@Nathair23 I do not want to hand paint,all the channels, i just want to assign already made materials, and make 1 texture out of everything to assign to my model.And I do not use substance painter for now so i am trying to find another way
AndySC, This is my interpretation of the hip area. Maybe it helps I tried to translate the concept into real life mechanical joints, but I don't think it would ever work in 'real' life though. Going to be interesting when rigging/posing.
@Larry sorry, I tought you were using materials which are external to ue and you had image texture of the diffuse, normals, specularity and so on. Do you have a way to get those textures from the materials? If so, you could just use blender to bake them onto a single texture
@Larry sorry, I tought you were using materials which are external to ue and you had image texture of the diffuse, normals, specularity and so on. Do you have a way to get those textures from the materials? If so, you could just use blender to bake them onto a single texture
It seems like I use the wrong programs... I do not use blender. Nor Substance painter but I guess I should start. It seems really complicated on how to do what I want. I have the material textures since I made them in designer. I want to combine the materials on a single texture without having to align them in photoshop. Like, every uv island should have its own material, all in one 4k texture. Is substance painter the only way to do this effectively?
@Larry sorry, I tought you were using materials which are external to ue and you had image texture of the diffuse, normals, specularity and so on. Do you have a way to get those textures from the materials? If so, you could just use blender to bake them onto a single texture
It seems like I use the wrong programs... I do not use blender. Nor Substance painter but I guess I should start. It seems really complicated on how to do what I want. I have the material textures since I made them in designer. I want to combine the materials on a single texture without having to align them in photoshop. Like, every uv island should have its own material, all in one 4k texture. Is substance painter the only way to do this effectively?
Yeah substance is the easiest way you can do it. If I remember correctly, you can import designer materials into painter and use them, and what you said can be done very easily, painter had this polygon masking tool, where you can apply a material to only certain polygons on the model, so technically you can have a different material for different I've islands
It's been a while since I've done something like this, but I feel I've learned a bit from my experiences on the first art challenge I did and I'm ready to give it another go!
@GuanAndOnly I agree with everyone else, I'd really like to see how far you can take that robot if you're up for it. @AndySC Nice work on those knee joints and the lower leg overall; I also like your interpretation of needing a canister.
So far, I'm still slowly blocking this out, will probably finish up the "head" before moving on. I haven't added the bulge to the screen yet since i'm trying to keep things square for now. Looks like I have some room for interpretation with the lower half, will be interesting to see what I can do with it.
Great work everyone, really interesting seeing slight varieties on their work.
I was trying out bi-frost so I have the possibility to use it in the final piece. The combination with hand drawn is something I'm excited to see the results of. Will be moving onto texturing soon.
@Larry: Haha now that you mention it, it really does! I guess I'll take it and roll with it. :> As for pushing it further, it's mainly because I'm garbage at the whole PBR workflow thing, and I tend to have a really rough time with baking down normals and whatnot. 8D
@Bostvic: Thanks dude and right back at ya! I think you've got your scaling down pat!
@CrimsonIndustry: Thanks man! You've got a solid start on your TV too. I uh, hope you have fun with the area that serves as a hip, I had the most frustrating time trying to figure out a type of joint that remotely made any sense! Just as a bit of advice/heads up since you didn't get to the legs yet- ref the right side and not the left side! Really obvious I know, but I spent eons trying to figure out how the knee-joints fit together looking at the left side (since all the details on the TV were on the left) and it took forever for it to occur to me to look at the right side LOL.
- I pushed mine a bit more to make it "mine", still haven't gone onto the low-poly or any bakes tho. :')
Looking really good so far! This is my first Polycount challenge and have gone for the hand painted environment. Here is my current block out, I will now begin to sculpt and add further detail. Will be adjusting the camera and scale as I go along. Critiques always welcomed! Will be posting updates at least once a week.
Hello. I tried make model simpliest as possible it is 7661 triangles for everithing and three 1024x1024 diffuse textures. Nothing more. Only handpaint. For modelling I have used Blender, for texturing Photoshop 2017 and also Blender. My results:
Minor update. I haven't finished the high poly yet, but had wanted to get a jump on retopo for those parts which have been modeled and do some test bakes. Asides from needing to explode the meshes, I think that the bakes are turning out quite well. I need to just finish the modeling and optimize the low-poly so I can get going on Substance Painter!
@GuanAndOnly Okay this couch definatelly gives it a home feeling, like toy story I think you will struggle with making the low poly's, as i see you just model everything and smooth it. I believe you should start learninr a bit a bout baking and at least bake the TV/head, this could be a nice asset to keep for future projects as well
@jewski-bot The TV seems large in comparison to the other elements you have on it like the antennae and the side cylinders, the base and the legs seem okay for now i guess
@Fizzly Your legs are pretty solid, but i guess a pain to bake those assets down. Will you keep things like the gear, mid/high poly?What you can do is seperate the teeth from the gear and keep the cylinder low poly to save tricount
As far as mine goes, i managed to block it out, figuring out most of the shapes, i definatelly should add some more detail around the head but i don't really know what. Maybe i will do a couple of switches. I tried to keep this fairly low poly yet having a good quality, i managed to stay at 90k tris, which is fine i guess for a robot with that much negative space. I don't plan on rigging this anyway so it's fine by me. there are a couple of things that i need to sculpt like the head and the knees and some colts around some assets.I will definatelly have a seperate texture for the head as i want to use it as a radio in the future. Does this say "steampunk" to you guys?
Work is looking great everyone! The diversity of concepts in this month's challenge is really awesome, looking forward to seeing more from everyone.
Haven't started the challenge myself yet as I've just been hired so it's been really hectic the past couple of weeks trying to sort out moving cross country. I think that last month's challenge actually really helped some being in my portfolio and was a talking point during the interview...so these challenges are definitely worthwhile.
*Hopefully* I get to start this challenge but with the festive season just around the corner I'll probably be looking at spending that with my wife and family seeing as I'll be away from them for the rest of the year!
@GuanAndOnly Okay this couch definatelly gives it a home feeling, like toy story I think you will struggle with making the low poly's, as i see you just model everything and smooth it. I believe you should start learninr a bit a bout baking and at least bake the TV/head, this could be a nice asset to keep for future projects as well
@jewski-bot The TV seems large in comparison to the other elements you have on it like the antennae and the side cylinders, the base and the legs seem okay for now i guess
@Fizzly Your legs are pretty solid, but i guess a pain to bake those assets down. Will you keep things like the gear, mid/high poly?What you can do is seperate the teeth from the gear and keep the cylinder low poly to save tricount
As far as mine goes, i managed to block it out, figuring out most of the shapes, i definatelly should add some more detail around the head but i don't really know what. Maybe i will do a couple of switches. I tried to keep this fairly low poly yet having a good quality, i managed to stay at 90k tris, which is fine i guess for a robot with that much negative space. I don't plan on rigging this anyway so it's fine by me. there are a couple of things that i need to sculpt like the head and the knees and some colts around some assets.I will definatelly have a seperate texture for the head as i want to use it as a radio in the future. Does this say "steampunk" to you guys?
L @Larry, I think that you need some exhaust pipes coming out the sides or tom of the radio, and totally play it off as miniature organ piping. I think that's the one thing that could really add to this and help emphasize the 'steam' aspect of steampunk. The piping skeletal structure for the legs and mid-section look fine.
As for my own 'TV-bot', I'll take a look into the proportions issue, but you may be right on your critiques. I should've paid more attention to getting the scale correct before going into the details and I think that the front dial that I have right now acts as an excellent control for gauging the size of like items.
@jewski-bot Your idea with the exhaust pipes is awesome! I also really liked the interpretation of @AndySC with those bottles on the back, i will also incorporate them to my design, gas bottles are a good asset for general purpose to have, and they seem to serve well in this steampunk style as well!
The hips are indeed giving me (and it looks like everyone else) problems, as expected! I'll probably leave them for last unless I get some bright idea on how to solve it. Like @Fizzly , I'm trying to go for a "realistic" mechanical interpretation, though I'm unsure how far that will get me. So far, I think it's turning out okay, but I don't really like my knee joint, feels a little flimsy.
I was hoping to finish modelling this weekend but I kept finding more to work on. I'd left the dials/buttons etc. as separate meshes and I'm now trying to join them all up. I've got my hips sorted. There are already two joints above the ankles so started thinking the hips only need to pivot the TV up and down, more like a neck tipping the head. Once I'd got that far the design came easily. I'll probably add another cog to fill in the space above the legs. UV's and base colours are almost done, from there, I need to learn how to bake out a Colour ID map for Substance Painter, Sculpt a few details onto my model to use for baking (not done that before either...) Then start painting. This project will also be my first attempt at using Marmoset Toolbag after picking it up in the Black Friday sale. I have a lot to learn
Great job @algoru! I think you could increase the contrast to the roof tiles texture. Especially push the darkers tones more to create more depth. I like the water a lot in the sketchfab where it's a bit see-through. Although some materials seem to have quite high specular which seems weird to me in that hand painted style and no normals.
I'm coming in to this challenge a bit late but I see it as a great opportunity to improve my skills and build upon my portfolio. I really like the concept art from studioqube and will try to create that scene myself in Unity. I've already started to block it out and will start to work on more details: I'm having quite a hard time seeing where I can re-use the same mesh/UVs on multiple places in the environment. But I do know a couple places. I'm not really aiming for a FPS quality as I'm starting this late and would like to be done within a week or so.
Great job @algoru! I think you could increase the contrast to the roof tiles texture. Especially push the darkers tones more to create more depth. I like the water a lot in the sketchfab where it's a bit see-through. Although some materials seem to have quite high specular which seems weird to me in that hand painted style and no normals.
I'm coming in to this challenge a bit late but I see it as a great opportunity to improve my skills and build upon my portfolio. I really like the concept art from studioqube and will try to create that scene myself in Unity. I've already started to block it out and will start to work on more details: I'm having quite a hard time seeing where I can re-use the same mesh/UVs on multiple places in the environment. But I do know a couple places. I'm not really aiming for a FPS quality as I'm starting this late and would like to be done within a week or so.
Hope you all are doing well!
I would say a this could be acomplished mainly with a couple solid different tile and trim sheets filled with various panel lines and details, and then tint thing with different materials.
Everyone's work is great! All of the snow winter base shots are making me real tempted to give that concept a go before December ends.
Even though I've watched these challenge threads from the sidelines, I've never attempted one myself, This round, I really liked the hand painted environment concept and I lack any hand painted work in my portfolio, so hey.. figured I'd give it a shot! I'd say its about done, but if anyone has any critique, feel free!
Love your results @Remicess! Looked at it for a while and thoughts that came to my mind was maybe you could add more green moss stuff where the wood meets the water. Also the wheels feel like they should align slightly different when hanging from those ropes. At least from this angle we see. Nitpicking! Really sweet materials! Also did you make the water in houdini?
Thanks @PixelMasher. I looked into to it and I think I'll definately do it that way. Already got to test it a little bit and it feels like this will work out. This is in Unity.
@LucasJohansson Thanks! I'm starting to paint a bit more moss into the posts and ladders. The water was actually modeled in zbrush using a heightmap alpha for detail and then I'm rendering inside of Marmoset using a refraction shader. I had to tweak the shader quite a bit but I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out!
Love the progress on your environment! I've been going back and forth on my environment workflows lately and curious on which route you prefer to use. When you paint your textures, do you paint in your color values or do you keep everything grey scale and then multiply a color inside of Unreal/Unity? I really like that latter workflow because it allows to be so modular, but I feel it gets pretty complicated after 2 or 3 different colors on one piece.
@LucasJohansson That is looking nice! For the final product try bumping the antialiasing and/or resolution, i see jagged edges! (or maybe it's the crappy jpeg resolution) @Remicess Good job on that! It has the most detail from all people who chose that.. However, you took the time to add some green mucus from the sea, why not take some more time to also add some dirt on the wood/materials in general? @AndySC I totally get you, i also thought that "there's not much left so i'm gonna finish this week" and eventually took me more than a week to finish that xD These props are tricky to complete and definatelly need more work than we thought...!
As far as mine, i did the adjustment @jewski-bot recommended, i really like these pipes instead of the antenna and it definatelly has a steampunk feeling even without the texturing. So i prepared my model and it is ready to go into substance painter, which i'm gonna try for the first time...!
I realized I didn't post an update for a while, so here it is I actually didn't have that much time to work on it, but right now the house textures are almost finished and I should be able to finish it on time, hopefully.
@Zerogun we still have about 3 weeks till the next challenge post, judging from previous challenges they will post the next challenge at 4-5th of January i think i have time...!
I also believe it's not alot of work creating 5 materials and apply wear and tear,and that is one of the more creative/fun parts of the process.Here is some material ref i gathered through pinterest, which i want to achieve. Always be careful with the colors, pick desaturated versions because they are more realistic. Only things like plastic paint, neon, and flowers have more saturated colors, this is a mistake i see everyone doing, hopefully i will not fall in that trap this time xD
Actually one thing i also learn from these challenges is to express myself and make a solid representation of what i want to achieve.
@Remicess Cool! Honestly I don't have any prefered method of creathing environments yet. I'm doing something different on every project, trying new things. For this environment I sticking to greyscale textures and only change color in material, but I will add decals which have colors in the texture. So far I'm trying only using one set of textures. 1 Ambient Occlusion, 1 normal map and 1 gloss map, and then I created a shader in Shader Forge that allow me to make use of the two UV sets I've created for each model. First UV set is for normal and ao, and the other one is for gloss and baking light maps. Got a little inspired by this thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/89682/an-exercise-in-modular-textures-scifi-lab-udk/p1 But his is way cooler and makes better use of texture space/channels.
I'll probably add some objects with unique textures made in substance painter later.
@Larry Yeah I know! I'm using Unity's Post Processing Stack and for som reason it doesn't like my hard edges in the model. They stay very sharp/pixelated. I'll try to figure out what's up with that.
@Zerogun Thanks! Reading the polycount forum help me get ideas of how to work differently/faster.
Everyone's work is great! All of the snow winter base shots are making me real tempted to give that concept a go before December ends.
Even though I've watched these challenge threads from the sidelines, I've never attempted one myself, This round, I really liked the hand painted environment concept and I lack any hand painted work in my portfolio, so hey.. figured I'd give it a shot! I'd say its about done, but if anyone has any critique, feel free!
Dude this looks great! You killed it I love the water and the subtle green mossy bits on the wood.
I feel like the wood planks could have a few more readable wood grain streaks from a distance.
After realizing I desperately need to increase my portfolio, I stumbled upon this site and decided I'd give this contest a go. This is my progress after a couple hours of work. I am away from my PC but since then have made more progress, would love to post more once I get back to it!
No clue when I'll finish in time. When is the closing date for this contest?
After realizing I desperately need to increase my portfolio, I stumbled upon this site and decided I'd give this contest a go. This is my progress after a couple hours of work. I am away from my PC but since then have made more progress, would love to post more once I get back to it!
No clue when I'll finish in time. When is the closing date for this contest?
End of december. These challenges have a 2 month frame time so it would be fine if you just wait for the next one and don't panic over this one
Well, looks like I'm about ready to start the unenviable tasks of rigging and texturing - I don't think there are any glaring errors, but feel free to point out anything I might have missed!
@CrimsonIndustry that looks like a high poly model. Will you texture, rig and animate that one?
Good start @hauntedmadness! I love how everyone interpret the building's shape a little different because it's hard to see from the only angle we got on the concept.
I don't think I'll take mine much further than this. I've tried some new stuff. I've learnt some new things. Feel free to leave more feedback. It'll only help me grow! It's been a fun first challenge here on Polycount. Thanks Printscreen from Unity
LucasJohansson Sure as hell right about that. The way you designed yours totally made me go back and want to 180 the way I sized mine haha. Your details look great, hopefully I'll be able to pull mine together, otherwise there's always next month(s)!
Great work dude, it looks fantastic and the detail is really good, I just think you could've detailed the terrain a little bit more but that's just nitpicking!
@LucasJohansson That was the idea - I'm new to rigging and haven't textured in a while, so it might be wishful thinking. No animation, though, I'll only be posing it. Your scene turned out quite well, trees are nicely done and all your textures look crisp.
Anyone have suggestions on how to rig the pistons and hip area? I'm split between having multiple (aligned) bones with a joint at those points or just having floating bones, kind of a trial-by-fire here at this stage for me.
@LucasJohansson I seriously had to look at it several times cause i swore it was the reference picture. Really nice work love the snow cant wait to see how it turns out.
Some very good work here. @GuanAndOnly You've really added some character to your model with the chair and games consoles. @Remicess The water looks amazing. @Algoru Nice work. I like the Sketchfab model, it even looks to have reflections of a beach around the sides of the water. I did notice the support posts for the hut stop just below the surface so the whole thing is floating. Adding a couple of fish would add some interest under the water for anyone who spins the model, not needed for the 2D as the surface objects cover the area nicely.
I've made it into Substance Painter, my PC is just about coping with working in 2K, checking how it looks in 4k takes a while to update. I had a problem trying to bake a normal map using the standard settings in Painter (no cage settings). Only one of the dents was transferred to the baked map, others on the same mesh didn't at all. I duplicated my model, renamed each with '_high' and '_low' and sculpted a few small dents and scratches into the '_high', made sure scale/location/rotation were all set, and the two models sat exactly in the same place before exporting. (*.fbx from Blender) I'll try another time with simpler models until I get the hang of it.
Looking forward to seeing how the rest of yours all turn out.
How are people doing the ropes for the low poly environment challenge? I've always had a hard time understanding how to model knots. I've tried both splines and just using a cylinder to extrude but no luck with either.
How are people doing the ropes for the low poly environment challenge? I've always had a hard time understanding how to model knots. I've tried both splines and just using a cylinder to extrude but no luck with either.
I do not want to hand paint,all the channels, i just want to assign already made materials, and make 1 texture out of everything to assign to my model.And I do not use substance painter for now so i am trying to find another way
AndySC, This is my interpretation of the hip area. Maybe it helps
Great job everyone!
@GuanAndOnly I agree with everyone else, I'd really like to see how far you can take that robot if you're up for it.
@AndySC Nice work on those knee joints and the lower leg overall; I also like your interpretation of needing a canister.
So far, I'm still slowly blocking this out, will probably finish up the "head" before moving on. I haven't added the bulge to the screen yet since i'm trying to keep things square for now. Looks like I have some room for interpretation with the lower half, will be interesting to see what I can do with it.
its my first time beeing part of a Environment Art challenge. Thats my Blockout so far
I was trying out bi-frost so I have the possibility to use it in the final piece. The combination with hand drawn is something I'm excited to see the results of. Will be moving onto texturing soon.
Haha now that you mention it, it really does! I guess I'll take it and roll with it. :>
As for pushing it further, it's mainly because I'm garbage at the whole PBR workflow thing, and I tend to have a really rough time with baking down normals and whatnot. 8D
@Bostvic: Thanks dude and right back at ya! I think you've got your scaling down pat!
@CrimsonIndustry: Thanks man! You've got a solid start on your TV too. I uh, hope you have fun with the area that serves as a hip, I had the most frustrating time trying to figure out a type of joint that remotely made any sense! Just as a bit of advice/heads up since you didn't get to the legs yet- ref the right side and not the left side! Really obvious I know, but I spent eons trying to figure out how the knee-joints fit together looking at the left side (since all the details on the TV were on the left) and it took forever for it to occur to me to look at the right side LOL.
I pushed mine a bit more to make it "mine", still haven't gone onto the low-poly or any bakes tho. :')
I'm hoping I'll have time to start my submission soon! I love the little house
Looking really good so far! This is my first Polycount challenge and have gone for the hand painted environment. Here is my current block out, I will now begin to sculpt and add further detail. Will be adjusting the camera and scale as I go along. Critiques always welcomed!
I tried make model simpliest as possible it is 7661 triangles for everithing and three 1024x1024 diffuse textures. Nothing more. Only handpaint.
For modelling I have used Blender, for texturing Photoshop 2017 and also Blender.
My results:
Okay this couch definatelly gives it a home feeling, like toy story
The TV seems large in comparison to the other elements you have on it like the antennae and the side cylinders, the base and the legs seem okay for now i guess
Your legs are pretty solid, but i guess a pain to bake those assets down. Will you keep things like the gear, mid/high poly?What you can do is seperate the teeth from the gear and keep the cylinder low poly to save tricount
As far as mine goes, i managed to block it out, figuring out most of the shapes, i definatelly should add some more detail around the head but i don't really know what. Maybe i will do a couple of switches.
I tried to keep this fairly low poly yet having a good quality, i managed to stay at 90k tris, which is fine i guess for a robot with that much negative space. I don't plan on rigging this anyway so it's fine by me. there are a couple of things that i need to sculpt like the head and the knees and some colts around some assets.I will definatelly have a seperate texture for the head as i want to use it as a radio in the future.
Does this say "steampunk" to you guys?
Haven't started the challenge myself yet as I've just been hired so it's been really hectic the past couple of weeks trying to sort out moving cross country. I think that last month's challenge actually really helped some being in my portfolio and was a talking point during the interview...so these challenges are definitely worthwhile.
*Hopefully* I get to start this challenge but with the festive season just around the corner I'll probably be looking at spending that with my wife and family seeing as I'll be away from them for the rest of the year!
Keep going everyone, love seeing the progress.
@Larry, I think that you need some exhaust pipes coming out the sides or tom of the radio, and totally play it off as miniature organ piping. I think that's the one thing that could really add to this and help emphasize the 'steam' aspect of steampunk. The piping skeletal structure for the legs and mid-section look fine.
As for my own 'TV-bot', I'll take a look into the proportions issue, but you may be right on your critiques. I should've paid more attention to getting the scale correct before going into the details and I think that the front dial that I have right now acts as an excellent control for gauging the size of like items.
I've got my hips sorted. There are already two joints above the ankles so started thinking the hips only need to pivot the TV up and down, more like a neck tipping the head. Once I'd got that far the design came easily. I'll probably add another cog to fill in the space above the legs.
UV's and base colours are almost done, from there, I need to learn how to bake out a Colour ID map for Substance Painter, Sculpt a few details onto my model to use for baking (not done that before either...) Then start painting. This project will also be my first attempt at using Marmoset Toolbag after picking it up in the Black Friday sale.
I have a lot to learn
I'm coming in to this challenge a bit late but I see it as a great opportunity to improve my skills and build upon my portfolio. I really like the concept art from studioqube and will try to create that scene myself in Unity. I've already started to block it out and will start to work on more details:
I'm having quite a hard time seeing where I can re-use the same mesh/UVs on multiple places in the environment. But I do know a couple places. I'm not really aiming for a FPS quality as I'm starting this late and would like to be done within a week or so.
Hope you all are doing well!
Even though I've watched these challenge threads from the sidelines, I've never attempted one myself, This round, I really liked the hand painted environment concept and I lack any hand painted work in my portfolio, so hey.. figured I'd give it a shot! I'd say its about done, but if anyone has any critique, feel free!
Thanks @PixelMasher. I looked into to it and I think I'll definately do it that way. Already got to test it a little bit and it feels like this will work out.
This is in Unity.
Love the progress on your environment! I've been going back and forth on my environment workflows lately and curious on which route you prefer to use. When you paint your textures, do you paint in your color values or do you keep everything grey scale and then multiply a color inside of Unreal/Unity? I really like that latter workflow because it allows to be so modular, but I feel it gets pretty complicated after 2 or 3 different colors on one piece.
That is looking nice! For the final product try bumping the antialiasing and/or resolution, i see jagged edges! (or maybe it's the crappy jpeg resolution)
Good job on that! It has the most detail from all people who chose that.. However, you took the time to add some green mucus from the sea, why not take some more time to also add some dirt on the wood/materials in general?
I totally get you, i also thought that "there's not much left so i'm gonna finish this week" and eventually took me more than a week to finish that xD These props are tricky to complete and definatelly need more work than we thought...!
As far as mine, i did the adjustment @jewski-bot recommended, i really like these pipes instead of the antenna and it definatelly has a steampunk feeling even without the texturing. So i prepared my model and it is ready to go into substance painter, which i'm gonna try for the first time...!
Larry That is really awesome. You going to be able to get any texture on that before the due date?
we still have about 3 weeks till the next challenge post, judging from previous challenges they will post the next challenge at 4-5th of January
I also believe it's not alot of work creating 5 materials and apply wear and tear,and that is one of the more creative/fun parts of the process.Here is some material ref i gathered through pinterest, which i want to achieve. Always be careful with the colors, pick desaturated versions because they are more realistic. Only things like plastic paint, neon, and flowers have more saturated colors, this is a mistake i see everyone doing, hopefully i will not fall in that trap this time xD
Actually one thing i also learn from these challenges is to express myself and make a solid representation of what i want to achieve.
I'll probably add some objects with unique textures made in substance painter later.
@Larry Yeah I know! I'm using Unity's Post Processing Stack and for som reason it doesn't like my hard edges in the model. They stay very sharp/pixelated. I'll try to figure out what's up with that.
@Zerogun Thanks! Reading the polycount forum help me get ideas of how to work differently/faster.
I feel like the wood planks could have a few more readable wood grain streaks from a distance.
No clue when I'll finish in time. When is the closing date for this contest?
Good start @hauntedmadness! I love how everyone interpret the building's shape a little different because it's hard to see from the only angle we got on the concept.
I don't think I'll take mine much further than this. I've tried some new stuff. I've learnt some new things. Feel free to leave more feedback. It'll only help me grow! It's been a fun first challenge here on Polycount. Thanks
Printscreen from Unity
Great work dude, it looks fantastic and the detail is really good, I just think you could've detailed the terrain a little bit more but that's just nitpicking!
Anyone have suggestions on how to rig the pistons and hip area? I'm split between having multiple (aligned) bones with a joint at those points or just having floating bones, kind of a trial-by-fire here at this stage for me.
I seriously had to look at it several times cause i swore it was the reference picture. Really nice work love the snow cant wait to see how it turns out.
@Remicess The water looks amazing.
@Algoru Nice work. I like the Sketchfab model, it even looks to have reflections of a beach around the sides of the water. I did notice the support posts for the hut stop just below the surface so the whole thing is floating. Adding a couple of fish would add some interest under the water for anyone who spins the model, not needed for the 2D as the surface objects cover the area nicely.
I've made it into Substance Painter, my PC is just about coping with working in 2K, checking how it looks in 4k takes a while to update.
I had a problem trying to bake a normal map using the standard settings in Painter (no cage settings). Only one of the dents was transferred to the baked map, others on the same mesh didn't at all.
I duplicated my model, renamed each with '_high' and '_low' and sculpted a few small dents and scratches into the '_high', made sure scale/location/rotation were all set, and the two models sat exactly in the same place before exporting. (*.fbx from Blender)
I'll try another time with simpler models until I get the hang of it.
Looking forward to seeing how the rest of yours all turn out.
I've tried both splines and just using a cylinder to extrude but no luck with either.
They can also be cards depending the angle