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Halo 4

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flaagan polycounter lvl 18
Fuck yeah!


Here's hoping MS also keeps up the *awesome* live-action marketing for this series.


  • Cheez
    Looks great ! I'm 343 will knock it out of the park :)
  • Cheez
    Whoops, I meant : I'm sure 343 will knock it out of the park !
  • Rens
    Indeed, the live action and marketing for the halo serie has been amazing.
    Really looking forward to what the future of halo will bring.

    Quicker view, without age confirm
  • Moosey_G
    It should be really great, to be honest Bungie got a bit carried away in their story telling, hopefully some fresh eyes can help "reboot" the series in this new trilogy.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Well this is a surprise! I thought they were really clear on wanting to end the story at 3.

    Not sure what to think of the teaser, it was a bit weird and didn't really have that Halo feel to it. (I know it's a different developer but still)

    Anyway, this will be very cool. :)
  • nalwayv
    HALO they just wont let it die as long as it makes money.poly009.gif
  • slipsius
    if you beat the 3rd game on legendary, this would not be a surprise what so ever....

    but a new trilogy? just die already!
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    I know about that legendary ending, but I figure that was the whole point. The job was done, and they couldn't just kill him off because of the whole "Spartans don't die, they're just missing in action" thing. I thought that was a good ending, because It's not super happy or super sad, it leaves you to your imagination at the end, which I think is cool. Very few stories wrap up emotionally like that. :)
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Looks like Master Chief is heading for the Deathstar.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Jesus why are you guys saying the game should die already? It's got a cool story and universe and so many possibilites. Why kill it off if you can tell stories from different perspectives/people/parts of the universe/etc? That just sounds retarded.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    There was a legendary ending? WTF. not that we tried, we just kept trying to kill each other during the campaign.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Not saying it should die, I love the Halo games and it will be awesome to play more! Just saying that I enjoyed the ending to the Masterchief storyline is all, booting it up again just caught me off guard. :)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    slipsius wrote: »
    if you beat the 3rd game on legendary, this would not be a surprise what so ever....

    Well no, that ending showed him heading for marathon, which is a planet, not a ship right? That looks like a ship Chief is heading for.

    Its really no surprise cause microsoft need monies... guarantee you the trilogy will end on their next console too!

    Kinda surprised they are going back to Master Chief himself but... well, lets wait and see gameplay first!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I'm actually glad they're going back to Master Chief. The story for him wasn't really 'wrapped up', and you've got the whole option of the humans and the Covenant working together now as a joined force. As far as non-MC Halo games, ODST showed what to do (and Reach what not to do) with the license when the main Spartan isn't around.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    I don't get why people fucking cry like little children "oh this game franchise needs to die because its been enough and im sick of it and if im sick of it it means everyone has to be" seriously stop that crap. Its so annoying. If you don't like it you dont have to buy it or play it. It being in existence is not hurting you at all. There are millions of people who love Halo and why should it end for them just because you think the franchise has run its course. Maybe it did for you and you had your fill. Thats great, don't play the next one then. No one will care.

    Now that thats out of the way I for one am defiantly excited too see 343's take on the Universe Bungie made. Cant wait to see what fresh take they will bring to the table. Plus I LOVE me some delicious sci fi worlds to oggle :)
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Can't wait, I love me some Halo. Say what you want about the story or characters, but Halo's gameplay has always been solid
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Halo without Master Chief isn't Halo, imo. ODST and Reach just didn't hit the spot for me personally, for that very reason. I've been anxiously waiting to see what happens next!
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    Master Chief fights unicron
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    I'm a huge halo fan, I love the story and the games. But I need something from Halo 4 in order to play it.
    Halo 3 was amazing with the multi-player and I literally played it non-stop with all of my friends for about 2 years, got out of every map, campaign and multi-player, got every map pack, created a little prank on sierra 117 called "the cave spider" which basicly left people with no means to kill themselves in some strange hole outside of the map.
    It was brilliant.
    Halo: Reach... I just don't know, the multi-player was okay but I couldn't find it as addictive if I tried. I also raged every time I went into match making because there was no real penalty to betrayers. I picked up a shotgun one game on powerhouse and someone on my team, ran up to me and killed me with their AR... no damage from anywhere else, they just sprayed me with it... there was no option to boot.

    I just hope Halo 4 has a good, fun, functioning multi-player
  • Sean VanGorder
    Halo 1 had the best story and Halo 2 had the best multiplayer. I played Halo 2 multiplayer religiously, probably more than any other game. I was disappointed with Halo 3 and didn't even bother with ODST or Reach. I hope this one can bring me back into it.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    JFletcher wrote: »
    Not saying it should die, I love the Halo games and it will be awesome to play more! Just saying that I enjoyed the ending to the Masterchief storyline is all, booting it up again just caught me off guard. :)

    It was the end to the human-covenant war arc, a trilogy.

    This'll be a new thing, with masterchief, but with no covenant.
  • Moosey_G
    eld wrote: »
    It was the end to the human-covenant war arc, a trilogy.

    This'll be a new thing, with masterchief, but with no covenant.

    Hard to say if there's no covenant, considering the Sangheli joined with humanity, but they could throw that out the window entirely.
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    isn't the focus of Halo 4 finding the remaining sierra on the forerunner planet? (there were giant debates on whether the planet is omnyx or the array thing meant to isolate the flood, so I won't name the planet as I got confused amongst the arguments.

    But bar that I can't see another trilogy coming out of it. I think halo is reaching its end with H4 and H5 would be a stretch. What I would like however is a game based around the elites, I can imagine 2 scenarios that would fit for elits, either the early conflict of the Covenant Sangheli and the Separatists / heretics.
    Or conflict within cross species colonies. With the covenant gone and the sangheli friends with humans its inevitable they would have cross0species colonies. But that also brings about the possibility of discrimination, I would like to see how the struggle goes for peace within these colonies.

    The Halo universe is exactly that. A universe. You'd think there would be more things to fulfill the needs for a good game within an entire universe with a well established back story than 1 AI (because if you look back through it, Halo games are not about chief, they are about cortana, Reach a special testament to that.)
  • Poribo
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    Poribo polycounter lvl 14
    I'm a fan of Halo, I love the storytelling and the culture (minus the 12yo kids) that Halo has brought. It'll be interesting what 343 will bring to the series. I'll be picking this up and the HD remake at launch.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    I don't see what the complaints are for. Halo is an entertaining (if completely unimaginative) franchise, and having another installment is good. If it's great, awesome. If it's good, nice. If it sucks, awesome: fanboy tears.

    Should be a good singleplayer game, with lasting multiplayer appeal. Only downside is the very possible and wholly stupid end-of-game vehicle sequence.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Halo should die after 6 games? What about all the e-boners that will pop when Legend of Zelda 16 comes out?
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    Halo should die after 6 games? What about all the e-boners that will pop when Legend of Zelda 16 comes out?

  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Isn't Kenneth Scott the Art Director on this?
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Yes he is Josh... Which will equal = SEXY!!!!
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    We've got Kenneth and Sparth heading up the art team... super dope combo!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    dfacto wrote: »
    Should be a good singleplayer game, with lasting multiplayer appeal. Only downside is the very possible and wholly stupid end-of-game vehicle sequence.

    But... but... what would you do without your end-of-game vehicle sequence? It's a staple of the series! :poly142:

    I'm actually *really* glad they're continuing the series. I found Reach to be a huge letdown and really not the best way to 'end' it.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    flaagan wrote: »
    But... but... what would you do without your end-of-game vehicle sequence? It's a staple of the series!

    Man, I really wished reach had one, honestly. I like them haha.
  • Talbot
    I went into the press conference thinking that if they announced halo 4... I was going to be pissed and think it was retarded. Yes the trailer was sick but I actually think a new studio and a new story that takes place x number of years later has the possibility of being really good.

    I'm looking forward to it. I just wish it was on the next xbox. Still possible I guess.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    If it's anything like reach, i will be mildly dissapointed with it. Reach was good, but still, mildly dissapointing IMO. Either way, should be interesting to see where it goes. Hopefully it kicks off from the ending of Halo 3, far as I could tell, it just seemed to retcon that with the trailer, but really the trailer means fuck all in relation to the real game and it's story.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    For me, Halo 2 and ODST were the biggest failures of the franchise. Halo Combat Evolved was magical. I can't explain why, it just was. Halo 2 was just wrong. Glitchy, bad story and bad ending.

    Halo 3 while having flaws, restored my faith in the series. Better writing, voice acting and gameplay made it a far more enjoyable experience. It's ending also left the door open to future titles which I was fine with. But damn, the framerate was absolute shite and had no antialiasing. It looked bad.

    ODST was an attempt at a cool idea that just flopped. The ODST troopers could drop elites with a single melee blow from behind like Master Chief and their armor was damn near as good as his MJOLNIR. The gameplay could have been incredible, but it was the same old Halo in a different wrapper - the biggest disappointed of the entire series.

    Halo Reach was to me, amazing from start to end. While it by no means had the same feeling of Combat Evolved, it was no doubt the second best of the series. I didn't really have any issues with it at all.

    I'm very much looking forward to seeing what 343 does with the series and to go through another saga with the luckiest Spartan ever. I've read the books and love the storyline of the games, I really look forward to this.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Moosey_G wrote: »
    Hard to say if there's no covenant, considering the Sangheli joined with humanity, but they could throw that out the window entirely.

    The thing is that masterchief and cortana are just about an eternity away from both the former covenant and humanity, and have been drifting for we don't know how long.

    It's pretty safe to assume they won't be in this game.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Was that a Reaper?


    I kid really, while the whole idea of bringing an old franchise to new worlds isn't something new, the idea being instead stuck on a large ship where Master Chief must go Splinter Cell will...be...not that...
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, Stubbs, you and I are absolute opposites. I thought Reach was an abysmal failure; it was supposed to be a "part of the team" deal, and they just killed off each team member in the most cliche way possible. The only one that had any honor to his death, and really any kind of quality in the way it was told, was the Heavy grabbing you and dropping you out of the ship in space.

    ODST was advertised as a lone gunman kind of setup, and just kept building and building the whole "you're part of a team, and you give a damn about them" story. There was back story and reveals (the 'living computer' aliens), and it had something I really love in games, it rewarded the player for exploring (all the backstory VO logs). The 'multiple paths' element to it was a nice way to explore.

    ... Aaaanyways, yah, enough banter, BRING BACK MASTER CHIEF! :)
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    eld wrote: »
    The thing is that masterchief and cortana are just about an eternity away from both the former covenant and humanity, and have been drifting for we don't know how long.

    It's pretty safe to assume they won't be in this game.

    Well this is kind of wrong, and we know roughly how long they've been drifting. Halo 3's legendary ending (or you could just watch all the credits) suggested that they came out of the portal drifting near the planet their about to fall / be dragged into.
    That planet also needs to be within the Halo array's range because it is well established that it is a forerunner planet and the forerunners, wiped themselves out using the Halo array (though it has also been suggested that they did not activate the halo array intentionally and that it may have been the fault of one of the 'bias' AI)

    With it being within the halo array's range it is perfectly possible that covenant forces (who have not been destroyed, only their leadership has fallen, if someone kills the pope there will still be catholics, etc.) and or human forces, could come upon the planet, though not probable.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Bombshell wrote: »
    Well this is kind of wrong, and we know roughly how long they've been drifting. Halo 3's legendary ending (or you could just watch all the credits) suggested that they came out of the portal drifting near the planet their about to fall / be dragged into.
    That planet also needs to be within the Halo array's range because it is well established that it is a forerunner planet and the forerunners, wiped themselves out using the Halo array (though it has also been suggested that they did not activate the halo array intentionally and that it may have been the fault of one of the 'bias' AI)

    With it being within the halo array's range it is perfectly possible that covenant forces (who have not been destroyed, only their leadership has fallen, if someone kills the pope there will still be catholics, etc.) and or human forces, could come upon the planet, though not probable.

    We know that masterchief and cortana wasn't near the ark as the ring went off, since that would've killed them.

    They make it somewhat through the portal, but only half of the ship fully making it, so the back of the ship is somewhere unknown, far away from everywhere.

    At the ending you see them out in space, nothing nearby, and a very good reason to put masterchief to suspended animation, and he does the "wake me when you need me" They're in full knowledge that there's nothing out there and they will be drifting for a very long time if not by random chance found.

    legendary ending hints that they've been out there for quite some time.

    The chief would never have been put to cryo if that planetoid thing was just nearby.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Pretty much what eld said, and i doubt we'll be seeing the same alien races from the previous games. Can't wait to see Kenneth's direction, doom like designs in halo? Fuck yeah
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    went back and watched it, I stand corrected, I always perceived the 2 endings as right next to each other but thinking of halo legends, cortana has the time to recite the entire Halo history. Thanks for the correction. Still as it is a forerunner planet it must be within range of the Halo Array, as I stated and so they must still be within range of Human and Covenant forces, however improbable it is that they will appear, its still very possible.

    on a similar note, word of warning people, this has been hinted strongly but only when you put the story together does it start to make sense;
    Cortana may be corrupted, as were the bias AI. This is hinted at via her red flicker. And even stronger hinted that she may be formed from the remnants of a corrupted AI in Reach. There is evidence of her corruption throughout Halo 3, where she is recovered from a covenant ship which was host to the gravemind. The gravemind is relevant because corrupted forerunner AI are AI that have been convinced by the gravemind that the flood are their ultimate goal.
    The goal of the forerunners and all of their technology is to contact or become a higher intelligent race, almost a religiously, they believe there is a race that can touch and change a universe forever without even hinting that they existed.
    The gravemind corrupted AI by convincing them that the flood, which is seemingly infinite in learning potential is the closest to this race they will get. With the AI all being programed with the state of mind to head for this goal often sided with the gravemind. This is how the 'Bias' AI are believed to have broken the floods containment and eventually lead up to the activation of the Halo Array.
    So if Cortana is corrupted, we can expect some heavy activity with her now being on either a forerunner colony world or the containment array control (as I stated before I'm not too sure which it is but it seems favourable to the Halo community that it is the later.)

  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    oh screw those sphoilers, no one here likes halo anyway.

    Wasn't the corruption thing a play on marathon?

    Corrupted AI's was always a big thing in most of the bungie games, and in the halo universe it was said that AI's would gobble up information constantly, and at one point they would get too much of it, and they'd go rampant.

    It was always hinted that she was going to become rampant, but in the end she turned out to not be, all of it starting at when she got every bit of information from the first halo ring in combat evolved.

    edit: also, the ark was outside the array, it's purpose was to be safe from the effects of the rings activation.

    It is positioned at 262,144 light years from the core of the galaxy, the milky way is a 100,000 or so light years in diameter (?), and that puts the ark outside the galaxy.

    But what's also important again, MC and cortana made the jump, partially, they're not at earth, they're not at the ark, they can be anywhere else.

    Also, there has not been any kind of solid facts that it is in fact a forerunner installation they end up at, only rumours.
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    just a theory but the portal, though its not been established what kind (if you ignore halo for the moment, I'm willing to believe 2 kinds of portals, if possible, can exist, a fold / wormhole, should you be cut off midway through you will be part-way to the desired destination. And a break in reality, resulting in ending up as anything anywhere. It is probable but I have not looked into it to see if bungie have thought deep enough into this to define it, that a slip space rupture is a wormhole type. And the portal is more than likely a variation of slip space rupture.)

    and just to note : before anyone asks, no I really do not have anything better to do than think up scientific theory to a video game... Hell I once wrote a paper on how an IRL pikachu would work.

    back on case,
    if the portal was a wormhole type of portal they could have dropped out anywhere in between earth and the ark, judging 1 half made it through perfectly it is also rather plausible that the other half made it quite far through, at least far enough through to be near or in the milky way. In which case, they would be within the array's reach, as the ark was not outside of the range completely, it is revealed in Halo legends that it was intended as the last thing to be reached by the array to make sure the forerunner were the last to go.

    And there may be no facts about it being a forerunner installation but book references and taking note to the details / symbols on the planet (visible via severely sharpening and contrasting the image.) are forerunner, it is also baring resemblance to the containment control planet in which offensive (or medicant, i get them mixxed up) bias betrayed the forerunner and removed the floods containment.
    So it may not be fact but it is very very probable.
  • acarr
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    acarr polycounter lvl 6
  • Cheez
    Dude, he just popped out of cryo: Morning wood.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    JDinges wrote: »
    We've got Kenneth and Sparth heading up the art team... super dope combo!

    *GASP* I might get into Halo now! That is an amazing combo for sure
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Cheez wrote: »
    Dude, he just popped out of cryo: Morning wood.


    Theres an article up on kotaku bitching about how much the librarian levels in Halo sucked... am I the only one who didn't mind them that much?
  • Bombshell
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    Bombshell polycounter lvl 10
    so some guy started preaching the bible to me while I was talking about halo...

    John 1: 17
    For the law was given through Moses, but God’s unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ

    Halo Version,
    John 1: 17
    For the law was given through the covenant but the forerunners unfailing love and faithfullness was given through chief
  • DLoud
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    DLoud polycounter lvl 15

    I LOVED the library. I used to play it on legendary as a warm up before lan parties :)
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