It really didn't seem like a joke because a lot of people actually do think that image is a valid point against TF2 having a style. I hate it when people actually try to debate using that image because it's obvious that they have no idea what they are arguing.
EDIT: About this style arguement with that low quality demopan. Despite it trying to make it look bad, it's really not in game. All the items fit in perfectly, even dangeresque too.
@Doughtnut, cool, sorry I didn't get around to digging it up, I guess all I would have had to do was open koth_sandvich, I used it for the salt/pepper shaker lids.
I just haven't had Hammer open for a few months.
@ Ronin, looks good. I wouldn't do a normal. It'll never be seen on the grip anyway. The only reason you see it on the ambassador is because of that huge barrel sticking out in your view.
See, the problem with most of the arguments is that TF2, when launched, had a very distinct style.
That of a 1960s cold war spy movie.
And honestly the vast majority of the community contributed items fit that motif. If anything Valve are the ones who have implemented iPod earbuds and samurai hairstyles and various other items that are more at home in a Korean MMO.
See, the problem with most of the arguments is that TF2, when launched, had a very distinct style.
That of a 1960s cold war spy movie.
And honestly the vast majority of the community contributed items fit that motif. If anything Valve are the ones who have implemented iPod earbuds and samurai hairstyles and various other items that are more at home in a Korean MMO.
All your arguments are invalid. you keep forgetting. that when you enter an item to Valve. Valve gets the final say as to whether or not your item gets in, what stats it has, and if it suits Team Fortress II in game, style, time period, whatever.
oh, and one other thing. when in the world did they have IPod Earbuds in the 1960s?
oops, there goes your whole entire time period argument.
I'm a long term follower of this thread who's only just started getting into modelling, very little time on my hands as is. However, I was wondering if it's okay that I make comments / criticism / compliments on weapons, and maybe if I ever get the time I could post something I eventually (read: hopefully) make.
Also, in terms of the Team Fortress 2 art style. It seems to be all about exaggeration and visual simplicity in terms of both design and aesthetics. However not at the expense of it being visually "readable". Over simplifying a model is what we're talking about in this case, because, in my opinion, it was hard to see what the different features of that assault rifle were apart from the main body sections. However that's a question of skill/expertise, which people develop over time and with experience.
Don't blame yourself Doughnut Bear. I'm more at fault than you are about this.
Also here's some AR-10 Progress. Taking things much slower by just focusing on one part long enough until all the possible detail or clarity has been added, then working on the next part
All your arguments are invalid. you keep forgetting. that when you enter an item to Valve. Valve gets the final say as to whether or not your item gets in, what stats it has, and if it suits Team Fortress II in game, style, time period, whatever.
oh, and one other thing. when in the world did they have IPod Earbuds in the 1960s?
oops, there goes your whole entire time period argument.
I'm not sure if you're serious or just have reading comprehension I'm just going to go make some art instead of pointing out all the wrong you are.
@Cooljay: Are you going to bake that detail down into the final mesh? Because it might be a bit high for what TF2 usually aims for.
I'm not sure if you're serious or just have reading comprehension I'm just going to go make some art instead of pointing out all the wrong you are.
@Cooljay: Are you going to bake that detail down into the final mesh? Because it might be a bit high for what TF2 usually aims for.
The shotgun is normally 1800 polygons, So I'm trying to keep within that budget. I will optimize if it goes over at all.
There's no point arguing here, you lose credibility which is your friend. The only thing worth while *as I'm doing* is positive criticism on peoples work to help guide them into making it fit TF2's style.
Speaking of which, Rowin, I cannot see how that could possible be used as a tool, the engineer melee weapons are all tools that he uses to upgrade his buildings as well as a weapon, the jag currently being the most out of place there but I cannot see how a chain on a stick can be used as a tool?
Ronin, it still looks far too modern and more at home in a cod game, the silencer is tapered out yes but I just don't think it fits in with tf2 weapons, too many small dark parts and far too realistic I'll mock something up later showing you how I think it could be changed, just some examples to show you what I mean.
In saying that ^^, the model its self seems nice and the textures are fantastic just not TF2 style yet
Speaking of which, Rowin, I cannot see how that could possible be used as a tool, the engineer melee weapons are all tools that he uses to upgrade his buildings as well as a weapon, the jag currently being the most out of place there but I cannot see how a chain on a stick can be used as a tool?
The Jag is actually based on a real wrench which actually looks really neat (I'll try to find some pictures). It's much more uncommon, granted, but it still fits.
@Rowin what exactly is the chain on a stick? Is it based on anything?
Barely made it, but I still got below it :P. That was an interesting challenge passerby for modeling.
Looks good! You might want to make the proportions a little more wonky. I'd make it stubbier, collapse down the barrel and make it a little more simple. Basically make it a caricature of the gun.
The Jag is actually based on a real wrench which actually looks really neat (I'll try to find some pictures). It's much more uncommon, granted, but it still fits.
@Rowin what exactly is the chain on a stick? Is it based on anything?
While searching for the jag, I found this
Are those the same kind of chain tools?
They're chain wrenches. They're usually used for pulling out bits of pipe and stuff that's difficult for a regular spanner to grip onto. You wrap the chain around the pipe and then tighten it up sufficiently so you can turn it.
There's also a tool called a 'chain whip'. Mainly a bicycle tool as far as I know, but you wrap the chain around the gears to hold and/or tighten them down. I suppose it could be used on cars and motorcycles as well.
I'll post this. TF2Maps was having a speed model workshop contest thing this week. 1-5 objects...
So I need to finish a few small bits tomorrow, make a film reel, a can, a screen and hopefully lod's (the lod's will probably come later)
Barely made it, but I still got below it :P. That was an interesting challenge passerby for modeling.
I think you should take a good second look at your reference man. A lot of areas on that gun look less like caricaturization and more proportionally wrong.
OK I'm calling this pack done and plan to submit as is unless someone has any further kritz. Names all good? Textures up to snuff? Any model details need addressed? Nitpicking is the name of the game.
I think you should take a good second look at your reference man. A lot of areas on that gun look less like caricaturization and more proportionally wrong.
Yeah I fixed that already, with the help of another person's suggestions. Have no pics of the Characterization yet.
All your arguments are invalid. you keep forgetting. that when you enter an item to Valve. Valve gets the final say as to whether or not your item gets in, what stats it has, and if it suits Team Fortress II in game, style, time period, whatever.
oh, and one other thing. when in the world did they have IPod Earbuds in the 1960s?
oops, there goes your whole entire time period argument.
Did you read the part where it said "If anything Valve are the ones who have implemented iPod earbuds and samurai hairstyles and various other items that are more at home in a Korean MMO."?
@Cooljay - here is a sample of the heavy jaw texture I did,
the easiest way to tf2 style is to lay down a base color blocks over your AMBOCC pass.
Then using large brush squarish strokes block out some variations on value and slight changes in hue. Add edge high lights etc.. look at real photos of guns to see where the "wear and tear" is, simplify and apply.
hope this helps.
Did you read the part where it said "If anything Valve are the ones who have implemented iPod earbuds and samurai hairstyles and various other items that are more at home in a Korean MMO."?
hey. you can fight with everyone on the forums, if you want. and eventually the admin will deem it fit to have you guys banned. but i ain't gonna reply to your nonsense.
@Cooljay - here is a sample of the heavy jaw texture I did,
the easiest way to tf2 style is to lay down a base color blocks over your AMBOCC pass.
Then using large brush squarish strokes block out some variations on value and slight changes in hue. Add edge high lights etc.. look at real photos of guns to see where the "wear and tear" is, simplify and apply.
hope this helps.
Didn't know that is all there is to it. makes my job a little easier for me. Thanks :P
I believe I'm starting to understand it a little bit. However I might need to work on it more like what you have there. This texturing is far from Done yet.
I was bored and the work went fast so I just finished it tonight. :-x It's jiggleboned. Clips with the dog tags occasionally, and clips pretty noticeably with the stomach during the scattergun taunt. Nothing I can really do about that... the scout's body frickin inverts on itself during that taunt.
Gonna submit as "Marathoner's Marquee" unless someone has a better idea for a name.
I've just gone through this thread, and a lot of the work in here is downright demoralizingly good. Amazing work.
I am currently in the process of making a hat, and I want it to have a fairly tight fitting chin strap, the problem is, the heavy's big fat mouth moves about 3 feet (especially for the "big smile" morphs) and I can't seem to find any way to include the chin strap in the facial morph target information, so is my only option to make the straps dangle and use jiggle bones? or is there some way to make the strap morph with the jaw?
I was crushed when I found out there was no jaw bone, I should have checked first.
Really like the marathon sticker, would it be worth sticking one on the back too?
Still working on my engineer set, hat and misc goggles in the works:
I also have a melee and pistol modelled, but I'd like a third weapon - maybe a shotgun and/or backpack
I don't know if my last post is going to get approved or not (i didn't include a pic or anything), but is there any way for me to get this chin strap to work with facial morphs?
When I try to compile a model in GUIStudioMDL it keeps on popping up with an error "unknown replace model c_machete_reference". I'm using the same model for both the LOD and the high poly, since it is only 600 polys or so. How do I fix this error?
lol i realize that just was supprised at seeing another polycount member on another site :P
moved one of the straps back and new exhaust/muzzle with ao render. and crits comments are greatly appreciated. hopefully ill be ready to unwrap by tomorrow
also roninsmastermix i really dig the robot arm, the engineer is turning into the terminator
@Colonel88 having the same model as the base model for the lod defeats the purpose so u could scrap the lod all together
edit: i fully agree with what Larolaro had to say, again im sorry if i pissed anyone off it was ment as a joke nothing more
adding the finishing touches on the grip. Added some texture on the suppressor. Exploring the possibility of adding a normal map on the grip.
edit: Baddcog i found the texture you were talking about, it uses an envmap
EDIT: About this style arguement with that low quality demopan. Despite it trying to make it look bad, it's really not in game. All the items fit in perfectly, even dangeresque too.
I just haven't had Hammer open for a few months.
@ Ronin, looks good. I wouldn't do a normal. It'll never be seen on the grip anyway. The only reason you see it on the ambassador is because of that huge barrel sticking out in your view.
also anyone crits? comments on my weapon so far? they are much appreciated
That of a 1960s cold war spy movie.
And honestly the vast majority of the community contributed items fit that motif. If anything Valve are the ones who have implemented iPod earbuds and samurai hairstyles and various other items that are more at home in a Korean MMO.
All your arguments are invalid. you keep forgetting. that when you enter an item to Valve. Valve gets the final say as to whether or not your item gets in, what stats it has, and if it suits Team Fortress II in game, style, time period, whatever.
oh, and one other thing. when in the world did they have IPod Earbuds in the 1960s?
oops, there goes your whole entire time period argument.
Also, in terms of the Team Fortress 2 art style. It seems to be all about exaggeration and visual simplicity in terms of both design and aesthetics. However not at the expense of it being visually "readable". Over simplifying a model is what we're talking about in this case, because, in my opinion, it was hard to see what the different features of that assault rifle were apart from the main body sections. However that's a question of skill/expertise, which people develop over time and with experience.
Just my two cents.
shitty paintover of possible color scheme
Also here's some AR-10 Progress. Taking things much slower by just focusing on one part long enough until all the possible detail or clarity has been added, then working on the next part
I'm not sure if you're serious or just have reading comprehension I'm just going to go make some art instead of pointing out all the wrong you are.
@Cooljay: Are you going to bake that detail down into the final mesh? Because it might be a bit high for what TF2 usually aims for.
The shotgun is normally 1800 polygons, So I'm trying to keep within that budget. I will optimize if it goes over at all.
the shotgun is 3600 tris not polygons, so you should get your budget count in tris since on export all of your quads will be split in half.
according to the hud your just above 2k tris.
also that number is form the shottys world model, which also has 2 lods which bring it into the 1.5k tris range and to 800ish tris.
I might take a jab at the LODS too as well. Would be good practice.
I'd go with black for the grip. Gray just doesn't look right.
Also, for the flame emitter? Maybe something like this:
Looks more interesting than the funnel-type exhaust you have.
Or maybe something like this:
Might be somewhat anachronistic, not sure when that type of exhaust was introduced.
Speaking of which, Rowin, I cannot see how that could possible be used as a tool, the engineer melee weapons are all tools that he uses to upgrade his buildings as well as a weapon, the jag currently being the most out of place there but I cannot see how a chain on a stick can be used as a tool?
Ronin, it still looks far too modern and more at home in a cod game, the silencer is tapered out yes but I just don't think it fits in with tf2 weapons, too many small dark parts and far too realistic
In saying that ^^, the model its self seems nice and the textures are fantastic
The Jag is actually based on a real wrench which actually looks really neat (I'll try to find some pictures). It's much more uncommon, granted, but it still fits.
@Rowin what exactly is the chain on a stick? Is it based on anything?
While searching for the jag, I found this
Are those the same kind of chain tools?
Looks good! You might want to make the proportions a little more wonky. I'd make it stubbier, collapse down the barrel and make it a little more simple. Basically make it a caricature of the gun.
also Habboi i saw you on kotaku today coincidentally
I'll post this. TF2Maps was having a speed model workshop contest thing this week. 1-5 objects...
So I need to finish a few small bits tomorrow, make a film reel, a can, a screen and hopefully lod's (the lod's will probably come later)
703 tris as it stands
better exhaust/muzzle? also cooljay nice improvement man looking good.
edit: also i feel like im going to end up having to make lods for this. any tips/tuts on how to do those would be appreciated
I think you should take a good second look at your reference man. A lot of areas on that gun look less like caricaturization and more proportionally wrong.
OK I'm calling this pack done and plan to submit as is unless someone has any further kritz. Names all good? Textures up to snuff? Any model details need addressed? Nitpicking is the name of the game.
Oh, and just for fun:
Yeah I fixed that already, with the help of another person's suggestions. Have no pics of the Characterization yet.
the easiest way to tf2 style is to lay down a base color blocks over your AMBOCC pass.
Then using large brush squarish strokes block out some variations on value and slight changes in hue. Add edge high lights etc.. look at real photos of guns to see where the "wear and tear" is, simplify and apply.
hope this helps.
Where I can find some concept art?
hey. you can fight with everyone on the forums, if you want. and eventually the admin will deem it fit to have you guys banned. but i ain't gonna reply to your nonsense.
By the way, started work on a misc item for the scout. Gonna be a racer's number, prob will call it the "Marathoner's Marquee".
Didn't know that is all there is to it. makes my job a little easier for me. Thanks :P
Uh huh? I do spread my wings you know :S
Shot with the pip-boy. Updating my robo-arm next week or so.
I was bored and the work went fast so I just finished it tonight. :-x It's jiggleboned. Clips with the dog tags occasionally, and clips pretty noticeably with the stomach during the scattergun taunt. Nothing I can really do about that... the scout's body frickin inverts on itself during that taunt.
Gonna submit as "Marathoner's Marquee" unless someone has a better idea for a name.
I am currently in the process of making a hat, and I want it to have a fairly tight fitting chin strap, the problem is, the heavy's big fat mouth moves about 3 feet (especially for the "big smile" morphs) and I can't seem to find any way to include the chin strap in the facial morph target information, so is my only option to make the straps dangle and use jiggle bones? or is there some way to make the strap morph with the jaw?
I was crushed when I found out there was no jaw bone, I should have checked first.
Still working on my engineer set, hat and misc goggles in the works:
I also have a melee and pistol modelled, but I'd like a third weapon - maybe a shotgun and/or backpack
Lovely noisy concept art.
lvl 1 sillhouette from half a dozen pages ago.
Comparison. The cylinders are meant to be the main identifying part between sentry levels.
lol i realize that just was supprised at seeing another polycount member on another site :P
moved one of the straps back and new exhaust/muzzle with ao render. and crits comments are greatly appreciated. hopefully ill be ready to unwrap by tomorrow
also roninsmastermix i really dig the robot arm, the engineer is turning into the terminator
@Colonel88 having the same model as the base model for the lod defeats the purpose so u could scrap the lod all together