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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • Svdl
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    Yeah, the disguise hat is nice. Definitely needs different masks as styles.

    Anyway, made some arms.
    There's some issues with the fingers so he doesn't have any nails or the like yet.

    I know you said it fits the engineer's hands pretty well, did you check the first person view? The way he slaps the wrench around in his hands I can see that going right through something.

    If you did, can you show us a picture?
  • KajiVena
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    Swamp thing Demo is looking great!

    Svdl, are you interested in finishing that Engy weapon you started a while back?
  • Svdl
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    This one?

    Well, I'd say it is finished.
  • KajiVena
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    Yeah that. I commented a while back saying that you should try it with Red/Blue rather than Orange/Yellow.

    Any interest in making more Engy stuff?
  • Svdl
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    KajiVena wrote: »
    Yeah that. I commented a while back saying that you should try it with Red/Blue rather than Orange/Yellow.

    Any interest in making more Engy stuff?

    Yeah, I replied to you, though you might've missed it since it was a pretty late reply.

    I picked the yellowish tones because they felt much more tool-like or construction equipment-ish to me. I do have some ideas where to take the pack from here, but thanks for the support.

    This is a little late for a reply, but as for your misc item, make sure it follows the underlying engineer model as closely as possible. Vertices and edges around the same points or you'll run into a lot of problems when rigging it.

    If it's a replacement for the overalls, though, I'm not sure how Valve would deal with it, since that sounds to me like it's a character model edit rather than an extra model worn on top of the character model, like the soldier and spy miscs I've done.
  • KajiVena
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    Svdl wrote: »
    Yeah, I replied to you, though you might've missed it since it was a pretty late reply.
    Yeah, missed that...

    I picked the yellowish tones because they felt much more tool-like or construction equipment-ish to me. I do have some ideas where to take the pack from here, but thanks for the support.
    No problem. I just love your work.

    Can you tell me what ideas you have for the rest of the pack? I really want to picture a Svdl Engy pack!
    This is a little late for a reply, but as for your misc item, make sure it follows the underlying engineer model as closely as possible. Vertices and edges around the same points or you'll run into a lot of problems when rigging it.

    If it's a replacement for the overalls, though, I'm not sure how Valve would deal with it, since that sounds to me like it's a character model edit rather than an extra model worn on top of the character model, like the soldier and spy miscs I've done.
    Thanks for the advice.
  • ColonelBD
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    Some more edits to my Bonesaw, based off feedback from the Emporium:

    Any C&C welcome :)
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Todays work, decided to hop the halloween bandwagon.

    What's scarier than, you guessed it.

    A CLOWN with a flamethrower and an axe? Nothing i tell you, NOTHING!


    The boots are new, though I basically follow the originals poly for poly until the toes. I didn't like the original UV's so... At least this way they are mine too. Still think the toes need to be bigger, they're just not clowny enough yet.
    The hairpiece and nose would be a misc, the tie another misc (or maybe all one?) and the hat a hat.
  • Apocol0id
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    Svdl wrote: »
    This one?

    Well, I'd say it is finished.

    I sure hope this gets in the game, it's expertly crafted. It uses the standard animations but somehow makes it look completely different. The texture work is incredible.
  • Slider
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    @Svdl: You were OF COURSE right. The Engy's Pinky was clipping through the lower piece.

    I fixed it, but I really hope the silhouette isn't changed too much. It's only tiny, but I noticed it instantly.

  • SgtR007
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    Paullo wrote:
    @SgtR007 - Looks great! I do wonder about a couple of things though; firstly, how does the paint tank look in first-person? It seems quite big, so I wonder if it might take a bit too much screen-space? Secondly, the curved hook on the back seems a little out of keeping with the sharp angles on the rest of the gun. That's a very small niggle though. In general it looks excellent, as does the rest of your pack :D

    Here's an in-game shot of the paint-gun. The model takes up about as much space as a large melee item, so not bad in my opinion. I sharpened the angles on the hook. Need to add some polys to the transition zone from the block-shaped handle to the rounded top portion. Also some clipping issues to address.

    Speaking of clipping issues: when using c_models, I'm having trouble getting things to line up properly both in the w_model and v_model. The game positions the weapon differently depending on if it's first- or third-person, and I'm not sure why. For instance, in the pic below, the thumb clips into the grip in the view model but not in the world model. Anyone know of an easy way to fix this?

  • comomomo
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    comomomo polycounter lvl 8
    Here is what I have been working on:



    Any thoughts on this model before I start texturing?
  • Xenu's Paradox
    SgtR007 wrote: »
    Here's an in-game shot of the paint-gun. The model takes up about as much space as a large melee item, so not bad in my opinion. I sharpened the angles on the hook. Need to add some polys to the transition zone from the block-shaped handle to the rounded top portion. Also some clipping issues to address.

    Speaking of clipping issues: when using c_models, I'm having trouble getting things to line up properly both in the w_model and v_model. The game positions the weapon differently depending on if it's first- or third-person, and I'm not sure why. For instance, in the pic below, the thumb clips into the grip in the view model but not in the world model. Anyone know of an easy way to fix this?


    It's really not all that noticeable.

    Considering Valve's standards of late, I think it's up to snuff.

    Also, I think it might be cool to add a misc. item to the pack that replaced the standard Pyro mask with one that more resembles a painter's respirator (like the one below) and has the paint splotches on it.

    The visor would be tinted, of course, to prevent anyone seeing inside.


    I realize it'd be more work, but more cosmetic items = more money for you if Valve picks it up (and quite frankly, they'd be nuts not to.)
  • Paullo
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    SgtR007 wrote: »
    Here's an in-game shot of the paint-gun. The model takes up about as much space as a large melee item, so not bad in my opinion. I sharpened the angles on the hook. Need to add some polys to the transition zone from the block-shaped handle to the rounded top portion. Also some clipping issues to address.

    Speaking of clipping issues: when using c_models, I'm having trouble getting things to line up properly both in the w_model and v_model. The game positions the weapon differently depending on if it's first- or third-person, and I'm not sure why. For instance, in the pic below, the thumb clips into the grip in the view model but not in the world model. Anyone know of an easy way to fix this?


    @SgtR007 - Ah, that looks great. The modified hook looks excellent, and I think the paint tank's size is perfectly fine. Well done!

    @Svdl - Just to add my voice to the crowd, that Nailgun is freakin' excellent and I'd love to see it in-game. Such a clever way to use the default animations.

    @Slider - That's looking really cool. The Engy can always use more wrenches :D
  • CidTheNinja
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    I see we're all eager to join the Final Combat bandwagon.
    But this gave me a bit of a scary thought, what if this eventually comes to the US and becomes... a tie-in... *shudders* That is certainly a scary thought. Not quite Halloween scary, but scary at least.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    @Cid, lol, I never really paid much attention to that game other than knowing it's got some 'similarities' to TF2. I didn't know they had a pyro clown. Oh well.
  • Doughnut Bear
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    at least they didn't completely copy the pyro >_>
  • Svdl
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    Glad you guys like the engineer thing.

    Anyway, legs.


    Also I don't think I ever posted closeups of the finished head, so here.
  • Piesandbombs
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    at least they didn't completely copy the pyro >_>

    Well, they did keep the bat-shit insane aspect.
  • Doughnut Bear
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    Well, they did keep the bat-shit insane aspect.
    they did keep that aspect :p aesthetically they should have copied the pyro, the clown just looks ridiculous
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    they did keep that aspect :p aesthetically they should have copied the pyro, the clown just looks ridiculous

    Looks like Final Combat is skipping past the implementation of hats and just making each class ridiculous right from the start.
  • Dashtoronto
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    after many failed attempts, it seems i can only get the skeletal frame of the heavy into 3ds max. I've read all over the internet that alot of people have the same problem with game models. Oh well...
  • Nzdjh
  • Flat Face
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    Flat Face polycounter lvl 10
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    Some more edits to my Bonesaw, based off feedback from the Emporium:

    Any C&C welcome :)

    You could save a lot of polys on the handle by using a bump map instead, it's going to be under a hand in 1st person anyway


    talking about Final Combat I see :P if you pay close attention to the silhouettes on the website, you'll notice the pyro was a metal looking dude with the TF2 flamethrower, they just remade him before using any game play footage of him.

    And they do have hats, you can see a few in game play vids :/ there's a bloody pirate hat for their solly that looks an awful lot like the tipplers tricorn we all know and love :/
  • Rada
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    K so progress on the dog muzzle Jzeeba and i are working on we may have 3 styles but are their any critiques on the texture?

    one is with the muzzle not paintbable, fully paintable and half paintable.
    any suggestions or are we good?
  • Bense
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    I am a lurker here, and I apologize if I am overstepping, but I have a few ideas that I think people would find interesting (although they may have been brought up before).

    I have been playing a lot of TF2 recently after a long hiatus away from the game. No matter what, I notice that offense usually prevails over defense in most cases. I think we need to create more defensive weapons that people would enjoy playing with.

    Riot shield for the Heavy... yeah the heavy... replace the minigun with it, and be able to put up defense in front of sentries etc.. or just have people huddle behind you. It could deflect most objects like flares, arrows, etc etc.... bullets do nothing, and explosives take away some damage. The downside is obviously only having a shield, shotgun etc etc.. (could come up with some other riot gear for the heavy to go along with this.

    As for the pyro...
    Instead of having a blastback/fire... how about a "leaf blower" (goes with the rake??)... it cant blast away rockets/etc, but it can keep away ubers at a constant rate instead of in blasts... so it would count down just like a flamethrower would and maybe it has blastback as well?

    Engineer... Has anyone ever brought up a spy radar? I think it could replace the dispensor and basically just set off an alarm when a spy was within 30 ft or so... this would be a huge downfall for the engineer, but if two are working together... it could be really useful and pyros wouldnt have to hold the fire button down all map...

    Please let me know your thoughts.. I think these are legitimate awesome weapons and I cant really model anything... Would appreciate any feedback!
  • Doughnut Bear
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    welp i feel done, now to think of a name,suggestions are appreciated!
  • Rada
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    Road Rage
    Fuel Injector
    Auto Assisted Annihilator (Triple A joke)
  • Old Painless
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    Hotrodder's Heater and Tuner's Torch has a lovely ring to it.

    All the pyro needs now is a bonewagon style hotrod
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    This might be a stupid question but what does the engine actually do?
  • Doughnut Bear
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    @old painless im diiging the tuners torch
    @eedobaba7726 its there instead of a gas tank/propane tank
  • ant
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    nearing completion on Part 1 (the hats) of my vintage sportsman pack.
    wip textures nearly finished.. next on to texturing weapons...

  • Contrebasse
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    Hi everyone, I'm new here,and new to modeling/texturing so I don't have anything to show yet, but I've been browsing this thread for the last few days and I just had to make an account to say how awesome you all are.

    Incredible stuff everywhere, and it's crazy how the thread is still alive and kicking so much time after its creation.
  • hughchilles
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    Doughnut Bear: Sorry, I don't think the chrome plays still. The model's great. I'd hate it to be the reason it didn't make it, the matte colours worked better imo

    Rada: Fully paintable if it's up for vote, love the texture, going to look sick white with the axe.

    ant: Win! fits the period so well
  • Lime_Blue
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    @Dougnut Insanity's Engine, 3rd Degree Burnout, Flame-job, Singed Starter, Charred Carburetor, American Muscle, and External Combustion Engine.
  • ant
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    @Doughnut Bear- The Infernal Machine
  • a gentlman
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    Lime_Blue wrote: »
    @Dougnut External Combustion Engine.

    Love it.
  • Doughnut Bear
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    some good names guys gonna be a tough choice :D also though of one "the clutch killer" get it clutch? /badpuns

    @hughchilles good point, guess some people just wont like the chrome, ill wip up a chrome less version and ill submit both the chrome and non chrome versions and if valve likes it they can either implement both as styles or just one.
  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    darkkyo wrote: »
    I thought it may have something to do with the vmt though I wasn't sure which value could be the problem. I put a copy on google docs so I don't have to clutter this page with a bunch of text.


    If anyone has a moment of time could they possibly check out my vmt file above in regards to the issue I'm having stated in this post from a couple days ago? I don't know much about vmt values yet and you'd really be helping me avoid a lot of trial and error. Thank you!!
  • ant
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    well these are done...phew!
  • Old Painless
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    @Doughnut Add a style that has a whistle tip on the end and name it "Bub Rub's Alarm Clock"
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Nice work ant.

    All the basics in place, I think he needs some big loopy laces though. String for the nose? Would anyone notice it?

  • Ninjentleman
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    @Ant: I really really like the pyro Jockey hat.
  • SachenMacher
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    Someone interested in Texturing this Engineer hat? I don´t know anyone in this forum who would do so, so i am requesting it here.
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    I really wish I had time to work on stuff for the Halloween update. Here's hoping they use the Mexican Pyro set I submitted a while back.
  • APesquera
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    APesquera triangle
    Rada wrote: »
    K so progress on the dog muzzle Jzeeba and i are working on we may have 3 styles but are their any critiques on the texture?

    one is with the muzzle not paintbable, fully paintable and half paintable.
    any suggestions or are we good?

    Remove the pyro symbol from the front. The textures are pretty good by themshelves and it doesn't look right.
  • SgtR007
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    Started texture work for my flaregun replacement. I'm not sure I like the base colors I've picked out, but I'm finding it incredibly difficult to get a color scheme that works. Pretty much all of these paint sprayers are chrome/stainless steel and are much too shiny for TF2. Obviously I haven't started adding any details to the textures yet (this basically just the AO + mask). I'm hoping it'll look better once I get some details incorporated.

    Of note, I am including a normal map for the textures on the brass bits and the company logo.

  • Slider
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    Maybe something like that, teamcoloured in a similar way to the Engineer's Gloves or his hard hat?
  • Nzdjh
  • SgtR007
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    @Slider: the only problem with that is that the weapon is metal, not plastic. I considered doing a colored anodized aluminum thing, but I found quickly that getting it to look right with phong was immensely difficult, and didn't really fit with TF2's style.
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