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Homrighausen: Game Art Thread

polycounter lvl 5
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homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
Hello everyone! I have been roaming polycount for months now and I have finally decided to delve right into learning the pipeline for games etc and post my learning experience on here. I have never attempted the lowpoly process before but its something I aim to learn. After searching for things that could serve as a good practice model for a game asset that I could high poly and lowpoly I came across the cavalier C-51 coke machine! Instead of just modeling the coke machine I decided to also model the dolly as shown in the reference below.



  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    After gathering reference I started blocking out the basic shapes of the dolly. I'm not sure if its just my eyes or not but I feel like its kind of short but maybe its just me. And also if it would actually be able to support the whole weight of the coke machine.


  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Progress! I tried to fix some proportions on the overall piece and also started adding some details. Still a few details left to model. I shall attempt to get them done tonight :D.

  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 12
    this picture has become pretty famous. I am going to share it again.
    I think some of your edges are not only too sharp but everything also feels too thin and too shallow. Really going to need to push some of the thickness on things, not only so you can get your edges rounder but so that it is actually worth doing the lowpoly for. Some of your stuff is so thin that it probably doesn't justify modeling your lowpoly pieces with a thickness. And while you could cast all the pieces on a plane... I don't think it is what you are going for.

    Your tires are huge and almost look like truck tires. I am not sure what your other reference looks like but those look pretty wide to be dolly tires.

    Your weld seams are too small as well. Make them fatter so they actually catch at least some kind of highlight. Otherwise by the time you bake them down to a Normal map you are never going to see them... unless you work at an unnecessarily large size for a map.

    Everything is coming along pretty nice though. Clean and detailed which is good!

  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 12
    Also... the handle on your bar is looking a bit lazy. Make it believable ;)

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you for such a lengthy critique much appreciated. I definitely agree that a good chunk of the pieces modeled are quite to thin. Got to caught up in trying to replicate the references im using to the T and forgetting that it needs to be modeled in a way that the details are captured for the lowpoly. For the tires could it possibly be that the treads are to big which make it seem off or maybe its to wide? Though I was trying to achieve pretty heavy duty tires which some dollys do have. And yes I did get a little bit lazy on those handlebars, fixing those as I post this :).
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Finally found time to post my progress! The dolly is pretty much complete except some minor details. I tried to make some adjustments that were suggested previously by Jeremiah but I still may need to push the thickness on some things even more. for now I leave you with two beauty renders.


  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    A new update! Started working on the coke machine itself. Still much to do but its starting to come together.


  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    I started working on a low poly for my coke machine and here is the final result. Total tri count between the dolly and coke machine is 2,472.



  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    With my lowpoly finished and feeling pretty confident about it I moved on to unwrapping and setting the smoothing groups. I'm still learning the process of how to use smoothing groups correctly for the lowpoly bake but I think I understand it. But any critiques etc is greatly appreciated!

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    I finished up unwrapping my low poly dolly and coke machine. It looks like it turned out pretty decent. Hopefully my normal maps look correct. More progress!



  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Since this is my first time baking normals I am not entirely sure how well mine turned out but here is a screenshot showing what it looks like applied to my lowpoly with a real time shader. There seems to be a few issues which I assume is either because of my unwrap or smoothing groups. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Definitely needs more tweaking.

  • Sparkwire
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    Sparkwire polycounter lvl 9
    what render settings did you use on this? it looks really nice
  • DWalker
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    The straps in the low-poly version seem to intersect the Coke machine at unusual points - I'd expect them to run in fairly straight lines from one corner to the next. Do you have a render of the complete low-poly pair?
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Sparkwire wrote: »
    what render settings did you use on this? it looks really nice

    Thanks! I used mental ray with the following settings: Final Gather Medium, Sampling Quality 1 min/ 4 max, Type: Mitchell. Everything else was pretty much set to default medium. I hope this helps!
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    DWalker wrote: »
    The straps in the low-poly version seem to intersect the Coke machine at unusual points - I'd expect them to run in fairly straight lines from one corner to the next. Do you have a render of the complete low-poly pair?

    I definitely agree. I wasn't to sure how to approach the low poly for the strap at the time so I just left them there for a placeholder. I'll make sure to make that fix. And currently I do not have a render of the complete low-poly pair but I will do one and post it up as soon as I can. Thank you for the feedback!
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    I baked out my normal and AO map for the low-poly dolly. I think overall they turned out pretty decent but there is definitely still room for improvement and fixes but im pretty pleased. I'm aiming to make corrections to both the dolly and coke machine tomorrow so hopefully I can start texturing by Sunday assuming everything is fixed and good to go. :)



  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    After doing my test projections I decided to go back and rework my UV packing because I had a lot of unused space so that wasn't good. I wanted to make sure I did a solid packing job. I need to redo my uv packing for the dolly as well.


  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    A small update! I finally got my UV's and everything squared away. Down below is a screenshot of some flat diffuse colors + my normal maps using a real time shader. I am using a 1k map for the dolly/strap and a 2k map for the actual coke machine. Any critique or feedback is most welcome! I will be texturing asap!

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Started working on the texturing phase of my low-poly with blocking out the basic colors. So far its been quite the experience since I have never hand painted textures before so this should be pretty interesting. I reviewed my model to make sure I didn't have any diffuse seams anywhere on my model. My goal is to age/weather both the coke machine and dolly. Any critique or advice is most welcome!

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Small update. Been busting my ass to get these textures done for the dolly and coke machine. The textures for my coke machine are getting there but I still need add a few more things, and work on the metal pieces of the model. Any feedback or criticism is most definitely welcome.

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Finished up my texture for the coke machine. I need to start working on texturing the dolly and straps that accompany the coke machine. I will update soon!


  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    I have been working on texturing the dolly for the coke machine and overall I think its going pretty well. The straps are definitely giving me some trouble, and I'm certainly not satisfied on how they look. I have been contemplating changing the lower strap so its not paralleled with the top one. Hopefully will have an update soon.


  • ZeroStrike
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    ZeroStrike polycounter lvl 8
    Wow that diffuse texture looks amazing. It really sells the metal. It has alot of different kind of bumps, scuffs, and dings. Was it alot of like perfect photo sources images to get the damage or was some of it painted? Or a combo of them?
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    ZeroStrike wrote: »
    Wow that diffuse texture looks amazing. It really sells the metal. It has alot of different kind of bumps, scuffs, and dings. Was it alot of like perfect photo sources images to get the damage or was some of it painted? Or a combo of them?

    Thanks man! To be honest I used maybe 1-2 photo sources which I used as patterns, and combined them with hand painting. Just took a lot of tweaking to get the look I was going for.
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Fixed diffuse seams that I had on a few spots of my coke machine. I also made adjustments to the strap through textures, moving geometry and adding some geometry. I apologize in advance for how dark the dolly is. I accidentally forgot to turn on spec for the dolly in marmoset. Should have another update here in a bit unless I fall asleep x_x.

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Last update for tonight!

  • Kane3D
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    I really like the detail you have going on here. Very well done. One thing I would add in is some edge ware which might come from the machine bumping into a wall for example. And then just a little bit more grunge where it makes sense and I'd say its good to go. All in all nice job!
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Kane3D wrote: »
    I really like the detail you have going on here. Very well done. One thing I would add in is some edge ware which might come from the machine bumping into a wall for example. And then just a little bit more grunge where it makes sense and I'd say its good to go. All in all nice job!

    Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback/critique. I definitely agree about adding some more grunge and edge wear. I should have an update at some point today.
  • Kane3D
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    Also I have to ask did you use dDo at all? Just curious...
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Kane3D wrote: »
    Also I have to ask did you use dDo at all? Just curious...

    I would of loved to try dDo on it but my trial ended ages ago and haven't had the spare money to get it. Just used photoshop.
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Almost to the final product. A few more tweaks I want to make to the coke machine before I move to setting up the final lighting etc. Not sleeping tonight till this is finished! I realized while posting this that I have a diffuse seam so I need to fix that asap.

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    As it stands now this is my finished C-51 Cavalier Coke Machine. There are definitely things that could be improved upon. But overall I am pretty proud of the model and feel like I learned a lot about the workflow for making game art. I am very excited to apply what I have learned on this model to my next one.


  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Time to start a new model! 1973 Economy Power King. I am aiming to be much more efficient with this model though I know I will definitely hit some snags/issues along the way. Need to gather some more reference so I can begin modeling :D.

  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    nice work on the coke machine! looking forward to seeing the vehicle
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Mr Smo wrote: »
    nice work on the coke machine! looking forward to seeing the vehicle

    Thanks! I am excited to start on the vehicle.
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    This is where I am currently on the tractor. It still has a ways to go but its getting there. Hopefully will have more progress to post later today!


  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Finally back on track for posting! Currently the tractor is on the back burner but I will be revisiting it soon. Yesterday I started working on a payphone to get the creative juices flowing and to better learn the workflow for creating game art. I'm aiming to texture this piece in a subtle way, and to show off a skill set of being able to texture specific materials which hopefully I can pull off! Any critique along the way is most welcome.

    Reference Sheet



    Continuing to just block of the main shapes to make sure I nail down the correct proportions.

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    After looking at several difference reference pictures I knew that the main part of the payphone where the phone is would be separate pieces. I tried to make sure that each piece had a decent chamfer that way when I do my projections I will get the most out of my high-poly.


    My finished blocking with locking loops applied in some areas. Also meshsmooth applied on the second copy.


    Here is where the model is currently. I'm not really satisfied with the wire, or the phone as they are right now. I definitely feel like the wire is to small, and the phone is to thin. Other than that I think the high-poly is nearly complete. Plan on getting the phone, and wire fixed here soon so I can move on to the low-poly!

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    I made some tweaks to the phone to get it to resemble the reference much closer. It has a more organic flow to it compared to the original. There is one or two spots I would like to fix but im not sure if its worth dwelling on to get it perfect instead of moving forward to finish up the highpoly.


  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Finished up the highpoly! :) I don't plan on making any changes unless I see something glaring. Time to move onto the lowpoly.

  • VeeJayZee
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    Great textures on the Coke machine. I'm definitely gonna watch the progress on the other stuff you're going to do.
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    VeeJayZee wrote: »
    Great textures on the Coke machine. I'm definitely gonna watch the progress on the other stuff you're going to do.

    Thanks! Hopefully I will be starting to texture the lowpoly of the payphone later today once I get the lowpoly finished up. I managed to get a good chunk of the lowpoly done lastnight before passing out. This is where the current progress is at the moment. I may end up changing a few things but we shall see.

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Finished up the lowpoly. It's currently at 1,286. To me that seems like a good amount, but this truly is only my second lowpoly model so I don't have the best gauge on how many tri's lowpolys should be. Time for smoothing groups/unwrapping/material ids!

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    I finished unwrapping my lowpoly and getting it ready for material ID's. An issue I have run into is that I have way to much wasted UV space which is not a good thing. Off the top of my head I can only think of to solutions which is to add more lowpoly geo or break the long rectangle on the bottom in half to hopefully get more to scale up. Either way I need to fix it!



    I decided to do the material ids and do a test bake to see how it was looking even though I need to tweak my UV pack. Overall I think it turned out pretty good. Highpoly is on the left, and lowpoly on the right. Currently tweaking the UV pack but I wanted to post this stuff up.

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    I fixed my UV pack and got much more resolution out of it. I also did new projections which overall I think are looking good except there are 2-3 spots on the actual payphone area that have some issues that I need to take care of before moving on to AO maps/texturing.



  • fozdar3d
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    Well done! Can't wait to see your next project.
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Small update! I baked out my final normal map after fixing some issues, and also baked out my AO map. The current base diffuse color I have is just a placeholder so I could see what the AO looked like. I am definitely getting some weird issues that I haven't encountered before so I will be attempting to fix that here soon.

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Still having some difficulty figuring out the issue with my AO map. Some areas came out perfect where other areas not so much. I currently stumped, but I will find a solution. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! I have tried adjusting my projection cage, but that didn't seem to help. Is it possible my smoothing groups are causing this? Though I don't think they affect it but I could be wrong. Anyways, going to continue trying to fix this issue.

  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Check for overlapping/duplicate faces?
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