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polycounter lvl 19
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hawken polycounter lvl 19
This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!

Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
  • Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
  • Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce; Crocotile3D & Blockbench

Here's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software: Low-Poly Art Style Guide


  • Error281290
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    Error281290 polycounter lvl 12
    Haha, odlicna štuka. Good job
  • [SF]Three9
    Mercury wrote: »
    Here's my 3d fish called štuka :


    I need to work on the texture a little bit more.

    Here's also a little animation :


    Hope you like it :D

    this guy....is awesome
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9

    yeah I think that's looking much better. is the collar connected to the neck or is there a bevel there? If you have a bevel i would pull it out a bit, give it a nice thick dimension. You could possibly make a few other trims a bit beefier too just to push it a little more.

    Pear is awesome. He looks all fruity and rotten except... for the tongue. What if the tongue was a big fat worm, or maybe a couple worms? Would give the right color/shape profile and be readable as a tongue, but would give it just a little more of a demented rotten twist :)
  • Spacey
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    Spacey polycounter lvl 18
    bloom: Hey thanks. I don't really plan too much. I just sort of go and figure things out along the way. I kept the concept art as a plane in max and compared proportions and stuff as I went. There isn't really anything special about what I do. I might make a tutorial in the future if I can think of something to make and figure out enough stuff that's worthwhile to talk about.

    Bombshell: I see you're starting over on the model, but I wanted to touch on your textures and give you my impressions. What the texture was missing was structure. It was mostly constructed with some very basic gradients. Needs bolder lights and darks. The green you picked was also kind of a yucky green-yellow. Try and think of your colors and tones. By making the shorts green they compete with other large green object (the helmet). I drew some simplified versions off to the side to show the difference. Hopefully the paintover illustrates a bit better what I'm trying to say.

  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the crit Spacey, the paint over is really helpful and I'll keep it in mind when I start texturing the new model, before I return to beat I'm trying another low poly character, Little Wolf!
    420 tris, 128x texture

    I'm still unsure of what to do with the body and the arms, I certainly can't leave them blank.
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 12

    I had to jump through some hoops to get this to work, but here's the final on Sugar Gwyn. I'll come back to this in a week or two to do some animations and/or tweak anything people notice as completely wrong.

    I've got a bunch of screen recordings of me doing the initial work on it, but I kind of forgot to continue doing it for the final texturing stuff. I'll probably mash that together not that I think it'll be overly helpful.

    @Bombshell: Although this example is sculpted, maybe you could paint some subtle fur pattern like this? I'm not exactly sure how shaggy your wolf should be. Edit: Or this lion from the wiki might be good inspiration.
  • Smismu van unruh
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    palm wrote: »
    I'm trying to leave my comfortzone. Might do more of these since it was great fun.
    661 tris


    Hahahah, what a beast! Loving this guy!
    Please get this animated, it would rock. :D
  • ruberboy
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    ruberboy polycounter lvl 10
    Im doing a Sonic lowpolytoo for practicing purposes. I had it on my hd for some months, basic forms sculpted so that is a good idea to test animation and texture paint skills. Hope there aren't problems with two sonics in the thread but it is a magnificent character for practice :D

    Retopologizing lowpoly done. About 1500 tris, optimizing :)

  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    okay last time posting this model (unless I make massive texture changes, which might happen, but for now I'm really liking it.)
    here is little wolf in action, I'm not much of an animator so any tips would be great help.

  • Anthony44
    Under 1000 triys can only post a few things in here im working on. ( Hand painted in sculptris )
  • darkmag07
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    darkmag07 polycounter lvl 12
    @Bombshell: His head is pretty static. Maybe give it a little bob/tilt at the neck? People keep their heads pretty steady, but it might add something. Or a little movement in the ears?

    It looks pretty good to me. He's got good foot roll and the arm swinging motion matches nicely. Overall, I get a pretty happy feeling from it, like he's going out for a casual jog. If that's what you want, then no changes needed.
  • xrg
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    xrg polycounter lvl 10
    Old character of mine, but I've never posted my work here. I'm always a bit intimidated by the grand stuff you guys post.

  • Xelioth
    Bombshell wrote: »
    okay last time posting this model (unless I make massive texture changes, which might happen, but for now I'm really liking it.)
    here is little wolf in action, I'm not much of an animator so any tips would be great help.

    The animation looks like his spine is made of a steel rod. You've animated the legs and arms but completely forgone the animation of the body. When a person moves there are intricate structures of muscles that have to move for any tiny part of them to move. If you want to move your hand, your entire arm has to move a little bit, and possibly even your chest.

    In a walk, the shoulders and hips sway, the spine will lean slightly back and forth, the head should sway just slightly as well as bob up and down (the head is heavy and the neck is small, the weight causes motion). Things also won't happen at the same time. A human's hand won't hit its furthest part of its swing at exactly the same time as their foot hits the ground. Everything will move independently. For the purposes of animation, the general rule of thumb is to delay the hand reaching its extreme by 2-4 frames. Just for the sake of looking more organic.

    In simplest terms? Move the shoulders and hips to correlate with the legs and arms. and tweak the timing.

    I also suggest looking at some youtube motion analysis videos such as this one: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq9A5FD8G5w"]Animation Reference - Athletic Male Standard Walk - YouTube[/ame]
  • palm
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    palm polycounter lvl 18
    @Maph, Baddcog and lotet. Thx for your comments.;)
  • palm
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    palm polycounter lvl 18
    xrg wrote: »
    Old character of mine, but I've never posted my work here. I'm always a bit intimidated by the grand stuff you guys post.


    I like this alot. Please post more.;)
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    thanks for the help, I did some tweaking to just about everything and this is what I have so far.
  • ruberboy
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    ruberboy polycounter lvl 10
    Bombshell : are you using IK? Animators say the best are non-ik bones, simple direct kinematics because of the soft curves.

    I personally use IK for all my animations, simple IK bones. I really like to take a hand and move all the arm along with the spine, may be its the hard way but I get way more stuff done than bone by bone.

    Play with the head up and down, hips and shoulders a bit... an you are done. Its a good animation already but the more you put work on it, the best.

    Try to have all the 3d views (front, side etc) you can so you can see animation better.
  • shaka
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    shaka polycounter lvl 7
    darkmag07: i like the progress a lot from the first post. Congrats.

    Bombshell: nice overall design and silhouette on the character. Even if it has a simple texture, it reads very well as a character.

    xrg: awesome work man. I really love that kid and the animation is top notch.

    We really need a like button or something, just for spaming all the last pages and that pear made by palm
  • allaze-eroler
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    allaze-eroler polycounter lvl 11
    shameless double post of my main thread you can see there : http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=103636

    spider monster done with only 448 tris :


    and then the chest done only with 328 tris and a first try of painting :


    and so, there is the main character done only with 1432 tris that i still keep going working on :


    feel free to give me any feedback on my main thread or here :)
  • Mangled Poly
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    Mangled Poly polycounter lvl 18
    xrg wrote: »
    Old character of mine, but I've never posted my work here. I'm always a bit intimidated by the grand stuff you guys post.


    Just wanted to chime in and say this is amazing.. it is oozing with so much character!
  • xrg
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    xrg polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the comments guys!
    Bombshell wrote: »
    thanks for the help, I did some tweaking to just about everything and this is what I have so far.

    The upper body is better, but I think you can still push it and get a bit more life out of it. For some reason you lost the tail motion.

    Here is a tutorial that may help. He shows a lot of the little counterbalance motions bodies do in order to stay balanced.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbogB-mgUwk"]Maya Basic Walk Cycle Animation Tutorial | 3D Animation Masterclass - YouTube[/ame]
  • Xelioth
    Bombshell wrote: »
    thanks for the help, I did some tweaking to just about everything and this is what I have so far.
    Lookin better! What I'd say from here would be to tilt the head as he bobs from side to side. Just slightly, but enough to see it. Also the tail is killing it by being stationary, it should be overlapping as the motion moves forward (and I mean the animation term overlap, not that it should be in front of anything else), and the base of the tail should be moving from side to side with the hips, so that tells me you haven't done the hip twisting I suggested. Which is definitely something that need to be done. It'll add a ton of little motion to the upper body when you add hip sway. (of course, it occurs to me it could be that the rig isn't such that the tail is parented to the hips. if that's the case, you'll have to do the hip sway manually (or, ya know, parent it))
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    the tail problem was I linked the tail target to the lower body, I changed it, worked with the IK a little bit and I think its looking a lot better, theres also a bit more kick in the walk now.
  • Xelioth
    Bombshell wrote: »
    the tail problem was I linked the tail target to the lower body, I changed it, worked with the IK a little bit and I think its looking a lot better, theres also a bit more kick in the walk now.
    There ya go! I'd say that's working within the style you've got for the overall look of the character.

    Good stuff! Just keep those things in mind for future animations.
  • whiketan
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    whiketan polycounter lvl 3
    I wanted to try my hand at modeling a female character within 500 tris and keep it mostly anatomically correct. This is what I got:
    Exactlly 500 tris:
    Constructive criticism is welcome, Or you can just rant about it if its bad.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Yo Bomb, nice tweaks there, looking a lot more natural :)
  • RathSkeller

    Just something I've been doing this afternoon. If there's nothing glaringly wrong I'll start unwrapping.

    EDIT: Just finished unwrapping this thing. Is there anything wrong with it as is? This is my first time doing super low poly.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Palm that is insame man. Great job.

    xrg I love that kid soldier. He oozes character so keep them coming.

    Though I'd share some low poly work I done of late. I set about creating a Hellboy collection for Torchlight 2 which I still need to pack and submit to steam workshop. Anyways here is the pics.

  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    xrg wrote: »
    Old character of mine, but I've never posted my work here. I'm always a bit intimidated by the grand stuff you guys post.


    Awesome animations xrg, I like them a lot :)
    palm wrote: »
    I'm trying to leave my comfortzone. Might do more of these since it was great fun.
    661 tris


    ha ha, more zombie fruits, please! :D

    Some updates of our project:

    A couple of new enemy ships (one water unit and one bonus unit)




    The dangerous alien pods



    And the first Boss at last! :D, I hope to post some pictures of the boss ingame soon.



    full thread of this project here.
  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    tucho, palm all of my love!
  • whiketan
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    whiketan polycounter lvl 3
    I felt like posting this I did to challenge myself, I try to make a model of female and keep it close to anatomy within 500 tris. You tell me if its any good:

    Was fun to make, you tell me if you like :)

    PS: also might make two of same post by accident.
  • Wendy de Boer
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    Wendy de Boer interpolator
    @ whiketan: Looks like you blew half of your budget on the boobs! :poly128:
    I would go with a simpler approach in that area, so that you have triangles left to flesh out the face, round out the hips, and add curves to the legs in front view.

    Here's a little example of how you could go about it:

  • laperen
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    laperen polycounter lvl 11
    the seperations make for somethat that looks like it should eb in the PS1 era, if you seperated the model at the remaining major joints youd complete the effect

    the thighs should be longer, like almost as long as the body, while the shins are two thirds of the thigh as a general guideline

    shoulders could use better definition

    NO NOSE!

    there are many ways to show boobs, it all depends on the clothing. like if it was under a jacket it wouldnt be defined like that, even under a singlet it wouldnt be defined like that. but even when showing bare breasts, most modellers would at least make it part of the body mesh rather than seperate
  • whiketan
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    whiketan polycounter lvl 3
    The separations were an attempt to conserve tris, and yea... I might have gotten a little greedy in the chest section... This my first attempt at making an human character, I mostly like to do creatures and sort. I like your suggestions though, I'll give em a try.
  • FasterBlaster
    Hey guys, thought I would post my most recent project, a low-poly reusable rock.:

  • laperen
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    laperen polycounter lvl 11
    whiketan wrote: »
    The separations were an attempt to conserve tris, and yea... I might have gotten a little greedy in the chest section... This my first attempt at making an human character, I mostly like to do creatures and sort. I like your suggestions though, I'll give em a try.

    my personal experience is training in sketching for learning human proportion, although generally it would be easier to start with a male form when starting with modelling and even drawing human forms, simply because of the edgier nature of a male body(generally) compared to the curvier female body, especially in context of low polygon modelling

    heres example of a basic female mesh i stripped down from an old model, it ended up decently under 500 tris, the only exceptions are the fist bound hands and seperation between meshes at the neck
    and the model i stripped down from, hellsing anyone? with the hands it already was at 510+ tris, with the hair and other details it reached 960, but hey its under 1000 tris, i thought it was a decent effort anyway

    Here's a little example of how you could go about it:


    super cool example! on both how to make boobs and face!
  • Wendy de Boer
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    Wendy de Boer interpolator
    laperen wrote: »

    super cool example! on both how to make boobs and face!

    I'm glad you like it! I guess I might as well post the whole thing if it's helpful to you. :)


    I made this female base body for my Cherry Darling character, which I made a couple of years ago for a lowpoly contest on Polycount. I never did post the final character in the lowpoly thread, only in the contest thread. So I suppose it's acceptable to repost it for those who might have missed it. :D!!

  • RathSkeller
    Progress on the textures
  • ruberboy
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    ruberboy polycounter lvl 10

    One good trick is, put a black material and a white background and start modeling the silhouette. Do it until the silhouette looks absolutely the best you can.

    In lowpoly its very important how the silhouette reads, just as in character design.

    Once you have it perfect you worry about the inside details and tris topology.

    And then you paint it and rig it.

  • Leisure Centaur
  • ShinotoKnightZ
    So I made a new character for a low poly android type game.

    622 trigs

    I'm trying to simpliy the shoes to a more... chibi style, but every time I try it, it looks odd. Any help with it?
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Shin - Are you using any concepts? You want to try view it flat shaded rather than shaded view, so you get rid of the horrible 'grey-muddy' shading that happens when viewed in the viewport. Also, are you painting a 128x128 or however size from scratch? I usually find painting at 512 or even 1k rez and scaling down at the end gives better results.
  • Leisure Centaur
    So I made a new character for a low poly android type game.

    622 trigs

    I'm trying to simpliy the shoes to a more... chibi style, but every time I try it, it looks odd. Any help with it?

    Did you start with a sketch? Reference images? Any sort of concept?

    It looks a bit rushed and undercooked, you should have a very clear idea of your character's proportions and costume before you start modelling.

    Your character is not chibi, it looks like it's on the way to exaggerated proportions though. Compare it to this reference image and you'll see where you need to work on the geometry to give your character a stronger silhouette and identity.


    Note the boots!
  • whiketan
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    whiketan polycounter lvl 3
    Redesigned the mesh a bit and made it all one piece, still exactly 500 tris:
  • RathSkeller
    Calling the textures done.

  • ruberboy
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    ruberboy polycounter lvl 10
    Modeling and texturing at the same time... about 1200 tris and going down (trying to conserve the silhouette and the texture seams) Lots to fix on everything xD

  • raste28
    HI to all,im new here in polycount,i am trying to make a simple character to my game and i tried to make it low poly count but i am not satisfied,can you guys pls check it,here is my model
  • raste28
    hi to all,im new here in polycount,can anyone check my model?i tried to make it low poly but i cant xD,pls check it for me
  • palm
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    palm polycounter lvl 18
    @ Tucho. I love what your working on there. Your game looks awesome.
    @ Demonprincess. That Cherry char is amazing.

    This is me just messing around. Im not sure whats going on here.;)
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