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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    @ColonelBD, your glass is like that because cubemaps aren't built in the map. It's reflecting a purple and black checkered texture.
  • Dashtoronto
    Which color scheme do you guys think looks better? Left or right? Orange color is lifted from engie's hard hat and gloves.


    Definitely the first one.
  • Apocol0id
    Not to add a weird third opinion, but I think the Orange on the outside of the intakes is pretty great, it defines the intakes against the rest of the design. But the orange in the middle of the mask looks good too, so I'd say a combo of both, with a little less orange in the middle.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
  • Dashtoronto
    Apocol0id wrote: »
    Not to add a weird third opinion, but I think the Orange on the outside of the intakes is pretty great, it defines the intakes against the rest of the design. But the orange in the middle of the mask looks good too, so I'd say a combo of both, with a little less orange in the middle.

    what this guy said.
  • roninsmastermix
    So based on the feedbacks, i made the mouth cover team colored/paintable and the rim of the filter engie orange. Loving it so far and this is the progress so far. I'll probably add some weathering a bit later today when i get home. For now i'll leave this here. I'm also thinking of some symbols and icons but i dont know what to put nor if it will even be a good idea. What are your thoughts? Should i add icons and symbols to it?
  • Dashtoronto
    So based on the feedbacks, i made the mouth cover team colored/paintable and the rim of the filter engie orange. Loving it so far and this is the progress so far. I'll probably add some weathering a bit later today when i get home. For now i'll leave this here. I'm also thinking of some symbols and icons but i dont know what to put nor if it will even be a good idea. What are your thoughts? Should i add icons and symbols to it?

    put the biohazard symbol on it.
  • ErroR
    Got the model ingame and made a basic texture. Will have to indeed make bigger wipers or just drop the idea. Constructive criticism welcomed.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    dude... the battery things on the side and the nose things... just drop them. You can't barely see them. in game you'd be lucky to even notice that detail.
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    Ok, unwrapped my syringe shotty and got in game in game with an AO bake. I also did a run through of CP_zig:

    Not sure what happened with the glass :/, must have got the texture name wrong or something.

    Overal a very nice map and I look forward to completion :D

    However I did notice some problems, mostly with the some of the aesthetics.


    Stalagmites generally form round small water pools as they are caused by water droplets. This is also why you have them on the cave roof and floor. So having these in a dry cave all by them selves jars slightly with me.

    I don't know if adding a water puddle will cause players to get extinguished, but if it doesn't, I would recommend adding one.

    Also there is a texture mis-alignment on the displacements.


    The bright orange doesn't fit against the browns. It just seems really out of place, especially from a distance. I'm guessing you did it too make it noticable, however making it a light grey or darking the colour could make it just as noticable, without seeming out of place.

    Woooweee, would you like at that fine hat!


    I would use a colour scheme simular to the one on the medigun or flamethrower, a dark grey with dark team colours on the main respirator (Not on the cylinder).

    It actually looks like the texture for your glass is working, its pointed to the right vmt, but make sure your vmt is pointing to your vtf correctly.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    @ColonelBD, @BenHenry

    it is just because the cubemaps weren't build in the map, just try it on a official map, or enable cheats and run buildcubemaps.

    if it was the vmt not finding the texture it wouldn't just be the reflection showing the checkers
  • re.wind
    oh yeah. there is a battery on that pair of glasses. huh. didn't notice them untill they were mentioned.
    For now i'll leave this here. I'm also thinking of some symbols and icons but i dont know what to put nor if it will even be a good idea. What are your thoughts? Should i add icons and symbols to it?
    no. :p

    the model/texture is fine as it is, and doesn't need any icons or symbols. There isn't any room to put them anyways, as you need to consider the scale of the mask in relation to the engineer model, and then in relation to the scale of the game.

    i think its fine as it is now. :)
  • roninsmastermix

    Update. Making it paintable now.
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Looks great Ronin, are you going to make any styles?
  • roninsmastermix

    In game shots. How do you like it?
  • roninsmastermix
    BenHenry wrote: »
    Looks great Ronin, are you going to make any styles?

    Yes sir. Also will moditfy to fit the Medic and Demo.
  • Phaser Rave
    I might also fit these for the engie or heavy.
  • re.wind
    jiggle bone that tail.

    edit: finally got back to my tree cannon. fixed the "holes" in some of the images. they here holes in my transarency map.



  • NicKaTimE
    I might also fit these for the engie or heavy.
    Oh god you have to make that for sniper. That would fit him so perfectly.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Ah, the old wooden rocket launcher. I'd lose the pipe on the inside of the shaft, myself.
  • roninsmastermix
    Which combination looks better?
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    re.wind wrote: »
    jiggle bone that tail.

    edit: finally got back to my tree cannon. fixed the "holes" in some of the images. they here holes in my transarency map.

    Hey re.wind, I would suggest working on the wood of your texture. It looks like it could use more brush strokes. Open the sandman texture, and try to match a similar style.
  • roninsmastermix
    BenHenry wrote: »
    Hey re.wind, I would suggest working on the wood of your texture. It looks like it could use more brush strokes. Open the sandman texture, and try to match a similar style.

    You know, not to bash or anything, but i think the sandman texture wont work on this one.

    Judging by the leaf on the launcher, this thing is an unpolished wood that doesnt have any finish to it but rather still have the bark as the skin. i would much prefer this to have bark grains and wrinkles than wood lines and grooves.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12

    win QWTF/TFC style medic
  • re.wind
    @benhenry: yeah, i'm horrible with wood in general.

    in other news, guess what the soldier's wearing here. Yes. that is a walnut shell hat. A giant amoungs nut shells. :p

    it is actually uvmapped with an ao baked texture and manual smoothing groups, which i needed to get a noticeable ao bake. need to tweak the smoothing groups and texture methinks.

    edit: yeah, it looks too close to a cycling helmet. needs better smothing.


  • Grimbodan
    Went through the thread and made a highlight reel of some of my favorite designs. These ones haven't been shipped yet, but really seem like they'd fit right in with TF2's styling and match the character traits of the classes.







  • roninsmastermix
    Grimbodan wrote: »
    Went through the thread and made a highlight reel of some of my favorite designs. These ones haven't been shipped yet, but really seem like they'd fit right in with TF2's styling and match the character traits of the classes.

    Happy to see most of my works are in there. :D
  • roninsmastermix
  • Ruskeydoo
    Starting on another heavy pack. Thinking I'd like to do something referencing the ambush heavy play style. Working title is "Soviet Spetznaz". So think special forces, behind enemy lines. My cinematic point of reference is the special forces team from Predator, The Expendables, Rambo, etc. Stealth will be an associated concept, but trying to stay well out of the Spy's side of that. Also have to make sure the look stays away from becoming too modern.

  • re.wind
    worked the wood texture a bit (+contrast , slightly darker), added phong and phong mask, added normal map (might be too detailed). i'm quite satisfied with this, and i'd submit it if i hadn't been cheap on the uvmapping process.

    walnut hat is 1112 triangles.
    treecannon is 3176 triangles.

  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    The normal map looks like a bit too much. The new wood painting is looking good though. I still think you could exaggerate the bark a bit more though at the base. It could be creeping up the trunk a bit more than it is now and maybe even have a few pieces here and there still attached to the other areas of the log.

    Also the straps look pretty bad from first person view. Are they metal or leather or cloth or what? It's hard to tell. The rigidness of the handle makes it look like metal but the complete lack of phong and lack of scratches/minute details make it look more like wool or leather. The normal map looks like it's fucking up the phong on the sight too.
  • Phaser Rave
    NicKaTimE wrote: »
    Oh god you have to make that for sniper. That would fit him so perfectly.
    You and everyone else that suggested that are absolutely right.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
  • NicKaTimE
    You and everyone else that suggested that are absolutely right.

    Thank you. I knew I wasn't the first person to suggest that.
  • Piesandbombs
    Ruskeydoo wrote: »
    Starting on another heavy pack. Thinking I'd like to do something referencing the ambush heavy play style. Working title is "Soviet Spetznaz". So think special forces, behind enemy lines. My cinematic point of reference is the special forces team from Predator, The Expendables, Rambo, etc. Stealth will be an associated concept, but trying to stay well out of the Spy's side of that. Also have to make sure the look stays away from becoming too modern.


    I'm seeing M249, is that on purpose? Or just very striking coincidence?
  • Dreggs
    Altered the model abit and brushed up the texture. I'm not sure how I feel about the texture, might be too much? I'm also getting this issue with my AO bake, it very visibly darkens one of the sides instead of shading it evenly (don't think it's the tri's, as the model is mirrored), and its the first time it's happened.
    I realise this is probably a silly question, but thought I'd ask regardless.

    Also, disregard the straws position, it's abit off and I know it.

    @Phaser Rave: Loving the racoon fur hat, only critique that struck me is that the texture could use some more definition on the hat itself, but it might just be me.

    @Ronin: The gasmask is bangin', felt the medic's coloured filter tips did the model more justice.
  • BanthaFodder
    @ Phaser Rave
    put it on the Soldier. I give you, "The Crocket Cap"

    @ Grimbodan
    I will have officially lost faith in Valve if at least ONE of your items doesn't make it in. truly fantastic work. I'm quite partial to the Boy Wonder, the Goldfinger, the Stalinesque Stache, and the Soldier's Montezuma Mask myself. good luck, not that you'll need it :D
  • Grimbodan
    Dreggs wrote: »
    Altered the model abit and brushed up the texture. I'm not sure how I feel about the texture, might be too much?

    Your lines are too fine I think, would probably be better with a more cartoony style like this:
  • roninsmastermix

    gas mask on the medic in-game shots. Love the bucket-combo!
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Your mask is great Ronin, but I just hate miscellaneous items... Very rarely do the combinations make any sense. Most of the Engineer's do surprisingly but I would still prefer Valve to just convert most miscellaneous items to actual hats. We've already discussed this in this thread though so meh.
  • Phaser Rave
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    Your mask is great Ronin, but I just hate miscellaneous items... Very rarely do the combinations make any sense. Most of the Engineer's do surprisingly but I would still prefer Valve to just convert most miscellaneous items to actual hats. We've already discussed this in this thread though so meh.
    Speaking of nonsensical misc items...
    I made another teddy.

  • JZeeba
    @roninsmastermix - I think this one looks best on the Medic!
  • roninsmastermix

    The gasmask for the demoman in-game shots. Needs work on default team colors. Updating later.
  • Pogo
    Getting some mortal kombat vibes now - awesome
  • re.wind
    Darth cyclops. Just win.

    i prefer the bright orange filters though.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8

    I am squealing like a little girl at this right now, like the nerd I am.

    Probable engi-hat.
  • ColonelBD
    I'm gonna exterminate the dumb look right off y'all Stoopid face :D

    Ok which colour scheme should I go for?


    A is from the Blutsauger, B is from the Minigun, and C is from the Advanced weaponisers "Lethal injection". Thats also where the stripe idea comes from, I'm planning to add some wear and brush strokes over them. I'm also open too any other suggestions.

    I'm partial to A3 or B1 ATM.
  • re.wind
    @colonel: A3 with the trigger guard of b3

    speaking of crazy ideas...

    Its a wip block-out model for a buff banner "call of nature" that i'm thinking about.

    if you're going down the bathroom route, then you're wrong. :p

    three top leaves are the "flag" part of the buff banner, while the bottom two proto-leaves and trunk are part of the backpack.

    Not entirely convinced about the pot, but i personally like the "plant/leaf as flag" idea, where the larger leaves would be jiggleboned.


    An alternative idea is a hollowed out tree stump covered in moss and vines, again with a plant growin in the tree-trunk pot.
  • The Scrub
    Get a haircut hippy!

    The line any Soldier will use when coming across this pothead (forgive the pun)
    aside from that it seems a little top heavy maybe add something on the bottom or just elongate the pot slightly
    and the orange seems a little bright maybe settle for reddish (though then you'd need blue :p)
    It's a neat idea just lacking a bit in the execution department
  • re.wind
    rethought this a bit. now makes a bit more sense. or not. up to you.
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