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No Man's Sky



  • gfelton
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    gfelton polycounter lvl 6
    Aside from gameplay, how's the performance for you all on PC? I was considering picking this up on PC until I heard some horrendous performance reviews.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Well, my computer isn't that great:

    i7 860
    16gb RAM
    Geforce 560ti

    I had to drop my resolution down and turn down some settings but it runs OK, not great.  It is capped at 30fps by default so you want to turn that up.
  • Jakob Gavelli
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    Jakob Gavelli interpolator
    I played some yesterday. I wasn't expecting too much, and it's pretty cool. I love the language thing, really smart. ^^ 
    But I've spent like 200+ hours in Elite : Dangerous and there are alot to be desired from NMS' ship controls. It feels as if they spread themselves really thin, not really fully developing and polishing their core mechanics. But maybe that's the Survival Genres thing? I've only really played minecraft in that genre and it's survival mode is kind of the same thing? Not glorious awesome combat and stuff, but it gets the job done. ^^ 
    But yeah, cool game. I'll probably spend a couple more hours on it and wait for them to update and patch stuff!

    My performance is OK, I'm sitting on a GTX 970 and still get stutter and fps drops and they do something weird with their resolution.. 
    I'm sitting at my native 1920x1200 and it doesn't look crisp at all, and the AA does nothing, everything just looks mushy :/ 

    I put a spoiler tag unless people don't want to see screenshots etc etc. No major spoiler, just a random encounter. The picture demonstrates the weird jaggy edges objects get even at high resolutions, like some perverse backwards AA :P 
    [spoiler]Here's a screenshot from the NMS Neogaf performance thread, if you enlarge the picture and look at the edge of the ocrohedron : 
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Since I can't even bake 4k maps without crashing on my machine, I'm going to build a new one with a Geforce 1080 in it.  This video makes me feel good!
  • fdfxd2
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    fdfxd2 interpolator
    I think I saw some default substance painter smart materials in one of the ships...
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    I've been been addicted, spending at least 12 hours this weekend, super relaxing to play and just explore.  I've been farming inventory slots (up to 33), so I can make $$ to buy a bigger ship.  just selling the rare minerals.   still only on the Gek system
  • Jakob Gavelli
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    Jakob Gavelli interpolator
    This pretty much sums up my experience so far :P 
    No but seriously, it's good but... for 60 bucks I do feel a bit cheated. I spent more than 2 hours on it though.. 
  • AGoodFella
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    AGoodFella polycounter lvl 5
    Anyone know the song that starts at 6:08?

  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    What really hurts is how they say you hardly ever die; I could see this game working on a very basic level if the survival elements actually felt like survival, selling the immersion. Instead it sounds like the difficulty is of the tedious kind, navigating the UI / inventory. Too bad as I really love the look of this game. 
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Fuiosg said:
    What really hurts is how they say you hardly ever die; I could see this game working on a very basic level if the survival elements actually felt like survival, selling the immersion. Instead it sounds like the difficulty is of the tedious kind, navigating the UI / inventory. Too bad as I really love the look of this game. 
    I have little to no issues navigating the UI. Sure, I'd tweak some elements here or there, but it's otherwise a fine UI.
    Dying becomes more common (albeit still rather limited) the farther outside of the "path" you adventure. Infact, a lot of people's criticisms are squashed once they actually adventure outside of the path.

    Great game. Fits what I look for in a game near perfectly. Can't wait for what they have coming.
  • almighty_gir
  • Jakob Gavelli
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    Jakob Gavelli interpolator
    Yeah, great sources and research done. Some of it is based on loose, probably spur of the moment, quotes but still. And it's far from the first time visual downgrades etc has happened and promises has been made. But damn, I'm having a hard time rationalizing how these things didn't make it into the game. 
    I've heard of indie devs spending 0.5-1 year on their debut trailer alone, and lots of time going to making marketing material. But having them being this out of line with the actual product is kind of crazy.. Especially videos only 1-4 months before release looking totally different. 

    It's just super weird. It took players about an hour to understand that planets aren't rotating and there's no simulation going on. The sun is literally a skybox etc. For aesthetic reasons it looks great not having the planets actually orbit the sun, I thought it was a legit art reason behind that. And I could totally respect that. But did they seriously expect no one would notice? 
    EDIT : The planets are rotating apparently!  =)

    You can't say this: "The physics of every other game—it’s faked,” the chief architect Sean Murray explained. “When you’re on a planet, you’re surrounded by a skybox—a cube that someone has painted stars or clouds onto. If there is a day to night cycle, it happens because they are slowly transitioning between a series of different boxes."

    "With us,” Murray continued, “when you're on a planet, you can see as far as the curvature of that planet. If you walked for years, you could walk all the way around it, arriving back exactly where you started. Our day to night cycle is happening because the planet is rotating on its axis as it spins around the sun. There is real physics to that. We have people that will fly down from a space station onto a planet and when they fly back up, the station isn't there anymore; the planet has rotated. People have filed that as a bug.” - http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2016/02/artificial-universe-no-mans-sky/463308/ 

    Said in February.. like.. yeah, no. :P Just don't. I don't understand it at all. I wasn't on the hype train or did any reading. But now I'm really interested haha. 
    There's so much mentioning of physics, atoms, simulation and pure bullshit. 

    " The team programmed some of the physics for aesthetic reasons. For instance, Duncan insisted on permitting moons to orbit closer to their planets than Newtonian physics would allow. When he desired the possibility of green skies, the team had to redesign the periodic table to create atmospheric particles that would diffract light at just the right wavelength. " Like, what the fuck even is this? xD

    Redesign the periodic table? Really though? haha, is theatlantic some sort of mock-satire website?

  • Cay
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    Cay polycounter lvl 5
    While they could have been better with communicating stuff and I'm on everybody's side who is experiencing technical problems.. people should start to understand that things promised months or even years before release are all subject to change. I'd really like to understand this hype culture as well.. I don't get it.
  • Drocho
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    Drocho polycounter lvl 2
    I am considering grabbing this. It does look pretty fun but I am hopeful that they release some more features for it in future or else people will tire of it.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Cay said:
    While they could have been better with communicating stuff and I'm on everybody's side who is experiencing technical problems.. people should start to understand that things promised months or even years before release are all subject to change. I'd really like to understand this hype culture as well.. I don't get it.
    TotaBiscuit just released a video about the hype culture around this game

  • sziada
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    sziada polycounter lvl 12
    It was what I expecting no more no less, I like the game, I just refer to it as space minecraft,  but its not bad put in a few good hour of playing it and I would say its one of those games that is technical marble, I just like how I get to explore a vast number of worlds. 
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Interestingly; it was pretty much what I thought it would be; so I didn't buy it. Apart from the list that shows missing features; all PR/marketing/trailers only showed the 'what' of the game, and never actually showed the 'how' or the why'. And that seems to be the issues players starting to find out. Ranging from lackluster space combat, to wandering around scanning shits and what not, to same old same old randomly generated planets that look just like the other planets.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    38 hours in!

    I'm confident in Hello Games, early reviews said the difference between the gold master and day one patch was huge, that's 1 month of work from them.  Considering it's tracking in the Skyrim levels of concurent users, Hello games is now a AAA studio, if this really is Sean's baby then we've got some good years ahead of us.

    I think the best summary of the reddit reaction would be "overly enthusiastic gamer discovers No Man's Sky is a video game".  Which is why No Man's High is a better Reddit thread even if you don't smoke out
  • Jakob Gavelli
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    Jakob Gavelli interpolator
    Sean Murray channeled his inner Peter Molyneux for this one for sure. Selling the vision of the game instead of the actual game. 
    I thought it was just fanboys to blame for the crazy hype. And maybe a miss match between the marketer and developer. But seeing all this shit just makes me think Hello Games stoked the flames. 

    No matter how enjoyable the game is in it's current state, they flat out lines less than 4 months until release. Which is just shitty. I don't think I've ever read these amounts of bullshit in interviews and articles, ever. It just such as fucking bait and switch. Ironically if I'd followed the hype pre-release I'd actually identify the bullshit and not buy it :p  

    Anyways, that long post on reddit with great sources and insight detailing all the miss-information by Hello Games? Deleted. :S
  • SpaceRogue
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    SpaceRogue polycounter lvl 3
    This game feels empty to me, it feels like I'm playing an early access version and to make maters worse the research done on the reddit post lists a lot of things that where featured only a few months ago. I thought people where overreacting, that 'fanboys' where expecting the lovechild of Elite;Dangerous and Minecraft but instead this post showed that Sean was showing a different game. 

    Where did everything go ? Even the simplest thing like having a visible difference between the 3 alien races isn't present while he said there would be 
    Even when it comes to lore I find this game lacking ... 

    for those who still want to read the post 


  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Anyways, that long post on reddit with great sources and insight detailing all the miss-information by Hello Games? Deleted. :S
    Once something is on the internet, it can never be truly deleted bro ;)

  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Well, I'm looking forward to picking this up for $20 in six months.

    Even with all of the complaints I still think it looks interesting, glad I didn't preorder it though.
  • gfelton
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    gfelton polycounter lvl 6
    Damn, I just thought it was fanboys replacing promises with expectations but holy shit, they promised so much and delivered so little. It's also really strange how the original post and the account got deleted. 
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Here's the thing to remember... even if it didn't deliver on the perceived 'promises', judge the game for what it is. So many people seem to be judging new games on what they wanted it to be, instead of the final product. No mans sky still looks like a polished, good product, it just doesn't offer enough of what "I" enjoy in games. That doesn't mean it's a terrible product, which others should not enjoy
  • Mstankow
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    Mstankow polycounter lvl 11
    The game sounds like it is exactly what all the previews lead it to be. Whoever lead the marketing on this game deserves a promotion more than anything.
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    gfelton said:
    It's also really strange how the original post and the account got deleted. 
    Because the modern day hivemind gaming community is extremely toxic. The OP received numerous death threats and had been threatened to be doxxed via PM's.
  • throttlekitty
    I'm really enjoying this game. I didn't follow the hype, and checked up on the game closer to release. Initially I really didn't think I'd like it, I love just getting out and exploring in games. But that's the thing, I've done it in every game, so why is a game that offers much less core gameplay than the others so compelling? I guess it's the same as the others, just enough carrot-and-stick in the upgrades department and the desire to see more. The vague and mysterious plot systems of the monoliths and NPC interaction works really well too, I think.

    Regarding hype and cut content, I see a guy with a Sony contract obligated to keep the crowd going and being barred from saying "walking simulator", which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Looking at pre-release footage, the universe is much more lively in space combat; that was reduced drastically. I don't care for multiplayer and honestly I don't think it fits a game like this, but I can see why people would want it.
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11
    Just gonna drop this off here:


    Lots of mis-leading advertising and lies, glad there is a return feature on steam.

    Edit: It appears others have posted the same link, but besides the point. Don't pay 60 dollars for a Early access title with low content.
  • gfelton
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    gfelton polycounter lvl 6
    Geezus said:
    Because the modern day hivemind gaming community is extremely toxic. The OP received numerous death threats and had been threatened to be doxxed via PM's.
    Yo what the fuck, that's horrible. I just don't understand how some people are able to feel so passionately about a game to do something like that to someone. Jesus christ, I really hope the OP doesn't get doxxed.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Game fans are crazy, I was at a mobile studio where a fan called in a bomb threat because he got banned.  Unfortunately, 98% of the building was occupied by a bank so the kid got the FBI on him.
  • RyanB
    Wait, you mean a small team of game developers couldn't put a completely accurate simulation of a universe into a videogame? O.o
  • kanga
  • samnwck
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    samnwck polycounter lvl 9
    I read a short interview from the guy that wrote the original post, the reason he took down the post wasn't because he was really getting much of a threat of being doxxed. Apparently he received mostly positivity from the post, but not in the way he had hoped. Here's what he said about the post after it got too big:

    [I got] Dozens of messages from people who congratulated me for really sticking it to these 'dirtbag' devs, when that wasn't my intention at all. People were taking the post and using it to fuel their own indignant anger. —Alex
    I was really looking at getting this game but it has turned out just as I feared. As big as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle. I've always been more for story anyways and this just seems like one of those games where I'd pretty much get bored 3 hours in after I'd seen most of the variation of the world. I'll probably pick it up when it's cheaper than $60.
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Seen a bunch of streams and was really wanting to get into it but no $ for this but it was tempting perhaps in the future we will get something amazing, or if they make enough updates to sort out issues people have had with it.  Still really like the whole idea but agree with many others not enough to warrant the 60$usd price atm i say a solid $25 at best in its current state i think that is where the fuel for the fire starts. =/
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    going for my scanning journey achievements

    and testing out streaming settings for future 3d art streamz

    54 hours in
    I've maxed out all of my journey milestones except extreme survival and animal scanning.  I decided to start tackling the scanning yesterday, it really opened up a whole new adventure trying to hunt down every species on a planet.  I found myself walking further from my ship than I have before and since I'm closer to the center and I'm venturing outside the Class G yellow stars I'm getting some weird creatures.  

    In last night's stream I ran in large groups of lanky, bipedal lizard men who were aggressive carnivores.  It was the first time I actually had to run and hide from the fauna on the planet.  I dubbed them the Nopemen.  I also saw Carnivores chasing down and killing prey as well as herbivores eating plants.  I've seen people complain that critters don't interact like that, maybe it was patched in recently?  Or it could be a lot of the creatures in early systems seem to subsist on absorbed nutrients.  I'll have to go back through and take some nice screenshots.

    I get a really nostalgic feeling every time I land on a planet, I recently realized it's probably because I played the crap out of Star Voyager as a kid.  It seems kind of similar to Elite, just pared down to run on the NES.
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