Hey all. I've been wanting to take a shot at a non-cosmetic item, and the Medic is my favorite class, so I thought I'd try my hand at making a new medigun. With the Quick-Fix currently in the beta, I've been trying to design with its main attributes in mind, namely faster healing rate (higher pressure nozzle) and no overheal (less advanced, older style).
I'm still trying to get the basic design nailed down, so many smaller details like screws are missing at this point. Comments, criticisms, and suggestions would all be very much appreciated.
@Apolocol0id: thanks, I'm currently working at that right now.
@Crazy-G: Yeah turns out I was using primary instead of secondary, got that fixed up now. Thanks for letting me know. It was late at night and I wasn't thinking properly.
@Tauvertex@ thats pretty cool, really liking what you did with the handle, although just a heads up I don't think it will work in game, the bit he will grabbing is at a different angle to the default grip so he will hold it pretty strangely.
Also that big bit that the hose is connected too is just too round, the orginal has a more blobby shape rather than a perfect circle. That kind of shape would fit well with it, make it more visually interresting.
That is a really cool buildable you've made there :O
Now here's my advice, suggestion, and critique:
The problems with buildables that use a different base than the normal toolbox, is that unless it has a new view/world model and dispenser/teleporter counterpats... it's going to look rather inconsistent with the other buildables.
If you want this in the game I would sadly suggest some things that would require more work... a dispenser/teleporter counterpart, a lunchbox view/world model to replace the toolbox, and a new weapon replacing the wrench.
If your buildable only replaces the sentry and uses the normal dispenser and teleporters, the placement of your buildables will be inconsistent since your model evolves from the lunchbox, and the default dispenser and teleporter evolves from the default toolbox. So you will first and foremost need a different view/world model replacement for the lunchbox. New dispenser and teleporter will likely improve our chances, but I reckon you would still have a chance without them. (Although I personally wish you'd also make it a dispenser, just because of how fitting it would be as a lunchbox)
The second issue is that Valve doesn't use "buildable-slots" for replacing buildings as some people anticipated they would when they made the Engineer update. Instead they use a new weapon model to indicate the changed buildable. (This means that to equip a new buildable like the mini sentry, you need to equip the Gunslinger replacement for the wrench)
I hate to be the idea guy, but I have another suggestion as well.
If you can't come up with a fitting wrench replacement, you could make a pistol/shotgun replacement if you turned your model into a dispenser/teleporter rather than a sentry. Since the Gunslinger as a wrench replaces the sentry, you can't have a pistol/shotgun that replaces the sentry since that would conflict with the mini-sentry.
You could however have a pistol/shotgun unlock that replaces the dispenser/teleporters since it would not effect the Gunslinger.
Due to the size of your building I reckon it would be fitting as a Battle-Engineer oriented unlock, therefor making it compatible with the Gunslinger would be preferred if it replaced the dispenser and/or teleporters.
Sorry for the huge walls of text, I sometimes get too excited when I see something I like :P
Hey all. I've been wanting to take a shot at a non-cosmetic item, and the Medic is my favorite class, so I thought I'd try my hand at making a new medigun. With the Quick-Fix currently in the beta, I've been trying to design with its main attributes in mind, namely faster healing rate (higher pressure nozzle) and no overheal (less advanced, older style).
I'm still trying to get the basic design nailed down, so many smaller details like screws are missing at this point. Comments, criticisms, and suggestions would all be very much appreciated.
Looks too much like a cannon barrel, wire is twisted a bit too much, and what is that hanging below it?
Mann Co sucks balls and is a weapons company not a "every day appliances that kills people" company.
Use Spy Tech, or look through the list of the many other companies in TF2 that isn't Mann Co, or make up your own company that isn't Mann Co.
Mann Co sucks balls and is a weapons company not a "every day appliances that kills people" company.
Use Spy Tech, or look through the list of the many other companies in TF2 that isn't Mann Co, or make up your own company that isn't Mann Co.
I can't seem to get this hat positioned on the pyro's head in game (this is a render within blender), though I am able to compile the model to source. I've searched around but still can't find a solution. Could anyone direct me to a tutorial please?
Made the overall shape more rounded and made the handle a little less boring.. but it still needs a bit more work since im not really happy with the ripped part on its "head".
Suggestions or crits welcome.
@Phaser Rave
Maybe you should try milkshape, I think it's a pretty easy and simple solution for rigging stuff.. well at least it worked for me.
@phaser Rave: I would just set up a batch file, and then move the hat around until you get it right where it needs to be, and then add a skin modifier (if you are in 3ds max) and add the bip_head bone.
Thanks for the crit.. and yeah I was thinkin the same.. so I made it a bit smaller -15% of its original size.. it looks better imo, what do you think?
some screenshots of my new weapon "The Crutch Player" (Description: Tiny Tim needs his hats)
In a rather interesting twist the Boston Basher, the weapon representing this weapon only has a RED first person model which is why you won't get to see a BLU texture
This would go best with a Baker Boy but all I've got is a Tosslecap
aside:placement is a little wonky though
Aside: Amazement: nice synthetic eyeball for Engy from Manuca :thumbup:
Hi all! I'm new here, I love tf2 and further modeling. Here are one of my submitions for contribute.
The white and black eye makes it look too silly and out of place.
Maybe something like team coloured light in the eye and make it flat instead of spherical.
If that's all you can find to nit-pick about, then I consider it a success. I figure you'll only really see the drips in the viewmodel, and I wanted that view to be more interesting.
This model finally made me cave in and register here. I don't know a ton about modeling, but maybe I'll learn.
Anyhoo, it looks like there's a bit of clipping where the gun meets the webbing between his forefinger and thumb.
As you can see in the picture below, it looks like the gun has a straight edge underneath the barrel, but in the quoted picture above, it looks all curvy. I can't actually tell if it's clipping, but it looks like it.
That said, that is an AWESOME gun. Hopefully it makes it in. Something with attributes like making the sentry immediately target the enemy it's shot with, but it doesn't increase the sentry's range, firing speed, or health. And maybe if it did a little damage too, it'd be a perfect medium between the Wrangler and Pistol.
so here is the texture for the hat jteeba and i are working on, i tried following swizzle's guide, but i have paint.net not photoshop and when i changed the opacity on the layers they had trouble showing up. here is what i have so far minus the ao bake and uv map let me know what you think. also im going to make the white parts team color but i don't knwo what Alpha channels to modify.
Team colours are done by two different images. When you compile your model use $texturegroups skinfamilies in the qc (check it's usage on sdk docs) and specify your red and blue textures respectively. These will point to two vmt's of the same name which you can use to point to your vtf images.
Hi all! I'm new here, I love tf2 and further modeling. Here are one of my submitions for contribute.
Looks good, but I think, personally, the white eye is out of place in the game. But what MIGHT look cool, would be something similar to the dispenser screen, with a big square pixel as the pupil.
so here is the texture for the hat jteeba and i are working on, i tried following swizzle's guide, but i have paint.net not photoshop and when i changed the opacity on the layers they had trouble showing up. here is what i have so far minus the ao bake and uv map let me know what you think. also im going to make the white parts team color but i don't knwo what Alpha channels to modify.
It's a little hard to tell not seeing the tex on the model, but the splotches should probably be bigger/more square.
Get Gimp, it layers just like PS and can save psd's too. It's free.
Thanks guys for your opinion! I thought it was very relevant and I came out with these two options, What do you think? I will need to change its name, any suggestion?
I like the globe and red lens better than the other one with the screen.
The left one looks terminator-ish, while the right one looks like a cute toy robot.
The sphere still needs a bit more advanced texture so it doesn't look plastic though (although you've probably already realized).
lol Manuca... Resistance is futile
I just know that sooner or later the Engineer is going to be a steampunk/Spy fi version of robocop
and Ruskeydoo I think a plastercast would be a neat idea
as demonstrated earlier on this thread with the new Scout bodygroups for his legs it'd be a cinch to replace them with something else. Though It'd be harder to view my results as I don't have those handy dandy MNC promo items:(
Though I'm confident I can just use the model viewer and give myself the items on a private server
Though he is a Scout who generally has intact feet
I was going for the street Hoodlum/urchin approach that many Scout items go for (e.g. pestering old ladies )
Thanks guys for your opinion! I thought it was very relevant and I came out with these two options, What do you think? I will need to change its name, any suggestion?
Oh, you do know in-game Engineer moves his goggles about when he's making expressions? They might rise up when he's angry for example... so your positioning will probably break.
I humbly request someone to model a simple hat in TF2 for the Pyro. I sort of had a mask-type hat similar to Man Ray from Spongebob in mind. Please tell me if you can. May the great Polycount gods have mercy upon me and thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thanks guys for your opinion! I thought it was very relevant and I came out with these two options, What do you think? I will need to change its name, any suggestion? http://www.6bestudio.com.br/arquivos/manu/adjust_01.jpg
I think the original version with the glass eye works pretty well in the comical context of TF2. The texture just needs a little bit more detail for the iris and the sclera pushed to a more off-white colour, maybe with a hint of team colour to it.
Hello everyone! I've been reading this thread since page 14 and just wanted to show off my first TF2 hat.
It's a Demoman hat based on Monty python's black knight.
I'll try importing it tomorrow.
I'm looking for some advice and tips, so please give me some. thanks!
I'm still trying to get the basic design nailed down, so many smaller details like screws are missing at this point. Comments, criticisms, and suggestions would all be very much appreciated.
@Crazy-G: Yeah turns out I was using primary instead of secondary, got that fixed up now. Thanks for letting me know. It was late at night and I wasn't thinking properly.
@Tauvertex@ thats pretty cool, really liking what you did with the handle, although just a heads up I don't think it will work in game, the bit he will grabbing is at a different angle to the default grip so he will hold it pretty strangely.
Also that big bit that the hose is connected too is just too round, the orginal has a more blobby shape rather than a perfect circle. That kind of shape would fit well with it, make it more visually interresting.
Now here's my advice, suggestion, and critique:
The problems with buildables that use a different base than the normal toolbox, is that unless it has a new view/world model and dispenser/teleporter counterpats... it's going to look rather inconsistent with the other buildables.
If you want this in the game I would sadly suggest some things that would require more work... a dispenser/teleporter counterpart, a lunchbox view/world model to replace the toolbox, and a new weapon replacing the wrench.
If your buildable only replaces the sentry and uses the normal dispenser and teleporters, the placement of your buildables will be inconsistent since your model evolves from the lunchbox, and the default dispenser and teleporter evolves from the default toolbox. So you will first and foremost need a different view/world model replacement for the lunchbox. New dispenser and teleporter will likely improve our chances, but I reckon you would still have a chance without them. (Although I personally wish you'd also make it a dispenser, just because of how fitting it would be as a lunchbox)
The second issue is that Valve doesn't use "buildable-slots" for replacing buildings as some people anticipated they would when they made the Engineer update. Instead they use a new weapon model to indicate the changed buildable. (This means that to equip a new buildable like the mini sentry, you need to equip the Gunslinger replacement for the wrench)
If you can't come up with a fitting wrench replacement, you could make a pistol/shotgun replacement if you turned your model into a dispenser/teleporter rather than a sentry. Since the Gunslinger as a wrench replaces the sentry, you can't have a pistol/shotgun that replaces the sentry since that would conflict with the mini-sentry.
You could however have a pistol/shotgun unlock that replaces the dispenser/teleporters since it would not effect the Gunslinger.
Due to the size of your building I reckon it would be fitting as a Battle-Engineer oriented unlock, therefor making it compatible with the Gunslinger would be preferred if it replaced the dispenser and/or teleporters.
Sorry for the huge walls of text, I sometimes get too excited when I see something I like :P
Looks too much like a cannon barrel, wire is twisted a bit too much, and what is that hanging below it?
Here's a sapper disguised as a radio I'm working on.
It's kind of a mix between these two radios.
Use Spy Tech, or look through the list of the many other companies in TF2 that isn't Mann Co, or make up your own company that isn't Mann Co.
Thank you!
The Jag has a faster construction rate so I was thinking this sapper could have a faster destruction rate. : )
Valve picks what it does, not you.
Suggestions or crits welcome.
@Phaser Rave
Maybe you should try milkshape, I think it's a pretty easy and simple solution for rigging stuff.. well at least it worked for me.
Then again the torso of the heavy is a bit big for such small, babyman legs lol
Thanks for the crit.. and yeah I was thinkin the same.. so I made it a bit smaller -15% of its original size.. it looks better imo, what do you think?
In a rather interesting twist the Boston Basher, the weapon representing this weapon only has a RED first person model which is why you won't get to see a BLU texture
This would go best with a Baker Boy but all I've got is a Tosslecap
aside:placement is a little wonky though
Aside: Amazement: nice synthetic eyeball for Engy from Manuca :thumbup:
The white and black eye makes it look too silly and out of place.
Maybe something like team coloured light in the eye and make it flat instead of spherical.
This model finally made me cave in and register here. I don't know a ton about modeling, but maybe I'll learn.
Anyhoo, it looks like there's a bit of clipping where the gun meets the webbing between his forefinger and thumb.
As you can see in the picture below, it looks like the gun has a straight edge underneath the barrel, but in the quoted picture above, it looks all curvy. I can't actually tell if it's clipping, but it looks like it.
That said, that is an AWESOME gun. Hopefully it makes it in. Something with attributes like making the sentry immediately target the enemy it's shot with, but it doesn't increase the sentry's range, firing speed, or health. And maybe if it did a little damage too, it'd be a perfect medium between the Wrangler and Pistol.
But great modeling and texture job! I LOVE IT!
Looks good, but I think, personally, the white eye is out of place in the game. But what MIGHT look cool, would be something similar to the dispenser screen, with a big square pixel as the pupil.
It's a little hard to tell not seeing the tex on the model, but the splotches should probably be bigger/more square.
Get Gimp, it layers just like PS and can save psd's too. It's free.
Also I have idea about old-style pen (what's uses ink)
The left one looks terminator-ish, while the right one looks like a cute toy robot.
The sphere still needs a bit more advanced texture so it doesn't look plastic though (although you've probably already realized).
I just know that sooner or later the Engineer is going to be a steampunk/Spy fi version of robocop
and Ruskeydoo I think a plastercast would be a neat idea
as demonstrated earlier on this thread with the new Scout bodygroups for his legs it'd be a cinch to replace them with something else. Though It'd be harder to view my results as I don't have those handy dandy MNC promo items:(
Though I'm confident I can just use the model viewer and give myself the items on a private server
Though he is a Scout who generally has intact feet
I was going for the street Hoodlum/urchin approach that many Scout items go for (e.g. pestering old ladies
The Soldier Parachutist pack I'm working on.
I think the original version with the glass eye works pretty well in the comical context of TF2. The texture just needs a little bit more detail for the iris and the sclera pushed to a more off-white colour, maybe with a hint of team colour to it.
This is one of my "good" hats:
Also here's a brush that I got off of Polycount a year ago but I'm sure some people will not have found it yet.
It's a Demoman hat based on Monty python's black knight.
I'll try importing it tomorrow.
I'm looking for some advice and tips, so please give me some. thanks!