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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • CidTheNinja
    I've seen two Hermes Helms on this thread and this was just what I was hoping for. All we need now is a caduceus bat.
  • Sexy Robot
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    JZeeba wrote: »
    I like it, but I think it looks too much like the Gibus IMO... what about adding more holes (without arrows) or tweaking the shape a bit?

    All top hat's look like the Gibus, that's generally unavoidable.

    But if I have free time on the weekend I MAY, cut some more holes in the thing. Nothing definite since I've got more important things to work on right now.
  • Grimbodan
    Oh yeah, can any of you modders give me some insight into why the loch-n-load is still broken?


    Steam support is no help, and the things been around for like 5 months. You'd think it'd be easy enough to fix, right?
  • Dashtoronto

    video sample before i make revisions. The feather's don't look "feathery" at all. Tweaking the shapes a bit. The colors should also be modified a bit to reflect some variety. Toying around with color blending ans looking to see which color would blend in best with the rest of the paints that valve has. Trying also not to make this too colorful. Then off to adding jigglebones after that.

    dude. nice job!

    just one suggestion:

    can you make the feathers longer and more elaborate and more feathers? like, alot more feathers?
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Grimbodan wrote: »
    Oh yeah, can any of you modders give me some insight into why the loch-n-load is still broken?

    Steam support is no help, and the things been around for like 5 months. You'd think it'd be easy enough to fix, right?

    I don't think there's a very clear-cut, well explained reason for this. The best I can come up with is that the bones got all janky after I sent the files to Valve.

    Regardless, it's a known bug that they don't seem intent on fixing. I don't know if there's a way I could fix it by resubmitting it.
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    Okay, here's a quick Blender render of my re-attempt at the wing:

    Still not liking it, but it's MILES better than the other thing I had, haha.
  • omglawl
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    omglawl polycounter lvl 7
    I'm new, so I want to show demo version of what I want to complete.
    Is it worth to make finally version?

  • roninsmastermix
    dude. nice job!

    just one suggestion:

    can you make the feathers longer and more elaborate and more feathers? like, alot more feathers?

    I rerendered the feathers again from scratch. It's now made with less triangles and more flexible. It totally looks different from before though. I'll post some updates later or tomorrow.
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Okay, here's a quick Blender render of my re-attempt at the wing:
    Still not liking it, but it's MILES better than the other thing I had, haha.

    I would suggest less feathers ;)
  • roninsmastermix
    Okay, here's a quick Blender render of my re-attempt at the wing:

    Still not liking it, but it's MILES better than the other thing I had, haha.

    You should sitback look at wing anatomy for a bit. Wings generally have shorter feathers coming out of the pits. They get longer as you get to the tip of the wing. It's also generally closer together from around the pit area. It also helps to treat each wing as a 2 jointed apendage opose to an arm that has 1 joint at the elbow. With these in mind, hopefully you can get closer to how they look and the shape would be nicer.
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    You should sitback look at wing anatomy for a bit. Wings generally have shorter feathers coming out of the pits. They get longer as you get to the tip of the wing. It's also generally closer together from around the pit area. It also helps to treat each wing as a 2 jointed apendage opose to an arm that has 1 joint at the elbow. With these in mind, hopefully you can get closer to how they look and the shape would be nicer.

    That's actually a really good idea. I was doing the arrangement mostly from my head, and when I finished, it looked completely wrong haha. But I figured I would post it here just so people could see the difference between the cardboard cutout ones I had on them before. XD I'm thinking of adding an armature for it for kicks so I can flap it around when I'm bored and out of ideas. :3
    BenHenry wrote: »
    I would suggest less feathers ;)

    Definitely, haha.
  • Robert E. Lee
    So this is my WIP syringe gun replacement. I was wondering if you guys could help me create a grip for it without killing the silhouette, as the original syringe gun has a grip that comes down about level to the trigger. Other comments and crits welcome.
  • Grimbodan
    Swizzle wrote: »
    I don't think there's a very clear-cut, well explained reason for this. The best I can come up with is that the bones got all janky after I sent the files to Valve.

    Regardless, it's a known bug that they don't seem intent on fixing. I don't know if there's a way I could fix it by resubmitting it.

    It seems like if you erased the model for the sight then editted the model for the barrel and just grafted the sight manually onto it that might work. It seems to only have a problem with the barrel and sight being separate? Not sure if I'm making any sense, as I haven't messed with modding at all. It'd be great if someone could get the fix working offline then submit the fix to valve.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8

    Multi-class tie misc.

    Currently not UV'd or rigged, and only the medic's version has been started.
  • re.wind
    Try using three or four oversized feathers, not only are they easier to spot, and hence inprove readability of the item on scouts using it, but will use a lot fewer triangles which can be used for other things.

    Those leather straps are also probably better done with geometry, with your current version being a lod of it, as it doesn't look good up close. Speaking of which, i doubt you want to show the scout's toes, not to mention pulling off (good) toes in a tf2 style. if you do manage that, kudos, cookies, internets, and cakes to you, but covering the toes with leather would be faster, and probably easier. :)
  • Doughnut Bear
    quick question as far as exporting goes. i imported the smd for the pyro to use as a base for my head replace. now my question is when i export my model, which is comprised of some of the pyro's original head and some of my own work, will the original pyro's areas be re-triangulated a second time or will only the new stuff which isnt in triangles be triangulated. sorry if im being confusing
  • Kebab
    Okay, here's a quick Blender render of my re-attempt at the wing:

    Still not liking it, but it's MILES better than the other thing I had, haha.

    Try to make it more anatomically correct. Note, that's only one layer of feathers in the picture. The feathers layers overlap each other.
    Plenty of more references with google image search for wing. :thumbup:
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    Okay, here's wings attempt 2.0:

    re.wind wrote: »
    Those leather straps are also probably better done with geometry, with your current version being a lod of it, as it doesn't look good up close. Speaking of which, i doubt you want to show the scout's toes, not to mention pulling off (good) toes in a tf2 style. if you do manage that, kudos, cookies, internets, and cakes to you, but covering the toes with leather would be faster, and probably easier. :)

    Yeah, I've been talking with other people, and they say it looks too think or ribbon like. I guess I could make it thicker, but other than that, I'm out of ideas on how to improve the leather's looks.

    Oh, and does anyone know a good alternative to using Blender particles? I'm using them to make that soft, downy effect on the main wing muscle, but I don't believe that they can be imported into TF2.
  • omglawl
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    omglawl polycounter lvl 7
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    You'd definitely be better off with some actual geometry for the sandal straps. You'll probably want to make them quite thick so that they stand out.

    This seems like quite a good reference for what you're attempting with the Hermes/Mercury shoes.
  • roninsmastermix
    Update. Rounded feathers this time on the sides and long pointy ones to come from the top. Do you guys like the back part now than before? i think i still have about 200 triangles left to use.
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    Yeah, I guess I'll go back and actually make the leather parts out of something other than planes.
  • Kebab
    Feathers look great but work on the skin and bone part. It's too long and thick. It should have feathers in the tip, not skin.
  • Cyxopyk
    Hello all, please link good animation tutorial, i'm working on this http://www.gamebanana.com/skins/108984 big_tex.jpg
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    back with that buddy :)
  • roninsmastermix

    Another update:
    • Added the feathers (texturing them in a bit)
    • Defined the details on the skull and plate a bit more.
    • Changed the color to be more of the TF2 pallette.
    • Added a strap at the back of the head.
    • I angled the feathers a bit more so people can see them.
    • Right now the triangle count is 875.
    • The white parts are to be paintable.
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    Alright, I made the leather on the sandal thicker:


    I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the pattern like that, but I figured I would get some input before I really changed anything. I removed the straps on his leg because I'm going to make them a bit differently.

    Too thick, too thin, just right? I'd like to see what the general consensus is before trying anything else.
  • roninsmastermix
    Alright, I made the leather on the sandal thicker:

    I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the pattern like that, but I figured I would get some input before I really changed anything. I removed the straps on his leg because I'm going to make them a bit differently.

    Too thick, too thin, just right? I'd like to see what the general consensus is before trying anything else.

    This is worlds better than before. I think having it distinguishable as a sandal and not a painted shin and foot is definitely winning my vote. The wing too is coming along nicely. I still think though that you can improve on it. The feathers nearest to the ankle should still be shorter and forming a sort of round figure.
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    Yeah, I think so too. I just have to figure out what I'm going to do as far as the particles I use for the downy feathers. I can make them into a mesh, but I can't really do anything else with them after. >_>
  • roninsmastermix
  • omglawl
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    omglawl polycounter lvl 7
    Looks totally low =\
  • ant
    way back on page 26 , this hat was submitted
    ant wrote: »
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    Hmmmmmm. So maybe I should go for a more stylistic approach to the wings?
  • Grand-O-Rand
    The new idea of Heavy's hat. Taken from Ivan Kramskoi's picture "Polesovshchik".
  • Ruskeydoo
    Noors wrote: »
    back with that buddy :)

    Back when I worked as a prop maker I got to have a play with the original mould for the Kurgan's helmet... It's currently rotting in a lock up in South London, kinda sad.
  • hughchilles
    I don't have time to do it but an army of darkness engie pack would cool, robot hand replacement, boom stick with high damage and low ammo, maybe some gunpowder catapults for sentries? magic book teleporters? anyway hope I've inspired someone to try the idea. :)
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    Another quick and dirty render. Here's what I'm thinking as far as the leather on the leg goes:


    I feel like I should make the straps in front of the one long piece rather than behind it. Thoughts?

    Here's another angle:

  • roninsmastermix
    I feel like I should make the straps in front of the one long piece rather than behind it. Thoughts?

    I think it's how it's suppose to be anyway. The long stap is suppose to be underneath anyway. Nice work on that btw.
  • spetch
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    spetch polycounter lvl 11
    I would actually thicken up the leather straps even more. It's still too thin for tf2 imo. If you look at the edging of the clothes you'll see a fairly thick edge. You have alot of smaller details in your wings right now. They need larger shapes like the ones done for the hat.
  • pear
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    pear polycounter lvl 8
    Can i make the sailor hat with the tattoo is anyone making that?
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    spetch wrote: »
    I would actually thicken up the leather straps even more. It's still too thin for tf2 imo. If you look at the edging of the clothes you'll see a fairly thick edge. You have alot of smaller details in your wings right now. They need larger shapes like the ones done for the hat.

    I guess I could make them a but thicker, but they seem pretty thick to me already. >_>

    I'm gonna completely redo and simplify the wings most likely. I just want to get the sandals right first.

    Here's another quick render of what I changed:


    Another angle:


    I definitely like this better than the last one, but I don't know about the spacing on the straps themselves.
  • ColonelBD
    Ok final (Hopefully) iteration of the Housecall:



    I'm gonna be pretty busy over the next month, so I want to get the model finished as soon as possible so I can unwrap and texture it whenever I can get a free period. Im on 7542 tris total ATM. Is there anything I could improve?

    Edit-Yes I know that syringes look they're floating, I only just noticed that 5 seconds after I posted.

    I would re-add the third strap to the leg, and if you haven't yet, add a second long strap to the back of the leg as well.
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    Edit-Yes I know that syringes look they're floating, I only just noticed that 5 seconds after I posted.

    They don't look like they're floating to me. >_>
    I would re-add the third strap to the leg, and if you haven't yet, add a second long strap to the back of the leg as well.

    How's this:




    I'm liking the overall look of this. I made the straps on the leg much thicker.

    I just wish my AO bakes didn't come out so funky. <_<
  • CidTheNinja
    ant wrote: »
    way back on page 26 , this hat was submitted
    I still absolutely love this hat. For me it's that one hat that just HAS to get in.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8


    Just gotta get jigglebones working, which I can't do in Max for the life of me;


    I've got no idea how to fix this in Max, I can fix it in Blender. But I'm trying to avoid that at all costs.
  • D-D-D-Demon!
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
    Why is that?

    Because I'm trying to re-learn everything I learnt in Blender in Max, therefore I don't want to go back to Blender again to do stuff.

    + Blender is a far inferior program.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Sexy Robot wrote: »
    Because I'm trying to re-learn everything I learnt in Blender in Max, therefore I don't want to go back to Blender again to do stuff.

    + Blender is a far inferior program.

    i actually find blenders animation and rigging tools better than max's, but your right about the modeling tools horrible beyond belief to work with.
  • hughchilles
    I still absolutely love this hat. For me it's that one hat that just HAS to get in.
    They should make a pack ey
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    passerby wrote: »
    but your right about the modeling tools horrible beyond belief to work with.

    Not really, it's just 'different' for taking a more hotkey-oriented approach. I have no trouble working with Blender's mesh tools. You should spend more time with it before giving up like there's no hope.

    I model in 2.49 instead though, 2.57 I only used for SMD exporting. I know jigglebones and flex exporting works for me with it.
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