeah that part is up to you.

    - Now if you just want to get a given model baked, without showing your previous attempts and without being willing to try further on your own, then you are better off posting this as a paid request at places where people would be more than happy to do the job for you for a small fee.

    - And for the fun part : you are operating on a completely false assumption, as Blender is perfectly capable of doing what you want here. So the whole request is irrelevant in the first place. With the same inputs, you will get the same output (at least as far as normals are concerned, which I assume is what you are wondering about here).

    Here's a Suzanne baked to a plane in both Blender and TB3. The results are the same.

    So, problem solved :)

    The morale of the story is that when it comes to that sort of stuff it's just best to not rely on what one is "being told".

    Blender "not being the best program for baking" doesn't mean that it would provide inferior or different results - it may just mean (and as a matter of fact, it arguably *does* mean) that its baking UI/UX is less intuitive than that of other, more dedicated baking tools. But the doesn't change the output one bit - the baked maps will look the same. Therefore seeing your model baked in another program will do nothing to help you, as shown by the comparison above.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    This isn't a support forum. It's a community of professional and hobby artist.
  • Quantos
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    Quantos triangle
    Just to make it easier on you lamewads, she's not looking for someone to do the work for her - she's looking for collaboration.  That's obviously a concept that's foreign to your tiny little minds....
  • Quantos
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    Quantos triangle
    Thank you Pior (hope that I got that right).  I hope that helps Ladytron
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    I was totally miffed by baking textures, so I took an online course with Pigbrain over at CGTalk. From memory that was with zBrush and 3DMax. Probably the best money I ever spent! However if you already know how to bake using Blender then I would have to agree with pior.

     pior said:

    Blender "not being the best program for baking" doesn't mean that it would provide inferior or different results - it may just mean (and as a matter of fact, it arguably *does* mean) that its baking UI/UX is less intuitive than that of other, more dedicated baking tools. But the doesn't change the output one bit - the baked maps will look the same. Therefore seeing your model baked in another program will do nothing to help you, as shown by the comparison above.
    I dont have time to bake a comparison for you, but I will say that modelling and preparing models for baking using zBrush and Blender is an excellent combination. Exporting the results for use in Substance painter and texturing in it is really the 'bees knees'. Substance has a load of instruction vids on the web, and using it is just pure joy! 
  • Thanez
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    Thanez interpolator
    I'll help you @Ladytron , but not in the way you think.
    The reason the earlier people wouldn't help is because you out of the gate said you didn't intend on spending any time helping yourself. 
    Notice how your last thread about "Texture image baking" went completely different. That's simply because it was obvious in that thread that you had tried to do it yourself before asking anyone else to spend their time to do something for you. 
    Asking for help is a give-and-take, and the least you could give in that transaction is your own best effort.

    Oh, and you can tell your friend that his efforts were for naught. We saw straight through his profile being registered 5 hours ago, and all his posts being insults in this thread. He only made himself look bad.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range

    I'm guessing 'Quantos' is Mr. Hyde to Ladytron's Dr. Jekyll.....

    Interesting strategy. Get pissed off at answers that upset you.....create another alter-ego account and be a cunt 'anonymously'
  • Thanez
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanez interpolator
    I'm guessing 'Quantos' is Mr. Hyde to Ladytron's Dr. Jekyll.....

    Interesting strategy. Get pissed off at answers that upset you.....create another alter-ego account and be a cunt 'anonymously'
    Whether that turns out to be the case or not, that's gonna be what people think isn't it? I think it would be best for all parties if Mr. Quantos and other friends would stay out of her business.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Well, it's the sense of entitlement and victimhood that seems to be rife these days that pisses me off.

    A reasonable response by more than 1 person is suddenly 'ganging up'. I blame the 'everyone's a winner' ethos mantra driven into kids from a young age all the way up to their Marxist universities. Everyone gets a medal handed out in the safe space regardless of whether it's deserved or not. 

    Well, unfortunately for them the real world doesn't have any 'safe spaces'.
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    most kids are smart. it's just the loud dumb ones make an impact that sticks with you for awhile.

    I'm sure OP will learn not to bite the hand that feeds if she sticks around for awhile.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    Blender couldn't do anti-aliazing  while baking.   Couldn't bake UDIM tiles  automatically, couldn't bake hard/split edges properly  without cage or special support loops.   

      So both Substance soft for example are technically still  "better"   or rather more convenient and less troublesome.       They could average  baking ray direction without affecting vertex normals and without necessity of  cage.     So you just having less to care about there.    

    Otherwise it's perfectly possible to bake in Blender too.  Or even Arnold.  And I still see split edge  seams after  baking in Substance  while with  certain tricks  I see non after doing this in Blender of Xnormal
     So all those extra troubles are not completely worthless if the time spent is out of consideration.
    Blender 2.8  bevel shader  is a hole new story too. Promises to bake certain things super easy.

    Imo main problem with baking newcomers have is not the baking itself but rather geometry  and vertex normals/shading   understanding and  preparation
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Hasn't the Textools dev somehow managed to incorporate AA baking?

    Blender also doesnt have an auto explode method but rather bakes an additive composite map.

    The bevel shader bakes great. It's far superior to Modo in the tests I did a while back.
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    I knew when I opened this up and saw 20 notifications I was in for a treat. Anyway yeah I'm pretty sure renderhjs did incorporate AA into his baking system. I'll have to double-check on that but the tests I've ran with textools the bakes are great. Not as good as 16x AA from Marmoset but pretty damn good nonetheless. 
  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool
    Hasn't the Textools dev somehow managed to incorporate AA baking?

    It seems it just does a simple trick of rendering it 2x sized and then re-scaleing back.  It doesn't work very well for lots of tiny scattered details on a surface, hairs etc.     And doing it 4x takes forever and hangs Blender on my side    
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @gnoop oh it's just a hack? Strange that cycles still can't bake AA.
  • Quantos
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    Quantos triangle
    Thanez said:
    I'll help you @Ladytron , but not in the way you think.
    The reason the earlier people wouldn't help is because you out of the gate said you didn't intend on spending any time helping yourself. 
    Notice how your last thread about "Texture image baking" went completely different. That's simply because it was obvious in that thread that you had tried to do it yourself before asking anyone else to spend their time to do something for you. 
    Asking for help is a give-and-take, and the least you could give in that transaction is your own best effort.

    Oh, and you can tell your friend that his efforts were for naught. We saw straight through his profile being registered 5 hours ago, and all his posts being insults in this thread. He only made himself look bad.

    Actually at the time I didn't really care.  You guys think I seem like a girl?  I'm just very defensive of my friend

  • Mink
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    Mink polycounter lvl 6
    Quantos said:
    Just to make it easier on you lamewads, she's not looking for someone to do the work for her - she's looking for collaboration.  That's obviously a concept that's foreign to your tiny little minds....
    You know you're not gonna get laid for defending M'Lady right?
  • Quantos
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    Quantos triangle
    Mink said:
    Quantos said:
    Just to make it easier on you lamewads, she's not looking for someone to do the work for her - she's looking for collaboration.  That's obviously a concept that's foreign to your tiny little minds....
    You know you're not gonna get laid for defending M'Lady right?
    I get the feeling that you may need to develop your social skills in the friendship area - just a suggestion.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Prior too posting here, I'm curious as to whether you'd searched through the myriad of online content relevant to your question which by the way you could've easily bench-marked the results for yourself when making a comparison between those targeted tool sets?   
  • gnoop
    Offline / Send Message
    gnoop sublime tool
    Sooner or later we all  gonna be  laid off  :)       It's a rule of life and a nature of industry        Later is better.    
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range

    Quantos said:
    You knobs need to quit patting each other on the back.  You have no idea what she's asking for or why, as support you should at least find that out before you hide behind your damned useless sense of entitlement.  Frickin' pathetic excuse for support.

    OMG - I might have offended the two panty wearing fluff tarts.  Too effin bad....

    @Quantos This is your first post ever on polycount.com, the most popular, respected, and well renowned game dev-focused website in the world.
    Mate, this isn't the fucking high-school gossip intranet forum. Do you see any sub-forums named 'Teenage Drama'? Do you see any sub-forums named 'soylent-fueled incel rantings'?

    A lot of us on here are very, very busy. Time is precious. We choose to spend some of that time helping people on here, but deciding who to spend that time on has an unofficial set of criteria, chief among them being how much effort has that person already put in? You may only be a child and etiquette and manners wane daily in current society, but reasonableness and politeness will get you a lot further in this life than childish tantrums. Is how how you would behave in real-life if this conversation were in person? No, it's not. The vast amount of bile-filled social media conflicts that occur daily would NEVER happen in the real world. This is a simple fact. So why, ask yourself, do you think it's fine to behave like a cunt online?
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    Before this devolves into a full on flame war and gets shut down.. @Ladytron do you still want some help? Please post your bake results in the thread and point out some areas that you believe need improvement on the bake. We can then help you out and either inform you how those can be improved within Blender or ways that the other available programs do something better or worse. 
    Then if you see that we are saying that there is an easier way or a way with more suitable results to what are you aiming for you can go and download that specific program and learn the workflow. 
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @zachagreg no bother, mate. I've said all I intend to on the subject. I'll not waste any more time on it. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    Brand new account? Only responding here? Abusive? Banned. Ladytron, don't do that again please. We don't put up with that kind of fuckery.
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    First off,

    Thank you guys for the advice. I really do honestly appreciate it.  <3

    I am not  Quantos. I did not  make another account. I did not tell him to reply here. I did not know he was going to reply on here. He is my friend. He's just very protective of me.  He is actually very nice. He willing helps people everyday with their issues and he is very supportive.  I hope his spur of the moment comments aren't your final impressions of him. I think you would actually change your mind if you actually knew how helpful he is to many people everyday. 

    I also want to say that I am not playing a victim and that I do not expect people to do my work for me. If you see my previous threads you can see that I do put forth the effort into learning. 

    Here  is the thread I made previously about texture baking. I was given good advice and also was told that Blender was not the best program for baking, which is why I made this thread here.  I didn't mean to offend anyone. 

  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    Brand new account? Only responding here? Abusive? Banned. Ladytron, don't do that again please. We don't put up with that kind of fuckery.
    I've been coming on here since 2012. I have no additional accounts, nor do I plan on making any.  :)<3
  • Alex_J
  • Ladytron
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    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    I figured this would come up.  And that was a joke! LOL I even thanked the guys for the laughs. lolol It's funny cause I actually had some suitors. LOL :D

  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    well we all need somebody to love, don't we? Just keep in mind that it is parasites which outproduce everything else, so don't let anybody fool you into thinking you have to settle for some form of mutualism.
  • Ladytron
    Offline / Send Message
    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    well we all need somebody to love, don't we? Just keep in mind that it is parasites which outproduce everything else, so don't let anybody fool you into thinking you have to settle for some form of mutualism.
    (Off topic)

    So true! I completely agree. 
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    the key to any healthy relationship is zero compromise. If you have to return on investments every time somebody helps you, basically that means you are a slave doesn't it?

    People just don't get it.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @BIGTIMEMASTER cheers for the laugh, mate. Fuck me! I've seen it all now. You'd be surprised at the amount of 30yo virgins that allow Thots to bleed them dry......and I don't mean the testicles.....
  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Well this thread has gone all cotton candy, quick!
  • Ladytron
    Offline / Send Message
    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    Please stop going off topic guys. 

    I left a link to the thread about my baking issue. I hope someone sees. Thank you.  <3
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
  • Thanez
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    Thanez interpolator
    Gentlemen, if you have any fucks to give, they're surely better spent elsewhere.
    @Ladytron I thought your other post had been answered, so I didn't. I gave it a go now though.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @Thanez come on, mate, you have to admit the whole thing is just bizarre. 
  • zachagreg
  • Alex_J
    Offline / Send Message
    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    got to have some fun with the oddballs once in while
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    got to have some fun with the oddballs once in while
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Ladytron
    Offline / Send Message
    Ladytron polycounter lvl 9
    (Off topic)
    The whole thing was just a joke guys and it was years ago. Lots of people had good laughs in that thread. Okies?  :)<3

     Thanez said:
    @Ladytron I thought your other post had been answered, so I didn't. I gave it a go now though.
    Well any advice helps. I appreciate it! 

    I was told to use another program in that thread and I just wanted everyone to see one of the reason why I made this thread.  But this thread is going way off topic. 
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