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What Are You Working On? 2012 Edition


  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    yeah moof, turned in to a bit of a millstone around my neck, but yeah upwards and onwards:)
  • JimmyRustler
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Ruz wrote: »
    yeah moof, turned in to a bit of a millstone around my neck, but yeah upwards and onwards:)

    You should definitely try to get it into an engine with better/more realistic shading, putting it into the cry sdk shouldn't be that much of a problem, i think it would be totally worth a shot.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    Neox - I have had it in UDK and it looked pretty good with a bit of sss skin. i might try and give it a shot, but would like to crack on with something new in the meantime.
  • benji
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    benji polycounter lvl 7
    mospheric, it may not be entirely related to your TV (which looks sweet by the way!), but if you're looking to read up on the nuances of spec maps, check this if you haven't already! http://www.manufato.com/?p=902

    BitGem, those are badass! The colours of the purple one (and possibly the red one) could be toned down I feel, to fall in line with the others in terms of contrast. Indeed perhaps a unifying feature would tie them all together better, like the shape of the 'eyes'?
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Free_Fall wrote: »
    Now for some stuff to fill up the fridge :3


    The three identical paper notes are bothering me...

    They look a little large too. And a little perfect.
  • Free_Fall
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    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8
    The three identical paper notes are bothering me...

    They look a little large too. And a little perfect.

    I'm glad you're just bothered about the notes :p but thnx for pointing it out :thumbup:
    I'll change them when I get home right away!

  • BitGem
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    BitGem polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks benji!
    Yeah you are right, I think I might them all down a notch and mix a secondary color into the shadowing... add some glow to the eyes and then paint some bounce lights... I hope I can find the time. They look simple but damn it took ages to paint them textures! :/

    More low poly stuff from me. I'm working on this set... I really need to start drawing concepts first to help with ornaments that make sense and keep the look consistent. :)


    I'm planning on doing a cemetery gate next... would be awesome to have good concepts first... :)
  • Andyk125
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    Andyk125 polycounter lvl 4
    I expended my grenade arsenal, and worked on the Incendairy and smoke grenade. Still need some work on the textures..

  • benji
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    benji polycounter lvl 7
    BitGem wrote: »
    Thanks benji!
    No worries man, I forgot to say just how good your hand painting looks- those gravestones are beautiful!
  • naturon
    Thought I'd chuck this up and see what you think.

    (Screeny taken from Unity3D)
  • mospheric
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    mospheric polycounter lvl 11
    ZacD - Thanks for the comment. I'll try to push those elements further. This is going into a unity/Ipad game... so I'll see how much I can work it before hitting shader limitations.

    Bengi - Definitely bookmarked that. I'll have to sit down with a cup of tea and dig through that :D Thanks for the link!
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    Here's a concept I've been working on. It's based on a scene from one of my favorite books, First King of Shannara by Terry Brooks. The characters are searching for a powerful relic in an ancient fortress called the Chew Magna, located in a mountainous region. I'm looking for some feedback as I continue to work! Eventually I would like to turn this into 3D. Thanks in advance!


    Excerpts from the book that I'm working with:

    “A massive fortress stood before them, its stone blocks so ancient the edges were worn smooth and its surface so cracked it seemed as if spiderwebs had covered it over. It was a wondrous construction, a balancing of towers atop battlements, an interlinking of parapets that cantilevered forward and back at every turn, and a spiraling of catwalks that suggested the intricacy of tapestry threads woven on a loom. The castle rose high and then higher, until its farthest reaches were barely discernable. Mountains ringed the castle, opening to the sky through the ceiling of clouds and mist. Trees and scrub grew thick along the rock walls at higher elevations, branches and vines drooping inward toward the castle spires, letting daylight slip through in a ragged seam. It was from here that the light took its odd cast, spilling down through the filter of the leafy canopy and swirling haze to coat the fortress stone in its watery illumination.” (196)

    “Inch by inch, the mountains were reclaiming the ground on which the fortress had been built. One day they would close about it for good.” (196)

    “He glanced up again at the trees and scrub and vines growing high above them on the cliffs, and realized that the mist was almost a rain. He could feel the damp on his face. He looked at the fortress doors and windows, black holes in the gray haze. Iron hinges and locks hung empty and useless; the wood had rotted away at every turn. Moisture worked at the stone and mortar as well, wearing it down, eroding it. Tay walked to the wall of the nearest tower and rubbed his hand across the stone. The surface crumbled like sand under his fingers. This ancient keep, this Chew Magna, had the unpleasant feel of a place that would collapse under a strong wind.” (196)

    Nice Start. One thing that bothers me a little is how harsh the 3 point perspective is. I know you want this castle to look massive, but taking a more subtle approach with that perspective might really help :)
  • dickiegriffin
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    dickiegriffin polycounter lvl 5
    Hi all

    its been a good long while since i posted anything so i thought i'd share.

    I recently got made redundant from the studio i worked for and decided to use my new found free time to do something i've been putting off for a good long while, namely learning zbrush.

    Tho I once spent a week playing in mudbox, this is the first time ive touched zbrush. The image below is a head I sculpted from a cube.


    not fantastic but i'm not expecting to be. major kudos to all you seasoned sculptors out their for all your awesome sculpts!
  • JoeCyriac
    A concept sculpt for the Showdown Contest: Evil Napoleon.


  • penE
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    penE polycounter lvl 7
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    BitGem: Those gravestones are great! I like the style a lot.

    Here's a bunch of character designs for my project:

  • Rapante
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    Rapante polygon
    nice gravestones BitGem!

    great characters Nick, and congratulations on the Kotaku feature :)
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    Little more lunch crunch hard surface practice. Epic concept from Sam Brown and his robot army. Lots of cut holes, nuts and bolts to get my head around.

    Working on a zbrush rocky base and a render that better shows the detailing.

  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Here's a texturing exercise I did for a buddy (similar to what http://graceliu.daportfolio.com did).



  • DJ_Aaron
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    DJ_Aaron polycounter lvl 10
    Finished the sculpt and did a render
  • kaktuzlime
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    kaktuzlime polycounter lvl 14
    So much good art around here. It's inspiring! Nick Carver and Bitgem, you guys blow my mind.
    Anyways, iterated on a couple of characters and came up with a new one.

  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    kaktuzlime those are fantastic! so much character and style. love the facial expressions!
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    kaktuzlime: Fantastic stuff! Great expressions and the head construction is super solid.
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    kaktuzlime those guys are fuken ace!
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    kaktuzlime: I want to have your babies.
  • ZeroCartin
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    ZeroCartin polycounter lvl 16
    kaktuzlime: Haha that is amazing! Great work!

    Heres are 2 environment concept i did for a game that will probably never see the light of day tt.tt
  • Chai
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    Chai polycounter lvl 18
    naturon wrote: »
    Thought I'd chuck this up and see what you think.

    (Screeny taken from Unity3D)

    I like the overall character design, but there are two really big faults that come to mind - I hope you don't mind some rough paintover.
    1. the proportions are off (small legs, shoulder too wide, hands/head too big, forehead too narrow)
    2. blood on cloth will be dried, not as specular/reflective as you made it. (I like the layout you gave it though)

  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    Wow kaktuzlime, those are awesome!
    Would you mind if I took a shot at modeling one of them? :)
  • botchiball
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    botchiball polycounter lvl 8
    Here is the final iPhone case. Its a 3D print from over at Shapeways.com and painted by myself. If you're interested in it, please check out my Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/108582895/demonicase

  • linkov
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    linkov polycounter lvl 10
    almost there. next one is gonna be final :poly127:

  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    Free_Fall wrote: »
    Now for some stuff to fill up the fridge :3


    reminds me of something..

  • naturon
    Chai wrote: »
    I like the overall character design, but there are two really big faults that come to mind - I hope you don't mind some rough paintover.
    1. the proportions are off (small legs, shoulder too wide, hands/head too big, forehead too narrow)
    2. blood on cloth will be dried, not as specular/reflective as you made it. (I like the layout you gave it though)


    Thanks alot Chai, It's amazing how these basic things can totally escape you when you've been looking at it for so long.
    I think alot of the proportion stuff was due to the perspective of the screenshot but it was still a little off.
    Your comments made me step back and take a fresh look so thanks :)

    Here's an update from maya front on.


    And I agree on the blood, Ill be drying it out
  • maze
    hey, awesome work everyone!! Everytime I come here I find lots of inspirational stuff...

    @nick carter, awesome caracters dude, really like the style, simple but tight.
    @zero cartin, really good brush work I really dig those enviros!

    here is a wip of a personal project...
    modeling & lighting only for now... I tried to start shading and texturing but my computer is dying on the process and mental ray simply wont render shit... I am at 16 mil polys.... ha

    rendering a small cinematic using mental ray, this is a test frame I quick comped in nuke:

    here is a link to the camera layout and concept from john wallin:

    *I ll probably need to wait a couple weeks to start texturing and doing proper shading... my current rig its not handling... even less using mental ray! but well... a bit late to switch render engine...

    comments and crits are welcome.
  • Chai
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    Chai polycounter lvl 18
    naturon wrote: »
    Thanks alot Chai, It's amazing how these basic things can totally escape you when you've been looking at it for so long.
    I think alot of the proportion stuff was due to the perspective of the screenshot but it was still a little off.
    Your comments made me step back and take a fresh look so thanks :)

    Here's an update from maya front on.

    And I agree on the blood, Ill be drying it out

    Np that's cool dude, I'm glad you found those crits useful.
    I totally agree about looking at a model for too long :P
  • wasabi
    Something I did lately..
  • choco
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    choco polycounter lvl 10
    I've been drawing some modular stuff lately (wip):

  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    kaktuzlime> Those are great man! phat.
  • Sean VanGorder
    Trying to get better at painting metal without photo overlays.

  • Angelgirl321
    This is a Samurai O Yoroi character I did as a mini Art Test for my portfolio class.

    It's low poly and I'm adding more stuff to it as I go along. I'm enjoying it though and it's helping me grow as an artist. :D

    Here are some screens from UDK:



    I want to touch up his hair, I'm not happy with it yet, and add some glowing eyes from behind the mask!
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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    linkov wrote: »
    almost there. next one is gonna be final :poly127:


    loving it!
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    kaktuzlime wrote: »
    So much good art around here. It's inspiring! Nick Carver and Bitgem, you guys blow my mind.
    Anyways, iterated on a couple of characters and came up with a new one.


    Fantastic design, this feels so fresh
  • kaktuzlime
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    kaktuzlime polycounter lvl 14
    @Autocon - Thank you very much! They were more fun than frustrating to create :)
    @Nick Carver - Too kind good sir! I'm glad there's enough construction in there to show through, I aimed for a very graphic shape style, so I was worried some of the form might be unclear. And for me, if I'm to draw the same head in different angles, I really need to have the construction worked out.
    @Gavku - Thank you very much! :D
    @ScoobyDoofus - I've always had someone like Natalie Portman in mind for that ;P But thank you, regardless :D
    @ZeroCartin - Thank you :D Too kind, too kind!
    @Slaught - Thank you! Of course, go for it, I'd be honored. I expect you to blow my mind! :D
    @Moof - Many thanks :D
    @Scythe - Thank you! I am very much inspired by the fourth season of Batman Animated as well as contemporary french animation such as Headless Productions and the student projects from Le Gobelins. I tried to go for a fairly simple technique which would be relatively easy to reproduce as well. Glad you like em :D
  • benji
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    benji polycounter lvl 7
    Trying to get better at painting metal without photo overlays.


    Wow Sean, that's fully hand painted? Do you mind outlining your process?

    kaktuzlime; I love the sense of 3d in your character's faces, they have real form :)
    linkov; that's beautiful
    ZeroCartin, that first concept is sick! it really draws the eye in :)
  • Rav3
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    Rav3 interpolator
    @Kaktuzlime - Amazing style! Looks really great, keep it up! As you mentioned about Batman animation, I think it's very stylish cartoon with amazing shapes and animation. I guess it's one of the kind, It's really great for inspiration :)
  • jujunosuke
    A Racing Game i am working on.

  • osk
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    osk polycounter lvl 4
    Hipoly of bust i am working slowly on. will make a lowpoly after done with this.
  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    kaktuzlime wrote: »
    @Autocon - Thank you very much! They were more fun than frustrating to create :)
    @Nick Carver - Too kind good sir! I'm glad there's enough construction in there to show through, I aimed for a very graphic shape style, so I was worried some of the form might be unclear. And for me, if I'm to draw the same head in different angles, I really need to have the construction worked out.
    @Gavku - Thank you very much! :D
    @ScoobyDoofus - I've always had someone like Natalie Portman in mind for that ;P But thank you, regardless :D
    @ZeroCartin - Thank you :D Too kind, too kind!
    @Slaught - Thank you! Of course, go for it, I'd be honored. I expect you to blow my mind! :D
    @Moof - Many thanks :D
    @Scythe - Thank you! I am very much inspired by the fourth season of Batman Animated as well as contemporary french animation such as Headless Productions and the student projects from Le Gobelins. I tried to go for a fairly simple technique which would be relatively easy to reproduce as well. Glad you like em :D

    "Simple technique" yet elegant and efficient. I'd love to model the Crimson Claw someday, I love her crazyness
  • jdvi
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    jdvi polycounter lvl 6


    Lobby environment I hope to finish soon. I think I'll post a thread when I can and hopefully get some feedback because I need fresh eyes.
  • TehSplatt
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    TehSplatt polycounter lvl 11
    so yea as usual heaps of awesome stuff haha i feel bad about posting now but anyways this was a quick sculpt (round about 2 - 3 hours) i havnt sculpted in about a month so trying to get motivated again.

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