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Dota 2 workshop monthly unnoficial competition #9 - October



  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    I've started on the mount , and decided to redo the sketch:)


  • quockhanhlk
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    quockhanhlk polycounter lvl 11
    I have a question (sorry if it sound stupid, im new :P ), do we have to bound the warlock summon model to the skeleton of the original summon that valve have provided us? if yes then what do we do if our models have different animation, or different body structure ?
  • vlad_the_implyer
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    vlad_the_implyer polycounter lvl 5
    You can use your own bones and animations for summons
  • Vextrakt
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    Vextrakt polycounter lvl 6
    Hey guys, got started this weekend on the beastmaster summons designed by Stefco. Just some early progress, getting the head done asap as it will give me the most trouble :P

    I have a question for anyone who has sculpted something with an animated mouth before. Is the best way to just keep the lower jaw as a separate tool, or if I want to avoid that separation in the bake, do I just need to sculpt it with the mouth in a more open position?

  • Prophet9
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    Prophet9 polycounter lvl 9
    So... sculpting today :)
    Here are some WIPs, enjoy!
    First there was an updated awesome concept :)

    So, the plan is to make some adjustments to various parts in Max using soft selection and FFD modifiers.
    Some scaling here and there...
    The head will be floating and bob around as the body undulates below.
    It can be difficult to work on him un posed, but I may temp rig him to make modifications... maybe keep it or blow away and re-rig for final (with more elaborate rig for animation)

    Cheers for now!

  • Snowstorm
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    Snowstorm polycounter lvl 5
    Rough warlock golem concept to put the idea into pixels. Colours not final of course, and it seems like there's so many people doing warlock golems already that I'm thinking of doing something for another hero instead.

  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    So I wanted to join the competition so heres a concept i did on a jug ward.
    Here is the high poly, ive decided to just paint the cracks and stuff since I can't really sculpt that well.
  • ponyplop
    Really liking that head model Vex, seems to be staying true to from from the concepts!

    Prophet, it might be worth extending the main body length from the NP summon by about 20% maybe? Just my opinion that it might be a bit on the short side compared to the concepts :) Cant wait to see it animated if that's what you're going for.
  • Prophet9
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    Prophet9 polycounter lvl 9
    ponyplop wrote: »

    Prophet, it might be worth extending the main body length from the NP summon by about 20% maybe? Just my opinion that it might be a bit on the short side compared to the concepts :) Cant wait to see it animated if that's what you're going for.

    Yeah, agreed about body length and thickness too.
    Oh yes, there will be animations. :D

  • PrinceLycan
    branch wrote: »
    Some of the mounts have an armor slot too. Between this and the bones, it seems like there isn't much room to change the mount's anatomy. Am I wrong?

    I'm almost ashamed to post this, but in the spirit of trying new things I decided to grab a pen and try to draw some concepts before modeling.
    Do you think that an Okapi of Death would be too silly for Abaddon/Chaos Knight?

    It could fit for Chaos knight, though it looks like in general it's big back armor pieces on the mount that obscure the real animal behind it.

    Well in terms of the anatomy, what if you'd decide to change abbadon's horse to a Pegasus(horse with bird wings) you'd require additional bone's. And well maybe you want to make him ride a snail and are able to make it work. The first disruptor set gave him a bird instead of a raptor when a friend told me about it i was curious as to how it looked, but when i saw it i was pleasantly surprised.
  • cottonwings
    Death Prophet's ghostly sisters need some love, so here's my attempt:


    It's hard to resist the itch to fill in more intricate details, I have to remind myself that any further details won't be seen in-game. :( Any takers up for this design?
  • foxclover
    Snowstorm, but the chains to connect the arms to the body are brilliant! It would be a shame to ditch such a wonderful concept. :<
  • branch
    It could fit for Chaos knight, though it looks like in general it's big back armor pieces on the mount that obscure the real animal behind it.

    Well in terms of the anatomy, what if you'd decide to change abbadon's horse to a Pegasus(horse with bird wings) you'd require additional bone's. And well maybe you want to make him ride a snail and are able to make it work. The first disruptor set gave him a bird instead of a raptor when a friend told me about it i was curious as to how it looked, but when i saw it i was pleasantly surprised.

    Thanks for the answer! I think I won't do a mount: I don't want to redo all of the character's animations, but I feel it would be very limiting to use the existing bones.

    So, I have switched to a NP summon:

    I don't think I'll manage to complete it, but I'll try :)

    Snowstorm, you HAVE to model that golem. It's awesome! :)
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    Yeah, that is one amazing concept Snowstorm. Sure it is a warlock golem, but it has such uniqueness to it.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah Snowstorm PLEASE don't drop the warlock golem, its definitely one of the more unique ones I've seen! Would love to see what it looks like in 3D
  • kendmd
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    kendmd polycounter lvl 5
    Some ideas for Warlock's golem.

  • heckaa
    some quick WIP for pugna ward!

  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    I re-did the high poly because the mesh seemed plain.
    Also i noticed when I noticed that the the limit is 2400 tris for the jug ward. But mine is around 1000. Is it fine?
  • Prophet9
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    Prophet9 polycounter lvl 9
    I tried another pass at the body. This one is closer to the look of the concept. :)
    I did widen the mouth a bit at Stefco's request - it'll be easier to see the mouth from the high camera angle of the game.

    Cheers for now.

  • Snowstorm
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    Snowstorm polycounter lvl 5
    Looking good! Though the new mouth seems to lack the definition of the old one.
  • quockhanhlk
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    quockhanhlk polycounter lvl 11
    Ghost: imo the lower the better, just keep the polycount high enough for your detail.
    Prophet: i think it looks great, cant wait to see the textured version of it :D
  • ponyplop
    Snow: definitely worth a shot at making that warlock summon concept 3D, its got a very 'god of war' feel to it- very interesting! :)
    Kend: I like how you have multiple concepts, i can totally see how the top-right fits in with the warlocks semiotics- though they each have something cool to offer- cant wait to see where this goes!
    Prophet: These proportions are looking much better! I'm very excited for this one! :D
    Ghost: you seem to be onto something good, keeping a lower poly count is always ideal, since you have room to expand, adjust topology and such- also, 2000 is a limit, so anything under that is acceptable :)

    Gonna upload some concepts for mine later!
  • Uliss
    Attractive theme this month )
    I guess there will be a huge amount of interesting works at the end of the competition. Good luck to everyone.
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    Somebody said that I should define the shape a little more, but since I'm a beginner in sculpting, I ruined the mesh (in terms of refining) I still have the mesh in the picture but my I can't really do anything about the shape of the mesh. So I made this one.

    I kind of hate the runes on this and I plan to make a new one later. I still have around 1/3 of my texture space unused if I take out the current runes.

    The normals of this isn't applied to the mesh. only the color. How do you like it? I would like to finish this with someone who can do some final touches. And if somebody wants to continue on the old mesh, I can give you the mesh as well as some ideas to go along with it.

    Here is my new mesh for the jug ward (mirrored uvs).
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    this month is the most challenging so far, im glad to see you guys already putting so much effort on it!

    about the rules, i received a lot of requests about adding ultimates that are changes of appearance to the character, like dragon knight, Lone druid and Lycan

    i dont see any problem on that and im adding to the main post

    If someone thinks that it doesnt fit just let a msg here and we can discuss about it =]
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Thats great to hear! Is Dragon Knights ultimate even able to be put into the workshop importer? Vlad has made the only DK ult I've seen and he didn't have any in-game shots.
  • ponyplop
    Is there no limit to what the polycounters can do?? I love how talented the people here are, time to have a go myself :P
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Great work going on in this thread :thumbup:
  • TriggerHappyPuppy
    just some progress for the mechanical batdude.

  • kendmd
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    kendmd polycounter lvl 5
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    this month is the most challenging so far, im glad to see you guys already putting so much effort on it!

    about the rules, i received a lot of requests about adding ultimates that are changes of appearance to the character, like dragon knight, Lone druid and Lycan

    i dont see any problem on that and im adding to the main post

    If someone thinks that it doesnt fit just let a msg here and we can discuss about it =]

    Sure, I'll go and change the image on the front page then.
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    I am trying to get a rough sillhoutte on my disruptor mount and was hoping if anyone can provide any tips and changes I can make before going into detailing it.

  • BladeofEvilsBane

    Drew up a concept for a treant based on this soundfile from Natures Prophet: http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/dota2.gamepedia.com/b/b6/Furi_kill_11.mp3

    If anyone wants to work on it please message me via steam or shoot me a message on here.
  • Andyk125
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    Andyk125 polycounter lvl 4
    Did some more work on my treant for Furion, still needs a lot of work and tweaking but this time i can finially spend some more time on it.. Comments are welcome:

  • kendmd
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    kendmd polycounter lvl 5
    Trying to find more variations and shapes that I like. I think I'm getting to the final design.

  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    Here is my rune thing that i fixed.

    @Kendmd : I like the body of the top right one with the head of the bottom left one.
    Andyk125 : The treant kind of strange. One side is hard and rigid (bark) and the other is soft (vines).
  • branch
    Does NP's treant have no masks? I can't find them in the game folder...
  • Paskie
    Forgot to post wip, so here is what i've got so far.
  • GhostDetector
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    GhostDetector polycounter lvl 10
    Some previews of the ward.
    What I still need to do is fine tuning the masks as well as do animations! Anyone want to help me?

    Branch - I didn't see any masks, so i think you're safe.
    Paskie - that looks awesome. When you test colors can you do something along the lines of ocean blue manta with red paint?
  • Vextrakt
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    Vextrakt polycounter lvl 6
    @BladeofEvilsBane - Looks pretty cool. I like the silhouette!
    @Kendmd - The 2 furthest right ones are most interesting imo
    @Paskie - Weren't you working on that some time ago? Make something fresh brah
  • mihalceanu
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    mihalceanu polycounter lvl 6
    update , made the low poly for the ck mount

  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    love the mount, the shapes are nice and bold!
  • Rowinish
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    Rowinish polycounter lvl 8
    I was just taking a look at Furion's Treant and the bone setup seems pretty specific the the original, does anyone know if all the custom ones are on the same skeleton? or does valve even allow a custom skeleton?

  • Paskie
    Vextrakt wrote: »
    @BladeofEvilsBane - Looks pretty cool. I like the silhouette!
    @Kendmd - The 2 furthest right ones are most interesting imo
    @Paskie - Weren't you working on that some time ago? Make something fresh brah

    Yeah, i have a lot of ideas running simultaneously, but i have not done anything on it since that post. I didn't have any concept for it so figured i continue on that one since it was more or less a sketch. Is that ok for everyone? Or does everyone else make their submission from scratch after the competition post has been made? If that is the case i will not submit this one for the comp.
  • Vextrakt
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    Vextrakt polycounter lvl 6
    I don't think its a big deal. I only said that because I thought you've been working on it for a while. Sometimes its better to start fresh than get stuck on something, but if its been a while then no harm in wanting to get back to it :)
  • kendmd
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    kendmd polycounter lvl 5
    Working on colors

  • RossC
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    RossC polycounter lvl 9
    Started to finally work on this Invoker Forge Spirit again. Working on the low/medium poly models. Probably going to fix up the hands a bit since they seem a bit off right now.
  • Paskie
    Vextrakt wrote: »
    I don't think its a big deal. I only said that because I thought you've been working on it for a while. Sometimes its better to start fresh than get stuck on something, but if its been a while then no harm in wanting to get back to it :)

    Ahh, my bad. Misinterpreted your comment :) I agree, it's better to start fresh. This was the best idea i had :\
  • Snowstorm
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    Snowstorm polycounter lvl 5
    Progress on the warlock golem. Man, that sculpt base took a looooong time.

    Got a couple of variations:


    Most of the shape is there already, though I think I'll tag on more random debris and battlefield artifacts along the way to balance out some of the top detail. Little bit more on the sculpt base to do, then it's on to sculpting.
  • Jalcober
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    Jalcober polycounter lvl 10
    Snowstorm wrote: »
    Progress on the warlock golem. Man, that sculpt base took a looooong time.

    Got a couple of variations:


    Most of the shape is there already, though I think I'll tag on more random debris and battlefield artifacts along the way to balance out some of the top detail. Little bit more on the sculpt base to do, then it's on to sculpting.

    I like the top one a lot, the chains looks bad ass exposed like that.
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    Snow, that is some epic work.I like the top one more.
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