do you have some sort of smoothinggroupsbin blender? or the ability to split the normals in that very steep angle?
don't know, i try change mask 2, i made all channels black and white point on alpha channel, same whis mask 1, and its only help, so i think that its realy problem whis mask 2 but its strange that i try add details and can't nothing to do whis masks maybe i doing something bad or what, i used some like same mask like in armor...
maybe its problem whis textures ?:/
Its how look like whis same mask2 like mask1
Just finishing up my first item for submission. I have made several attempts at making item sets/ items before but never really followed through with any of them. This one is definitely not perfect but I figure I have to start somewhere. Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Modeled in ZBrush and Textured using Photoshops handy obj texturing.
don't know, i try change mask 2, i made all channels black and white point on alpha channel, same whis mask 1, and its only help, so i think that its realy problem whis mask 2 but its strange that i try add details and can't nothing to do whis masks maybe i doing something bad or what, i used some like same mask like in armor...
maybe its problem whis textures ?:/
Its how look like whis same mask2 like mask1
You should be using the edgesplit modifier to make the edges where the uv is mirrored split.
It is spelled "with", not "whis"!!! It salts me up every time.
oh sorry i think that i write correct, thx for corrected me in next time i will know how write it correct i from Ukraine so my English sometime so bad =c
Should i stop working on this hook? Can it have some future?
You can still pull it off. Just re-texture it. You have the shape, you just need to work on it some more(paint diffuse, make normals, make the masks).
Dota 2 items aren't very detailed because you won't be able to see the details from far. If you want the red line, you would need to make it bigger. Loose the very detailed cracks and just paint the colors.
Hey mates, good news! Now, for eveyone who gots this error popping out, you gotta get back in your 3D software, select all objects and assign them one material. The importer now won't let you import if you've got multiple materials.
Also, if any of you still got broken portraits on your couriers/wards/summons, report them here with the name of your item/screenshot. Thanks!
Hey mates, good news! Now, for eveyone who gots this error popping out, you gotta get back in your 3D software, select all objects and assign them one material. The importer now won't let you import if you've got multiple materials.
Also, if any of you still got broken portraits on your couriers/wards/summons, report them here with the name of your item/screenshot. Thanks!
I just had that error! It was resolved by re-exporting the selected mesh (I exported my entire scene instead of just one object)
The import to Dota 2 works (it compiles correctly), but my item is invisible... Why is this happening?
Does it have something to do with rigging? If so, how would I rig properly?
Does it have something to do with scale? How do I fix it?
Here is a pic, if necessary.
I just had that error! It was resolved by re-exporting the selected mesh (I exported my entire scene instead of just one object)
The import to Dota 2 works (it compiles correctly), but my item is invisible... Why is this happening?
Does it have something to do with rigging? If so, how would I rig properly?
Does it have something to do with scale? How do I fix it?
Here is a pic, if necessary.
I used blender.
PM me if you want to help, or whatever
You checked the alpha? Normals? Rig it to the root bone and see if it shows
You checked the alpha? Normals? Rig it to the root bone and see if it shows
By alpha,do you mean alpha channel? I've looked at all my textures and all of the maps have some things of it(except detail and fresnel). All of my normals face outwards. I don't know if I rigged correctly, nor do I know how to check. I was told just to put the bone on the center of the mesh (I didn't do that, i put it at the center of the hilt.)
I just tried parenting to the already existing root bone thing on the 6k slark model(I deleted the slark model as well as the other bones I didn't need. It didn't work.
My model doesn't have its own bone, it connects straight to the root bone.
There was also another issue with me where I could never see juggernaut's sword when I played a game. Maybe this is the problem?
I found this error when I imported it to dota. I'm surprised that it told me that the import was successful even with the error.
Error in FBX Conversion: - "Zero skin weights on one or more vertices"
have anyone tried binding pugna's horns recently? Because no matter if i bind it to head.0 or head.1 (which it should be) it ends up like this (ignore the texture):
also it seems that they are moving with the root bone. If anyone have encountered and solved similar behavior i would appreciate help. Thx
Done nyx set, concept by Mr.Scrake. Its my first work whis set Comment please
It came out pretty well. As people were saying when you were working on it a while ago though, the wings look like poop. They have such a harsh edge. You should sculpt in a soft edge or something around them so it doesn't just look like the triangles end there.
Just finished these Dark Seer goggles with Slimeface.
It came out pretty well. As people were saying when you were working on it a while ago though, the wings look like poop. They have such a harsh edge. You should sculpt in a soft edge or something around them so it doesn't just look like the triangles end there.
Thx you for corrected me! also nice item you made:) about wings, ye first screen are old second screen i update with new better wings forget change first screen so
I did a search on this and I know this has probably been asked before but what is a good tutorial or guide to get your armor set loaded into Dota 2 Test so that you can take screenshots of the set without the terrible compression you get from using the more standard methods? Like I know it involves replacing the original model files of a hero with the new set.
I'll ask Enodmi tomorrow at work but he left out some details that is making me very confused and all the tutorials I have found seem to be old tutorials when things were much more complex to do anything.
Hey guys, first time submitting multiple items. I'm trying to submit a new set, is there a way to submit them all at once or do I need to submit one at a time and group them on the workshop site?
I did a search on this and I know this has probably been asked before but what is a good tutorial or guide to get your armor set loaded into Dota 2 Test so that you can take screenshots of the set without the terrible compression you get from using the more standard methods? Like I know it involves replacing the original model files of a hero with the new set.
I'll ask Enodmi tomorrow at work but he left out some details that is making me very confused and all the tutorials I have found seem to be old tutorials when things were much more complex to do anything.
That Bristleback looks Dope! Really like the way its turning out. I do think the red armor could have more of a gradient on it so it would be more saturated towards the needles. Looking forward to an update on that.
Really digging the colors on the weaver. The splash image is kind of throwing me off though, it looks too gritty for a Dota 2 preso. Still like the way it turned out in game though.
@Jeremy: That Bristleback set is looking really great!
I finially finished my Witch Doctor set, changed most of the textures so it looks better. Only need to make some nice screenshots and I'm finially done after more than 6 Months Also Trying to make a ward for this set, only it seems u can't import the summon directly in the workshop so I will try and import it manually.
So something buggered up while uploading my item. I dont know how or why but Windrunner is showing up for my Witch Doctor item. Was wondering if there was a way to change this without deleting my original sub. Tried editing it in game but the update is not carrying over. Also was wondering if this really matters in terms of submission viability?
The texture is inadequate for the game style. If you take some time to study a bit the texture sheets of the characters, you'll see that you should give a 'painted' feel to it, you should also explore the default hero color pallete better.
Moreover, it's noisy and look detached from the actual model. The model shape is rather good, but too angular, you should look forward to adding more vertices in key areas, so the silouette won't look so blocky.
Try adding border details to add contrast to the different pieces, so it reads better ingame.
You also need to work on the masks, they aren't set properly.
Not really. The colors are flat and the values are blending with the default. Ladybug look is not menacing at all, which should be avoided for the hero as dangerous as Nyx.
The masks are flat and too even, completely losing any advanteage they could give. And somehow the shape is really close to the default, without the interesting bits. Lack of kneearmor upsets me personally, and overall it feels uninspired lobster with some wings slapped on.
As Rubus said, textures are something. You should drop all those overlayed photos and use some flat colors first, then bake some maps and apply them on top. If you don't know how to do that, you can read up here
I want some comments before I publish this. I'm not sure if I should be the one compiling because my computer cant run dota 2 in the best quality. So this screenshot is from my computer quality.
Essence of the Deep
-Blue stuff = essence
-It's red because most creatures that live in darkness cannot see red. So they won't be able the see the blade from far
Can someone please help me out? I need the decompiled earthshaker model as FBX or OBJ. The current one got scale issues and i can't open SMD's in Maya.
I want some comments before I publish this. I'm not sure if I should be the one compiling because my computer cant run dota 2 in the best quality. So this screenshot is from my computer quality.
Essence of the Deep
-Blue stuff = essence
-It's red because most creatures that live in darkness cannot see red. So they won't be able the see the blade from far
Looking at your wip of this I would definitely find a way to do a max settings render. There is a world of difference between what you posted on your thread and what you can make out here. Also I would push a gradient or change of colors to draw the eye to a specific point. It doesn't have to be anything crazy just enough to break up that flat look. I really like the shape of it and looking at all the concepting you put into it. Gl.
Looking at your wip of this I would definitely find a way to do a max settings render. There is a world of difference between what you posted on your thread and what you can make out here. Also I would push a gradient or change of colors to draw the eye to a specific point. It doesn't have to be anything crazy just enough to break up that flat look. I really like the shape of it and looking at all the concepting you put into it. Gl.
I used dota 2 test for this test, and my dota 2 original client for the first one. I also re-textured it, because I thought it was blurry due to the size of the blue stuff.
Last preview before I post this to the workshop. Any comments?
Just to be clear, can I use Handplane3d (free version) for Steam Workshop? I read somewhere that I can, but I don't remember where I read it.
that courier would be awesome, but just as was said, those legs dont really match the theme. Look at this creature from WoW for inspiration on movement (sort of like worms move)
or even better if it just rolls over ;-) On the other note, can couriers have alpha? If not i dont see a way to make this
maybe its problem whis textures ?:/
Its how look like whis same mask2 like mask1
Modeled in ZBrush and Textured using Photoshops handy obj texturing.
well if somebody does want to help me,
Here is my thread or just pm me.
You should be using the edgesplit modifier to make the edges where the uv is mirrored split.
I updated my courier submission a few days ago. I appreciate any kind of feedback/opinions on it.
Magic Carpet Courier
You can still pull it off. Just re-texture it. You have the shape, you just need to work on it some more(paint diffuse, make normals, make the masks).
Dota 2 items aren't very detailed because you won't be able to see the details from far. If you want the red line, you would need to make it bigger. Loose the very detailed cracks and just paint the colors.
Also, if any of you still got broken portraits on your couriers/wards/summons, report them here with the name of your item/screenshot. Thanks!
I just had that error! It was resolved by re-exporting the selected mesh (I exported my entire scene instead of just one object)
The import to Dota 2 works (it compiles correctly), but my item is invisible... Why is this happening?
Does it have something to do with rigging? If so, how would I rig properly?
Does it have something to do with scale? How do I fix it?
Here is a pic, if necessary.
I used blender.
PM me if you want to help, or whatever
By alpha,do you mean alpha channel? I've looked at all my textures and all of the maps have some things of it(except detail and fresnel). All of my normals face outwards. I don't know if I rigged correctly, nor do I know how to check. I was told just to put the bone on the center of the mesh (I didn't do that, i put it at the center of the hilt.)
I just tried parenting to the already existing root bone thing on the 6k slark model(I deleted the slark model as well as the other bones I didn't need. It didn't work.
My model doesn't have its own bone, it connects straight to the root bone.
There was also another issue with me where I could never see juggernaut's sword when I played a game. Maybe this is the problem?
I found this error when I imported it to dota. I'm surprised that it told me that the import was successful even with the error.
Error in FBX Conversion: - "Zero skin weights on one or more vertices"
I don't know what this means...
have anyone tried binding pugna's horns recently? Because no matter if i bind it to head.0 or head.1 (which it should be) it ends up like this (ignore the texture):
also it seems that they are moving with the root bone. If anyone have encountered and solved similar behavior i would appreciate help. Thx
It came out pretty well. As people were saying when you were working on it a while ago though, the wings look like poop. They have such a harsh edge. You should sculpt in a soft edge or something around them so it doesn't just look like the triangles end there.
Just finished these Dark Seer goggles with Slimeface.
I'll ask Enodmi tomorrow at work but he left out some details that is making me very confused and all the tutorials I have found seem to be old tutorials when things were much more complex to do anything.
I'm in middle of skining this guy... i hate skinning things :poly127:
I still need to make a weapon, but i have a design in mind.
That looks great! It'll probably get in. For the weapon, I think it should follow the bracers (layered and have the spikes come from the sides)
Also, in my opinion, the nose horn thing is kind of weird. I would've made it similar to how you made the tips of the bracers.
Creations of the Unraveler by Vextrakt
Concept by SLIMEface
Really digging the colors on the weaver. The splash image is kind of throwing me off though, it looks too gritty for a Dota 2 preso. Still like the way it turned out in game though.
Just submitted my first item. Any crits or feedback would be cool. Looking to improve as much as I can for the next one.
I finially finished my Witch Doctor set, changed most of the textures so it looks better. Only need to make some nice screenshots and I'm finially done after more than 6 Months
workshop link :
Workshop Link:
Concept icons and art by Mr.Scrake
The texture is inadequate for the game style. If you take some time to study a bit the texture sheets of the characters, you'll see that you should give a 'painted' feel to it, you should also explore the default hero color pallete better.
Moreover, it's noisy and look detached from the actual model. The model shape is rather good, but too angular, you should look forward to adding more vertices in key areas, so the silouette won't look so blocky.
Try adding border details to add contrast to the different pieces, so it reads better ingame.
You also need to work on the masks, they aren't set properly.
The masks are flat and too even, completely losing any advanteage they could give. And somehow the shape is really close to the default, without the interesting bits. Lack of kneearmor upsets me personally, and overall it feels uninspired lobster with some wings slapped on.
As Rubus said, textures are something. You should drop all those overlayed photos and use some flat colors first, then bake some maps and apply them on top. If you don't know how to do that, you can read up here
I want some comments before I publish this. I'm not sure if I should be the one compiling because my computer cant run dota 2 in the best quality. So this screenshot is from my computer quality.
Essence of the Deep
-Blue stuff = essence
-It's red because most creatures that live in darkness cannot see red. So they won't be able the see the blade from far
edit: Vlad saved the day!
Looking at your wip of this I would definitely find a way to do a max settings render. There is a world of difference between what you posted on your thread and what you can make out here. Also I would push a gradient or change of colors to draw the eye to a specific point. It doesn't have to be anything crazy just enough to break up that flat look. I really like the shape of it and looking at all the concepting you put into it. Gl.
I used dota 2 test for this test, and my dota 2 original client for the first one. I also re-textured it, because I thought it was blurry due to the size of the blue stuff.
Last preview before I post this to the workshop. Any comments?
Just to be clear, can I use Handplane3d (free version) for Steam Workshop? I read somewhere that I can, but I don't remember where I read it.
cool courier but i would say make the ground one like a sort of snail of some kind, those legs just dont work lol
that courier would be awesome, but just as was said, those legs dont really match the theme. Look at this creature from WoW for inspiration on movement (sort of like worms move)
or even better if it just rolls over ;-) On the other note, can couriers have alpha? If not i dont see a way to make this