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Japan is getting ROCKED



  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    RexM wrote: »
    ....and it still gets worse. Non-American sources.


    If by worse you mean the media, then yes.

    This guy is suggesting that north of japan will be finished off,
    And he is hoping that the nuclear power industry will be finished.

    He is also suggesting that at least a million deaths have been covered up from the tjernobyl incident.

    He is also saying that the explosions have caused used fuelrods to be thrown up in the air, at fukushima.

    It's like the conspiracy-theorists believed that tokyo would be covered in deadly radiated materials by now, and now that it isn't they believe that the reality of it's being covered up.

    Media loves to mention how many times something is above a normal level, and the general public believes that anything above normal is super bad, but media is very lousy at mentioning when the levels are lethal or not.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    you can't trust anyone that wears a beret unless they're military.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    We've been gathering supplies for people and my friend has been using his truck to deliver to areas that don't get help. Areas where the houses are still livable have not been getting food, water as much as the people in the shelters. From what I was told, people who have houses are in better condition. But they have no heat, electricity or water.

    The kids are board as fuck. So collecting comics and games is the next project. Soon to organize a day trip for the kids back to my area so they can play and get away for a bit. The people are like "Dude, we have enough rice to last a lifetime, we need more than rice.".

    This is all 35~40 minutes down the road from my house, then the images on the ocean shots are another 30 minutes.





    There were enough of these all over. Some just covered waiting for recovery to pick them up. From here they go to get identified, relatives notified, and taken to proper cremation. My friend talked to a teacher at a kindergarten, and she said so many kids were buried in the mud. No one could do anything. Another man told how his wife went back to save disabled people at the hospice she works at. She got many people out but was washed away, so he's been looking every day for her body.




    Now they have really kicked in and started clearing out the mess. Recycling glass, steel, plastics and wood. The rest goes into a landfill they have created. A long road ahead. One of the workers said the problem is clearing the trash so they can get power and water to people.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    My friend has been doing an awesome job in organizing everything. He has many connections getting things to people in places where nothing is going.
  • rasmus
    Keep up the good work, Lamont...
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    alizawine wrote: »
    I keep on praying then that they will still ok. But im sure they will be ok right?

    How the hell did THIS thing get in here?

    Anyway, what you and your friend is doing is fantastic Lamont, keep up the amazing work.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Just got a voicemail that someone is willing to donate two~three buses with drivers that can seat 60 people each, so it looks like we will have a way to get the kids to and from the coast for a overnight trip.

    Next step: find somewhere to take them. Should find out by Wednesday if the two places I want will come on board and host the kids.

    I got a picture on my cell phone last night of a small town up north that was wiped out. Half the town is in a neat pile, the land is graded and crews are preparing to start rebuilding already. In the picture it looks like US/Japan military working.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    Huge props for you Lamont, good on ya for making it your mission to keep these kids happy in a time like this.
  • RexM
    Awesome Lamont, kudos for what you are doing.

    I hope things get better at some point with the nuclear crisis, but it seems that things continue to get worse.......

  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    They've been measuring it at the leak right, it's highly concentrated.

    legal limit is not deadly limit even if 7.5 million times it is much, and then take dissipation into account and it will no longer be a doomsday scenario.

    You'd be even more shocked if you read up on what else we've been dumping in our seas in our modern era in the name of modern industries.

    but yes explosion behind text is shocking.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks for the kudos guys. But to see these people work together so damn fast is like they are wizards... or level 70 Red Mages...

    @ RexM - It will get better in it's time. I'd rather they do it right than rush and do it wrong and have people living in a wasteland slowly getting sick.

    We got a day at the movie theater, Round One Amusement Center and onsen (bath/spa, lunch and dinner) all donated. People are willing to host the kids/families at their own homes. Everyone that was called was like "sure just let us know". As soon as hanko's are stamped, it will be a done deal. The buses are coming from the onsen, the other buses fell through at the moment.

    Next up we pound the pavement getting donations, if that's not enough, a charity football (soccer) event to raise $$ for the buses :D.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    You're awesome, Lam.
  • Mark Dygert
    Awesome Lamont!

    A bit of good news, they've plugged one leak.

    Oh wait I need to filter that through my fear mongering media lens:

    Sorry couldn't resist...
  • RexM

    Oh wait I need to filter that through my fear mongering media lens:

    Good source of information for the latest on Fukushima, not controlled by the US media: http://enenews.com/
  • Mark Dygert
    EDIT: I'm just being an ass now...
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    RexM wrote: »
    Good source of information for the latest on Fukushima, not controlled by the US media: http://enenews.com/

    Secret domain registrar located in the US, site registered just after the fukashima disaster started, all bad news, and mostly scary posts about how it is affecting or might affect the United States. Yeah, seems like a super legit non-fear-mongering news source.
  • RexM
    Ferg wrote: »
    Secret domain registrar located in the US, site registered just after the fukashima disaster started, all bad news, and mostly scary posts about how it is affecting or might affect the United States. Yeah, seems like a super legit non-fear-mongering news source.

    Read the sources of the articles.

    Not just US sources at all.

    Brushing off information based on preference doesn't make sense.

    It's all bad news because there is no good news for the situation. None.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    RexM wrote: »
    Read the sources of the articles.

    Not just US sources at all.

    Brushing off information based on preference doesn't make sense.

    It's all bad news because there is no good news for the situation. None.

    Not even the recent news you didn't bother to post: that the leak reportedly has been plugged and that bq levels in the water have decreased from the high point it was at.

    Sites post sensational headlines about fukushima because they get hits from it, more traffic = more revenue, they'd make less out of it if they didn't twist the truth or weren't selectional about only posting things that were doomsday material.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Another earthquake?
  • keizza
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah these people just cant catch a break. Really hope they get a cycle of good weather and no more quakes so they can just get moving on rebuilding and have some time to mourn.

    Sending positive vibes in that direction.
  • scotthomer
    Argh I hope Lamont etc have managed to retreat to safety, ^ yeah, you cant catch your breath, I just hope the infrastructure can be salvaged, its terrible to see so many people's lives being ended by something completely out of their control.

    Hope everyone is alright this time round.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    Apparently 1 billion dollars of the Red Cross is "not distributed".


    What are they waiting for?

    There were some educated predictions made about the future, Japan getting hit again was one of them. Also something about the eastern Asian area getting massive set backs (Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia all those guys)(set backs like massive tsunami's and most of those countries being basically flooded) .
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Bungie finally opened up those wristbands they designed to international postage, just ordered one. Hope all this dies down soon for them :(
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah that quake last night wasn't exactly fun. Lasted for well over a minute, just before midnight. 3 confirmed dead.

    My own personal opinion, and lets say it's not a popular one, but they shouldn't rebuild those towns that got washed away by the tsunami.

    Dotted around that area are huge monolithic stones, some dating around 600 years old that plainly state "do not build houses below this line" "if you feel an earthquake, head for land above this stone, value your life over belongings" - if they had heeded the warnings of the ancients then very few would have died. Many people who died are those who left work to check if their homes were ok from the quake, then got trapped in a 25ft high surge that was impossible to escape from.

    However, that area of the coast is nice and flat, it's good land. Just the sea comes in and washes it away every 3 generations.

    There is some good news; blackouts have ended, Fukushima is under "control" (control being the state that it's not going to vent any more)

    There is lots of bad news. For some, the bad news is permanent until they pass from this world. Still, life must go on.
  • Herr-Maestro
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    Herr-Maestro polycounter lvl 18
    hawken wrote: »
    Yeah that quake last night wasn't exactly fun. Lasted for well over a minute, just before midnight. 3 confirmed dead.

    I'm just glad to see you're ok dude.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Just got power back. From the news on the radio, the people that died were on life support systems that failed when the power went out. The quake was centered an hour and a half south of where I am, so it shook really good.

    The c-clamps on my monitors worked like a charm. Also, I packed everything in boxes so all I had to do was pick up a box, not tons of small things all over the floor.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Glad you guys are safe, thanks for keeping us updated.
  • Mark Dygert
    hawken wrote: »
    Dotted around that area are huge monolithic stones, some dating around 600 years old that plainly state "do not build houses below this line" "if you feel an earthquake, head for land above this stone, value your life over belongings" - if they had heeded the warnings of the ancients then very few would have died.
    These things?
    I have no idea what this one says, and its cut off... but I was reading about those the other day. It's sad that future generations eventually forget and get comfortable again.

    Full Story: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/06/japan-tsunami-warnings-fr_n_845818.html

    On the west coast of the US we don't date back that far, well those that do have "lost their heritage".

    I wonder if they'll put restrictions on rebuilding? In the US they would use it as an excuse to force land owners to by some kind of insanely high priced insurance. Then local governments hungry for revenue give tax breaks to developers... its a nice little money making endeavor that puts people at risk. They do it with flood insurance all the time.

    "oh and BTW your buying a house in a flood plane you need XYZ insurance"
    "humm they wouldn't build if they thought it was dangerous... and I have insurance so it'll be ok"

    Next thing you know they're crying on the news about how their brand new home was ravaged, "you just never think stuff like this happens to you..."
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Goddamnit. Their reactor just went level 7 (highest possible), same as Chernobyl. A 6.3 "aftershock" further damaged the cooling systems and cracked the reactor.


    To all of you in Japan, please be careful. This is an unbelievable event. I wish you all the best in whats to come.
  • rasmus
    Sorry Joshua, but I can't see anywhere that the reactor suffered further damage from the recent aftershocks - the al Jazeera article only mentions a battery pack coming on fire. As for the level 7 stuff, I believe this was raised as a recognition of the long-term effects this is going to have, as opposed to a reaction to any new developments.
  • RexM
    I think one of the best things to do in Japan would be to limit yourselves from exposure to rain, preferably staying indoors when it rains or use fairly large umbrellas if you must go out.
  • bluelans
    its 9 magnitude earthquake,not 8.9
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    rasmus wrote: »
    I can't see anywhere that the reactor suffered further damage from the recent aftershocks

    Not in that particular article, but I read it in several others. Hawken is saying that the situation is a latent reaction to their previous surge. So it's not actually leaking more and more right now - it had to get upgraded because of what already happened. Lots of misleading info out there it seems, so it's nice to hear it from someone there.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Yes the new level 7 rating has been applied because of the events last month, it's not relating to anything new.

    No new damage has been reported to the reactors.

    When it rains, people usually use umbrellas. But considering rain in Tokyo is less acidic and radioactive than most of europe, maybe I would offer that advice back.

    I grew up in part of the UK that has higher background radiation than the exclusion zone because of all the natural deposits in Granite. Plus my dose from chernobyl back in the 80's, there's no hype that will affect me.

    now if we could be done with all these daily earthquakes... :poly142:
  • rasmus
    hawken wrote: »
    now if we could be done with all these daily earthquakes... :poly142:

  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, the INES scale is a bit linear and caps out in the end, resulting in fukushima being categorized together with Chernobyl.

    It's a reaction to the release of radioactive water which has a far reach even if it gets diluted in the end.

    sadly to the media and public it puts it as an accident with equal consequences as Chernobyl.

    but yeah the earthquakes, the aftershaves have been going on for like a month now haven't they? I can't imagine a situation like that, and I haven't ever experienced an earthquake either.
  • RexM
    eld wrote: »

    sadly to the media and public it puts it as an accident with equal consequences as Chernobyl.

    ....That's because it is.

    Chernobyl lasted two weeks until they entombed the reactors. This nuclear crisis has allowed radiation to leak into the soil and the atmosphere for a month.... and there are no plans to entomb anytime soon.

    That means radiation will continue to rise until they entomb the reactors.

    "The radiation leaks haven't stopped," Junichi Matsumoto, general manager of the utility's nuclear power and plant fitting division, said in Tokyo today. "If the leaks continue, the total radiation from the reactors may exceed" that from Chernobyl.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    hawken wrote: »
    " - if they had heeded the warnings of the ancients"

    "now if we could be done with all these daily earthquakes... :poly142:"

    haha, It's good to see Hawken is staying strong out there! :)
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
  • RexM

    It's unfortunate, but the true scale of the incident and the ignorance of the Japanese government will come to light in the coming months.

    Their response will simply be "We did not know it was that bad," as they continue to shrug off all responsibility.

    "The radiation leaks haven't stopped," Junichi Matsumoto, general manager of the utility's nuclear power and plant fitting division, said in Tokyo today. "If the leaks continue, the total radiation from the reactors may exceed" that from Chernobyl.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    "The radiation leaks haven't stopped," Junichi Matsumoto, general manager of the utility's nuclear power and plant fitting division, said in Tokyo today. "If the leaks continue, the total radiation from the reactors may exceed" that from Chernobyl.

    Quite a peculiar use of quotation marks, isn't it ?
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    RexM wrote: »
    It's unfortunate, but the true scale of the incident and the ignorance of the Japanese government will come to light in the coming months.

    Their response will simply be "We did not know it was that bad," as they continue to shrug off all responsibility.

    From the very same:
    "In contrast with Chernobyl, we have been able to avoid direct health risks," Edano said at a public event in Tokyo today. "The assessment level of 7 may be the same, but in terms of its shape and contents, the process has been different."

    and here's the same as you quouted, but with an extra part you left out:
    "The radiation leaks haven't stopped," Junichi Matsumoto, general manager of the utility's nuclear power and plant fitting division, said in Tokyo today. "If the leaks continue, the total radiation from the reactors may exceed" that from Chernobyl.

    The radiation released so far from the Fukushima accident is estimated to be around 10 percent of that from Chernobyl, Japan's nuclear safety agency said earlier.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Those aftershocks can eat a bowl of dicks.

    **hides under desk**
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Does RexM work for Fox News?
  • RexM
    eld wrote: »
    From the very same:

    and here's the same as you quouted, but with an extra part you left out:

    That extra part I left out was again debunked later in the article.

    Also, this:

    "IAEA Confirms Very High Levels of Contamination Far From Reactors"


    • 40 km away from Fukushima Daiichi in Iitate, there where soil concentrations of Cs-137 at levels up to 3.7 megabecquerels (MBq/sq. m.)

    • Soviets set compulsory relocation level at 1.48 MBq/sq. m. after Chernobyl

    The Japanese media will do whatever they can to quiet the true seriousness of the situation.

    Zipfinator wrote: »
    Does RexM work for Fox News?

    I haven't even been using American news sources, so your post makes no sense.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    think you are safe... and you may be doomed. I really don't expect nothing good from that situation in Japan. Some japanese friends does not talk good things about the situation, and they think their goverment is lying and hiding all the facts.


    news from spain and all the same with words by their minister.

    Yeah, you love Japan, and i understand you would not like to leave Japan. You can do as some spaniards and go to work to okinawa.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    RexM wrote: »

    I haven't even been using American news sources, so your post makes no sense.

    True, sensationalism isn't exclusive to the US.

    Thing's aren't being covered up, internet hasn't been cut off in japan, and people aren't forbidden to have radiation detectors, and it's been the government that has been hounding tepco hasn't it?

    The fact that they aren't just going pour concrete over the whole thing is because the situation as it is now might still be salvagable, and that's the whole thing about nuclear waste, people want to ensure that the location can be cleaned up for the future.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Blaizer wrote: »
    think you are safe... and you may be doomed. I really don't expect nothing good from that situation in Japan. Some japanese friends does not talk good things about the situation, and they think their goverment is lying and hiding all the facts.
    Wake up. Live life. Go to bed. Repeat. I would suggest your friends to either go somewhere else, or do what I mentioned.
  • XenoKratios
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