Hey peeps, my internrt went down for a while, but i still managed to finish the Dragon form for my Blue Flames set. Unfortunately i can't test it ingame, so heavy reliance on the metalness mask is something we'll see after the importer tool is supporting it, but it still looks mighty fine! Vote it here!
If it relies so much on the metal mask, wouldn't that make it more of a metal dragon? Why change it the nature of the dragon? If its the scales, it should be more like scales instead. I'm just saying that the metal in the dragon would probably make it strange. A cool idea would be if you put morphing DK armor on the dragon.
I just got an idea for it! It'l be when DK goes into dragon form, his armor would melt onto the shape of the dragon (head armor would melt on the head, bracers on the arm, etc), poison it would corrode into the shape, and the ice one would be just a frozen form of the armor. Also the armor would be semi-organic so it can "heal" between transformations(have to make something explaining it all).
... Now I want to do this
Sorry if I'm sounding like I don't like it. It looks great
Super cool to see a dragon form Vlad, great job it looks awesome.
Just submitted my Earthshaker set. Would have liked to do some kind of head piece, but nothing I was concepting felt right at all. oh well. Let me know what you guys think. Still might update with a headpiece if something comes to mind
Hey all... I thought I post a preview of my next project.
Here is the concept (The name is still up in the air - I realize that "Cluckles" the chicken is out there):
More to come.
Concept is looking great, reminds me I still have a courier laying around like that..... Funny that everyone that draws a hyena puts his tongue out, seems we had simular references
Not sure how it works in maya , but it seems that you didnt skinedd the mesh to the bone with 100% influence(not bind /actual skinning) ,or you didnt included the bones when you exported (and the engine didnt found the boness /dummys to place them on the hero's main skelet ). Hope it helps
on the other note , I finished a concept to a nobleman Phantom lancer
Could use some feedback guys:)
I think it really looks great, the clothing fits him very well!
Not sure about the braces though, but the rest looks great!
Concept is looking great, reminds me I still have a courier laying around like that..... Funny that everyone that draws a hyena puts his tongue out, seems we had simular references
Hey, that looks pretty good
I'm guessing the tongue thing is referenced from the crazy hyena "Ed" in Lion King... your model certainly has that look to it, haha.
I know the Disney version is rattling around in my head somewhere too... I suppose the influence will always be there.
So...I'm having some trouble with Juggernaut's back slot. I read somewhere that Dota only allows up to 3 influences for skinning, is that true? Could someone who's made a back slot for Jugg help me out? Should it be skinned mainly(or only) to the fur joints on the back since they have jigglebones?
Anyone having trouble with the importer? When I go to load models and textures everything is gone except for the texture button. Did an update break something?
Also, can someone give me some insight on particle meshes? I'm guessing the particle mesh has to be skinned to the same bone(the weapon bone) as the weapons are? And the more verts on the mesh means a better particle effect?
Im trying to catch up with the post but there is still a lot to see, if you guys see anything that should be moderated on the past month just let me know
I've got idea, about Rubick skin. What's about half-face Rubick? When he steals a spell. Also we can add kind of walk, cause it have difference on all heroes. Can some one to try realese this. I can help, i've got some skills in 3Ds Max, so if some one likes this, contact me.
I also saved the sculpting, polypainting and retopo part here
Looks great
I'm not a fan of the name though (The way you said crotch demon).
Also I think you make the hands dimmer or increase the contrast, like you did with the right hand, and make the back brighter because the focus of the golem are the arms. The focus should be in the center (towards the spine and eye).
Why it looks cool and shit, my main gripe is that it uses technology that's doesn't exist in D2 universe. And before you start with tinker and gyro, look closely, and you'll see that all of their equipment looks like it was made by a blacksmith, maybe some magic involved.
But the details you're using, that magazine and stuff, they don't really fit into the overall look of D2.
Hey....does anyone have access to a Maya file with all of Jugg's animations? I am having a hard time getting the skinning to look right on his back slot. I'm getting close but it would be extremely helpful if I knew how he animates.
and can anyone tell me why the particle on my sword is wrong? It looks likes its just the default particle mesh and not my own. I've frozen transforms/deleted history already.
Hey....does anyone have access to a Maya file with all of Jugg's animations? I am having a hard time getting the skinning to look right on his back slot. I'm getting close but it would be extremely helpful if I knew how he animates.
and can anyone tell me why the particle on my sword is wrong? It looks likes its just the default particle mesh and not my own. I've frozen transforms/deleted history already.
I appreciate any and all help! Thanks!
Last i checked Juggs source file downloaded from the requirements page was 10% smaller than the decompiled mesh when viewed in 3DSmax, not sure if this is whats causing your problem but it could be?
Hey....does anyone have access to a Maya file with all of Jugg's animations? I am having a hard time getting the skinning to look right on his back slot. I'm getting close but it would be extremely helpful if I knew how he animates.
and can anyone tell me why the particle on my sword is wrong? It looks likes its just the default particle mesh and not my own. I've frozen transforms/deleted history already.
I appreciate any and all help! Thanks!
That's because his particle effect is vertex based, but more like CK or Void one. You can't change that now.
i can't work out how to prepare the bones/animations/dummies for the Witch doctor's death ward. I wanted to create a classic big boiling pot for him but for the past few days I'm stuck with all particles starting in the 0,0,0 point
i can't work out how to prepare the bones/animations/dummies for the Witch doctor's death ward. I wanted to create a classic big boiling pot for him but for the past few days I'm stuck with all particles starting in the 0,0,0 point
Can anybody help please?
I bet it's the same thing that was with the pugna ward. Report it on dev.dota2.com
Last i checked Juggs source file downloaded from the requirements page was 10% smaller than the decompiled mesh when viewed in 3DSmax, not sure if this is whats causing your problem but it could be?
Thanks Lenny and Vlad! That scale issue is probably what is giving me the skinning blues. Guess I'll have to scale the items up a bit...its all starting to make sense now....
Its funny that you can't edit Jugg's particle yet there is a particle mesh importer for his sword. Oh Valve....
I feel like some of these bugs should be documented/stickied somewhere. Maybe the technical thread? The scale differences with Jugg and Earthshaker and who knows what other little problems are getting annoying
I bet it's the same thing that was with the pugna ward. Report it on dev.dota2.com
you're talking about this http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=104119 ? It could be a bug but i don't know how to properly prepare the ward model so i don't have the right to claim something doesn't work on the valve part.
you're talking about this http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=104119 ? It could be a bug but i don't know how to properly prepare the ward model so i don't have the right to claim something doesn't work on the valve part.
You can report and if it's something wrong on your side they'll respond/it'll be ignore, if not, it will be fixed. I can test it if you want to, but judjing by every other thing i think it's a bug, not your incompetence.
You can report and if it's something wrong on your side they'll respond/it'll be ignore, if not, it will be fixed. I can test it if you want to, but judjing by every other thing i think it's a bug, not your incompetence.
it would be great if you could check it, can't wait to see whose incompetence it was
If it relies so much on the metal mask, wouldn't that make it more of a metal dragon? Why change it the nature of the dragon? If its the scales, it should be more like scales instead. I'm just saying that the metal in the dragon would probably make it strange. A cool idea would be if you put morphing DK armor on the dragon.
I just got an idea for it! It'l be when DK goes into dragon form, his armor would melt onto the shape of the dragon (head armor would melt on the head, bracers on the arm, etc), poison it would corrode into the shape, and the ice one would be just a frozen form of the armor. Also the armor would be semi-organic so it can "heal" between transformations(have to make something explaining it all).
... Now I want to do this
Sorry if I'm sounding like I don't like it. It looks great
Just submitted my Earthshaker set. Would have liked to do some kind of head piece, but nothing I was concepting felt right at all. oh well. Let me know what you guys think. Still might update with a headpiece if something comes to mind
PC thread
Concept is looking great, reminds me I still have a courier laying around like that..... Funny that everyone that draws a hyena puts his tongue out, seems we had simular references
I think it really looks great, the clothing fits him very well!
Not sure about the braces though, but the rest looks great!
Zipfinator . made the head of the spear bigger , I kept the same shape to fit the shapes on his armor
also u can chek out my prev work:
Hey, that looks pretty good
I'm guessing the tongue thing is referenced from the crazy hyena "Ed" in Lion King... your model certainly has that look to it, haha.
I know the Disney version is rattling around in my head somewhere too... I suppose the influence will always be there.
I'll fix textures later
My first fully made by me item
TrevorJ-- ultra sweet earthshaker items :thumbup:
haha cool hair
here is a miserably bad banner image for it
Particle info Edit: Thanks Vlad!
Here are my first success! At the moment I need ideas for a bat
Im trying to catch up with the post but there is still a lot to see, if you guys see anything that should be moderated on the past month just let me know
I think this looks incredible!
I have a workshop thread here, with some animations further down the page.
The wood texture on that gun is amazing =O
I posted the Crotch Demon i conjured today.
I also saved the sculpting, polypainting and retopo part here
Looks great
I'm not a fan of the name though (The way you said crotch demon).
Also I think you make the hands dimmer or increase the contrast, like you did with the right hand, and make the back brighter because the focus of the golem are the arms. The focus should be in the center (towards the spine and eye).
I'm currently looking for partners to work together for a upcoming league/tournament that I'll be hosting for the entirety of 2014.
I'm interested in looking for partners to work in areas such as :
1.) Tournament Ticket Design
2.) Tournament item(s) (Hero item sets, couriers)
3.) General graphic designs
Further information of the league can be found here : http://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1l24do/organizing_a_yearlong_league_tournament_for_2014/
Please do not hesitate to add me up on steam @ Guinsoona, or throw me an email @ jchanyeehao@gmail.com
Thank you.
.... Gains consciousness after a drooling episode.
As much as i like it...
it looks like the 0.50 Cal. I dunno if that is a copyright issue ... The company has been known to charge games like COD and BF for licences ...
But the details you're using, that magazine and stuff, they don't really fit into the overall look of D2.
and can anyone tell me why the particle on my sword is wrong? It looks likes its just the default particle mesh and not my own. I've frozen transforms/deleted history already.
I appreciate any and all help! Thanks!
Last i checked Juggs source file downloaded from the requirements page was 10% smaller than the decompiled mesh when viewed in 3DSmax, not sure if this is whats causing your problem but it could be?
Thx, vlad_the_implyer for comments and it's a magic :poly121:
Someone from animation mentor??
Its an amazing course, hope you get a lot of work here =]
i just accepted this comment (the forum filters the new subscriptions), if you guys missed here it is!
I think you should make the hair hanging outside of the skarf.
you said it will be better if i make a glasses so here they are
Just kidding :poly124: i'll upload goggles a little later
Can anybody help please?
Thanks Lenny and Vlad! That scale issue is probably what is giving me the skinning blues. Guess I'll have to scale the items up a bit...its all starting to make sense now....
Its funny that you can't edit Jugg's particle yet there is a particle mesh importer for his sword. Oh Valve....
I feel like some of these bugs should be documented/stickied somewhere. Maybe the technical thread? The scale differences with Jugg and Earthshaker and who knows what other little problems are getting annoying
you're talking about this http://dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=104119 ? It could be a bug but i don't know how to properly prepare the ward model so i don't have the right to claim something doesn't work on the valve part.
it would be great if you could check it, can't wait to see whose incompetence it was