I'm nearly done with texturing. Need to take a break for a day or so and finish it off with fresh eyes. Then back into Blender to pose, and think of a quick background for it. Here are a few renders taken from Substance Painter/Iray. Any comments welcomed
@LucasJohansson Looks awesome! Actually really helps to see someone finished, I realised I was interpreting those corners really weirdly.
@AndySC Love the wear and tear on your guy. Did you do it by hand or did you use a Substance Painter mask generator? If so which one(s)? The only thing I'd say to improve would be the green pipes and the screen. It might be the brightness of the environment, but the screen doesn't look reflective enough to be a screen and the pipes look a bit... cloth-like, if that makes sense (unless that's what you are going for). Dunno if this is just a problem with Iray rendering or the HDRI, though.
High poly is done on my project and the bake is 95% complete. Still have a few issues with AO in places. Trying out Substance Dynamic Material Layering next, which looks pretty good.
I thought I would give this house a go in a low-poly minimalist style. I'm not very good at texturing and I want to learn how to scale concepts correctly to models.
@Bostvic It's all done with Substance generators and filters, mostly MG Dirt and Metal Edge Wear. I have added maps as fill layers, and levels, on top of some edge generators to break up the clear stripe around the edges when the settings are turned up. Rust is it's own layer, masked with a dirt generator (and Dripping Rust on the air tanks). There's also the Mud, each part has its own, plus an instanced 'splat' across all parts, again masked with a Dirt generator and grunge map for height. I've picked out the Rust and Mud maps for what they are, but have also used several concrete maps as they are fairly low contrast so good for dropping into the roughness or height channels.
The screen is meant to be emissive, which I'll hopefully figure out in time for the final render. The pipes I wasn't sure about, they're a textured pvc material, I'll see what else I can come up with. I've just downloaded a Paint Peel filter from Substance share, had a quick play around and it works pretty well. Will try adding it in tomorrow.
All textured. I had hoped to use a fake interior for the windows, but it seems like more work than I was anticipating for the curved window. I might just mock up a real interior and use that instead.
Really annoyed: I was overusing the dynamic material layering in Substance Painter, only to find there wasn't a shader that supports 10 masking layers for Unity. Tiny bit annoying, but my lesson is learned.
Finished texturing! I think i overdid it a little with the dust which is the substance mortar material lol :P Im going to put this in ue4 and try it out
@AndySC that seems to have a lot of normal detail, that makes it look unrealistic. The reference you show has that effect but it's really focused in a specific area, not the whole model!
@Larry I haven't posted a reference Agreed the details are a bit strong. It's mostly height, I think. I've scaled it back in places as it was even more obvious on a couple of other renders.
I'm struggling with the height channels not masking like the colour channels, detail is being passed through where it should be masked. I've tried changing the (height) blending modes from Additive to Norm/Replace but that kills everything from other layers I want to keep. I guess I'll figure it out. Solved, it was a height from a material I was controlling with filter which generated it's own height. Turning the material height off worked.
@LowerclassRiot It's a shame that you won't finish, because what you did has some realistic detail while keeping it stylised, it has potential to create your own stylised theme if you can keep this consistent.
@Bostvic The drama you made with the lighting is great the snow detail on sketchfab though, seems more like splatted paint than snow...!
It's getting to the end of the month, and I've just about managed to finish. It's certainly been a learning experience. This was the first complex model I've attempted to make, my first project in Substance Painter beyond dropping a single smart material on a mesh, and my first use of Marmoset Toolbag. I think I did OK I'm much more comfortable and faster at modelling, I even took a break from this to build a small Christmassy scene, and it was far quicker and easier than is would have been before. What would I do differently next time? The main thing would be not starting off too high poly, especially when thinking about subdividing. It made parts much harder to join up with reasonable topology. It also got VERY slow in Painter when using anything higher than 1K maps. The second would be to model and texture the bits that could be visible if there's a chance it will be animated. I'm thinking of the leg pistons. I hadn't planned to animate this, but I saw a tutorial and thought it looked easy enough. I would have liked to have the lower legs to move but the piston is one fixed piece so can't deform easily. Looking forward to next month's challenge
On to my finished work. 4 Main parts, each 4K resolution. The TV, Arm, Air Tanks & frame and the Legs. Any comments or questions appreciated.
This experience has definitely been a help hope to get better in the future.I still need to bake it but here is what i have i put it on a white bg to give the feel like the original. Had a lot issues figuring out the colors they weren't very clear in the photo.
Sorry had issues posting. Wouldn't let me post the image something about not having been here long enough to post links but i posted it like all other images i did before d nothing went wrong with them
Looks like I can call this done! Learned a lot along the way, to be sure. I'm pretty satisfied with the model, but the textures were my first time hand-painting them so they turned out very flat, plus my decision to use auto-unwrap resulted in a lot of wasted UV space and objects split very strangely. Still, I like the result, even if it wasn't quite what I imagined. Open to any comments/critique, as I'm sure I have a long ways to go.
one last post to let everyone know the new thread for Challenge 52 is up for 2018. come post and vote, I'll be posting the official thread tomorrow evening!!
@KevinMeißner wow I really like how you have textured the floor planks
@Nathair23 looking forward to seeing the animation
@Cheungygirl Nice job on the textures, they all look right
I struggled with this challenge(my hand textures just wouldn't come together), also rushed towards the end and didn't manage to do the water the way i would have liked. See you next challenge.
Wonderful work all. I'm amazed at all the completed scenes this round
Thanks to everyone who participating in our voting for Challenge 52 - first of 2018! You can all check out the excellent new concepts and get started in the new thread here:
Here are a few renders taken from Substance Painter/Iray. Any comments welcomed
@AndySC Love the wear and tear on your guy. Did you do it by hand or did you use a Substance Painter mask generator? If so which one(s)? The only thing I'd say to improve would be the green pipes and the screen. It might be the brightness of the environment, but the screen doesn't look reflective enough to be a screen and the pipes look a bit... cloth-like, if that makes sense (unless that's what you are going for). Dunno if this is just a problem with Iray rendering or the HDRI, though.
High poly is done on my project and the bake is 95% complete. Still have a few issues with AO in places. Trying out Substance Dynamic Material Layering next, which looks pretty good.
There's also the Mud, each part has its own, plus an instanced 'splat' across all parts, again masked with a Dirt generator and grunge map for height.
I've picked out the Rust and Mud maps for what they are, but have also used several concrete maps as they are fairly low contrast so good for dropping into the roughness or height channels.
The screen is meant to be emissive, which I'll hopefully figure out in time for the final render. The pipes I wasn't sure about, they're a textured pvc material, I'll see what else I can come up with.
I've just downloaded a Paint Peel filter from Substance share, had a quick play around and it works pretty well. Will try adding it in tomorrow.
Really annoyed: I was overusing the dynamic material layering in Substance Painter, only to find there wasn't a shader that supports 10 masking layers for Unity. Tiny bit annoying, but my lesson is learned.
Im going to put this in ue4 and try it out
that seems to have a lot of normal detail, that makes it look unrealistic. The reference you show has that effect but it's really focused in a specific area, not the whole model!
I'm struggling with the height channels not masking like the colour channels, detail is being passed through where it should be masked. I've tried changing the (height) blending modes from Additive to Norm/Replace but that kills everything from other layers I want to keep. I guess I'll figure it out.
Solved, it was a height from a material I was controlling with filter which generated it's own height. Turning the material height off worked.
I really like the oxidation finish and the hot rod looking exhaust pipes lend nice touch as well a great job on the background.
I don't think im going to be able to get the other trees done time i ended up way to focused on the stump.
It's a shame that you won't finish, because what you did has some realistic detail while keeping it stylised, it has potential to create your own stylised theme if you can keep this consistent.
The drama you made with the lighting is great
It's been a fun first challenge.
Thank you
Used Maya, ZBrush, Substance Painter, Substance Designer and Marmoset.
It's certainly been a learning experience. This was the first complex model I've attempted to make, my first project in Substance Painter beyond dropping a single smart material on a mesh, and my first use of Marmoset Toolbag. I think I did OK
I'm much more comfortable and faster at modelling, I even took a break from this to build a small Christmassy scene, and it was far quicker and easier than is would have been before.
What would I do differently next time? The main thing would be not starting off too high poly, especially when thinking about subdividing. It made parts much harder to join up with reasonable topology. It also got VERY slow in Painter when using anything higher than 1K maps.
The second would be to model and texture the bits that could be visible if there's a chance it will be animated. I'm thinking of the leg pistons. I hadn't planned to animate this, but I saw a tutorial and thought it looked easy enough. I would have liked to have the lower legs to move but the piston is one fixed piece so can't deform easily.
Looking forward to next month's challenge
On to my finished work. 4 Main parts, each 4K resolution. The TV, Arm, Air Tanks & frame and the Legs.
Any comments or questions appreciated.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pLaDCtEqJBY" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sorry had issues posting. Wouldn't let me post the image something about not having been here long enough to post links but i posted it like all other images i did before d nothing went wrong with them
Had lots of fun with this challenge, here's my boat house
I was planning on posting it up this evening. I haven't gotten any submissions yet except my original, though.
go have a look and remember to vote/post new concepts all
@Nathair23 looking forward to seeing the animation
@Cheungygirl Nice job on the textures, they all look right
I struggled with this challenge(my hand textures just wouldn't come together), also rushed towards the end and didn't manage to do the water the way i would have liked. See you next challenge.
Thanks to everyone who participating in our voting for Challenge 52 - first of 2018! You can all check out the excellent new concepts and get started in the new thread here:
Environment and Prop Art Challenge # 52 is up HERE
All the submissions are really great!
Materials done in substance designer, textured in substance painter and rendered in Unreal.