Home Quixel Megascans




  • TH98
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    TH98 polycounter lvl 12
    Maybe I am doing something wrong, but wanted to test DDO on a base for my current character.

    When choosing materials none of the texture shows up, same goes when choosing maps.
    Same thing happens when I go in to the masks screen, if i choose the dust option for example, the whole thing stays white, I have a curvature, object space map, normals, everything baked and put in.


    Using a Geforce GTX 760, i7 4770, 8gb ram
    I'm getting the same problem, nothing but flat colors on the albedo and metalness, although gloss seems to be having things happen to it.

  • resetxform
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    resetxform polycounter lvl 5
    I keep getting an error message using Quixel, I recently purchased a copy and just started to use it.

    Error 1: XML error in line 1
    - Not well-formed (invalid token).
    -. var xml = new XML (xmlFile.read0);

    Where can I get support for this?
  • Taowolf51
    No one else has run into the trial bug I'm running into? It's preventing me from using anything but 3DO. Has anyone run into the trial menu at all? What did you press to continue your trial?
    Taowolf51 wrote: »
    Bug Report - DDO Trial Problems:

    I've run into an issue with the "trial" menu. When I open the Quixel Suite then open DDO it asks me to buy or try (with 45 days left to try). I click try, then it asks me to register and provide a serial number (which I don't have) or click try. I click try again and the window disappears and so does the DDO menu. If I try to open DDO again, it opens the same trial menu.

    I cannot get into trial mode and use DDO anymore.

    I'm using Photoshop CS6 64 bit on a Windows 8.1 64 bit system.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @Taowolf51 - Have you tried a clean install? Have actually never heard of this issue before.
  • Taowolf51
    @Taowolf51 - Have you tried a clean install? Have actually never heard of this issue before.

    I think I did, and I also tried rolling back and forward in versions. I seem to remember there being some extra files in the Quixel folder after I fully uninstalled that I deleted before a reinstall. I can try it again when I get back to my computer (Tuesday night EST, currently Monday morning EST).

    This is a bit of a shot in the dark, but I'm also running a VPN. Is it possible that it's causing a problem when the software tries to access the Quixel server when I click "try"? I haven't had any other problems with installation or updating which would also access the Quixel server.

    I'll update you as soon as I get back to my computer and try another fresh reinstall and after turning off the VPN. If neither works I'll go into more detail about the issue (with images).

  • Eric Ramberg
    Will be interesting to see if the VPN is affecting the suite, I'll be waiting eagerly for your report! :)
  • grahasbyte
  • Spyral9
    Im sorry but i have to learn Quixel instead of trawling through all the previous posts. What i want to know is, and this can only be answered by the geniuses at Quixel, is how many licenses does my full 200 dollars give me? I cant remember or find this on your site? I do apologise if this has been asked a thousand times but i cant remember inputing a code. i was probably stoned at the time. Sorry.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @Spyral9 - I have to admit I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.. While i haven't tried it myself buying products while stoned seems problematic!

    So many questions...
    Are you saying you did buy something for 200 dollars and you're not sure what it is?

    Two Hobby/freelance license adds up to 198 dollars, maybe that is what you bought?

    Can you use the entire suite right now?

    Also lastly, i have to ask... Are you entirely sure that you're not stoned again/still? no judgement :)
  • Eric Ramberg
    @gordon robb - sorry for the delay, but here is a small guide on how to setup a project without a normal map:


    Courtesy of Quixel-wizard Billy Lundevall!
    I hope this answers any questions you might have, otherwise let me know!
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    OK, I had a go at that. Used Xnormal to create the required maps. This is the best result I could get. Nothing I could do with the settings would allow me to get an even wear around the edges of the box.

    Any ideas? I can upload the mesh if that would help.
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    Gordon Robb Try using smoothing groups for "low res" mesh to get hard edges while maintaining high res curvature, then bake bevelled edges from high res.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Just thought I would throw a shout-out and say that by updating both photoshop to cc 14 and java, i managed to get past those photoshop errors.:thumbup:

    I would say that about 70% of the mask's don't display correctly though.:(
  • Taowolf51
    Will be interesting to see if the VPN is affecting the suite, I'll be waiting eagerly for your report! :)

    Well, I just got back to my computer and the Quixel Suite is working again with no issues, I'm not even running into the "try" dialogue anymore. VPN is on and working and everything seems to be fine.

    I'm not sure if getting the 45 day trial dialogue was a random fluke or not, and it either wasn't ready or was having issues with the server because of the VPN. All I can say is that I'm not getting the trial dialogue at all anymore, which solved the problem and brought it back to normal functionality.

    I'll update if I run into any more troubles.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @mekezoo - How do the masks look?

    @taowolf51 - Great news!
  • Spyral9
    I was trying to ask how many computers am i o.k installing on .I cant remember which licence it was but it was 200 dollars. Not stoned at the moment :-)
  • Applepie
    Hello everyone !

    I think I would really enjoy the Quixel-Suite, but at the Moment it is unusable for me, because 3Do doesn't seem to connect to Ddo.
    To be more precise: -3Do doesnt show my models (I've got it to work twice --but even a normal traingulated Cube
    doesn't show up)
    -3Do doesn't even show the textures im working on, on the default meshes in 3Do
    -Force refresh doesn't do anything with 3Do
    -The 3Do-Window must be resized to see it's contents

    I've read the whole thread and didn't find a soulution for this problem.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    @Eric Ramberg: Most of the edge-wearing and weathering effect masks seem to fill the model with entire black/white.

  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Gordon Robb Try using smoothing groups for "low res" mesh to get hard edges while maintaining high res curvature, then bake bevelled edges from high res.

    The point is that I'm trying to do this without low and high res models.
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    OK, I had a go at that. Used Xnormal to create the required maps. This is the best result I could get. Nothing I could do with the settings would allow me to get an even wear around the edges of the box.

    Any ideas? I can upload the mesh if that would help.

    Thoughts Eric?
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    The point is that I'm trying to do this without low and high res models.

    Then it's impossible - DDO uses information that it can extract from normal and other maps to create masks.
  • Spyral9
    Applepie. Have you re assigned the colour info in the material reflectance drop down. I have to do it twice. When exporting and when ddo loads.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @Spyral9 - You can install the suite on multiple machines, you should have gotten an confirmation
    e-mail when you ordered and there in should be the details of your purchase. If you can’t find it send me a private message with the E-mail you used when you bought it and i will find the information for you!

    @Applepie - I think you would really enjoy it too! I have experienced the problem you are talking about with the model not showing up, most times it is because the input maps are not correct or if you put them in the wrong slot. Have you tried the sample projects from http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=ddo_samples yet?

    @mikezoo - I would suggest you would also try the sample projects at http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=ddo_samples just to see if the fault is in your project or in the suite, try it and let me know!

    @Gordon Robb - I’m fairly sure the issue lies within the cavity map, on the image you posted it doesn’t look like the masks are behaving as they should. We have used this method on a number of assets so i know it does work, Would you mind zipping your project and uploading it?

    @Final_fight - It is possible to use DDO with both low and high res meshes :) with and without normal map! :)
  • Arforyon
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    Arforyon polycounter lvl 4
    double post, delete please
  • 9of9
    I haven't been able to find if anyone else is having the same issue - I'm on CS6 and I seem to be getting this error whenever I try to use the exporter:


    I've tried a variety of different settings - file formats, paths, calibrated/uncalibrated, but it never manages to export successfully.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @9of9 - Hi! To be honest I'm not sure I've seen this error either, I'm gonna forward it to the dev-team, would it be possible to have some more of your specs? Have you tried to update Java, that seems to have solved a few problems for some people, although this doesn't really feel like it should be affected by it, you never know!
  • Arforyon
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    Arforyon polycounter lvl 4
    I have been having some issue where i add all the input mas and mesh to the suite but no matter what i do, when i open 3do it shows nothing but a sphere. This only started happening very recently.

    I've attached the inputs plus high and cage so that you can analyze and see if it's on my end.
    Thank you.

    Edit: link expired, replaced with one from dropbox.

  • 9of9
    @9of9 - Hi! To be honest I'm not sure I've seen this error either, I'm gonna forward it to the dev-team, would it be possible to have some more of your specs? Have you tried to update Java, that seems to have solved a few problems for some people, although this doesn't really feel like it should be affected by it, you never know!

    Thanks for the prompt response!

    Java was out of date, but unfortunately updating it hasn't helped. Here's a pastebin of Photoshop's System Info readout. It seems to only happen on one particular project - others export just fine, even with the exact same settings.

    Edit: Odd stuff. It exports if I remove the AO, Emissive, AlbedoM and Metalness maps - and it also works if I create new Metalness and AlbedoM maps, but it doesn't export anymore if I save and reopen the project.
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    @Gordon Robb - I’m fairly sure the issue lies within the cavity map, on the image you posted it doesn’t look like the masks are behaving as they should. We have used this method on a number of assets so i know it does work, Would you mind zipping your project and uploading it?

    @Eric Here it is. Its just the object, the occ, the curvature and the Object Space Normal. All I am doing is trying to get the chips to find all (or most) of the edges. Let me know if this is what you wanted.

    Eh, Just realised, I can't attach a Zip file. How do I send it to you?
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    Gordon, try Google drive, or dropbox, or copy, or some similar file hosting site.
  • Applepie
    This is weird!

    For some reason it works now, after trying out the orc-example file.
    Got some really nice Results !
    I'm loving it, because it so much easier and quicker to add little details.
    Though I think there are some problems with the automatic masks -- Ddo doesn't seem to find edges.
    Additionally I'm wondering:
    "How many Megascans will a Quixel-Suite licence contain ( without Megascan subscription)?"

  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    I've had some issues finding edges and things too, using curvature. Like it isn't high contrast enough, even though I've tried exaggerating it while keeping the 50% midtone, and it hasn't helped. I have to tweak the mask presets a lot to get anything usable.
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Joopson wrote: »
    Gordon, try Google drive, or dropbox, or copy, or some similar file hosting site.

    @Eric: Here is a link to the files....

  • Vipera
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    Vipera polycounter lvl 2
    I have tried different Texel Density and found that it works only with 256,512,1024,2048,... numbers. Texel Density does not work with 200,500,1000,... numbers. Is it how it suppose to be or I do something wrong?

    I think, if Texel Density works only with only some numbers there should be a drop list with selected numbers instead of edit box for entering random numbers.
  • Vipera
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    Vipera polycounter lvl 2
    I have found that regarding on Calibration Profile I get absolutely different maps with the same source files and same smart material:

    Last-gen profile - you can notice some wear on the box edges which I highlited by arrows


    UE4 profile - some edges have missing wear


    I expect that result on the edges should be the same for all profiles. Here is the link to my test file with all source maps. I used Battle Armor smart material for this test.

    Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 and Quxel Suite 1.3
  • Arforyon
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    Arforyon polycounter lvl 4
    I've been having this problem in which i am unable to see my model in 3do after all input maps and mesh are in, all i see is a sphere. It only started happening recently so i am unsure of the cause.

    Here is a link with a my inputs as well as high, low and cage so that you may see if the problem is on my end.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    Vipera wrote: »
    I have tried different Texel Density and found that it works only with 256,512,1024,2048,... numbers. Texel Density does not work with 200,500,1000,... numbers. Is it how it suppose to be or I do something wrong?

    Usually textures are powers of two (there are exceptions)

  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    Haven't followed this thread in some time so I apologize if this is old news, request, but I would love the ability to create (or import) custom masks in dDo. For the most part the mask presets are pretty cool but I'd really like to paint where textures apply to a model and use dDo's texture slider to determine how scuffed, dirty, grimy whatever the painted masks are.

    If that doesn't make sense, I can elaborate with pictures.
  • Vipera
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    Vipera polycounter lvl 2
    beefaroni wrote: »
    Usually textures are powers of two (there are exceptions)


    What I am trying to say that this is not clear from UI that Texel Density (pixels/m) must be powers of two. As I understand Texel Density is the scale factor for the image we project to our texture, so it might be any number. In Photoshop I can scale image to any number, not just powers of two.
  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14
    Vipera wrote: »
    What I am trying to say that this is not clear from UI that Texel Density (pixels/m) must be powers of two. As I understand Texel Density is the scale factor for the image we project to our texture, so it might be any number. In Photoshop I can scale image to any number, not just powers of two.

    Almost all game engines ( and alot of other apps ) require textures to be created by this format. Lots of math involved,
  • Vipera
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    Vipera polycounter lvl 2
    mikezoo wrote: »
    Almost all game engines ( and alot of other apps ) require textures to be created by this format. Lots of math involved,

    I am not saying about texture size. I am saying about image scale in this texture. If program accepts any numbers it should work with any numbers. If program works with only numbers powered by two then program should accept ONLY numbers powered by two or there should be a list of available numbers which I can select.
    Question: What number should I enter if I need a number between 512 and 1024?
  • Eric Williams
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    Eric Williams polycounter lvl 16
    I agree, Vipera.

    It shouldn't tile like that. Quixel didn't give us a drop down with powers of 2, they gave us an input field that allows any number.

    I posted earlier that setting the texel density over the document size of the imported textures causes unusual tiling, Quixel Eric noted that it's not supposed to do that. I was testing with a 4096 map and it tiled with a texel density 4097 or 8192, doubling didn't make a difference at that resolution.

    I just tested at 1024 map (document size) with a 2048 texel density, to my surprise it didn't tile. Although, it does at numbers in between and above.

    If texel density worked correctly, matching it between other software would make it very easy to get consistently sized materials. Works very nicely in Modo with Farfarer's texel script, minus the part where we are currently stuck to the doubling resolutions.
  • HolaBlackDavy
    Hello, i have this problem for a couble of days and its making me furious! I have dDO v5.1/5.2. I open dDO everything is fine, i load the maps everything is still fine but when i press bake this error shows up and i can't find a possible way to fix it! please i need help! 905855_675963489147766_2132330913759742548_o.jpg
  • Panzerdraco
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    Panzerdraco polycounter lvl 5

    Getting these errors when trying to add the Blood Spatter smart material, or use certain masks.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Is there a way to rotate textures? The wood material has a flow to it, but it doesn't line up with my mesh.
  • solfx

    New to the Quixel suite. After importing a .OBJ, setting the path and clicking Create Base im getting an 8800 error. It looks like when it gets to creating the mask.psd it gets hung up.

    Im using Quixel 1.3, windows 7 and photoshop cs6.

    Any advice on how I can fix this?

    Error8800: General Photoshop error occured. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop.
    -Could not save E:\\sphere1_mask.psd because file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions or another program is using the file. Use the properties command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file.
    Line: 23971
    -> activeDocument.save();
  • solfx
    Also receving error 8800 when creating a smart material from the library.

    Error 8800: General Photoshop error.
    - The object "Black channel of merged layer of document "Xv-ZCje-pN"" is not currently available.
    Line: 19255
    -> executeAction( id8, desc3, DialogModes.NO);

    I don't know if this is related to the error 8800 that I get when clicking Create Base.

    Noted: When i hit forced refresh in DDO after these errors it "kinda" makes things work. For instance after hitting force refresh the error that I would get from applying say smart material Militery Fabric to my mesh, it seems like it might work, the model updates with the material applied to it in 3DO but I don't know if It will export all my maps correctly.

    Please help with these 8800 errors! I really want to make Quixel my main texturing suite!
  • Othelnic12
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    Othelnic12 polycounter lvl 5
    Hello. I create a custom panel for Photoshop. There using a generator Cavity. Similarly Quixel, in the future, I want to generate similar to the mask. Is this not a violation of copyright and plagiarism ideas Quixel ?
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    @Eric: did you manage to have a look at those files?

    The link again in case you missed it..

  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    so ive found an interesting bug this morning. something that has been bothering me for a while. say im texturing and i want to lay down some base textures with a brush (some squiggles for example)


    looks great yea? cool. so now when i open 3do and i do this, it results in lines shooting across my screen from where i pick up my pen.


    not sure why 3do does this to my tablet, but it seems like something is going on behind the scenes that makes my mouse want to go off screen. if this has been brought up before, disregard, if not, itd be great if someone could figure out whats going on.
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