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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Monkeez
    Hey I got a quick question about jigglebones, does anyone know how fps intensive they are? Like for example you wanted to make a whip which could have 4-5 jigglebones do you think that would be alright?
  • Rafael Rojas
    you know what?, i'm going to submit my hats and stuffs :D
  • dire_luck
    Swizzle wrote: »
    The pommel was a touch shinier than the rest, though not by enough to make too much of a difference. I think the main reason it looks shinier and more reflective is simply because of the angles in that image. In-game it'd probably look a bit better because you'd notice the cubemaps on the blade more.

    After realizing I had a gnarly seam right in the middle of the blade, I decided to go back and redo the UVs and textures for this so it would stop acting stupid. Protip: Source treats UV edges as a hard edges in vertex normals (sometimes?!?!), so hide your seams.

    It's magnificent as always Swizzle. Are you going to release it after you submit it?
  • Cbast
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    Cbast triangle
    Wow, I love that knife !

    However, i'm on my way, smoothing groups are done, AO is baked. I juste have to make the texture right now :o
  • Bishop
    This is weird, I kinda have a feeling of "greek" when I look at Swizzle's stiletto. Anyways, the engraving is fantastic work.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Vig, the Stump Thumper is fucking rad. Finish it!

    I'll probably release it along with a few other things I've made, yeah. I need to test it in-game, though, and I don't yet have the means to do that. It replaces the Eternal Reward and I haven't had one of those drop yet. I'm concerned because, while it shows up as correctly rotated when the spy is holding it, it shows up as 90 degrees off when I load up the first person hands in the model viewer. I need to figure out what's up with that and what I can do to fix it if it's actually incorrect.
  • ShadowBrain
    Guys, is this a bad idea?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Vig: That lumber weapon looks awesome. I'm a bit concerned that you're thinking about gameplay too much though. If you submit this thing with all new animations that support the gameplay idea of stunning and such that you've thought of it greatly reduces it's chance of being put in because it'd require much more testing than what they usually do with community weapons.
  • lampekap
    swizzle, ur knife model looks awesome, but its mayby missing something... the icing on the cake, a charactaristic that defines some of its lethal use, or parhaps a characteristic of the spy personage.

    how about a little ribbon decoration to emphesize the smoothness and lightweight of the killer object?
  • Bishop
    DKK wrote: »
    Finished the model, and imported it, got to do the texture now.32312885.png

    Such an appropriate pose, DKK...for such a deadly looking weapon...even though there is no textures.
  • dire_luck
    DKK wrote: »
    Finished the model, and imported it, got to do the texture now.32312885.png

    I like this alot, but i can't help myself from thinking that it looks kinda similar to the pain train...
    Hopefully textures will set the two apart
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I'd say it's definitely unique compared to The Pain Train. Texturing is looking pretty nice. I think the straps are a bit too black though. I think they'd look better with a more brownish shade.
  • Bishop
    DKK wrote: »
    I guess they do look fairly similar, Theres nothing I can really do about that, suggestions? I got other Items I want to do though, So I'm calling this done, lest you have any feedback on it. Also it needs a name.

    Soldier's Sickle. Head Cropper. Tooth and nails. Deadly Improvements. Sticks and Blades.

    Dunno. This were the ones that came off the top of my head.
  • dire_luck
    I think the texture does a pretty good job of making it distinct, so i think it's different enough. It might be nice if you made the saw and nuts look a little rusted, but not too much too look old. Only just enough to make it look kinda worn-in.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I like the light brown but I think a bit darker of a brown would be better. The one on the right looks like reddish brown which isn't what I was thinking of. Could you test out a few different shades of that brown on the left?

    Also it's Zip, not Zap!
  • Elbagast
    @Swizzle: does you texture spill out around the UV edges? The VTF mipmaps seem to cause seams to appear if you stick close to the UVs - you can see it happen on things like the top of the shotgun and sniper rifle barrels.

    @DKK: I agree with dire_luck that the metal could do with some wear on it. I prefer the lighter wrapping of what you've tested so far.

    I've moved on to updating my shotgun, some base colours for getting a feel for it:

    Since simplifying the design of the stock to try and make it look less like a modern design, I'm wondering if the main bar that makes it up needs some detail in the middle to break it up, maybe some wrapping. Any thoughts on that?

    Otherwise the pump could probably do with the most work right now and a few other bits need tweaks.
  • RedSheep
    @DKK If it is an ice climbing hammer, I don't know if it's a good idea to name it soldier's sickle because wouldn't that be misleading or incorrect?
    I don't know if these are good ( I think they may sound a little hokey), but two names that popped into my head were the "Pernicious Pick" or the "Baleful Basher" (the second of which also slightly suffers from the previously mentioned concern).

    Edit: @Elbagast I like the shotgun, but I think that it looks better with the stock down, the overall model at least. I can see why you made it folded on top in the view model though. I'm not too sure what you could add at this point to the design though. Maybe you could put some wrapping on the butt of the stock, but that doesn't really solve you're problem though :/
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I definitely think either of the two browns on the right are the best. They have much more contrast compared to the wood. All of them are nice though. Better than the black or reddish brown.

    Do you have jigglebones on the metal piece on the bottom? You should definitely put one on there.
  • Contrails
    Great stuff!

    Swizzle, I think the stiletto looks a little plain considering that most of the grip is going to be covered by the spy's hand. Maybe put inset rubys at the ends of those curves? Or make the top of the round end a different color

    DKK, I like the rightmost one the best... like zip said, the contrast is better.

    Elbgast, what is the metal bar for? Looks like it'd only be useful for obscuring your sight... :)
  • re.wind
    I am overwhelmed by the quality of stuff in here...

    Here's a 2nd pass on pyro firecracker weapon i'm simmering.
    Old 1st pass, and 0.5th pass texture is still rather bland, and i've just been told, and agree, that they look like firecrackers...

  • Elbagast
    @Contrails: To avoid another case of me misunderstanding what you mean (even though it turned out so well last time :poly142:) do you mean that little thing sticking up from the hinge? If you do it's meant to be a stopper that prevents it from folding too far. It's been kinda bugging me and will probably go.

    @re.wind: Reminds me of the Demoman's grenade from the trailers. Not to dissuade you from continuing or anything, but your pic just got me thinking of the Pyro using a roman candle as a multi-shot flaregun with a cool down between uses...firework in one hand, lighter in the other....

    I may knock out a bit of concept art for that actually....
  • Yamo
    @DKK personally I would go with the darkest of the brown wraps

    @Swizzle the dagger is looking amazing, I think you really nailed the engraving especially when compared to the engraving on the Ambassador pistol

    Does anyone know if transparent textures are possible on the hats with the alpha being used for paint buckets now? I've got a good idea for a misc item but it relies on having see-through materials :/
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Behold my greatest creation!

  • Yamo
    Hahah please tell me the meat is jiggled to move around
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Yes. Yes it is.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Yamo wrote: »
    Does anyone know if transparent textures are possible on the hats with the alpha being used for paint buckets now? I've got a good idea for a misc item but it relies on having see-through materials :/

    I used transparent materials on my Scuba Goggles. I had to use two materials though. One was the glass with a transparency alpha map and the other was everything else with the tint map. Of course you might not be able to do that depending on what the model is though.

    @ Swizzle, that looks great! It really doesn't look like there's enough force to hold in the meat with only that little strip between the tongs though. Maybe there could be a strap around it or it could be moved down so the tongs have a better grip on the meat.

    EDIT: Actually taking a second look at it it looks fine. It's just not obvious on first glance that it's being held that tightly between the tongs. Maybe the meat could be squished a bit where the tongs are holding.
  • Yamo
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    I used transparent materials on my Scuba Goggles. I had to use two materials though. One was the glass with a transparency alpha map and the other was everything else with the tint map. Of course you might not be able to do that depending on what the model is though.

    Ah thanks man, went back a few pages and realized you already answered this question for me lol
  • re.wind
    @ swizzle: i'll be surprised if that doesn't find its way into tf2...

    Also, first pass at a chilli pepper chopping tool the pyro somehow got hold of...and decorated with more peppers. 100% unsure what to do with the front though. tape the peppers to the blade? drill holes and have them stick out sideways?

    quick model using basic colours. needs a longer handle.

    Also: Pyro self-made firecrackers using (old) shotgun casings. Yea/nay?
  • kevlar jens
    Hah, that's brilliant, Swizzle.

    Well, I just submitted my pistol (or Das Maultier as I decided to name it). Will I get an e-mail telling me they received it or anything like that?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Hah, that's brilliant, Swizzle.

    Well, I just submitted my pistol (or Das Maultier as I decided to name it). Will I get an e-mail telling me they received it or anything like that?

    After you click Submit you put in your Steam Community page and then there will be a page that says "Submission Succesful!" That's it. You don't even get an e-mail when they put your item in game.
  • Elbagast
    I don't normally go for stats stuff, but this was just too weird yet fitting an idea to not sketch out:
    Went for purple because it's team neutral.
  • re.wind
    That looks like a lot of fun. flintlock design maybe?
  • Elbagast
    Well I was thinking more like things like jarate than an actual flaregun, since you can't really reload a roman candle... Use, discard, magically get another one, though it would mean something that would take work to implement.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Sgt. Frosty's Climbing Companion.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    I submitted it a few minutes ago as the Burner's Brisket. I realize a brisket is a much smaller slice of meat, but I like the irony.
  • RedSheep
    Elbagast wrote: »
    Well I was thinking more like things like jarate than an actual flaregun, since you can't really reload a roman candle... Use, discard, magically get another one, though it would mean something that would take work to implement.

    Actually it could be like a flare gun with a smaller barrel and instead of loading capsules in the back, a roman candle could be shoved in instead. Then it could fire some mini-flares, which actually would be pretty cool.

    @Swizzle The Burners Brisket is hilarious, if it got in-game I would definitely use it, no matter what its stats are.
  • Bishop
    Swizzle, you yourself wouldn't be able to comprehend the amazing t-bone steakiness of your creation...

    If anything, the more you hit someone, the more grilled it gets. :D

    And DKK, that's a really long name, man. People are just gonna call it the CCCC...and that's long too. If you are gonna use that name, fine by me. But while I was away, I though of "Casual Killer" and "Climbing Compadre".
  • Mark Dygert
    Swiz, That is fuckin awesome! I love it!

    DDK, that came out looking great!

    Busy day but I managed to get a little time to unwrap and block in the texture a bit, no spec, no bump. It needs some kind of carving... and maybe a bolt in the band, looks too rubbery right now.
  • Base
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    Base polygon
    Swizzle, you are my hero. I hope to conquer your submissions someday. That's the only way I'll take myself seriously.


    The modeling is done, and I've UV mapped it out. Came in at 1990 tris. I'm not sure I really like how the uvmapping came out in terms of good space usage, but that's always something I can fuss with while I work with the textures. My biggest concern is getting the custom animations for this working, after that I can spend all the time I want on the textures, which (after a simple base texture is applied) is what I'll be working on.

    Any crits/comments? I'm calling it the Scatterpunch right now, based off an old joke about how I'd explain getting meatshots with the scout to my friends ("You have to punch him with your gun!")
  • AGuyCalledSpyke
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    AGuyCalledSpyke polycounter lvl 7
    Swizzle, when you get hired by VALVe, can you make sure they make keys craftable?
  • dire_luck
    Vig wrote: »
    Swiz, That is fuckin awesome! I love it!

    DDK, that came out looking great!

    Busy day but I managed to get a little time to unwrap and block in the texture a bit, no spec, no bump. It needs some kind of carving... and maybe a bolt in the band, looks too rubbery right now.

    This looks like it will be kickass, and putting a staple/bolt in the band is a good idea. Only issue i have is that the metal sap thing on the right side seems out of place.
  • BreaK
    Hi Guys...just is this comp still open to enter? I have a concept I'd really like to work on? Is there any deadline at all?

    Also for the concept...do you have to re-create all the weapons each class uses? For example...for the sniper re-create the rifle/meelee knife and pistol? Or can you say...add a grenade instead of the pistol?

  • dire_luck
    BreaK wrote: »
    Hi Guys...just is this comp still open to enter? I have a concept I'd really like to work on? Is there any deadline at all?

    Also for the concept...do you have to re-create all the weapons each class uses? For example...for the sniper re-create the rifle/meelee knife and pistol? Or can you say...add a grenade instead of the pistol?


    This isn't a competition, it's just a place to showcase your tf2 items, get some feedback before you submit them, and to release them for people to use.
  • Rafael Rojas
  • Rafael Rojas
    something i'm working on :)
  • Rafael Rojas
    Elbagast wrote: »
    I don't normally go for stats stuff, but this was just too weird yet fitting an idea to not sketch out:
    Went for purple because it's team neutral.

    wow, nice concept, finally the pyro can show those pyrotechnics abilities :)
  • TheMooseLord
    do you think the weapon world work for the demo? (its a Maquahuitl (aztec stone club thing))
  • Rafael Rojas
    do you think the weapon world work for the demo? (its a Maquahuitl (aztec stone club thing))
    i don't know, maybe a replace for the grenade launcher...MOLOTOV COCKTAIL or A SCOTTISH SKIRT or something SCOTTISH. You should make a less crappy concept art. just saying buddy :3
  • Rafael Rojas
    I think that this could be a very cool replacement for the holy mackerel (because is too humiliating getting killed by a sponge glove)218073_2528970607_1235491d31.jpg
  • TheMooseLord
    i don't know, maybe a replace for the grenade launcher...MOLOTOV COCKTAIL or A SCOTTISH SKIRT or something SCOTTISH. You should make a less crappy concept art. just saying buddy :3
    yeah i know its a bit crap, i'll make a better one soone :D

    Also its not as if valve hasn't messed up their own characters anyway with the hats
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