Just had an interesting thought... besides the obvious (gun) implementation... what else could they use the kinect for with Halo? The head-tracking / flashlight aiming would be nice...
Just had an interesting thought... besides the obvious (gun) implementation... what else could they use the kinect for with Halo? The head-tracking / flashlight aiming would be nice...
Also, in b4 teabagging...
well... throwing a grenade, various kinds of melee (kick, gun, charging... charging would be fun), Jump... in fact with enough work the entire game could be kinect run, not suitable for online play though because the kinect has a processing delay. They'd probably also need an extra controller for guns (containing a sensor compatible with the kinect and a button or 2 for shooting and armour abilities... and maybe an analogue stick for turning, it'd be awkward in almost any implementation of body based viewpoint.
But if your thinking more probable things, I'm willing to bet a victory pose / animation for when you win a match... would actually be pretty cool and funny to finish a game and see everyone in the game perform a pelvic thrust and or salute.
Or even just general menu navigation. I hope they will improve matchmaking more... I'm hoping for a Tag based system,
Games are given 6 tags which the matchmaking search can search for,
PlayList: as it sounds, just the playlist.
PlayerCount: Team (3v3 / 4v4), Big Team (5v5 / 6v6), War (7v7 / 8v8), and etc. for doubles and Free for all's
MapSize: small, big, huge. Rated based on the sizes of teams the map was made for.
Map: the map their on / have option to go on
GameGenre: Survival (Firefight / zombies), Aggressive (Slayer / Headhunter), Objective (everything else)
GameType: the specific game type available for choosing.
Anyone unhappy with the changes in appearance and sudden additions?
-Chief's armor is completely different.
-Cortana looks like a turbosquid model.
-There's some new pistol grenade thing?
-Chief can suddenly jetpack.
Granted, these are pretty trivial concerns that will probably dissipate with time, but this just seems like a rushed teaser. I can understand 343 taking their own direction, but this is literally right after the halo 3 ending. Making all these obvious changes right away just seems pointless. The point of the trailer was to get people excited about what's happening to chief; no one cares about any new weapons/armor at this point.
Alright that's a enough fanboy freakout for one day.
Anyone unhappy with the changes in appearance and sudden additions?
-Chief's armor is completely different.
To elaborate on this, which is in the books (I have not read them, I am informed by friends who read the books), Chief when he gets down to the planet gets a forerunner upgrade, which gives him the Armour ability system from reach.
Why he has this while still aboard the half a frigate I don't know, they probably just wanted to show off the design.
Ive always been a bit annoyed when they give the chief a new armor without justifying how he actually got it. between 1 and 2 he gets the upgraded stuff and that makes sense, but this time its just way too much, between 2 and 3 you could buy it because it was just smaller changes.
Thing is, does it even matter? New studio, some new artist(s), new design,a new trilogy to get a nice fresh start. Fine by me. Not sure what people are so anal about. All I care about is the plot/storyline, and the multiplayer. If both of those are mindblowingly awesome, then the chief could be wearing a burlap bag, and I'd still be cool with it. :P
Bloody hell he can never wake up to a nice cuppa tea can he?
On the Armour, Im pretty sure slugging it with a few armies worth of aliens (hellbent on killing you), whatever your wearing is going to get a little fucked up. So yeah upgrades and replacements would be a common thing. Sure you lose a little of the iconic sheen but times are moving on ;P
I played only the first Halo game but I will be watching this one. I'm expecting it to look awesome as Kenneth Scott and Sparth(and of course many more great developers) are working on it.
I also think it's great to see there are games with this many sequels despite the general unstability in the games industry.
Engine looks like its got that Syndicate/Battlefield3 lightsource-sheen on everything. Cortana looks good! Someone actually invested some polys into making her look like a human.
And also, Covenant again? How are they gonna explain *that*? Why not do something new?
Just read the game informer article, and I'm pretty impressed! I like what they're doing with multiplayer and the "episodic" cooperative campaign. If they deliver on what they've promised, it seems like this will be the first episodic content done right: new mission every week, all free.
And finally.... I like the new designs. Chief, Cortana, and the enemies all look cool and fresh in my opinion.
Engine looks like its got that Syndicate/Battlefield3 lightsource-sheen on everything. Cortana looks good! Someone actually invested some polys into making her look like a human.
And also, Covenant again? How are they gonna explain *that*? Why not do something new?
It sounds like they aren't very crucial to the story. Apparently you run across some stragglers in the beginning but they won't be the real antagonists.
It sounds like they aren't very crucial to the story. Apparently you run across some stragglers in the beginning but they won't be the real antagonists.
Yeah, they are probably stationed there, in a very remote area, and aren't aware that the Covenant has fallen apart. For all they know, they're still thinking of embarking on the Great Journey
They indeed are quite nice.
Im really curious what the engine is capable of. lighting +1!
The concept art as always is spectacular,
would have been sweet to see a bit more of that deep blue and mix of colors come back into the environment. The coridors look a little too green.. Some of those red cylinders ect would have looked great, just as a bit more cables and smaller things going on. Though the clean style has always worked well.
The characters will take some getting used to, some parts i really like, others are bit in a different direction. Guess the bubble foil doesnt do it for me.
I hoped the overall would look a bit more agressive and realistic.
343 for sure did a sweet job on taking this to the next level.
Looking forward to getting into that whole halo night thing again
The characters will take some getting used to, some parts i really like, others are bit in a different direction. Guess the bubble foil doesn't do it for me.
That's my only complaint actually... I loved the sleek look of the "undersuit" on this toy model:
Looking great! Lighting is looking fantastic and its cool to see 343's take on the fanchies.
Do agree about MC's odd bubble shit on his armor. I find it very busy/noisy and unnecessarily. Its just detail for the sake of detail when the clean look is more appealing to the eye IMO.
And hopefully a little more color can be injected into the envios. That is one great thing about Halo is all the color used. Even the concept shows dark metals with nice blues and some pops of red, but the actual game level is just overall green. Still looking good and cant wait to see more.
They are gonna have to explain that new jet-pack armour somehow though...
Reading the new Game Informer article when Chief is woken up by Cortana it is like 4 years after the events of Halo 3 and she mentions some upgrades. He responds with something along the lines of You've been busy...
Reading the new Game Informer article when Chief is woken up by Cortana it is like 4 years after the events of Halo 3 and she mentions some upgrades. He responds with something along the lines of You've been busy...
So there ya go
Actually, those aren't really jetpacks per se. According to the books, every Mjolnir armor suit has them. They're used for zero-g operations for navigating through space as an emergency system. We just never saw them used before, but they've always been part of the suit.
Actually, those aren't really jetpacks per se. According to the books, every Mjolnir armor suit has them. They're used for zero-g operations for navigating through space as an emergency system. We just never saw them used before, but they've always been part of the suit.
According to that Wiki, so did the Mark IV (http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/MJOLNIR_Powered_Assault_Armor/Mark_IV), and I just need to find the passage in the books where it says that the Mark VI were equipped with them as well. They'd be useless in-atmosphere though, so it's kind of normal to not have seen them in previous games.
- Lost planet 3 is now Dead Space
- Dead Space 3 is now Resident Evil 5
- Last of Us is now what people expected off Resident Evil 6
- Resident Evil 6 is now something else entirely
- Tomb Raider is now a more serious Uncharted
- Halo 4 is now a great looking Metroid Prime
- Medal of Honor looks like Black Ops 2 which looks like Battlefield 3
- New Splinter Cell is Assassins Creed with mark and execute
- Watch Dogs and Star wars 1313 were the show stealers
.. with his feet!
Also, in b4 teabagging...
Plenty of time to catch up! Get on with it! :poly142:
well... throwing a grenade, various kinds of melee (kick, gun, charging... charging would be fun), Jump... in fact with enough work the entire game could be kinect run, not suitable for online play though because the kinect has a processing delay. They'd probably also need an extra controller for guns (containing a sensor compatible with the kinect and a button or 2 for shooting and armour abilities... and maybe an analogue stick for turning, it'd be awkward in almost any implementation of body based viewpoint.
But if your thinking more probable things, I'm willing to bet a victory pose / animation for when you win a match... would actually be pretty cool and funny to finish a game and see everyone in the game perform a pelvic thrust and or salute.
Or even just general menu navigation. I hope they will improve matchmaking more... I'm hoping for a Tag based system,
Games are given 6 tags which the matchmaking search can search for,
PlayList: as it sounds, just the playlist.
PlayerCount: Team (3v3 / 4v4), Big Team (5v5 / 6v6), War (7v7 / 8v8), and etc. for doubles and Free for all's
MapSize: small, big, huge. Rated based on the sizes of teams the map was made for.
Map: the map their on / have option to go on
GameGenre: Survival (Firefight / zombies), Aggressive (Slayer / Headhunter), Objective (everything else)
GameType: the specific game type available for choosing.
-Chief's armor is completely different.
-Cortana looks like a turbosquid model.
-There's some new pistol grenade thing?
-Chief can suddenly jetpack.
Granted, these are pretty trivial concerns that will probably dissipate with time, but this just seems like a rushed teaser. I can understand 343 taking their own direction, but this is literally right after the halo 3 ending. Making all these obvious changes right away just seems pointless. The point of the trailer was to get people excited about what's happening to chief; no one cares about any new weapons/armor at this point.
Alright that's a enough fanboy freakout for one day.
To elaborate on this, which is in the books (I have not read them, I am informed by friends who read the books), Chief when he gets down to the planet gets a forerunner upgrade, which gives him the Armour ability system from reach.
Why he has this while still aboard the half a frigate I don't know, they probably just wanted to show off the design.
Sure its trivial, but it still kindof annoys me
Bloody hell he can never wake up to a nice cuppa tea can he?
On the Armour, Im pretty sure slugging it with a few armies worth of aliens (hellbent on killing you), whatever your wearing is going to get a little fucked up. So yeah upgrades and replacements would be a common thing. Sure you lose a little of the iconic sheen but times are moving on ;P
I also think it's great to see there are games with this many sequels despite the general unstability in the games industry.
I'm sure these aren't the only examples too, try finding more.
And finally.... I like the new designs. Chief, Cortana, and the enemies all look cool and fresh in my opinion.
It sounds like they aren't very crucial to the story. Apparently you run across some stragglers in the beginning but they won't be the real antagonists.
Yeah, they are probably stationed there, in a very remote area, and aren't aware that the Covenant has fallen apart. For all they know, they're still thinking of embarking on the Great Journey
These are GORGEOUS!!!
Really neat seeing what fresh eyes can do to an established franchise.
They indeed are quite nice.
Im really curious what the engine is capable of. lighting +1!
The concept art as always is spectacular,
would have been sweet to see a bit more of that deep blue and mix of colors come back into the environment. The coridors look a little too green.. Some of those red cylinders ect would have looked great, just as a bit more cables and smaller things going on. Though the clean style has always worked well.
The characters will take some getting used to, some parts i really like, others are bit in a different direction. Guess the bubble foil doesnt do it for me.
I hoped the overall would look a bit more agressive and realistic.
343 for sure did a sweet job on taking this to the next level.
Looking forward to getting into that whole halo night thing again
That's my only complaint actually... I loved the sleek look of the "undersuit" on this toy model:
The bubbly is just distracting and looks a little reptilian.
the new HUD btw is fancy, it has some very subtle details to it.
Do agree about MC's odd bubble shit on his armor. I find it very busy/noisy and unnecessarily. Its just detail for the sake of detail when the clean look is more appealing to the eye IMO.
And hopefully a little more color can be injected into the envios. That is one great thing about Halo is all the color used. Even the concept shows dark metals with nice blues and some pops of red, but the actual game level is just overall green. Still looking good and cant wait to see more.
And this is the first time my work (that mp map at the end) has ever been on TV
That rainbow effect could be nice during SP when there is no firefights going on, but otherwise...
Could be... in Tribes when you take damage your screen goes all nuts. A little annoying. But that game is awesome.
Reading the new Game Informer article when Chief is woken up by Cortana it is like 4 years after the events of Halo 3 and she mentions some upgrades. He responds with something along the lines of You've been busy...
So there ya go
Actually, those aren't really jetpacks per se. According to the books, every Mjolnir armor suit has them. They're used for zero-g operations for navigating through space as an emergency system. We just never saw them used before, but they've always been part of the suit.
Hmmm I haven't read them in a while, but only the V variant came equipped with the Jetpacks (http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/MJOLNIR_Powered_Assault_Armor/V_variant)
So halo happy right now :P
showing from E3
spartan ops
you can find more stuff on
Its simple.
I kept watching it, and thinking "God damn, Metroid Prime...".
wow... haha
It's like hey, this looks like just another burger... but this one is with bacon!