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Substance Painter - Master Thread



  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
  • Anthony
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    Anthony polycounter lvl 2
    I've taken a look at this a couple of times on youtube, i tried playing around with the trial version of SD that my student license of 3ds max 2012 installed, but i had absolutely NO idea what i was dealing with, lol, but, i'm liking what painter seems to be able to do, and considering that zbrush still lacks painting support for gloss and spec maps, and i don't really want ot get Marmoset, as it's hardware locked, this looks like a viable alternative.

    I've got my eye on the indie pack on steam (Painter, Designer, Bitmap2Material, and 30 substance files), sure, it's a big chunk at £150 but i think it'll be worth it. I'll be reinstalling my OS this weekend at the earliest so, now's a good time to get it.

    I've noticed in some early overview videos that it only supports single-mesh imports, no mult-mesh object support, has this been addressed yet? And if not, will it be?
  • iskandar80
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    iskandar80 polycounter lvl 6
    Anthony wrote: »
    I've taken a look at this a couple of times on youtube, i tried playing around with the trial version of SD that my student license of 3ds max 2012 installed, but i had absolutely NO idea what i was dealing with, lol, but, i'm liking what painter seems to be able to do, and considering that zbrush still lacks painting support for gloss and spec maps, and i don't really want ot get Marmoset, as it's hardware locked, this looks like a viable alternative.

    I've got my eye on the indie pack on steam (Painter, Designer, Bitmap2Material, and 30 substance files), sure, it's a big chunk at £150 but i think it'll be worth it. I'll be reinstalling my OS this weekend at the earliest so, now's a good time to get it.

    I've noticed in some early overview videos that it only supports single-mesh imports, no mult-mesh object support, has this been addressed yet? And if not, will it be?

    Hello Anthony,

    Multi-material support should be in the next beta build (so 2-3 weeks from now) You can look at the roadmap of Substance Painter right here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/273390/discussions/0/558749825207979878/
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7


    Didn't see this before, thanks guys!

    Great list BTW, PTEX would be awesome. What are UDIMs? greater than 0-1 UV space?
  • Anthony
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    Anthony polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you for the info Kandar, though i was referring to multi-MESH object importing, so the user isn't forced to combine all their meshes into one mesh object before importing (for working on things like vehicles, mechs and characters with armor ect)

    Though i am happy to see GoZ on the roadmap.

    And yes, PTEX would be useful, if only Zbrush and UE4 supported it. (for that matter, i don't think Maya LT does)
  • iskandar80
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    iskandar80 polycounter lvl 6
    Anthony wrote: »
    Thank you for the info Kandar, though i was referring to multi-MESH object importing, so the user isn't forced to combine all their meshes into one mesh object before importing (for working on things like vehicles, mechs and characters with armor ect)

    Though i am happy to see GoZ on the roadmap.

    And yes, PTEX would be useful, if only Zbrush and UE4 supported it. (for that matter, i don't think Maya LT does)

    oh I see, sorry for the misunderstanding. I'll add this request in our wishlist then :)
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    Great job on being so transparent with your process and updates. I tried the first beta and wasn't planning on purchasing but after seeing the rate of improvement and the the road-map i'm purchasing now.
  • DerekLeBrun
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    DerekLeBrun polycounter lvl 11
    I see PSD Import on the roadmap, but I don't see Export anywhere. I thought Export was planned as well?
    Jerc wrote: »
    PSD import/export is planned but probably not very short term...
  • iskandar80
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    iskandar80 polycounter lvl 6
    I see PSD Import on the roadmap, but I don't see Export anywhere. I thought Export was planned as well?

    PSD Export from Substance Painter is planned indeed
  • Anthony
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    Anthony polycounter lvl 2
    I'm not sure if this has been asked in the thread before (I tried searching), but, I'm interested in buying the indie pack, but according to it's product page, it requires Designer in order to be installed/run, but Designer is part of the bundle, so do i just ignore that "requires...." point?
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    Hmm yes, that must be a mistake. As a general rule, all Allegorithmic software are standalone.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Wow, never seen anything like that with the seamless 2D view afair. Can it be turned off though? Sometimes you do want to have the paint end right at the seam (when the seams are along the edge of a shirt going into skin and such).

    Does Substance Painter have any pixel tools? like the pencil tool in Photoshop, or a pixel grid (like found in the old P-XCEL app)? I know its catered towards high-end assets, but a few tools for artists doing low-spec work is good to have too.

    Keep it up, SP is looking like it's really starting to come together.
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    We don't have pixel tools yet but it is something we could consider in the future indeed.
  • Shiv
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    Shiv polycounter lvl 15
    Hermit wrote: »
    On the right, you have a category named ''Alignment''. By default it's set to ''Tangent''. You have to change it for UV. Then, you can use a simple brush and paint on the edge of your UVs.

    I feel stupid right now, but i cannot find this option :(

    Also, +1 to being able to hide/rip the 2d out. Would be cool on a second monitor or moveable from the main image. (or tabbed 2d/3d)
    I work with the viewport as big as possible in everything else, feels wierd to compromise on the thing where i need to see as much as possible.

    Really cool program tho :)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i'm having a weird issue since this latest update, where i can't orbit around the model anymore, instead it snaps to front/left/right/back/top/bottom.
  • Anthony
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    Anthony polycounter lvl 2
    Bought the indie pack today (now all i have to do is figure out how to explain the 150£ mark on my next bank statement to my mother, as she's the one who handles all my finances...:P)

    I've imported a custom mesh in OBJ format, but i'm not sure how to get the mesh names to display in the list on the left (as i've seen it do in a few videos)

    Besides, i think it needs rebuilding, the UVs are shot to hell.
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    @Shiv: The option is located in the Advanced Brush options. YOu may have to click on the "Brush" title bar to expand the advanced options.

    @almighty_gir: This is the behavior you would have if your shift key was always pressed. Are you sure there is nothing wrong on that side?

    @Anthony: I'm not sure what you mean by having the mesh name on the left. Are you talking about Substance Painter or Designer?

    The ability to switch entirely from 2D, 3D or both will be in the next build.
  • Anthony
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    Anthony polycounter lvl 2
    Jerc wrote: »
    @Shiv: The option is located in the Advanced Brush options. YOu may have to click on the "Brush" title bar to expand the advanced options.

    @almighty_gir: This is the behavior you would have if your shift key was always pressed. Are you sure there is nothing wrong on that side?

    @Anthony: I'm not sure what you mean by having the mesh name on the left. Are you talking about Substance Painter or Designer?

    The ability to switch entirely from 2D, 3D or both will be in the next build.

    Yeah, sorry, it was Designer i was thinking of my bad, lol.

    I was trying to figure out how to select different parts of the mesh i'd brought in, in the original file i brought in, the overall model is made of several pieces, and i was wondering how i'd go about selecting different parts.

    I need to watch those tutorial videos again. Is there a "Mask Unselected" feature at all?
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    You should apply different materials to your mesh parts before exporting them if you want to apply different materials on them or bake color masks in SD.
  • jestersheepy
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    jestersheepy polycounter lvl 8
    Really great program so far, it has a huuuge potential and if most of the really vital flaws with it get fixed I can see it becoming a great addition to many artists workflows.

    The issues I have faced:
    -Lack of blendables/filters (Greyed out so I have am guessing they are coming soon).
    -Clunkyness of creating materials/tools/brushes, they could be a right click in respective UI element to create a new one.
    -Glossyness doesn't seem to have realtime feedback in the viewport (Guessing because it's conflicting with PBR).
    -Reimporting a mesh with added geometry currently breaks, so developing meshes while texturing them doesn't seem to be an option just yet (Unless you export and reimport the textures each time with the new mesh).
    -Importing textures seems very clunky, again respective UI would work better, textures for layers perhaps could be held is some sort of cache instead of saving them to your shelf?
    -More customisation for UI placement would be great.
    -Undocking the 2D viewport would also be great.

    For the most part, though they are the only issues I have come into so far, I would still highly recommend getting it; £55 on steam.
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    Thanks for the feedback, all of these are known issues we need to deal with.

    Could you elaborate on this though please?
    -Reimporting a mesh with added geometry currently breaks
  • jestersheepy
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    jestersheepy polycounter lvl 8
    Sure :)
    So heres my boat, all textured in substance so far:

    Decided I wanted a pole to have a latern on at the end so the only way that I know to reimport is to change document settings:

    This is the results, the process was simply, model pole (3ds max) unwrap it and then attach it to the boat editable poly, ready for reimport, the original UV's weren't changed only an addition. And this is what happened:
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    Hmm ok, could you send me the Painter project along with the new mesh through Dropbox or something equivalent please?
    I'd like to investigate that case, it should definitely not react like this.
    Nice boat BTW :)
  • MDiamond
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    MDiamond polycounter lvl 11
    Does Substance Painter has a target launch date or something to that effect yet?
  • iskandar80
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    iskandar80 polycounter lvl 6
    MDiamond wrote: »
    Does Substance Painter has a target launch date or something to that effect yet?

    No official release date for v1 yet, but we're targeting first half of Q3 this year
  • MDiamond
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    MDiamond polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the reply, I think the software has ton of potential and can't wait to try it out but since the stuff is still being implemented I prefer to wait a bit more for now.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Think we might see PSD import/export support by the v1 release?
  • iskandar80
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    iskandar80 polycounter lvl 6
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Think we might see PSD import/export support by the v1 release?

    PSD export is on our V1 feature list. PSD import is much more complicated, so probably not for v1.
  • dtschultz
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    dtschultz polycounter lvl 12
    Can you rename your layers?

    Painter looks really promising, but here a just a few things from playing around with it the last couple of nights:

    I really wish I could modify my masks with Levels or Curves. I also wish there was a better indication of when you have a mask vs. a layer selected.
    I wish there was a symmetry mode for masking and painting.
    I really wish there was the ability to mask by element or polygroup, as well as the ability to mask your geo based on a color map (SVG).
    I know it's already been said, but I would love the ability to paint at 4k.
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    @Hermit: Painting with Stencils should work in 2d, but the scale is broken in the current build, this should be fixed in the next update.

    @dtschultz: You can rename layer by clicking twice on it, like in the windows explorer.
    Levels and all sorts of layer effects and adjustments are coming very very soon.
    You can already create quick masks by selecting elements with the selection/fill tool but it's definitely not the easiest thing to do. Masking will improve in the coming weeks.
  • dtschultz
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    dtschultz polycounter lvl 12
    Jerc wrote: »
    @Hermit: Painting with Stencils should work in 2d, but the scale is broken in the current build, this should be fixed in the next update.

    @dtschultz: You can rename layer by clicking twice on it, like in the windows explorer.
    Levels and all sorts of layer effects and adjustments are coming very very soon.
    You can already create quick masks by selecting elements with the selection/fill tool but it's definitely not the easiest thing to do. Masking will improve in the coming weeks.

    Thanks for the response! Oh weird. Yeah, I just renamed my layer with ease here on my Steam version at work (not using it for work - just playing around with it :)). When I tried it the other night at home on my standalone version, Painter crashed on me when I tried to double click my layers, so I stopped double clicking on them, hehe.
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    A new build is up! Only minor changes this time as we are hard at work on more important features that will take 2 sprints to complete.

    Added: 3D/2D view switches
    Added: UV chunk selection tool

    Updated: Tool changes automatically when painting on masks.
    Updated: Substances resolution depends on the document's

    Fixed: Crash at launch
    Fixed: Crash with ASCII meshes
    Fixed: Fixed Stencil matrix in 2D view
    Fixed: Crash with Eraser

  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    Sweet. Looking forward to trying out the UV chunk selection tool.
  • buai123
    Good post. Thanks.:)
  • dzibarik
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    dzibarik polycounter lvl 10
    I don't know if it is possible to implement but it would be cool to be able to draw along splines like you can in Modo 801 or 3D Coat V4. Or along vector guidelines.
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    Is there a way to make your brush alpha align to the direction of your stroke?

    I couldn't for the life of me find any way to. If it's not possible hopefully it's in a future release. Align to stroke is super useful for getting a wear direction, or scratches, or just painting along a surface. I'd say more than half of my brushes in Mari and Photoshop are aligned to stroke.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hi there Jerc -

    I am installing the current trial for the first time (bit late on this ! The last version I installed was the Steam beta), and I was surprised to see that the installer didn't prompt me for a choice of install location and instead forced it to C. Many people might not care, but still - this option is almost universally available on all installers, and some users (hint hint wink wink ;) ) like to keep their C drive under tight control.

    Also, a proper bug to report : The default project loaded on startup (Cyber Samurai) has incorrectly synced normals, as evident here :


    Now it might just be a mistake which happened when the asset was created by your art team back then, but I have to say it makes me, as a user, a bit redundant to go further since so many weathering effects/edge highlighting techniques rely precisely on accurate normalmap processing.

    It might be wise to clearly communicate to the user base which standard you are following ... and also make sure that such standards are correctly being followed by you stock art assets :) For now I will most likely be using Object Space maps instead (if possible ?), but still, the issue needs to be addressed.

    I hope this helps !
  • Jerc
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    Jerc interpolator
    @pior: I just realized that the default normal map is loaded as a Dx normal map instead of OpenGL (flipped green channel). That's why it shows so much artifacts. We'll fix it in the next build.
    The effects and particles do not rely on how the normal map looks on your model, but on the normal map texture itself, so that won't make a difference when painting though, it will just look better in the viewport.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Awesome ! I'll try it out and will report here. Thanks for the quick feedback !
    The effects and particles do not rely on how the normal map looks on your model, but on the normal map texture itself

    In that regard, is there a way to load an object-space normalmap for maximum accuracy ? It might be interesting, since Tangent space maps can have shading artifacts compensating for strong changes in geometry, or even, specific shading because of the way certain engines handle their synchronization. Granted, it might be a very negligible difference for a lot of effects. Just wondering :)
  • RMeeks
    I went to buy this on steam today and noticed the price changed from 74.99USD to 149.99USD. It still shows as 75$ on your website. I would like to purchase on Steam. Is this a display issue of some sort or has your price changed?
  • iskandar80
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    iskandar80 polycounter lvl 6
    RMeeks wrote: »
    I went to buy this on steam today and noticed the price changed from 74.99USD to 149.99USD. It still shows as 75$ on your website. I would like to purchase on Steam. Is this a display issue of some sort or has your price changed?

    Sorry about that, this is a bug on Steam's side, it's should be solved within 24 hours. Meanwhile, you can buy it on our Website, we'll be happy to provide you with a Steam key right afterwards, just send us an email on our contact form requesting so.
  • RMeeks
    Thank you for the quick reply. I will check steam again tomorrow.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I think I goofed in buying the indie pack. I confused the texture limitation as 4k versus 2k. I could possibly still use it for some assets (though most of mine are 4k), but there is something important I need to know.

    Is there a way to change the Viewer render type to a more traditional "last gen" setup?

    The engine I'm stuck in is still aways from someone integrating PBS.

    EDIT: I just found the channel adder and you have spec/diff/gloss as option, so xnay second part. Just hope you add 4k soon.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Just hope you add 4k soon.

    IIRC 4K is on their list of things to add by full release. Hopefully you wont have to wait much longer :)
  • Finalhart
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    Finalhart polycounter lvl 6
    How can substance designer help me if i have substance painter? Sorry if it's a silly question but i wanted to know if it's the best to have both so i can buy the indie pack or just buy Substance Painter.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Substance designer is procedural, non-destructive, and fits better into a larger workflow. It allows you to create multiple assets using the same base materials, you can create presets, use them across multiple models, and just use painter to add the final bit of detail, or to focus on a hero asset.
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Is there a way to change the Viewer render type to a more traditional "last gen" setup?

    I'd like this too. It feels like I'm stuck with UE for it, with it's metalness only setup.
  • Mr.Moose
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    Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
    Curious, But is there a way to use b2m to produce substances to use in Substance painter?
    I've got all three of the programs, but running textures I've already got through b2m is a lot easier than SD, though only SD can produce a substance to paint with?
    Also, If you end up painting with just a diffuse, you would need to create all the materials after you finish right?
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