I think the stripes on the band should go, and also make the camo splotches fewer but bigger. And if its going to be paintable, make sure only the badge is, don't want any Hot pink and lime green camo softcaps making my eyes bleed.
@Robert E Lee: I did the render in Modo, changing the viewprot to Ambient occlusion only, then print screening and cropping in Photoshop.
The Rambo hair SHOULD NOT be paintable. Please please please, Stallonify that thing 4 EVA!
That soldier hat should be in the game NOW. I do want to see more of that thing on top. I can't make it out if its a medal, or a button or a ribbon.
As for my launcher, i think its the rim boost. I'll take a look at that later. Taking a little break from modeling. I'll be back on monday for these.
Actually, is it using the ambassador lightwarp? It tends to create odd looking shapes like that in curved areas.
Also, the thing in the hat is a ribbon underneath the whatever that is buttoned down that probably worked as some sort of medal, so I guess all of the above.
I remade the ribbon part and added some other things. Still trying to get a feeling for the whole thing.
I can only imagine how annoying those epaulets will be to rig so I might end up scrapping them entirely.
Actually, is it using the ambassador lightwarp? It tends to create odd looking shapes like that in curved areas.
Also, the thing in the hat is a ribbon underneath the whatever that is buttoned down that probably worked as some sort of medal, so I guess all of the above.
I remade the ribbon part and added some other things. Still trying to get a feeling for the whole thing.
Yes it actually uses the ambassador lightwarp. I'll try to fiddle with that then. Boy that soldier hat and hair are awesome man. It's a naval canon to go with it!
Question for those of you who got one of their weapons into the game. Do you have to create both the 1st and 3rd person models and all of their animations?
Question for those of you who got one of their weapons into the game. Do you have to create both the 1st and 3rd person models and all of their animations?
The weapons that are submitted and added to the game aren't v and w models. They are c models. If the weapon fits as if it was just custom replaceable model with no custom animations (that work with the animations of the default model) you are fine.
If you have custom animations, I don't know how to send them. I quess you need the animation as SMD and provide the original project files to prove you are the author.
I think the eyes look kind of out of place on the pyro, to echo the eyeless nature of the pyro mask could really help. Like make the eye slit area just black, or make two batman-like eyes instead?
The Heavy items there look pretty good, I especially like the minigun (even if it doesn't make much sense, it still looks really really nice). The Scout Pegleg is... ehhh... I can't see it looking too good when he's running... it'd look funny, sure, but not good...
and I really don't care for the Pyro mask. my personal #1 rule: the Pyro NEVER takes off his mask. maybe just make a ninja hood to wear over his mask? you could bulk it up and give it a Scorpion/Sub Zero look. but the eyes an apparent lack of nose don't look too good...
but I'm curious to see what else comes out of this pack
The Heavy items there look pretty good, I especially like the minigun (even if it doesn't make much sense, it still looks really really nice). The Scout Pegleg is... ehhh... I can't see it looking too good when he's running... it'd look funny, sure, but not good...
and I really don't care for the Pyro mask. my personal #1 rule: the Pyro NEVER takes off his mask. maybe just make a ninja hood to wear over his mask? you could bulk it up and give it a Scorpion/Sub Zero look. but the eyes an apparent lack of nose don't look too good...
but I'm curious to see what else comes out of this pack
The peg leg actually looks swell ingame and it fits good with the scouts running anim.
The pyro has a nose actually, the lack of eyelids though..yeah
Also new progress shot on the minigun
There are alot more items coming up from this pack :]
Well this is the first model I think is good enough that someone might want to wear it, the only problem, I cannot create a texture even if my life depended on it (
If any one would like to help me out with texturing, I would be realllllllyyyyyy grateful :DD
PS: You guyz are creating awesome models, keep up the good work
bit more work. been kinda busy so nothing major, mainly worked on the strap.
not sure if i wanna keep the hose still
@Ducksink i REALLY like the items for the heavy. the one thing i dont really like though is the mask for the pyro. its not modeled bad or anything its just showing the pyro's face, is well kinda meh like BanthaFodder said the pyro never takes off his mask.
bit more work. been kinda busy so nothing major, mainly worked on the strap.
not sure if i wanna keep the hose still
@Ducksink i REALLY like the items for the heavy. the one thing i dont really like though is the mask for the pyro. its not modeled bad or anything its just showing the pyro's face, is well kinda meh like BanthaFodder said the pyro never takes off his mask.
New to Polycount, so I posted this in the Requests thread, though I'm pretty sure it belongs here. Just some concepts I came up with but don't really have the talent to model but would still love to see in-game.
(looks like notacomputer beat me to this one with the Smoking Bandit, hope that one makes it!)
(Jzeeba beat me to this one with the Boy Wonder, doh)
If anyone is looking for something to do, I'd appreciate the effort.
A few of these have been made in the past, I suggest you check out the tf2 mod emporium over at facepunch for the candle and super hero mask
they're likely in 33 or 32 http://www.facepunch.com/threads/1089172-TF2-Emporium-34
Progress report on the mayan hat. The white parts (except the skull) will be paintable. The light yellow detail on the gold slab and ear guards will have high phong attributes to simulate gold.
Somehow it's not attaching the texture again when i export in smd. This time i did make sure that it loaded an image in edit mode. Really annoyed right now.
A set of sandals (which will have wings attached to them) for the Scout, as a replacement for the MNC outfit. That's how it shows up in HLMV, and it exports correctly, along with compiling correctly, but when I go to look at it in-game, I get this:
I've never had this problem before. >_> My only guess is that the game isn't applying the material correctly, but if that were the case, wouldn't it just be black and purple checkerboarded? Any help would be appreciated.
D-D-D-Demon: Look at your .VMT, if it has anything that says color in it, delete it. If that doesn't work, make sure you are exporting your model with the texture applied to it. Also, if that doesn't change anything, make sure you just double check your .VMT.
Yeah, deleting the reference to color did the trick. I've removed that for EVERY OTHER .vmt I've created before for stuff, except all those times I wasn't modeling and compiling at three o' clock in the morning. Thanks a bunch.
Anyone got any critiques for it? I wanted to keep it as simple looking as possible, with it being easily recognized as to what it's based off of. I'll do an update in a little bit with the wings after I've gotten some sleep. :P
Here's a few ideas for my medic gun. Thinking based on cars and a bit pod racer turbine. Your arm goes in the top for protection, the basic idea is that this gun sucks the uber charge from someone being charged (with the sides open for sucking) then it can be used to supply team mates with ammo. It can hold a lot of ammo and is a good defence against heavy medics but it has no uber of its own and turns you into an ammo dispenser. I really wanted to avoid doing an engine as I'm very hazy on how it works but oh well. Still very WIP, keen for ideas
Edit: Just realized those cars use leather the same colour as the car or white, would this be overkill? does the brown help break it up.
and the Dog can't heal. Just ammo. I think it could open new combos with other medics and ubersaws
D-D-D-Demon: "make sure you are exporting your model with the texture applied to it. "
How do you make sure in blender? Are there boxes you need to click? I'm thinking my new hat is not exported correctly since right now all i see it pink/black checkered matterns all over it.
I'm also willing to send the qc, smd, vmt and vtf files if needed. Need help guys, i wasted like four hours already chasing my tail.
:P I'm still mucking about with the vertex groups to get everything right. That part should probably be set to the foot group rather than the knee, but I wanted to get it in game quickly to see how it looked.
video sample before i make revisions. The feather's don't look "feathery" at all. Tweaking the shapes a bit. The colors should also be modified a bit to reflect some variety. Toying around with color blending ans looking to see which color would blend in best with the rest of the paints that valve has. Trying also not to make this too colorful. Then off to adding jigglebones after that.
Been trying some stuff out on the wings, but everything I do ends up looking well... amateurish and terrible. I've been trying to keep it simple to fit in with the art style, but I'm starting to think the wings are a little TOO simple. Maybe I should redo them with a little more geometry to prevent them from looking like someone made them with construction paper and magic marker?
Have you had a look at how the Spine Chilling Skull is done?
The thing with the spine chilling skull is that its TOO detailed for the more cartoony look of TF2. If you look at it closely (especially the horns) you could even think that is came from a different game and shoved into TF2. I didn't like how that looked and not to mention that its an extremely high-polycount hat.
Also the mayan hat will under go a lot more refining. More detail will be added and will redo al the feathers from scratch. I'll add more detail on the skull but not too much like in the spine chilling skull .
Been trying some stuff out on the wings, but everything I do ends up looking well... amateurish and terrible. I've been trying to keep it simple to fit in with the art style, but I'm starting to think the wings are a little TOO simple. Maybe I should redo them with a little more geometry to prevent them from looking like someone made them with construction paper and magic marker?
Try modeling the feathers in, instead of just making plane shaped as a wing. Like this.
Will be submitting it as a style
I might suggest having different tints in order to make it fit in a bit more.
That's what I thought too. I think it's the hard black lines. Maybe try toning them back a bit?
I think the stripes on the band should go, and also make the camo splotches fewer but bigger. And if its going to be paintable, make sure only the badge is, don't want any Hot pink and lime green camo softcaps making my eyes bleed.
@Robert E Lee: I did the render in Modo, changing the viewprot to Ambient occlusion only, then print screening and cropping in Photoshop.
My first thought wasn't Rambo, but Tommy Lee Jones from "Under Siege"
Nice work!
The hat is finally finished. The texture was done by pie_tony.
Any glaring errors that We might have missed?
looks good! you plan on makin it paintable?
Actually, is it using the ambassador lightwarp? It tends to create odd looking shapes like that in curved areas.
Also, the thing in the hat is a ribbon underneath the whatever that is buttoned down that probably worked as some sort of medal, so I guess all of the above.
I remade the ribbon part and added some other things. Still trying to get a feeling for the whole thing.
I can only imagine how annoying those epaulets will be to rig so I might end up scrapping them entirely.
+1 solly is my main class and i would love to see this including the epaulets
Yes it actually uses the ambassador lightwarp. I'll try to fiddle with that then. Boy that soldier hat and hair are awesome man. It's a naval canon to go with it!
I declare it to be awesome
The weapons that are submitted and added to the game aren't v and w models. They are c models. If the weapon fits as if it was just custom replaceable model with no custom animations (that work with the animations of the default model) you are fine.
If you have custom animations, I don't know how to send them. I quess you need the animation as SMD and provide the original project files to prove you are the author.
Eventually, yes, but for now, no.
And here is the next piece i'm working on
and I really don't care for the Pyro mask. my personal #1 rule: the Pyro NEVER takes off his mask. maybe just make a ninja hood to wear over his mask? you could bulk it up and give it a Scorpion/Sub Zero look. but the eyes an apparent lack of nose don't look too good...
but I'm curious to see what else comes out of this pack
The peg leg actually looks swell ingame and it fits good with the scouts running anim.
The pyro has a nose actually, the lack of eyelids though..yeah
Also new progress shot on the minigun
There are alot more items coming up from this pack :]
New Mayan Hat. Crits and comments are appreciated. More work on the way.
If any one would like to help me out with texturing, I would be realllllllyyyyyy grateful :DD
PS: You guyz are creating awesome models, keep up the good work
bit more work. been kinda busy so nothing major, mainly worked on the strap.
not sure if i wanna keep the hose still
@Ducksink i REALLY like the items for the heavy. the one thing i dont really like though is the mask for the pyro. its not modeled bad or anything its just showing the pyro's face, is well kinda meh like BanthaFodder said the pyro never takes off his mask.
just did a lazy search, sort of like this filter
or if it's not going to cause issues, curve it off?
lol at the amount of these that came up
Love the idea/strap, good luck
(looks like notacomputer beat me to this one with the Smoking Bandit, hope that one makes it!)
(Jzeeba beat me to this one with the Boy Wonder, doh)
If anyone is looking for something to do, I'd appreciate the effort.
they're likely in 33 or 32
i was going to make this exact model next sans the arm tattoo. I was hoping to have a sailor colar too to go with.
Progress report on the mayan hat. The white parts (except the skull) will be paintable. The light yellow detail on the gold slab and ear guards will have high phong attributes to simulate gold.
Somehow it's not attaching the texture again when i export in smd. This time i did make sure that it loaded an image in edit mode. Really annoyed right now.
A set of sandals (which will have wings attached to them) for the Scout, as a replacement for the MNC outfit. That's how it shows up in HLMV, and it exports correctly, along with compiling correctly, but when I go to look at it in-game, I get this:
I've never had this problem before. >_> My only guess is that the game isn't applying the material correctly, but if that were the case, wouldn't it just be black and purple checkerboarded? Any help would be appreciated.
Tell me if any of these work.
Anyone got any critiques for it? I wanted to keep it as simple looking as possible, with it being easily recognized as to what it's based off of. I'll do an update in a little bit with the wings after I've gotten some sleep. :P
Edit: Just realized those cars use leather the same colour as the car or white, would this be overkill? does the brown help break it up.
and the Dog can't heal. Just ammo. I think it could open new combos with other medics and ubersaws
How do you make sure in blender? Are there boxes you need to click? I'm thinking my new hat is not exported correctly since right now all i see it pink/black checkered matterns all over it.
I'm also willing to send the qc, smd, vmt and vtf files if needed. Need help guys, i wasted like four hours already chasing my tail.
a Mohawk for the heavy
1 Sniper.
1 Hat.
2 Styles.
Here it is in brown, for those who don't like the red:
I'm not sure what I should do about the wings. Any suggestions?
I was thinking having two wings on each foot, but as far as the texture for them goes, I'm still trying stuff.
Also, has anyone ever done an Olympic Torch for a melee weapon? >_>
I like it, but I think it looks too much like the Gibus IMO... what about adding more holes (without arrows) or tweaking the shape a bit?
Finally got it to work!
:P I'm still mucking about with the vertex groups to get everything right. That part should probably be set to the foot group rather than the knee, but I wanted to get it in game quickly to see how it looked.
video sample before i make revisions. The feather's don't look "feathery" at all. Tweaking the shapes a bit. The colors should also be modified a bit to reflect some variety. Toying around with color blending ans looking to see which color would blend in best with the rest of the paints that valve has. Trying also not to make this too colorful. Then off to adding jigglebones after that.
Been trying some stuff out on the wings, but everything I do ends up looking well... amateurish and terrible. I've been trying to keep it simple to fit in with the art style, but I'm starting to think the wings are a little TOO simple. Maybe I should redo them with a little more geometry to prevent them from looking like someone made them with construction paper and magic marker?
The thing with the spine chilling skull is that its TOO detailed for the more cartoony look of TF2. If you look at it closely (especially the horns) you could even think that is came from a different game and shoved into TF2. I didn't like how that looked and not to mention that its an extremely high-polycount hat.
Also the mayan hat will under go a lot more refining. More detail will be added and will redo al the feathers from scratch. I'll add more detail on the skull but not too much like in the spine chilling skull .
Try modeling the feathers in, instead of just making plane shaped as a wing.
Like this.
I think it would look a lot better that way.