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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Macgta wrote: »
    Not sure if this has been done before as with the kilt lol, Figured it'd be a no brainer for the Sniper :)

    Still working on the texture, crits appreciated :)


    I remember Ayesdyef making a hat like that but I'm not sure if he posted or finished it ever. Do you have the jiggle bone set up and everything?
  • Macgta
    Yes, jigglebones are sorted; I made this hat a while ago before i started posting on polycount, just figured it'd be worth posting it. I truthfully have never seen someone do this before lol, Not on polycount, FPSbanana, anything lol; Although it doesn't surprise me that someone's done it before, It really is the most obvious hat for the sniper :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    If it's not officially released then it doesn't really matter whether someone else has had a crack at it. You just need to do the best one.

    That's a bullet helm, isn't it? Seems like a suitable name for TF2.
  • Apocol0id
    Jackablade wrote: »
    That's a bullet helm, isn't it? Seems like a suitable name for TF2.

    Battlemaster's Bullet Helm.

    Named. :)
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Are those supposed to be teabags on the sniper hat?
    if so they are too small, don't look like teabags, and the strings are way to wide.

    They just don't read well imo.
  • ColonelBD
  • CidTheNinja
    Baddcog wrote: »
    Are those supposed to be teabags on the sniper hat?
    if so they are too small, don't look like teabags, and the strings are way to wide.

    They just don't read well imo.
    They're corks not teabags. It's a jackaroo hat.
  • ComfyCushion
    The brim's the big problem I see, Macgta. It's too thick. Thin it up, add come contrast to the cork texture, and you're golden.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Looked up jackaroo hat, OK the shape is fine.

    But what are the corks about? I'd think they'd read better as corks if the were cylindrical. (I've never seen a square cork)
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8



    There are smoothing issues on the handle and the mesh on the blade needs re-doing.

    I also just realised that this thing is massive compared to the normal knife, probably about 2-3cm longer blade.
  • Sync
    Looks like it would be more of a Kukri for the sniper.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
    Sync wrote: »
    Looks like it would be more of a Kukri for the sniper.

    Yeah. Lot's of people have said that.

    But it's really too small for a Kukri.

    I might make a sniper version to see what it looks like, but I think that It'll be far too short.
  • Sync
    Well, it would make a really unique spy knife.
  • Cbast
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    Cbast triangle

    4th item of my Pack. I hope you'll like it !
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
  • The Scrub
    ZacD wrote: »
    tiny bullets!

    vat vas dat tiny Boolets? You all vant to fight with me?
    Zis is best idea!

    I really like that Revolver
    I think it looks nice but the bullets lack a little oomph
    But I think L'etranger has similiar bullets, no?
  • Jman
    Throw some more edge loops on the trigger guard, really obvious jagged edges there right now, also rounding out the area above the hammer would probably help since it has a hard edge there at the top.

    Texture job is really nice, though.
  • ColonelBD
    Done some work on the smg:

    still need to do some optimisation and round out the grip but apart from that, I think it turned out pretty good.
  • ComfyCushion
    I'd say make the end of the barrel larger. Maybe not so much that it becomes a cylinder, but enough to make the gun look less like it's made from a crayon. And the magazine is weirdly angled. It should be aligned with the hole it goes into.

    The grip might clip with the sniper's hand, now that I look at it. Maybe narrow it's profile a bit.

    Other than that, it looks good, and is visually distinct from the SMG. With a good texture, it'll be awesome.
  • Apocol0id
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    Done some work on the smg:

    still need to do some optimisation and round out the grip but apart from that, I think it turned out pretty good.

    Looking good! I think the trigger and trigger guard could still stand to be bigger, more proportionate to the original SMG. Might help to give it more of an end-of-barrel similar to the original, if not the exact same. It'd just add a neat look to the silhouette and balance it out.
  • SimplyChristina
    Jman wrote: »
    Throw some more edge loops on the trigger guard, really obvious jagged edges there right now, also rounding out the area above the hammer would probably help since it has a hard edge there at the top.

    Texture job is really nice, though.

    Still needs some work , but it's good so far ...

    Are you using blender ?
  • The Scrub
    I've made a new rocket launcher (I've actually been working on it for quite some time now).
    I call it "The Art Of War".
    I was struggling to texture it because I've done the model for some time now and the new shogun pack gave me the inspiration to continue it, especially the concheror who's logo I used.
    The model has 2642 tris and the scrolls are double sided where you can see them (i.e. two planes but one is flipped).
    I've got it ingame and the FP model shows no clipping and I'm confident THP won't either but it's got no vmts or vtfs yet so checkerboard madness but here's the blender version of it.

    I went for an ornamental look and I'm currently torn between making the red part more flowerpot like/ a rusty red or simply black(ish).
    I think that the sight needs to be a little jiggleboned as well.
  • ColonelBD
    When you say ornamental do you mean its wooden or is it made of porcelin like a vase? Because making out of porcelin would be a terrible material choice for a rocket launcher, as its more likely to explode in you hand and rip your face off than actually do anything to the guy your aiming at.

    If its wooden I suggest making the green bits metal to hold down the frame more.

    If your struggling with the texture i'd recommend doing it like the concheror backpack, large colour patches with a few long strokes with a slightly darker colour, or a dark colour at low opacity to simulate wood grain.

    I like the scroll site, maybe you could have something like maggots written in japanese on it or something.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8


    Jigglebones need adjusting.
  • APesquera
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    APesquera triangle
    Bacon legs reincarnated in a whip hahaha
    Your design is perfectly suitable for tf2, but the weapon itself... i don't think so. Great work anyway, keep it up!
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
    APesquera wrote: »
    Bacon legs reincarnated in a whip hahaha
    Your design is perfectly suitable for tf2, but the weapon itself... i don't think so. Great work anyway, keep it up!

    It's more a joke weapon than anything else, I was just having a little fun making it.

    Thanks man :)
  • Doughnut Bear
    @Apocol0id looking good. hope to see it get and finally have something replace the sniper's smg :)
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Sexy Robot wrote: »
    It's more a joke weapon than anything else, I was just having a little fun making it.

    Thanks man :)

    Change it to a chain and I think you'll have something that fits the Scout's "1960s street hoodlum" theme.
  • Sickmedic
    I had posted this item to steam forums about a month ago, and since then it has received little response (well, none actually). So I’m thinking I basically missed the mark completely.

    The tragicomedy that is this contribution began with a post-it that I had written to myself which read, “Keep it simple, STUPID.” And underneath that was a simple doodle of something that resembled a helmet. Somewhere in between, my doodle transformed and grew outward, like some terrible mold. A simple shape turned into two simple shapes: then somehow three: then four: then five: then some thousand shapes later it had become “The PIckelhaube of Gaudilyness”





    Did I miss the mark on this one?
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Haha, thats awesome Sickmedic! I think it fits in TF2 because it looks cobbled together.

    But I do have a suggestion, change the name. We already have a pickelhaube for the medic. My suggestion is Fright of the Valkyrie.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    That hat looks great! Agree with Sukotto about the Valkyrie thing, try and put it in there somewhere :thumbup:
  • Doughnut Bear
    definitely go with something with Valkyrie in its name, thats the first thing that came to mind when i saw the hat
  • Sickmedic
    Thankyou Sukotto and TortillaChips!

    I’m relieved to get positive feedback on this one. This was by far my biggest time investment of all of my contributions (most of that time spent optimizing to 512x512 diffuse map, while maintaining detail), so it’s good to see that time was worth something.

    I like that you picked up on the cobbled aspect of the item, Sukutto -- I was really trying to think if I were a medic in TF2, what kind of a hat would I make for myself? And then, how would I go about making it?

    I'm definitely with you guys that Valkerie needs to be somewhere in the name, so for now let’s call it Fright of The Valkerie (thanks again, Sukutto). If you have any better suggestions, make them known!

    As a side note:
    I have been considering building several items (although I have yet to start on the next item) with this same “Battle Hardened” theme in mind. Ultimately I would like the item-pack to be craft-only, involving a long list of ingredients (and large time investment) for each item. It could really be a great way to help people clean out (smelt) some of their backpack items into a universal currency -- something like battle-hardened metals.

    While I get a sense that Valve’s position is to stay away from the “farming” aspect of items, I also think that hardcore gamers deserve a substantial item that reflects their substantial dedication.
  • re.wind
    @sickmedic: The sawblade teeth: detach them from the blade. you still keep the detail from the sawblades as geometry, but can now weld/collapse the superfluous verticies/edges on the actual blade, allowing you to remove quite a bit of superfluous triangles. that way you can save roughly 40 triangles. I'm also willing to bet that you can shave off another two triangles per saw tooth (22) as they don't look like they're pyramid shaped, but rather 1/2 of a cube.

    Also, the various blades sticking out between the bonesaws, you could shave off quite a few triangles there. 6 triangles per blade, 12 (?) blades, thats another 72 triangles.

    Minus 134 triangles right there, probably more, but with a triangle count approaching 3'000 for a hat...sometimes you just got to be a scrouge with those triangles. :)

    edit: The bonesaw handles could also be lightened up a bit near the circular part.
  • ComfyCushion
    Submitted my paintball marker for the engie today.

    Here's the final shot of The Marked Man:


    Hopefully this in-game shot shows off the spec map's effect of the paint splashes:

  • Simski
    I find the strange discoloring on the original Engineer fingertips texture to be amusingly fitting your model :D
    "The Marked Man" seems like a good name, I reckon it would fit just as well as "The Marksman" though.
  • re.wind
    But...but that sounds similar to 'the marxman' which is an entirely different assortment of hypothetically [un]possible weapons!

    Speaking of russians, I am also reminded of the 'Marked one' from a similar soviet-inspired assortment of hypothetically [dis]possible situations.

  • Apocol0id
    Beautiful model for the Marked Man, dude. The paint scheme is dead on with the style, and its a great silhouette that'll stand out well in the game. The effect would be awesome to see, i imagine a yellow tinted blood splatter decal.
  • ComfyCushion
    Apocol0id: I was figuring a team-colored splatter decal. Maybe it could make painted enemies more susceptible to sentry damage? It'd definitely make it easier for engies to spy check.

    I like The Marked Man because it sounds very Old West vigilante/cowboy. The Marksman sounds like a weapon for the sniper. Like The Huntsman. Which sounds like a Freakazoid! character.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I would say a more likely statistic for The Marked Man would be something to do with mini-crits on the enemy you hit for teammates.

    Anyways, very nice idea and execution. The only thing that bothers me a bit is the drips on the back of the gun clash a bit with the square brushes/splashes on the rest of the gun, but that's being a bit nit picky.
  • ComfyCushion
    If that's all you can find to nit-pick about, then I consider it a success. :) I figure you'll only really see the drips in the viewmodel, and I wanted that view to be more interesting.

  • Simski
    Either way I think the splattered on paint is a nice touch that goes well with the oddly discolored original fingertip texture :P
  • Tomm
    yo, I just stared working on a new weapon.. this is what i got so far, it's a boring exploded gas pipe.. and yes, there is a valve on it :poly142:
    any crits or suggestions?
  • ColonelBD
    Ok ive hit some problems with the smg, one big the other bigger.

    Firstly the shogun update completely messed up the bone positioning on the smg so now the smg magazine hangs a few feet below the chamber and is askew.

    Thats fixible but it means that I can't have the sniper change the magazine in 3rd person.

    The bigger problem is that I have massive clipping errors, especially on the handle, even though I scaled it perfectly to the original. It turns out the ORIGINAL also has these, and thats causing the problem, I don't know if it was always like this, or whether the update just messed it up.

    Plus as it uses the same model in first person and THAT fits, it means no matter what I do I'm screwed clippingwise.


    Can't believe I didn't notice this before, explains why the hardly any smg replacements with the default animations.

    There other errors like on the front grip and the barrel but those are fixible with a little time.
  • Sickmedic

    I actually think that overall it’s a great concept (original, great silhouette, TF2-appropriate); I’d hardly call it boring. I’d say the model is where it needs to be, although I am on the fence about the valve choice.

    Being as people are use to seeing an actual Valve(TM) Valve on the splash screen when they open TF2, they may be a little particular about your valve choice. Although the good thing about the valve you’re using is that it’s simple, which means it could actually make more sense than the other valve type.

    I’m sure you’ve already considered using the Valve(TM)-Valve, but you may want to try a side-by-side to put our minds at ease.
  • Piesandbombs
    re.wind wrote: »
    But...but that sounds similar to 'the marxman' which is an entirely different assortment of hypothetically [un]possible weapons!

    Speaking of russians, I am also reminded of the 'Marked one' from a similar soviet-inspired assortment of hypothetically [dis]possible situations.


    Marx was Prussian, which is current day Germany...

    *long exaggerated sigh*
  • Apocol0id
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    Can't believe I didn't notice this before, explains why the hardly any smg replacements with the default animations.

    There other errors like on the front grip and the barrel but those are fixible with a little time.

    You might be able to avoid that thumb clipping through if you shorten the entire front of the gun so the barrel is longer and a little wider, comparable to the original. Then he'd grip it just like the original SMG with no worries.
  • crazy-g
    ColonelBD, i loaded the smg up in the model viewer and it looks fine, assuming that the game actually uses w_smg.mdl as the world model (didn't see a c_smg). I could get it to have the floating magazine if i set the sequence to Stand_PRIMARY. The Stand_SECONDARY pose must be the correct one as it looked normal with that one.
  • [Deleted User]
  • Tomm

    Thanks for the crits.. and yea.. maybe it wasn't the best choice, but I'm not aiming for a valve(TM)-valve, it has nothing to do with it. Other than that it's a valve :)

    But there's still something missing.. I guess it needs some more geometry around the handle or some better shapes.
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