Metroid's gorgeous, but doesn't have a monopoly on clean glowing lines or gold on grey. This is just what happens when an amazing concept art team works on a scifi game! Looks so fantastic.
It's cool, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. It sounds too... generic. There doesn't seem to be any specific melody that I can get attached to. It's a shame Marty O'Donnell isn't working on it. His work is absolutely amazing.
If you listen to it 2-3 times, some of it does start to stick IMHO... but I do agree that it lacks a characteristic tone that you could match to the game.
Then again it's very hard to match the impact of the original Halo theme with the monks and all. That has to be one of gaming's strongest, most iconic motifs. I still remember watching that Macworld demo in a stamp sized video window, it was so captivating.
Even O'Donnell himself didn't really get to create anything as memorable, just think about the soundtrack for Reach - can you recall something unique from that? Even ODST's soundtrack, as good as it was, is more about the general mood and the rain than the music itself.
We also haven't even played the game. I'm sure if we listened to the early Halo soundtracks before playing the game, we'd have a similar response.
I'm not a huge Halo fan (not a hater either) I only played a small amount of Halo 3 DM. The new Halo soundtrack doesn't really stand up to the original Halo song - it's cool but ask me to hum it in a few hours and I'll draw a blank, sort of like the new Batman theme vs. Danny Elfman's score.
I'm not a huge Halo fan (not a hater either) I only played a small amount of Halo 3 DM. The new Halo soundtrack doesn't really stand up to the original Halo song - it's cool but ask me to hum it in a few hours and I'll draw a blank, sort of like the new Batman theme vs. Danny Elfman's score.
I'm a big Halo fan, so my opinion on the music/game is always gonna be a bit biased because of my love for the series. I do agree that it isn't up to par with O'Donnell, but in my opinion, nothing beats the original Halo 1 soundtrack. I'm pretty sure O'Donnell did Halo 1 up to Halo: Reach. So I don't necessarily think a difference in composers really made this soundtrack sound bad, I just think it's different than the usual Halo stuff because of how different the game is. Nothing will ever compare to the Halo theme song, but I think the success of the song is partially related to it being the theme song and every gamer hearing it as they move through the menus. It's one of those things that although it is really good, the more you hear it, the more you like it. Kind of like the Pokemon theme song(seriously, first thing that came to my head ), it's cheesy. but everyone knows it and can't help but sing along.
After playing halo ce anniversary by 343, I was incredibly underwhelmed by the annoucement for halo 4. Seeing some of these new screens and making of's, they've really changed my mind about this game. It looks like these guys have really done a great job so far.
The relevance is that CEA was 343's first release, a disappointing, sub-par port. It was a lackluster, ugly product that stank of greed and showed no signs of developer love. If anything it indicated that Halo 4 might be just a weak cash-grab.
That looks like it will prove completely untrue. 343 are introducing big, exciting innovations, and taking the game to a whole other level graphically. Of course, very little has been seen of the campaign thus far, but it certainly looks like they've put a lot of love into it.
CEA was not developed by 343 it was made at saber interactive and overseen by 343
The mp looks very promising. It looks like they took the new stuff from 3 and Reach that worked and made it fit better with HALO. I have always felt like halo 2 was the peak of halo's mp. I see some of halo 2 shining through here. I have my fingers crossed.
The relevance is that CEA was 343's first release, a disappointing, sub-par port. It was a lackluster, ugly product that stank of greed and showed no signs of developer love. If anything it indicated that Halo 4 might be just a weak cash-grab.
That looks like it will prove completely untrue. 343 are introducing big, exciting innovations, and taking the game to a whole other level graphically. Of course, very little has been seen of the campaign thus far, but it certainly looks like they've put a lot of love into it.
I wasn't saying that it wasn't relevant. I'm saying that, as someone who is working on Halo4, it is of my opinion that you need not worry about comparing the quality between the two.
I'm a big halo fan and completed 99 weeks straight of weekly challenges in reach (I moved country and missed hitting 2 years, 104 weeks )
From what I've been seeing from 343 in regards to making it more competitive and having smaller maps, things seem to be looking up again for halo! (the BR!!!)
However I still see a few niggles, they still have gun spread and will no doubt have AR as a starting weapon,
They have a initiate capture button, WHAT? it should start to capture when i get into the area, don't make me have to press a button for x amount of secconds, also AA is still here along with a new and maybe even worse feature,
armor mods, what the fup!!! so somebody can get an in game advantage.
The Requisition armor mod allows users the ability to recall their own ordnance requests in order to acquire more helpful weapons in the field.
The Stealth armor mod allows users to move quickly and silently in combat, executing enemy assassinations with lightning fast dexterity.
The Stability armor mod allows users to increase their aiming stability when being fired upon.
The Wheelman armor mod gives Spartans the ability to coax every bit of stamina and durability out of vehicles they are piloting.
This is some of them, so there we go, thats the last nail in the coffin.
Do people get that halo is not CoD and TF2? Its a game where everybody is on the same level and you fight to get better weapons in the map, map control.
How can a franchise 'evolve' so much its becoming something it never was, what next? a halo season pass thats $49.99 and gives you 5 months of DLC? PROBBLY
p.s. I so badly want to be wrong
p.p.s Reach did some good things, don't get me wrong, the sniper is the best sniper of any reach game, shame it didn't have 'the pit' map
While I can see why you might be a little dismayed by these armor specializations, i dont see a huge problem with them. Halo had a few playstyles, even back in halo 2. You had long distance/ hit and run, run and gun, and of course, vehicle carnage. I think these classes just help improve the particular play styles common in halo. I also see some of these improving the fun of playing certain gametypes, and maps. The vehicle and requisition ones would be interesting on big levels when playing objectives.
What really killed halo imho, was the wierd stuff they added in 3. deshield and healing balls. mines. bubble shields(this ones was acutually pretty cool) but still. Then of course, dont forget armor abilities in reach. This i think is a much tamer, add on that i wouldn't think would change the overall halo experience much
I can see where he's coming from. Halo's multiplayer was traditionally an 'arena FPS'; whrein all players spawn with a basic setup on a level playing field. The class based gameplay of Call of Duty doesn't create a level playing field; in Halo this is magnified severalfold, since the game doesn't tend to kill players in 1-4 shots.
Classes absolutely do not equal "playing styles"; that's a poor design crutch.
While I can see why you might be a little dismayed by these armor specializations, i dont see a huge problem with them. Halo had a few playstyles, even back in halo 2. You had long distance/ hit and run, run and gun, and of course, vehicle carnage. I think these classes just help improve the particular play styles common in halo. I also see some of these improving the fun of playing certain gametypes, and maps. The vehicle and requisition ones would be interesting on big levels when playing objectives.
halo has never had anything like classes until Reach came out, and we all know how much fun that is, with halo the guns are the classes.
Frankie O'Connor shows off campaign gameplay at Eurogamer Expo (skip to like 13 minutes in)
Lol, Frankie really can't play the game worth a damn. I've been hungily consuming every bit of Halo4 info, this is the first time I've stopped midways, it just got too boring. Visuals are amazing though.
Yeah perna, I liked the look of it too. For me though, it was the most emotional one. I think I'd much rather have small, 2-3 min clips of that caliber than see MS try making a feature length film. Forward Unto Dawn series is much better than I thought it would be, but man...Deliver Hope.
Our Spartan Ops trailer is up. For those not familiar this is 10 weeks of coop episodic content. 5 missions are unlocked each week, 50 total. Comes with the purchase of the game.
Yeah, which sounds lovely, but its for Gold only... Which is just totally stupid. I mean, sure, I get to play with other people you need Gold, but I can't even play solo without it?
Anyway... Other than that, I'm SERIOUSLY impressed by this game, more so than I ver thought I would be. I've had the chance to see it all, single player wise, and its just stupidly stunning, and very, very well made. Puts all the Bungie games to shame even, which is quite a trick. 343 should be very proud.
I wont finish the single player in one sitting, I atleast want it in two chunks or a hand full mixed it with some MP. Want it to last a bit longer but we;ll see if im able to put it down.
And its totaly a coincidence that i happen to have vacation now that halo comes out, (cough)
ahhhhh the wait, haha
its a great feeling though, totaly enjoying it.
It's cool, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. It sounds too... generic. There doesn't seem to be any specific melody that I can get attached to. It's a shame Marty O'Donnell isn't working on it. His work is absolutely amazing.
Then again it's very hard to match the impact of the original Halo theme with the monks and all. That has to be one of gaming's strongest, most iconic motifs. I still remember watching that Macworld demo in a stamp sized video window, it was so captivating.
Even O'Donnell himself didn't really get to create anything as memorable, just think about the soundtrack for Reach - can you recall something unique from that? Even ODST's soundtrack, as good as it was, is more about the general mood and the rain than the music itself.
I'm not a huge Halo fan (not a hater either) I only played a small amount of Halo 3 DM. The new Halo soundtrack doesn't really stand up to the original Halo song - it's cool but ask me to hum it in a few hours and I'll draw a blank, sort of like the new Batman theme vs. Danny Elfman's score.
I'm a big Halo fan, so my opinion on the music/game is always gonna be a bit biased because of my love for the series. I do agree that it isn't up to par with O'Donnell, but in my opinion, nothing beats the original Halo 1 soundtrack. I'm pretty sure O'Donnell did Halo 1 up to Halo: Reach. So I don't necessarily think a difference in composers really made this soundtrack sound bad, I just think it's different than the usual Halo stuff because of how different the game is. Nothing will ever compare to the Halo theme song, but I think the success of the song is partially related to it being the theme song and every gamer hearing it as they move through the menus. It's one of those things that although it is really good, the more you hear it, the more you like it. Kind of like the Pokemon theme song(seriously, first thing that came to my head
Here's another making of focusing on the Forerunner Promethean designs. I was a bit iffy on the design at first, but they've really grown on me.
Also, anyone really digging the environments? They're looking super clean and crisp, almost stylized. Nice break from broken concrete and rusty metal.
CEA was not developed by 343 it was made at saber interactive and overseen by 343
just watching MP mostly, trying to avoid spoilers.
some cool footage from the covenant weapons and gameplay
I wasn't saying that it wasn't relevant. I'm saying that, as someone who is working on Halo4, it is of my opinion that you need not worry about comparing the quality between the two.
From what I've been seeing from 343 in regards to making it more competitive and having smaller maps, things seem to be looking up again for halo! (the BR!!!)
However I still see a few niggles, they still have gun spread and will no doubt have AR as a starting weapon,
They have a initiate capture button, WHAT? it should start to capture when i get into the area, don't make me have to press a button for x amount of secconds, also AA is still here along with a new and maybe even worse feature,
armor mods, what the fup!!! so somebody can get an in game advantage.!halo-evolved/specializations/
This is some of them, so there we go, thats the last nail in the coffin.
Do people get that halo is not CoD and TF2? Its a game where everybody is on the same level and you fight to get better weapons in the map, map control.
How can a franchise 'evolve' so much its becoming something it never was, what next? a halo season pass thats $49.99 and gives you 5 months of DLC? PROBBLY
p.s. I so badly want to be wrong
p.p.s Reach did some good things, don't get me wrong, the sniper is the best sniper of any reach game, shame it didn't have 'the pit' map
While I can see why you might be a little dismayed by these armor specializations, i dont see a huge problem with them. Halo had a few playstyles, even back in halo 2. You had long distance/ hit and run, run and gun, and of course, vehicle carnage. I think these classes just help improve the particular play styles common in halo. I also see some of these improving the fun of playing certain gametypes, and maps. The vehicle and requisition ones would be interesting on big levels when playing objectives.
What really killed halo imho, was the wierd stuff they added in 3. deshield and healing balls. mines. bubble shields(this ones was acutually pretty cool) but still. Then of course, dont forget armor abilities in reach. This i think is a much tamer, add on that i wouldn't think would change the overall halo experience much
Classes absolutely do not equal "playing styles"; that's a poor design crutch.
halo has never had anything like classes until Reach came out, and we all know how much fun that is, with halo the guns are the classes.
shame about making it more like CoD
Music sounds like it's gonna be awesome.
Also, remixes... interesting idea, and the results are not bad at all...
although i didn't play it myself at the expo, i watched others... can't say i'm really impressed by the game =[
there are free to play FPS's which can almost compete visually as well, which is another turn off.
But the HUD that they show occasionally bugs the hell out of me.
Not too shabby. I still think Deliver Hope was the best live action Halo trailer though.
18 days away!
ughh why did i watch that, now the wait kicks in, feeling epic.
another amazing part3 of production
theres another coming in january if im not mistaken, around the 20th
Here's another launch video up on waypoint:
It says gameplay, but quite a bit looks to be in-game cutscenes. Still, the part at 00:55 gives me chills.
Anyway... Other than that, I'm SERIOUSLY impressed by this game, more so than I ver thought I would be. I've had the chance to see it all, single player wise, and its just stupidly stunning, and very, very well made. Puts all the Bungie games to shame even, which is quite a trick. 343 should be very proud.
cant wait to see what the most stacked art team in the industry came up with!
almost that time!!
I do miss the bleep bleep bleeeeeep from respawning, its engraved into memory,
I wont finish the single player in one sitting, I atleast want it in two chunks or a hand full mixed it with some MP. Want it to last a bit longer but we;ll see if im able to put it down.
And its totaly a coincidence that i happen to have vacation now that halo comes out, (cough)
ahhhhh the wait, haha
its a great feeling though, totaly enjoying it.