Welcome to our Dota 2 Monthly Community Competition #22
Special Update
(Edit: fixed the deadline.)
Since we have the new bloom deadline till January 19th, we at polycount decided to extend the contest to match the newbloom event, but we are keeping the prizes for the original deadline
for the new extended deadline we are going to have a new prize donated by
Drew "R13" Risch.
Golden Trove Carafe!
worth around $200 on the market
and this priceless
Golden Crystal Maiden figurine
since it is an special event, we are also extending the hero pool to
in resume:
- the finished items on december competes for the normal prize.
- the finished items on december also competes for the extended deadline prize (golden carafe)
- the item from january competes just for the Golden Carafe
- No last time item will be accepted, which means that the rules over work in progress and feedback still applies
The theme will be based on this
cosmetic list
We are getting the next 3 heroes with less cosmetics that are supported to work with.
We are also keeping the
SINGLE ITEM style, If you want to work on a set and post it here for feedback is totally fine, but just post one item as the final one
It is also open for
WINTER themes. We know that is not winter everywhere but this time of the year is easily related to winter then summer
Be sure to read well the rules, breaking then means your submission will be disqualified.
And don't forget to share your
feedback over the other works, no matter how much experience you have, every feedback counts!
Update: for january All Heroes are allowed
Heroes for December:
Ogre Magi

Storm Spirit
* Items based on the heroes like Huds, Couriers or Wards will also be accepted, but they will not compete for the trophy to keep the competition even for everyone
the idea of the competition is to create items in a friendly environment and with the feedback of the other participants to get the best result possible.
It is mandatory to post the work in progress, or else the submition will not be accepted!
We will announce the 5 best items in the end of the month based on the decision of the judges. The first place will also be winning a mini
Greentooth trophy!Marmoset Toolbag 2 Prizes
1 Toolbag license
1 $125 gift card (Newegg or Steam)

Tiger Ward by

22th edition
- Thiago "T_Vidotto" Vidotto
23th edition- Drew "Rogue13" Risch
- Brent "Bounch FX" LaDue
- Christopher "Geezus" Zdana

There is no requirements to join, is open to everyone
The only requested guide to be displayed on the finished items is to follow
this guide on how to publish your item on the thread

- open for teams of any size
- it is allowed one item per hero per team/person ( two or more items for the same hero made by the same team/person will not be accepted)
- everyone should keep posting feedback on other works, the feedback should be constructive
- it must be submitted to the workshop before the deadline but not before the start of the competition
- The item should be made on the month of the competition, its ok to continue one started earlier, but you should work most of it during the month
- the deadline is the last day of the month at 23:59 (since we live in different timezones, some submission may be accepted couple hours after the deadline)
- From this month and the next ones, its mandatory to post the work in progress, or else the submission will not be accepted!
the presentation is a really important part on the workshop, save some time before the deadline for that. the first impression means a lot on the workshop.
If you want to fancy your presentation here is a the polycount logo over the aegis, there is no need of it to be used
http://puu.sh/1QtZyPrevious Months
To check the previous editions of this community contest just follow
this link
eligible for the first part of the contest
DracoMissle by Ghostdetector
Celesital's Emissary by Ghostdetector
Stormhood by mihalceanu
Cloud Robe of Harmony by Toasty
The Twin Ram by Reza
Bracers of Longevity by Ghostdetector
(the previous ones also compete on this)
Creeping Blossom's Abdomen by Zipfinator and Fudgie Wudgie
Cracked Horns of Yu Tu Shanyang by Markovnikov
Eternal Crown by Toasty
Tresses of the Horned Prophet by Sekoran
Headdress of the Rekindled Ashes by Deadman and Sylei
BloodBound wings by TVidotto
Imperial Horned Headguard from mango and ike
Veil of the Ill Wind by Strawmerry, Reza and Mv
Veracious Defender by danpaz3d
Headress of the Northern Mountain by Stuburrito
- more then 1 weapon per hero
Horned Cleaver
- no work in progress submitted
Arcane Spellbloom by MdK and Noblebatterfly
not posting any feedback on other artist's works
The Horns of the Ghastly Eyrie
Spear of the Golden Heavens
Vigil Minotaur Robo and Prosto-mogy
Lost Horn of the Ram (have 3 color styles)
Shallow Water by Prosomogy
Anger of the Ram King by Prosomogy
Green Shadow by Prosomogy
all the other submission in form of a loading screen were also breaking the work in progress rule and were disqualified
sketch here:
I will try to do it in zbrush from scratch , for some practice
hahaha that was quick =]
I like it
some early mockup :
update: preety much done with the sculpt
last update : yey I can go home, here's some colors
I think I will leave it withouth the glows as the here is preety glow'y overall
Submissions will need to be in by January 19th 2015!
Just a heads up in case it matters to anyone and may change your planned item theme for this contest!
You should add more AO and make the back area darker to contrast better with the prongs.
Anyways I kind of want to do this competition and actually finish!
Im probably going to go with "dragon" but I'll wait a bit
For the final sculpt I'll trying to reduce some of the smaller shapes/details and make the larger shapes read more from distance.
I love the turbine man
@Mathew, thanks!
@Toasty, Nice sculpt, but you'll need to add a red gem in the middle.
@Ghostdetector . Thanks
Also for materials, can't go wrong with leather/
PS:my first post in forum, sorry if anything goes wrong
@Kein- nice concept so far, but I think you should refrain from giving him too many weapons.
Your cloth is great
Toasty: very nice idea but I dont now if Storm's base color fit with farmer theme haha
I think you should just use the tradition chinese bamboo hat and "convert" it to a shaolin monk theme. That way you can submit for the bloom festival. You already have the robe down!
Alright I finished!
DracoMissle by Ghostdetector
@GhostDetector The monk idea has definitely crossed my mind! In it's current state as a farmer/gardener he can be entered into the New Bloom Festival, as all clothing elements are Chinese in origin
BTW, DracoMissle turned out great!
Armor slot is the only item i take to this mothly contest
Here is a quick base mesh I made out of a bunch of spheres
Awesome sculpt!
Nice but you should start the the set!
And for storm!
I was going to do this for ogre, but 2 heads it too much for me
What do you guys think?
Marmoset prize is still on, I updated the main thread that was showing that it was waiting some confirmation
@ Tvidotto, awesome, thx for the info
@ ghost detector . I still really like the Orge Magi head gear!! go for it, it's not too much work.
@ Reza. The horns and handle are coming out well. However, perhaps the faces could use a little more detail/form.
Latesr WIP: (I think I'm done with sculpting)
and baked:
As of now, this is what I've got:
@toasty and Reza : looks very good to me, like it
@paprika Thanks!, love where your Ram Rocket is heading
Toasty, love the direction you went with the set. simple, but powerfull. yet.... the guitar makes me unshure of it. Just my oppinion
... Well, its seems that everyone is busy with New Bloom so I couldnt find anyone can model. Maybe it'll better If I go for this set after New Bloom crisis
Goodluck on contest, guys!
"However, the most famous cherry blossom parks in China reflect Japan's brief occupation of parts of China during the first half of the 20th century or the donation from Japan thereafter" (from Wikipedia)
@Toasty, I think you're going too far in terms of color pallete, so you probably should ease down the color change a bit.