Home Quixel Megascans




  • KageMao
    *please delete, double post, sorry*
  • KageMao
    Hi! Playing around with the beta version to see if I want to buy or not, but getting rather frustrated. Over and over again, I'm getting "Script Alert" warnings.

    "Error: General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop."

    "- Could not complete the command because of a program error."

    I get multiple error values and searching for Quixel OR Photoshop related error codes is not bringing up anything. - 3, 21, 6, 90, 100, 75, 61, 8, 5, 86, and sometimes not even any error number.

    For the record: Win8.1 x64, PS CS6 x64, i7, 780M, 32G RAM. nDO works perfectly as does 3DO. Only seem to have these problem with dDO (and what is the green M that is greyed out?)
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    This could be a ridiculous question, but is there a universal adjustment DDO makes to export out to a specific engine? For whatever reason, even though I didn't save the PSD, my PSDs were saved over when I was trying some new maps, so now the colors are completely off. I noticed the Albedo PSD and exported image were slightly different in values, is there a set Levels/Curve adjustment I can make to fix this, at least for TB2?
  • Taowolf51
  • Daedalus51
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    Daedalus51 polycounter lvl 5
    So, I tried the suite now with CS 5.1, CS 6 and CC 2014 which I got at home 2 days ago.

    The only version that really works for me is CS 6 at the office. Both of the other versions constantly have issues.

    On CC 2014 for example, every time I try to add a new smart material, it starts to do so, but then I get the PS error that this function might not be supported in my version of photoshop, like others here described as well.

    I already reinstalled the suite a couple of times (also cleaned the registry), tried it in different locations, have all the .exes set to run as admin, but still no luck.

    This is a main blocking issue for me, since I only have CS 5.1 or CC 2014 at home.

    With CS 5.1, I get a lot of things not really working. When I make a new project and add a smart material, it starts adding it, but when its done it has just added the first standard material base layer as if I would have chosen add material instead of add smart material.

    Also I get a lot of errors in the smart masking menu and in general it runs really unstable and with lots of issues (can write them down more precisely next time I try CS 5.1).

    However, as mentioned above....CS 6 on my office machine runs like a charm. Havent had any issue or crash so far.
  • joelr
    Hey team,

    NDO fails to convert a layer, if that layer is named "4".

    I'm using Type layers in NDO to create embossed text in normal maps. NDO fails to convert a Type layer when the number "4" is written into it. That's because the name of the layer becomes "4". That specific name crashes NDO. Renaming the layer to something else works. Very confusing bug, took me a while to find the specific issue.
  • joelr
    Hey team,

    NDO fails to convert a layer, if that layer is named "4".

    I'm using Type layers in NDO to create embossed text in normal maps. NDO fails to convert a Type layer when the number "4" is written into it. That's because the name of the layer becomes "4". That specific name crashes NDO. Renaming the layer to something else works. Very confusing bug, took me a while to find the specific issue.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    NDO to 3DO refresh bug:

    System: Win 8.1, CC 2014

    Bug: NDO will not refresh data to 3DO if a group of NDO normals is selected. When refresh is pressed something seems o be happening but the normals are not updated until a NDO layer is selected.

    If that was confusing, what I mean is when you select a layer and have the size/depth/contrast settings, it WORKS. If that layer is grouped with other layers for organization. That group cannot be selected to use the refresh (even though the button is available).

    This is a very small problem but I thought you guys would be interested.
  • DavidJones
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    DavidJones polycounter lvl 4
    I noticed that when I put my baked polypaint texture in the polypaint overlay slot, it doesn't show up in my AlbedoM texture tab. If I place it in the Albedo Base Map slot and import it, it still doesn't show up unless I add a new Albedo map.

    Is this a bug with polypaint overlay?

    I just checked the Quixel SUITE road map...looks like this feature hasn't been implemented yet.
  • smessier
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    smessier polycounter lvl 9
    I bought the freelance license of the suite, and so far it's worked fairly well (I think I need to pick up some more ram to handle it on my macbook though).

    So far, apart from some random crashes while rendering and dealing with 3DO, I've had problems trying to register NDO and DDO. I'm not sure if I'm just entering the top two boxes incorrectly (which are unlabeled for me), or for some reason it's just not pushing the internet registration through, but I'm unable to fully register both kits. I'm forced to enter my registration key every time I want to use the suite, which isn't a huge deal, but get's annoying. I saw once that there was a phone registration option, but it was late at night and I assumed I'd try that later on in the week. I haven't been able to find that option again.

    I'm also having a strange issue where the exported maps render out lighter than previewed in DDO. This could be the same issue 'Leleuxart' is having. I preview in Toolbag 2 for final renders, and the maps are consistently too bright.

    The suite is a set of amazing tools, and it's really gotten me excited to texture. Thanks guys for making this happen.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    NDO Multi-Layer Normal Edit Bug:

    OS: Same as before.

    In the multi-normal layer editing, if a shape has a transform applied to it (ctrl-t), and it is not accepted, any normal adjustment will crash the suite.
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Just got the suite and have been trying to learn it. I have two questions.

    Firstly, the web page for nDO talks about crating displacement maps from images, but cannot find anything about how to do this.

    Secondly, I downloaded the files for the helmet. The project loads ok, but I am trying to load it from scratch with no materials to try from the beginning. When I connect all the images dn object, it does not work. Specifically the material id image does not load into the right bit in PSD, therefore, I cannot attach any materials. Also, once it has loaded up, the DDO window and start widgets disappear .
  • Sieve
    Hi there!
    I write here too because i need to solve that thing..

    I've some trouble for setting a good preset workflow for automate some steps.

    I have created some custom smart materials, but i can't see them in the ID Link Editor for associate them to specific colors in order to create a ID Link preset, i see only the list of dDo default smart materials.

    What is the right workflow to create a ID Link preset with custom smart materials?
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Is this the place to get help? I still cannot get this programme to run as sold!
  • scottb9239
    Hi guys, I'm sorry if this has been asked already. Also I'm super new to Quixel and DDO, this is my first test project.

    I'm having an issue with getting all of the materials that I assigned in the color ID link editor to create. I was using an old version of Photoshop, CS5 and I received an error multiple times when it was creating the base materials, the error was: "The command "set" is not currently available". I clicked OK to accept and move onto the next material, this came up several times.

    When the materials were created I only had 5 of the 12 materials created. I then started over and this time I didn't receive the error message, but it still came out with only 5 materials, the rest of the model was grey.

    I looked this error up and someone said to use a different version of Photoshop, so then I decided to get the latest one. I ran the same test again, I still don't get the errors anymore, but I still get only 5 materials created. Anyone else had this?

    I've attached three screenshots, the first is the 12 materials being assigned in the link editor, the second is the 5 materials I get after creating them and the third is my model with the 5 materials assigned (and the rest of the model shiny grey for the missing materials). Btw, I also tried deleting the project and starting over but I still get the same issue now, no errors but only 5 materials. :|

    Any help greatly appreciated!


  • Eric Ramberg
    Hi guys!

    I honestly can't thank you enough for all these reports, I'm compiling a list of everything since my last post and I'm forwarding it to Teddy! I will answer the questions i can below, again, big thanks! I know Teddy is extremely grateful for all the feedback and i can tell you he is hard at work right now!

    @bejou - exactly, this is because of the beta! Ndo2 and the Ndo inside the suite are two separate things, but if you have a licence for Ndo2 its a free upgrade for the Ndo within the suite!

    @logan845 thats the legacy version of the tool, try the new suite from the quixel website www.quixel.se and give that a try :)

    @dolec - Teddy has talked about making custom masks easier, in what shape or form I'm not sure, you can however already do it as you stated. Maybe you could try creating a custom pattern and see if that fill your needs!

    @daedalus51 - many questions, I'll try to answer them all! first of all we're very happy that you are enjoying the tools! :)

    - A tutorial concerning UE4 have been in talks, i dont dare promise anything but i can tell you that the team knows that this is a priority!

    - I see your point about id masks, ill pass it along to Teddy!

    -Material rotation is a tricky one since there is no support for rotating patterns in photoshop, but i know its a feature many want and i know Teddy has been looking at it. That's all i know, sorry :)

    - I can't answer your questions about Srgb and linear space, passing it along to Teddy!

    - Im not sure what you're after here, but it is possible to add normal detail, for a painted effect i would suggest changing the layer style of the "paint layer" to normal, so that it cancels out some of the details in the normal map hence giving it a "painted" look. is that what you are after?

    -Regarding normal map showing through, yes the maps stack, but an easy way to get around that if you want is for example put the metal scratches on top and invert the mask.

    - Regarding the painting i don't dare answer that one, sorry :)

    - I can tell you it is being worked on, you are right that there are some things out there made with materials that is not in the beta, i have seen and tried quite a few materials from Megascans and you are right to be excited for it! :) But i know Teddy wants to get it absolutely right, so more info on Megascans will follow later!

    @ryanreid - I have had that problem many times myself, almost every time it is due to a fault normal map, or a normal map being loaded in the wrong slot. Have you tried with the demo files from the wiki?

    @david somers - Im sorry to hear about your payment issues and i am forwarding it to the people in charge of that! Luckily you can still use the suite to full extent during the beta period and the payment issues should be fixed long before that expires. sorry for any inconvenience!

    Thanks everybody!
  • trugb31
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    trugb31 polycounter lvl 9
    When I try to preview details in ddo I get this error and I do not know how fix it. Here is a screen
  • Eric Williams
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    Eric Williams polycounter lvl 16
    Setting the texel density above the canvas size causes the texture to tile a lot. Is this a bug? I apologize if it's been brought up.
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Eric Ramberg: Nice long reply answering people's questions - ignoring mine. Still, both of the questions I asked I have figured out myself (not what I expect to have to do with a programme I pay for). Still, I have another couple of questions, that having an answer to would be good.

    - First, and most important. Is this the place I should be seeking support?

    - Regarding Smart Materials, is there any way for them to find edges, or direction etc without using normal maps? Some of the hard body stuff I do, does not have normal maps, and adding them would add a whole lot of work.

    - lastly is a workflow question. At the moment, I start the Suite, and it starts Photoshop CC 2014, with the widgets showing on the top left. I click on DDO, and load a mesh and it's maps. I click on Build (or what ever it says), and it goes off and does loads of stuff, creating images etc. But when it's finished DDO and the suite widgets disappear. I have to start it again for them to come back. Is this right as it seems a little like a bug to me.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @trugb31 - That is the old version of the tool, have you tried the new suite? available at www.quixel.se ?

    @Eric Williams - I'm not sure that this is a bug, its sounds like its working as the texel density should work! If you increase the texel density the materials will tile more! :)

    @Gordon Robb - As i said i answered the questions i could, i did not ignore yours. Yes this is the place to go for support, unfortunately it is vacation time in Sweden right now that's why we haven't been able to answer as quickly we'd liked, for this I apologize.

    On to your questions, yes there is a way! try a combination of cavity map for the edges and object space normal for the direction, that should hopefully get you what you want! :)

    This one sounds like a bug! I'll forward this to the dev team, sorry for any inconvenience!
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    @Eric: Thanks for the prompt reply. Hope you have a good rest :) I'll have a look into cavity maps and object space normals. Regarding the first, just to explain, imagine a box, with rounded edges, all geometry. I want to be able to use DDO to create a texture with the edges worn. Do you think this is possible with just a simple box? Not sure what a cavity map is, except for finding cavitys, which is kind of the opposite of the edges :)
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    Bug Report:
    If there are two (or more?) layers with the same name after being duplicated it sort of locked my Albedo PSD, I couldnt alt click to open masks or do anything in actual PS document layers. Even when clicking on actual layers in PS they were always grayed out. After renaming layer I duplicated earlier everything went back to normal. Also it seemed to cause a popup error when editing a mask of the layer (that had identical name as another layer) in the mask editor and pressing done.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    Bug Report - NDO Zipped Layers


    So I zipped a layer up and came back to the project later. When I tried to un-zip the layer though, the icon was at it's un-zipped status already. Basically, when I clicked the zip button, it was zipping up that layer again (so a total of two times).

    I solved this by zipping it up a second time, and deleting the OLD zipped node in the group, leaving only 1 left. When I un-zipped again, everything worked.
  • Taowolf51
    Bug Report - DDO Trial Problems:

    I've run into an issue with the "trial" menu. When I open the Quixel Suite then open DDO it asks me to buy or try (with 45 days left to try). I click try, then it asks me to register and provide a serial number (which I don't have) or click try. I click try again and the window disappears and so does the DDO menu. If I try to open DDO again, it opens the same trial menu.

    I cannot get into trial mode and use DDO anymore.

    I'm using Photoshop CS6 64 bit on a Windows 8.1 64 bit system.
  • Eric Williams
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    Eric Williams polycounter lvl 16

    @Eric Williams - I'm not sure that this is a bug, its sounds like its working as the texel density should work! If you increase the texel density the materials will tile more! :)

    Raising the texel density slowly will show the texture grow. Try 2048 texture with a camouflage material from smart materials with a starting density of 256, then reimport and raise the texel density from 256 to 512 and rerender. Until you hit 1 pixel more than 2048, then it goes from growing into tiling and tiles alot and it's all the same no matter what you set it to above that.

    After experimentation, here's how it seems DDO calculates texel density and material sizes.

    Basically ddo assumes a material will stay the same size across all densities. Think of it as a feature, like a rock, in a material is 100mm. In order for DDO to maintain the rock size at 100mm, it will resize the image to maintain the size of the rock. Lower texel density = more tiling, higher density = less tiling.

    The attachment is very ugly, but it might help visualize a bit.
  • Scizz
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    Scizz polycounter lvl 13
    Quick question. So the wiki says that the "Flip normal Y" check box flips the green channel of your normal map. It also says to check this box if my normal map channel is already flipped. How would it know to not flip the channel if I already flipped it?

    When I go into cross app mode to texture in marmoset, when I bring in my normal map that Quixel generates, when I check the flip y tickbox, it looks messed up, when its supposed to look right when the box is checked. So should I just not check the flip Y tickbox before starting my project in the suite if I want my end result normal map to have a flipped y channel?
  • Boonta
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    Boonta polycounter lvl 13
    Just jumped in to say im also haveing issues getting this to work on Photoshop CC 2014.

    Running version 1.3 of quixel beta. Windows 8.1

    When I click any of the NDO or DDO buttons the suite just shuts down. 3do seems to work ok.
  • 4GetRich
  • MRRadioactiv
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    MRRadioactiv polycounter lvl 10
    I think the "Glary Utilities" "one click maintenance" is not compatible with ndo2. After i revert to a system backup before i used it - ndo2 work again.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    Bug Report

    1- When inside a specific material, and you accidentally add a smart material you get the message are you sure you want to add this material inside this material. If you select the cancel option the program will not allow you to open materials anymore.

    2- When editing the bare wood material, if you change the texture intensity below a certain number the texture actually removes itself unless you change the scale, and then change it back
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    @Eric: Thanks for the prompt reply. Hope you have a good rest :) I'll have a look into cavity maps and object space normals. Regarding the first, just to explain, imagine a box, with rounded edges, all geometry. I want to be able to use DDO to create a texture with the edges worn. Do you think this is possible with just a simple box? Not sure what a cavity map is, except for finding cavitys, which is kind of the opposite of the edges :)

    @Eric: Tired a simple shape (pretty much a box) and cannot find anyway for DDO to find the edges of it. A cavity map (created in Xnormal) had almost no effect, as I couldn't find any way for DDO to use a cavity map.

    Any ideas?
  • boumay
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    boumay polycounter lvl 6
    @Eric: Tired a simple shape (pretty much a box) and cannot find anyway for DDO to find the edges of it. A cavity map (created in Xnormal) had almost no effect, as I couldn't find any way for DDO to use a cavity map.

    Any ideas?

    I'm tired of this program, it's a disappointment. Failing to correctly find edges. Tired of these L patterns coming from only one side and one angle of the object without knowing why.
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Its fine at finding edges where the edges are in the Normal map. I want it to find edges that are geometry :)
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    I've also noticed alot after closing photoshop, Suite is still running in the backround i have to cntrl alt delete and end the task
  • boumay
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    boumay polycounter lvl 6
    Its fine at finding edges where the edges are in the Normal map. I want it to find edges that are geometry :)

    I know, and perhaps it's me not being experienced at baking, but I always have normal maps with me and it is the same problem again and again. I noticed it with hard surfaces, boxed shapes or the like.
  • Boonta
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    Boonta polycounter lvl 13
    weird so i tried this again at work and its all working fine with cc 2014

    but at home its not loading as described in the post above.

    i also get the following error with 3do

    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMExeption (0x80029C4A): Error loading type libary/DLL. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY))
  • 4GetRich
    Ok, All those who got problem to get Quixel Suite work, or it freezes after choosing NDO or DDO i have simple thing what makes it work...

    And sorry for my wining over here it seem that i tough that i have done everything but nope, i wasen't...
  • 4GetRich
    Oh, I think it got something to do with Java. After i updated my Java from oracle sites it worked.
    And after that auto update started updated Java it stop working again.

    So i got feeling that working propel is around Java.
  • 4GetRich
    Hey Again.
    Okies, here is the thing.
    I did removed my all Java apps from windows - Suite not working.
    I installed Java 7 update 67 or something the newest ones what you get by enterin Java.com -> Suite didn't work.

    I INSALLED NEWEST JAVA 7 UPDATE AS x64 and VOILÁ -> Suite Works just fine.
    Link for installer download.

    - Or if too scared to click go java.com click free java button (BIG RED ONE IN MIDDLE).
    - Left side bar " FAQ about 64-bit Java For Windows" click that.
    - Scroll very bottom of page part
    "Java for 64-bit browsers Users should download 64-bit Java software".
    - Click manual page word ( Underlined ).
    - Then choose 64-bit offline installer.
    - Install.
    - Start Suite.
    And Show Some Love !!!!

    After all this worked at me.

    And after i had joy for feeling to get Suite work, and typing this post here...
    Suite stopped working Again... :D
  • hyperj
    Hi, I'm testing Quixel Suite 1.3 for the first time. I'm using Photoshop CC 2014. Here is the error I frequently get.


    Any ideas? Compatibility issues between 1.3 and CC 2014???

  • resetxform
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    resetxform polycounter lvl 5
    Hey guys I just started to try QS and I got this error.
  • Boonta
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    Boonta polycounter lvl 13
    scratch that ! updating java solved it!
  • JayGarcia_
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    JayGarcia_ polycounter lvl 4
    Bug Report
    Win 7/Ps Cs6

    When using Ddo and making changes to the material it crashes, as well as it crashing upon saving my project. It crashes and does not allow me to open the suite again.

    Only solution i found so far is to uninstall and then re install the suite.
  • TheDarkKnight
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    TheDarkKnight polycounter lvl 15
    Maybe I am doing something wrong, but wanted to test DDO on a base for my current character.

    When choosing materials none of the texture shows up, same goes when choosing maps.
    Same thing happens when I go in to the masks screen, if i choose the dust option for example, the whole thing stays white, I have a curvature, object space map, normals, everything baked and put in.


    Using a Geforce GTX 760, i7 4770, 8gb ram
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Any update on what I can do to find edges (for wear etc), where I don't have a low poly/high poly normal with an edge on it?
  • Lt_Commander
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    Lt_Commander polycounter lvl 11
    Ever since 1.3, I've had an issue where I can no longer get sharp edges from dDo - this includes models with baked AO, normals (object and tangent), and height - working at 1024 and 2048. Another issue is complete lack of texture masks, all materials are untextured/smooth. Modifications to projects made in an older version with good masks and texture will loose both on a reimport or modification of texture overlay resolution.

    Using CS6, the issue is consistent in both installs on Win 8.1 x64 and Win 7 x64. I've also tried rolling back to 1.2, and the issue is now consistent.

    An example of a bad mask: (they all give roughly the same result)
  • boumay
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    boumay polycounter lvl 6
    Ever since 1.3, I've had an issue where I can no longer get sharp edges from dDo - this includes models with baked AO, normals (object and tangent), and height - working at 1024 and 2048. Another issue is complete lack of texture masks, all materials are untextured/smooth. Modifications to projects made in an older version with good masks and texture will loose both on a reimport or modification of texture overlay resolution.

    This is exactly what I was talking about.
    Really annoying.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Thanks a bunch for the bugs everyone! they are really crucial for further development of the tool so keep em coming!

    @beefaroni - That is very unfortunate! have you tried a reinstall of the suite? really sorry for your troubles!

    @Eric Williams - Well something is definitely wrong, thank you so much for taking the time to explain your problems further!

    @4getrich - Damn so close! did you get it to work again??

    @Gordon Robb - Im trying to find a solution for you, let me get back to with an answer. I’m more of an artist monkey myself so input maps isn’t my strong suite, really sorry for the delay!
  • mpaquin
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    mpaquin polycounter lvl 7
    Has anyone found which of the calibration profiles work best for V Ray or Mental Ray? I've just been using the Generic PBR. Are there plans for calibration profiles for those in the future? I realize DDO is aimed at game engines, but I've been using it for other purposes.

    Also, will there be a loader for custom HDR environments for 3DO? I've got a few I like to use.
  • Eric Ramberg
    @mpaquin - im sorry to say i dont know which profiles work best with them, maybe someone else has tried this and can share? But i can tell you that calibration profiles for a lot of programs are coming, and not only game related! I talked to teddy about this and he wants to add a large number of profiles covering most of the software out there, there will also be an option to add your own profiles in the future!

    About custom hdri, its being looked at, hopefully more info soon!
This discussion has been closed.