Edit: Updating with link to download and video
Soo... I have been doing alot of remapping of UVs lately, and I wanted to try to see how far i can push things with one modular texture.
The goal is to make this entire scene using one 256*512 texture.
Sofar I still have some of the texture left to use, because I will need to add some more details and custom stuff to it when I build more props. I realize this is not really the best way to build an environment, custom stuff is almost always needed, but its a good exercise to see just how far you can push things, and how much mileage you can get out of one simple texture. Also I know that the style I have chosen is probably almost optimal for this kind of work, but it can be applied to most situations.
Here are some early WIPs and a few props:

How much planning was involved?
is the glass it's own shader and texture or it is on the original texture sheet.
really inspiring stuff mate, MORE MOREEE!
edit: also.. since it looks like your assets are all greyscale.. are you using all 3 channels of the texture?
jeremiah: I will show you the texture, as soon as its done ^^ Still adding stuff to it
passerby: the glass is its own shader, yes, but no texture. :]
Oniram: yes, I am using all channels of the texture. The assets are not grayscale though, as you can see there is a red wall, and the decals have color aswell. Havent decided on colourscheme for the scene yet though :]
Very nice use of stuff here.
Take notes people.
Would love to see your texture sheet Snef
Is this normals and diffuse in that same 256x512?
Idea being to minimise draw calls
Can't wait to see more updates on this!
here are some more adventures in tilingland, a monitor and a bench. ^^ will post some more updates later
Can't wait for more progress again!
Sorry if the question is dumb, I've been out of using UDK for a while so I'm trying to get myself reoriented.
Curios to see how it holds up with a proper diffuse.
Some stairs, a ventilation shaft, endless joy of uvmapping!
I am with Skillmister... student as well here, trying to make a kit at the moment and using this as direct inspiration. Such magic must be revealed!
Great work