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3DSMax 2017

polycount lvl 666
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PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
Looks like Max 2017 is being shown off by some users over at the Area (the trial is up on their servers, but they haven't added the page yet, cue drama): http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/3ds-max-3ds-max-design-general/still-no-news-about-3ds-max-2017/td-p/6017190/page/15

Here are some of the changes they've listed:
- Viewport navigation: Orbit point of interest / Orbit subobject
- Viewport zoom is now infinite
- Local Aligned coordinate system for subobjects. Verts and edges have local coordinate systems.
- mirror tool now has geometry mode - adds geometry modifier
- UV editor; flatten by material id
- UV editor; flatten by smoothing groups
- A lot of new tools in curve editor + buffer curves
- Offset controllers
- Camera sequencer
- Physical material
- Slate material editor can now pick mats from legacy editor sample slots via RMB
- New render added - ART. Seems like it's the same raytracing engine used in 360, but with animation ability.
- Mental ray is now installed separately (as a sub-component).
- Scene converter - converts scenes to ART renderer.

The UI has undergone a bunch of changes, and is apparently very fast but also very unstable (particularly if user tries to customize it) atm.


  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    faster UI sounds good and orbit point of interest should have been in there long ago but what is up with those gigantic icons surrounded by lots of whitespace in the rollouts? didn't anyone tell them text buttons is where it's at, not cryptic symbols you have to hover over to get their meaning. seriously looks like you'd have to create your own custom rollouts for real this time to be able to stay sane. which btw would be 'insanely great' as a customization feature, taking a cue from zbrush.

    i'm not up to date with the last few max versions but was there every any notable viewport speed increases, program stability improvements and so on? what's the state of using shaders in the viewport these days?

  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Hope they fixed random Windows 10 crashes that i suffered from, ended up having to roll back to 2015..
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    Finally, the year i switch to modo has come! I'd set aside this years license money early and was waiting to see what Autodesk did. And they didn't do enough.

  • bounchfx
    I can't help but feel disappointed by the level of upgrades they put into their products. both max and maya seem like they have such minor updates each year.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    It's not too surprising really, considering they tend to fire many of their devs after they reach a certain level of experience/pay. It's hard to make any significant changes to an app when your staff largely consists of programmers still getting to grips with it, and with few (if any) old hats around to ask about many of the sections of legacy code.
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    Although Autodesk currently have market share in games art, I feel this may change over a long period as products such as MODO get regular updates that have beneficial features and Autodesk keep releasing updates that do not much as much difference and make the product less stable. 
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    The update is actually much more substantial than this. These are just the features that people have noticed first. Also...
    - A lot of new tools in curve editor + buffer curves
    This feature is actually designed after my Key Tools released a few years ago.
    AD and I traded e-mails and they sent me builds often to make sure they got the tools just right.
    *HIGH FIVES* all the animators!
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    Flatten by smoothing groups would be nice to have if I was still using max. Should be an easy quick way to test the normals on a low poly model and roughly see how the UVs will look like. Could do that and then bring it into Headus. 
  • 0xffff
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    0xffff polycounter lvl 3
    PolyHertz said:

    The UI has undergone a bunch of changes, and is apparently very fast but also very unstable (particularly if user tries to customize it) atm.

    Max? Unstable? I don't believe you.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    Sigh.... 3ds max. If only autodesk decided to developed new useful features for it. I'm convinced that maya has blown past 3ds max in almost every way because that's where autodesk has put all the effort. They could both be good... but why would a software company want two or three major competitors in the same market? (Cough XSI...) 

    3ds max 2017 gets a UI update and a new renderer that no one will ever use. And lets be real, the UI update is just a facelift that doesn't really improve the UI at all. Everything is in the same spot and is still just as clunky as it was 3 years ago.
    meanwhile in maya development land....


    Epic things are coming soon.

    EDIT: I don't mean to make this thread about Maya. I'm just more then a little disappointed since we use 3Ds max at work.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    Not unexpectedly, a lot of "meh" going on in here. I wonder if they're going to push MCG a little more..
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    It's a way to create your own modifiers via a node-based system.
  • oglu
  • Zack Maxwell
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    if you pay the lics and the houdini TDs we are in...
  • Mark Dygert
    monster said:
    The update is actually much more substantial than this. These are just the features that people have noticed first. Also...
    - A lot of new tools in curve editor + buffer curves
    This feature is actually designed after my Key Tools released a few years ago.
    AD and I traded e-mails and they sent me builds often to make sure they got the tools just right.
    *HIGH FIVES* all the animators!
    Yeah! *HIGH FIVE*!
    It only took three years of me posting your tools in their beta forums, before they finally took action on it...

    It shouldn't be that hard to get awesome tools implemented. Still I count it as success.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    Shaz_Snow said:
    Qt based... What does that mean?
    it's a pretty common UI framework. probably makes developing interfaces for addons that much easier.

    relieved to see they didn't go and add icons on all the rollouts everywhere. so it would seem that if you kill the ribbon with fire like i always have then you can still work with a reasonable interface.

  • swann
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    swann polycounter lvl 4
    Shaz_Snow said:
    Qt based... What does that mean?
    Less learning. Houdini, Maya, Modo are using QT for UI. And now Max. More power for the Python.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    the only way to get that for max is if someone develops it as a plugin that then can be bought out. ;)

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    This UI demo video shows micro glitches and input delay for pretty much every button being pressed ... Not a good sign !
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    They have had more than a year...if this release isn't absolutely mind blowing they should fire the whole team and start over...fire everyone, including any superstars who were brought in to make everything cool again.
    i don't think they have attempted anything like it at least since they bought out their competition alias and softimage.

    what would be mind blowing is a solid release where you can use features with confidence and not wear out CTRL+S on your new keyboard within days. ;)
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    pior said:
    This UI demo video shows micro glitches and input delay for pretty much every button being pressed ... Not a good sign !
    I mean, previous versions of Max had plenty of that for me too.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Indeed ... One would hope that a new UI system would help with that but it doesn't seem to be the case.

    Fusion360 suffers from the exact same problem - it really makes me wonder if they are even paying attention to this sort of things at all ...
  • Moltar
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    Moltar polycounter lvl 7
    UVW edittor: Fatten by material ID or smoothing group, has everyone ignored how amazing this is?
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    beefaroni said:
    Flatten by smoothing groups would be nice to have if I was still using max. Should be an easy quick way to test the normals on a low poly model and roughly see how the UVs will look like. Could do that and then bring it into Headus. 
    Wrote it right here :D

    Although I should add that Modo 10 just added this as well! Awesome to see regardless. 
  • spacefrog
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    spacefrog polycounter lvl 15
    It's just the first step to transform the previous mix of UI techs in Max over to Qt. Essentially the interface is based on Qt now in a way, which somehow keeps legacy UI code ( which is plain Win32 based ) compatible . This is pretty important, otherwise the porting effort for Max plugin developers would skyrocket tremendously ( though Max 2017 is an SDK breaking release anyways).
    And forget about those Max 2017 videos, they are rubbish, incomplete and amateurish ( i hope i do not have to mention that they aren't official videos )

  • huffer
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    huffer interpolator
    Moltar said:
    UVW edittor: Fatten by material ID or smoothing group, has everyone ignored how amazing this is?
    Isn't this already in 3dsmax 2015? Or does it behave differently?
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    They have had more than a year...if this release isn't absolutely mind blowing they should fire the whole team and start over...fire everyone, including any superstars who were brought in to make everything cool again.
    I believe that's actually one of the things that people has said was a big problems with them, that they have let go a lot of people, who knew the software code, and hired new people who don't have that in depth knowledges, resulting in more spaghetti code.
  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    McGreed said:
    They have had more than a year...if this release isn't absolutely mind blowing they should fire the whole team and start over...fire everyone, including any superstars who were brought in to make everything cool again.
    I believe that's actually one of the things that people has said was a big problems with them, that they have let go a lot of people, who knew the software code, and hired new people who don't have that in depth knowledges, resulting in more spaghetti code.
    Supposedly it's a regular thing; they higher less experienced programmers for a lower rate, and let them go when they become more experienced and would require more pay.
  • VelvetElvis
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    VelvetElvis polycounter lvl 12
    McGreed said:
    They have had more than a year...if this release isn't absolutely mind blowing they should fire the whole team and start over...fire everyone, including any superstars who were brought in to make everything cool again.
    I believe that's actually one of the things that people has said was a big problems with them, that they have let go a lot of people, who knew the software code, and hired new people who don't have that in depth knowledges, resulting in more spaghetti code.
    That explains why things that have worked in Max since the dawn of time are breaking in 2016. Things like all of the bugs related to groups, FBX linking, etc. What gets fixed in SP1 gets broke in SP2. I could see if groups was a new feature, but to have issues with that now? Come on man.

    it's almost as if they want to make sure 2016 is a perpetually broke product so people don't sit on it and are forced into the subscription model.
  • PolyHertz
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator

    Already a few crashes in the NAB stream lol.

  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    utterly facepalm worthy, I loved max, but this has been a slow process of rotting and its hit the core at this point.
  • Pizdos
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    Pizdos triangle
    utterly facepalm worthy, I loved max, but this has been a slow process of rotting and its hit the core at this point.
    I am quite amazed that peoples still use Max and pay big money for it. Probable is just because a few big studious force employers to use it. Otherwise I am not sure what to say.
  • Minato
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    Minato polycounter lvl 5
    For the people who are actually interested to know what has been added to Max in the past year,  read this blog carefully (it lists many improvements that aren't mentioned elsewhere, for some reason ), also click on the Extention 1 and Extention 2 links towards the end for the rest:


    Here I'll just paste the "Misc" section of the post:


    Of course, throughout the year, we work on a number of Small User Requested Features and little enhancements. Besides the features and benefits listed above, here are some of the things our Charter and Beta customers have been talking about. Special thanks to Changsoo Eun for compiling the list.

    • 200% Faster deforming mesh prformance (New GPU Based Mesh Builder for DX11 mode) 
    • Increased playback and interactive performance using node transform caching
    • GPU backface cull for deforming object
    • Shadow cache for better/faster shadow 
    • Darker Edge mode for backfacing wireframe
    • New viewport navigation mode : Orbit Point of Interest
    • Customizable viewport tooltips by preViewport Tooltip callback
    • Per Pixel Camera Map support for nitrous
    • Reorganized viewport label
    • Viewport configuration presets
    • Viewport material override
    • Performance shader for viewport
    • New DX mode
    • Hidden/Frozen/Display as box object will not evaluate/load map
    • Gamma corrected background playback slowdown fixed
    • Viewport switching when maximized fixed
    • More readable viewport label
    • Thinner and shaper selection outline 
    • Viewport Statistics have been realigned for larger numbers.
    • Place Pivot Surface: Direct access working pivot from quadmenu
    • Mesher Particle Flow 5 million face limit removed
    Modifier Stack
    • Copy/Paste modifiers to multiple objects at once.
    Motion Panel
    • Empty Tracks and Assigned Controllers can be reset to their default controller type
    • Controllers can by copied and pasted via the right click menu in the controller tree view
    • .Obj poly export UV fix
    Time Configuration
    • “Rescale keys to whole frames” checkbox to force quantization.
    • Holding SHIFT for paint/blend weights mode change
    New Map Types
    • Color map
    • Shape map (Ext 2)
    • Text map (Ext 2)
    • TextureObjMask map (Ext 1)
    State Sets
    • Track modifier ON/OFF in viewport and render
    • Expansion of Composite view to create a new node based render pass system
    • -Nodes can be dragged out to more easily view your State changes
    • -Nodes can be created from scratch for a more direct render pass management workflow without tracking/recording
    • -Support for basic Render Parameters, ART, Vray, Object collections, Object Properties, Material Assignment
    • Persistent Composite View (you no longer loose your work on close)
    • Track Vray VFB checkbox for better render element support with Vray
    • Camera Sequencer Lock Animation Parameter to allow for scaling camera animation when tracks are scaled
    • Return of Record button by default (can be switched back in preferences)
    • All docked dialogs now open in their own new tab by default
    Alembic Updates
    • Performance mode support for any object
    • Proper deformation export when spacewrap applied
    • Any point3, float, integer support for arbitrary channel import
    • UV1 animation support
    • UV2+ vertex order fix
    • UV channel ID preserved
    • Material/Face ID preserved
    • Topology changing mesh does not break material ID
    • Object name preserved
    • Full MXS exposure - range, nth frame exposed
    • Alembic container object icon
    • Alembic Performance mode Force Caching option
    Scene Explorer
    • Remember visible/frozen state of nested layers when overridden by parent layer
    • Child layer cannot be turned on when parent layer is turned off
    • Nested layer sort order : layer will be at the top
    • Hide/Unhide all layers button
    • Freeze/Unfreeze All layers button

    Also, this rather cool feature seems to have fallen completely through the cracks.
  • Pizdos
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    Pizdos triangle
    Shinigami said:
    Whats so hated about max? Its still one of the best stuff out there. I mean the last updates arent the best but still. Can't understand the hate
    Not sure where you got that. Ever touched 3DStudio? Well.. I feel that Autodesk did not put to much into it since then.
  • Visum
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    Visum polycounter lvl 7
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Shinigami said:
    pior said:
    Indeed ... One would hope that a new UI system would help with that but it doesn't seem to be the case.

    Fusion360 suffers from the exact same problem - it really makes me wonder if they are even paying attention to this sort of things at all ...
    wat.. 3ds maxs ui is perfect. ok not perfect but much better than any other imo
    Its like a collage from 100 different persons all put together into a giant patchwork monstrosity nobody knows anymore how it works underneath

    Hey let me put this extension right there
    But its nice to see that they try updating some parts of it at least, even if its only visuals for now

    Edit: Tidalblast accidentally linked this concept image, really would love that 3Ds look , although the usability did not really change (and many things are missing I suppose) but that looks sweet

  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    These UV improvements are all I've been waiting for for the past 5 years.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character

    Visum said:
    2017 Murders Maya in this case
    not bad!
    especially that it does not slow to a crawl when they are switching to editable poly which is the one everyone seems to actually be using. would be interesting to see if this is down to some clever caching for the transform operation or if all the modelling tools (connect, etc) perform at this rate on that type of mesh.

    no crash either - this must be a different max from the one i know. :)

  • spacefrog
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    spacefrog polycounter lvl 15
    Here's another video i did which shows some nice handling of ultra high poly counts.
    "The Other Package" always died on me when trying to import the CAD file ( from a STEP file )
    Just look at the scene statistics i toggle on half through  the video


    And Here's a general deforming mesh performance comparison session from Max 2017 down to Max 2011 ( and "The Other Package" ). The results in short:
    Benchmark results  ( runtime in secs / avg. Fps):
    -- Max 2017 ( Nitrous ):  37.693 / 8.48964 ( Wireframe 12 fps )
    -- Max 2016 ( Nitrous ):  63.916 / 5.00657
    -- Max 2015 ( Nitrous ):  77.421 / 4.13325
    -- Max 2014 ( Nitrous ):  79.021 / 4.04956
    .- Max 2013 ( Nitrous ):  50.634 / 0.631986
    -- Max 2012 ( Nitrous ):  48.029 / 0.666264
    -- Max 2011 ( D3D):          57.57 / 0.555845

    -- Latest Maya:                               4-5 FPS   ( Wireframe 12-14 FPS)
    The Max scene uses a Flex deformed FFD box which drives the mesh deformation depending on the animation ( kind of cheap softbody deformation). The Maya scene scene used a keyframed Lattice deformer which is  definitely less processing intensive than the Flex based approach ...


  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11
    Minato said:
    For the people who are actually interested to know what has been added to Max in the past year,  read this blog carefully (it lists many improvements that aren't mentioned elsewhere, for some reason ), also click on the Extention 1 and Extention 2 links towards the end for the rest:


    Here I'll just paste the "Misc" section of the post:


    Of course, throughout the year, we work on a number of Small User Requested Features and little enhancements. Besides the features and benefits listed above, here are some of the things our Charter and Beta customers have been talking about. Special thanks to Changsoo Eun for compiling the list.

    • 200% Faster deforming mesh prformance (New GPU Based Mesh Builder for DX11 mode) 
    • Increased playback and interactive performance using node transform caching
    • GPU backface cull for deforming object
    • Shadow cache for better/faster shadow 
    • Darker Edge mode for backfacing wireframe
    • New viewport navigation mode : Orbit Point of Interest
    • Customizable viewport tooltips by preViewport Tooltip callback
    • Per Pixel Camera Map support for nitrous
    • Reorganized viewport label
    • Viewport configuration presets
    • Viewport material override
    • Performance shader for viewport
    • New DX mode
    • Hidden/Frozen/Display as box object will not evaluate/load map
    • Gamma corrected background playback slowdown fixed
    • Viewport switching when maximized fixed
    • More readable viewport label
    • Thinner and shaper selection outline 
    • Viewport Statistics have been realigned for larger numbers.
    • Place Pivot Surface: Direct access working pivot from quadmenu
    • Mesher Particle Flow 5 million face limit removed
    Modifier Stack
    • Copy/Paste modifiers to multiple objects at once.
    Motion Panel
    • Empty Tracks and Assigned Controllers can be reset to their default controller type
    • Controllers can by copied and pasted via the right click menu in the controller tree view
    • .Obj poly export UV fix
    Time Configuration
    • “Rescale keys to whole frames” checkbox to force quantization.
    • Holding SHIFT for paint/blend weights mode change
    New Map Types
    • Color map
    • Shape map (Ext 2)
    • Text map (Ext 2)
    • TextureObjMask map (Ext 1)
    State Sets
    • Track modifier ON/OFF in viewport and render
    • Expansion of Composite view to create a new node based render pass system
    • -Nodes can be dragged out to more easily view your State changes
    • -Nodes can be created from scratch for a more direct render pass management workflow without tracking/recording
    • -Support for basic Render Parameters, ART, Vray, Object collections, Object Properties, Material Assignment
    • Persistent Composite View (you no longer loose your work on close)
    • Track Vray VFB checkbox for better render element support with Vray
    • Camera Sequencer Lock Animation Parameter to allow for scaling camera animation when tracks are scaled
    • Return of Record button by default (can be switched back in preferences)
    • All docked dialogs now open in their own new tab by default
    Alembic Updates
    • Performance mode support for any object
    • Proper deformation export when spacewrap applied
    • Any point3, float, integer support for arbitrary channel import
    • UV1 animation support
    • UV2+ vertex order fix
    • UV channel ID preserved
    • Material/Face ID preserved
    • Topology changing mesh does not break material ID
    • Object name preserved
    • Full MXS exposure - range, nth frame exposed
    • Alembic container object icon
    • Alembic Performance mode Force Caching option
    Scene Explorer
    • Remember visible/frozen state of nested layers when overridden by parent layer
    • Child layer cannot be turned on when parent layer is turned off
    • Nested layer sort order : layer will be at the top
    • Hide/Unhide all layers button
    • Freeze/Unfreeze All layers button

    Also, this rather cool feature seems to have fallen completely through the cracks.
    Interested in the new boolean features as well. Looks like an average-to-good release this time around, the viewport perfomance increases are certainly good. Now let's just back away from the subscription model, eh AD?
  • Visum
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    Visum polycounter lvl 7
    Shrike said:

    Edit: Tidalblast accidentally linked this concept image, really would love that 3Ds look although the usability did not really change (and many things are missing I suppose) but that looks sweet

    You can make max look very similar to this in 5 minutes.
    Just customize colors and move windows.

  • Visum
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    Visum polycounter lvl 7
    The readability, I agree, would be a lot better. But I think 2017 comes with new UI improvements?

    Max 2017 looks very similar to your concept.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 11

    Blended Box Mapping and fancy mesh-driven shizzles I don't fully comprehend. But Blended Box Mapping finally!
  • huffer
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    huffer interpolator
    Anyone else have this issue? If I add an Unwrap under a Symmetry modifier, seams are not visible in viewport.
  • monster
    Offline / Send Message
    monster polycounter
    It works if I add an Unwrap and then a Symmetry. But it breaks the viewing of seams when I move the unwrap above then below the Symmetry mod.

    I'm on the beta so I'll report that issue right now.
  • coven
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    coven polycounter lvl 6
    monster said:
    It works if I add an Unwrap and then a Symmetry. But it breaks the viewing of seams when I move the unwrap above then below the Symmetry mod.

    I'm on the beta so I'll report that issue right now.
    Thanks for logging this Juan. We will take a look.

    Also, if anyone has in questions regarding the update, fire away! :)

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