Got some more work done on my CK set, the head is done. Only the shoulder remains. Unfortunatly the idea was to have add a tail like animation as the mount got, but I have no idea to pull it off. Also I wanted t change the color of the tail to orang/red, but for now can't seem how to change it
Is there anyone that allready had some progress on the effects/particle part?
This seems like a silly question, but particles are now required for the BH weapon so i just chucked in the LOD1 to test it out and it doesnt have the same alignment? I think i understand how the particle effects work, but given im using the same .smd file i thought they would align up.
Is anyone experiencing crashes when trying to preview the submission in game?
Dang, I only have to record an ingame video to finish my set, this is really a bad timing for it to happen. Hope it get fixed in the next patch.
I was getting crashes when trying to preview our Dazzle set in game. They're usually pretty quick to fix this kind of stuff for the Dota importer so I would think they'll fix it this week.
Redone the textures on my Slark dagger. Still not entirely happy with them but its an improvement. Might come back to it and finish them later but for now I think I'm just gonna leave it and move on to something new.
I'm doing a pugna ward, and whatever I do the particle is sticked to the ground in one direction instead of being upwards like the default one.
the ward is skinned to Root like the default one and in the settings to the bone it uses to fix the particle I wrote Root.
Anyone can help me? :d
edit: its a little hard to notice in a pic, but its in the ground, you can see the small dots touching the ground when they have to be upwards to the air
@Hawt Probably someone responsible for visuals just googled Slark and was sure it was art made by Valve So in that way you can be proud! However yeah no one cares about artists those days... they can you can just google stuff and take it...
I showed my item set to a friend of mine, and he mistook the cloth at the bottom of the shoulder piece for leaves, which was not my intention at all. And I was thinking I didn't like how much green there was in the set, so I made a few variations, and was hoping for feedback on which one you guys like the best.
Wow some really great work is being posted. @Popcorn: that nature set is great. Those mushrooms are just too funny
I'm getting close to finishing up my CK set, all the parts are done but unfortunatly I need to redo the head because in the portrait view it looked bad :S I'm yelous of the ppl who finish there sets so fast, It is taking me ages to get some progress on this one. I hope it will be worth it!
Comments are really welcome, so I can still change those things if necessary!
Jeremy - nice work from you and rayph! popcorn - cool NP set! makes me wanna make some treants too haha zaphk - awesome progress on your bat set so far! I like that head!
I just finished uploading a Bloodseeker set today. Hope you guys like it!
Jeremy - nice work from you and rayph! popcorn - cool NP set! makes me wanna make some treants too haha zaphk - awesome progress on your bat set so far! I like that head!
I just finished uploading a Bloodseeker set today. Hope you guys like it!
In other words, I was just wondering, how much time do you guys actually spend playing the game you make items for? I watched my stats and realized I put Dota2 599 hours of my life . . My items are just ideas though. Feels Silly.:poly142:
Hey Guys, finally getting back into item making. I sketched alot of concepts for Invoker, but nothing really felt good for me except for my forge spirit concepts, so I decided to just try and shoot for releasing the forge spirit by itself rather than attaching it to a set.
Here's the basic mesh I made for the sculpting phase:
I'm pretty happy with the results so far, enjoying pushing the silhouette out a bit more.
Question though:
I wanted to try and see how it worked in game at the very base mesh level. Is there a option for the compiler to use the default animations? Will I have to rip the animations out from the game and import them that way? I'm pretty sure I don't need custom animations for the design (though I may add some later, animations could probably give the flame mullet some more character.).
Btw Huntr that set is epic I feel the weapon is kinda lacking a bit compared to the rest of the set in game because of the mipping of the texture just turns it into a red and white shape. But I really like the set
Nice fist kraken!
Got my pose for drow done! Oh and textures. Fuck I finished making the skin all nice then I realized I needed to clamp the bones per vertex... and it broke it all!
Great set, HntrLuc.
Items looks like they always were there. Only one bad thing i have noticed.
Seemed like your weapon's textures were done in two stages: Zb, and PS later.
Decor looks nice, it is supported by normals as well, but your blood stripes looks a bit messy, as they were made with round brush.
The rest items are fantastic.
And I think your promo image will be better without paper ps filter.
I'm doing a pugna ward, and whatever I do the particle is sticked to the ground in one direction instead of being upwards like the default one.
the ward is skinned to Root like the default one and in the settings to the bone it uses to fix the particle I wrote Root.
Anyone can help me? :d
edit: its a little hard to notice in a pic, but its in the ground, you can see the small dots touching the ground when they have to be upwards to the air
Still no one knows why this is happening? help please!!
Where is the model? Show us the rig. How do you import?
The geometry is not visible (all alpha xD) so you can see the problem in the particle, the item is rigged 100% influence to the Root bone (as the default ward) everything works fine except the default particle, there is a space to put the reference bone to the particle and I wrote root (tried with a lot of others too and rigging to others and still not working).
I import with the ability tool, there is a place for pugna nether ward ability and asks you for 3 animations, a reference bone for the particle.
But still cant make the particle work properly, the root bone in fbx model is ok, but in the smd file is rotated 90º degrees but rotating it and all didnt seem to change the particle going to north of the map.
Btw Huntr that set is epic I feel the weapon is kinda lacking a bit compared to the rest of the set in game because of the mipping of the texture just turns it into a red and white shape. But I really like the set
Nice fist kraken!
Got my pose for drow done! Oh and textures. Fuck I finished making the skin all nice then I realized I needed to clamp the bones per vertex... and it broke it all!
Niiice. The orange highlights really sell it!
I'll have to go back and watch your streams for this, I missed most of the progress while I was away.
Jeremy - nice work from you and rayph! popcorn - cool NP set! makes me wanna make some treants too haha zaphk - awesome progress on your bat set so far! I like that head!
I just finished uploading a Bloodseeker set today. Hope you guys like it!
That is some OniLolz/Zaphk level illustration, really nice! As for the set itself, I like that it's a lot more conservative and really utilities the already established design to the maximum. Really nicely done, my favorite BS set to date! I'm guessing the promo images are Xoliul shader?
Got some more work done on my CK set, the head is done. Only the shoulder remains. Unfortunatly the idea was to have add a tail like animation as the mount got, but I have no idea to pull it off. Also I wanted t change the color of the tail to orang/red, but for now can't seem how to change it
Is there anyone that allready had some progress on the effects/particle part?
Reminds me a lot of warhammer 40k. Looks very good though.
Amazing materials and incredibly crisp textures but I feel the design is a bit too tech heavy.
It comes with a new Treant as well. Check out the link to see a video.
Kudos to the idea, very original and solidly executed.
The part of the video with the shroomlings and that 'wewewe' music in the background was very funny also, haha.
Is anyone experiencing crashes when trying to preview the submission in game?
Dang, I only have to record an ingame video to finish my set, this is really a bad timing for it to happen. Hope it get fixed in the next patch.
I was getting crashes when trying to preview our Dazzle set in game. They're usually pretty quick to fix this kind of stuff for the Dota importer so I would think they'll fix it this week.
the ward is skinned to Root like the default one and in the settings to the bone it uses to fix the particle I wrote Root.
Anyone can help me? :d
edit: its a little hard to notice in a pic, but its in the ground, you can see the small dots touching the ground when they have to be upwards to the air
turns out Navi used my splash art for my slark set for one of their shorts.
the least could have done was credit me.
@Popcorn: that nature set is great. Those mushrooms are just too funny
I'm getting close to finishing up my CK set, all the parts are done but unfortunatly I need to redo the head because in the portrait view it looked bad :S I'm yelous of the ppl who finish there sets so fast, It is taking me ages to get some progress on this one. I hope it will be worth it!
Comments are really welcome, so I can still change those things if necessary!
Highpoly done!
popcorn - cool NP set! makes me wanna make some treants too haha
zaphk - awesome progress on your bat set so far! I like that head!
I just finished uploading a Bloodseeker set today. Hope you guys like it!
I am really hoping that they get this in!
as a happy sniper player this gun is tits and a little extra.
great work.
Oh wow, so many awesome bat rider stuff in the works.
That set is sick.
In other words, I was just wondering, how much time do you guys actually spend playing the game you make items for? I watched my stats and realized I put Dota2 599 hours of my life
Here's the basic mesh I made for the sculpting phase:
I'm pretty happy with the results so far, enjoying pushing the silhouette out a bit more.
Question though:
I wanted to try and see how it worked in game at the very base mesh level. Is there a option for the compiler to use the default animations? Will I have to rip the animations out from the game and import them that way? I'm pretty sure I don't need custom animations for the design (though I may add some later, animations could probably give the flame mullet some more character.).
Nice fist kraken!
Got my pose for drow done! Oh and textures. Fuck I finished making the skin all nice then I realized I needed to clamp the bones per vertex... and it broke it all!
Items looks like they always were there. Only one bad thing i have noticed.
Seemed like your weapon's textures were done in two stages: Zb, and PS later.
Decor looks nice, it is supported by normals as well, but your blood stripes looks a bit messy, as they were made with round brush.
The rest items are fantastic.
And I think your promo image will be better without paper ps filter.
Still no one knows why this is happening? help please!!
The geometry is not visible (all alpha xD) so you can see the problem in the particle, the item is rigged 100% influence to the Root bone (as the default ward) everything works fine except the default particle, there is a space to put the reference bone to the particle and I wrote root (tried with a lot of others too and rigging to others and still not working).
I import with the ability tool, there is a place for pugna nether ward ability and asks you for 3 animations, a reference bone for the particle.
But still cant make the particle work properly, the root bone in fbx model is ok, but in the smd file is rotated 90º degrees but rotating it and all didnt seem to change the particle going to north of the map.
Niiice. The orange highlights really sell it!
I'll have to go back and watch your streams for this, I missed most of the progress while I was away.
That is some OniLolz/Zaphk level illustration, really nice! As for the set itself, I like that it's a lot more conservative and really utilities the already established design to the maximum. Really nicely done, my favorite BS set to date! I'm guessing the promo images are Xoliul shader?
Doneeeeee, though its hard for me to tell if im just being noob or its broken. ^_^