Here is our second Substance announcement!
[size=+2]Substance painter[/size] is our vision of what a next generation texture painter should be. Keep an eye out for the beta begining of 2014

[ame=""]Substance Painter Beta - June Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Substance Painter Beta 7 Update Beta 8 Roadmap - YouTube[/ame]
How much time do you spend making your assets look real by adding wear and tear manually? What could be better than using real physics to replicate nature's work in a fast and awesome way?
Painting textures should be simple. We want to give you the set of tools you actually need, in a clean, uncluttered UI.
In an ideal pipeline, nothing should ever be destructive. Every action, every stroke in Substance Painter can be modified afterward at any time.
Modern texturing is all about the different maps you have to create. Paint on all your channels at the same time, whatever these may be.
Modify your UVs whenever you feel like it, Substance Painter will reproject everything you've already painted automatically for you.
Tired of endless layer stacks? Have all your maps unified in one layer only and edit them all at once or separately.
No blind editing, paint directly on your fully shaded mesh to make sure every material definition fits perfectly.
Shared assets libraries, live update, deep painting and compositing integration... We believe Substance 4, with the combination of Painter and Designer, can become the all-in-one tool for texture artists.
Painting with a particle system is a great idea.
This looks fantastic, 2014 can't come fast enough
edit: Answered my own question (standalone) here...
I wonder if there's gonna be an overlap between SD and SP.
Will you be able to generate details through masks in the painter, or is the designer needed?
Still even it terms of painting on it's own, it looks great, multi-channel brush is something I've been dreaming of for a long time.
EDIT: Took a look at substance designer and its just glsl so that aint that bad.
SP will be a stand alone tool dedicated to painting only and it does not require SD at all. Although if you have both software, they will act as one single tool seamlessly.
seriously, looks awesome.
is it possible to export layerd PSD with proper groups and editable layers with masks ?
This would make or break it for me because I typically need to deliver PSD's to freelance clients. It's also why I haven't been able to adopt SD yet, despite wanting to. Please add this feature, as I'm certain it is absolutely necessary for most freelancers.
Very good point indeed. Getting a PSD out of SD is close to impossible as the workflows are too different but SP in the end output layers, masks and groups, so it shouldn't be a big deal.
But this goes beyond my expectations. The idea of using particles to paint is amazing!
I'm however a little bit worried that this being a different product, that's going to be another expensive hit to my indie/hobbyist budget...
Now that I see particles used to paint stuff, I wonder why noone else thought of it before. It is so logical idea when you think about it.
This looks super cool, can't wait to learn more as well as try it. Amazing work guys!!
The idea of particle brushes is fascinating. Too bad this isnt part of/built into SD.
Can we simulate deforming the surface with other objects ? Like a piece of rock hitting a spot and leaving a mark? (only Nbump/diff etc obviously not geometry)
I had this idea to put 3d assets into a virtual environment, and throw objects like stones at it using collision effectors and get a high resolution heatmap out of it to use as mask for wear, and use different material presets, leaving different marks - and it was spinning in my head for the last weeks, but I never expected something similar coming out , and not that soon
So is this a new full painting tool like bodypaint or similar, and the wear thing is bonus right ?
You can imagine deforming the heightmap too. One of the effects we don't show in the teser is a "throw rocks at stuff" preset, that creates holes and bumps in the mesh, scratching the paint if there is one and revealing the raw metal underneath. You can do that with flesh too for gory results
You will be able to create your own particle systems and we hope the community will create and share tons of crazy effects when you get your hands on it.
Definitely on my wish list.
Now...moar demo vids plz
Damn. Beat me too it!
And of course, you will be able to create parametric effects and brushes in SD and share them with SP very easily.
Seriously, this looks wonderfuland I think this might even be enough for me to switch to linux at some point! Photoshop was one of the big things holding me back. Now I'd only have to use a VM or wine for xNormal, handplane, knald..
The only immediate benefits I can think of for photoshop is nDo. Quick, someone make a nDo clone for Krita.
In the demo was there symmetrical painting going on or was that just because the UV's were stacked (referring to the wings)?
@Jason Young Someone just whispered to my ears that there may be some working prototypes of this sort of thing already somewhere around our office
can we make it part of an .sbar and have it work in UDK?
@Paradan: No it's not as simple as that but we will talk more about possible runtime applications of this further down the line.