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What Are You Working On? 2010 Edition!


  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Hi poly flamethrower I've been messin with.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    BlackulaDZ wrote: »
    speedsculpt turned self portrait, turned into head of full self portrait i started a loonnngg time i ago...

    every time i see this it instantly reminds me of tom morello but with glasses.

  • BigErn
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    BigErn polycounter lvl 11
    boyluya the gun is amazing!!

    I have been trying out some portrait stuff recently,.. going to try and develop this guy into a full char.
    he is famous, but only if your into world cinema. :)

    OH yea.... the ear needs some work :poly124:

    By bigern77 at 2010-06-24
  • cabley123
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    first sculpt and some low poly characters that i got insp from the low poly thread

  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 13
    @Makkon: Saved, loving it. As for suggestions, adding some whiskers would complete it imo. Just make sure there's not too many of them as he may end up looking old :) Oh! and welding goggles hanging around his neck, gotta have that!

    : I'd say cut down a little bit on the scratches overall and up the specular value on the metal, it looks kind of strange at the moment.
    The grip also needs a little more love imo, see if you can add some slight variation in the tone of the color towards the end of the grip, and the scratches on the side look kind of odd, see if lowering their spec value or possibly diffuse transparency gives you better results.
    Also giving the lens of the scope a higher specular near the edges might make it look more like a lens.

    Also well aware that the concept has them and that this is sci-fi but, those glowy bits just look.. wrong to me. See if you can darken the blue a little bit a turn down the emissive value. Right now they're the first thing I notice with the gun, and seeing how their placement doesn't really make you notice the overall shape of the gun, that's not so good, make em blend in more.

    Anyway that's just my opinion, other than that, I've been looking forward to seeing how it came along, great stuff :)
  • Chai
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    Chai polycounter lvl 17
    boyluya I really dig the highpoly job you've done in translating this to 3d, and am a big fan of sci-fi revolvers.

    You should remember metal is defined mostly by specularity+reflection rather than diffuse, even a dark worn metal will have a lot of specular.
    It's very important for weapons, as in game the normalmapped edges and curves recieve most of the specular - which will highlight and define the quality of your weapon.

    I would recommend working on the specular layer at the same time as diffuse, I usually just add a layer effect to bump the brightness and contrast for metal.
    Below is a rough paintover, might have gone a bit overboard with the spec ;)

    Big thumbs up !

  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    that is awesome Boylula, Only thing I can think of is that in the concept the barrel looks a bit beefier and the spec like already said by Chai, but I still love it :D
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Hey guys! Thanks for the suggestions, worked out great! Though I still forgot a tail somehow. I really appreciate your feedback

    @Blenderhead: Biggest adjustment I made, I hope I took it a good direction :)
    @Sandro: Did a little like you suggested, though tried not to go overboard. The sepia 1930s feel is something I want to preserve somewhat.
    @Skamberin: Awesome suggestions!

    The area around his shoulder is bothering me, it looks very off.
  • slave_one
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    slave_one polycounter lvl 18
    MadArtist - great job, did you sculpt the weldings and connections or ? post update when available! are you going to bake it as well?
    Boyluya - looks great to me, and the spec yeah, but you said you hadnt worked on that yet really. Also the material of the grip does not convince me really, but prolly will come with the spec and reflections.
    Makkon - the only thing bothering me about it, is that i wouldnt be able to do it : )
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    slave_one wrote: »
    Makkon - the only thing bothering me about it, is that i wouldnt be able to do it : )

    but i wanna, i wanna, i wanna

    oh please someone gimme time!
  • Farfarer
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    boyluya: I think the bullet revolvey bit (whatever it's called) in that concept is actually a 2-bullet one rather than a 6 bullet one. The more powerful revolvers in Borderlands tend to be restricted to two shots before reloading.
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    slave_one wrote: »
    MadArtist - great job, did you sculpt the weldings and connections or ? post update when available! are you going to bake it as well?
    Thanks! The weldings and connections were actually modeled in max using renderable splines and displacement modifiers. Working on the low poly now, will post it up after I bake it.
  • TNO
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    harry that background makes me go cross eyed :( cool stuff though!

    tno- cute monkey

    I've started on my first variant for a bunch of koalas im making, a pirate arg!
    please excuse the sharpen filter, its late here :(

  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
  • TNO
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    thanks Mr Smo
    I also like sharp textures. Maybe you could rotate the ears or make holes into the hat?
    can we see a wire of your koala?

    i think that this little animation is finished^^

    is 4 days for everything a good time cycle?
    (Things that have been done ;Highpoly,Lowpoly,Texturing,Animation)
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Trying out a painting style on this axe, but ended up a bit more towards what i usually do.

  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    boyluya wrote: »
    Hey guys I need some fresh eyes with this gun! I've been working on the diffuse(also plugged in the spec) so far.

    And just overlook the bullets for now(haven't touched it) and the crappy post effect.


    And here's my ref


    looks pretty good. I would probably be a little more selective with some scratches and wear n tear, namely the handle/grip could be toned down as well the barrell and areas of the scope
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    shiiiit nice work! that gun is awesome! and Makkon thats some real nice rendering :)!

    2 quick quick concepts done for a tiny small game im working on! website is the OLD style.. but its too different than the game.. so the whole thing is sorta having an overhaul soon!
  • Vitor
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    Vitor polycounter lvl 18
    Now that's something I'd love to model Razor!
  • mospheric
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    mospheric polycounter lvl 11
    One of my first normal mapped pieces...

  • chadabees
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    Cryochamber for a wip scene

  • polygonbutcher
    Hi, I am trying to activate my account with this post, Iam working on my portfolio, here is some updates. --All WIPs :poly121:

  • audi100
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    audi100 polycounter lvl 11
    Just finished compositing for a short 3d animation. Most work was done by another dude (KIIIA, not very active around here). Was responsible for Previz, the Lamborghini, Stereoscopy and Post Production.
    Hope i can show the video soon too.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    mospheric wrote: »
    One of my first normal mapped pieces...


    nice CGtextures... Nothing wrong with using them but do try and make it a little less blunt that you are in the future. Otherwise great early normal mapped piece. Something to try for next time is to make sure the hipolys edges are pretty big so they pick up better in renders.
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    another quickie! the windmill needs alot more character..as its someones little home and ya im still bumming chromatic abberation :(:(:(! i will stop soon i promise! heh and thanks Vitor!

  • Disco Stu
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    wipping along on this dude got lazy and made a turntable!
    RazorB digging the vikings style :)
    Polygonbutcher: The models dont look bad but the faces definatly need improvement.
    Male one is looking better, post some sideviews so we can see the forms better.

    ebag, chadabees sweet work.
  • dansher
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    dansher polycounter lvl 8
    inspired by Slave_one (asked before i started modeling :))

    still wip im not really happy with the handle and im not sure about that little dial thingy on the side

  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    ebagg, Razorb, polygonbutcher nice work!

    @Disco Stu
    Uh...He seems "excited".
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Slaught wrote: »
    @Disco Stu
    Uh...He seems "excited".


    ok quick shot at baking and texturing, lets see how it looks in unity and if its needed to put more work into textures or not...

  • Disco Stu
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    Well you know what they say about guys with long feet and big noses!

    Neox bakes look good, maybe the specular at the glove to yellow suit part is a little to
    similar? What will the game be about, space beaver attack force?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    the spec is not the same, its pretty different actually, more of a problem is is the gloss, but so far i'm not using any gloss maps, and well we will see what will end up in the game, first port is going to be iphone so i guess i'll have to change it anyways, but i wait for my unity seat till i tweak more

    as for the game: yeah pretty much :D
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    @audi100 : that's remind me "split second" ! :)
    Nice cars and lighting, can't wait for the video !
    (The background with the buildings will stay like this ?)
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    working on textures for this ugly mug....grabed a screen from UDK.
    I could do with some pointers on making the skin pop from the clever folk of the boards, I feel that I have reached the limit of my pretty limited skills.....hmmmm needs Moar practice I guess.

  • Orb
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    Orb polycounter lvl 13
    tacit math wrote: »
    looking at that boss battle comp. dirty sketch from yesterday. get the generic demony stuff out of the system :


    late reply, but god, i love it! awsome design and proportions
  • System
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    System admin
    Razorb, stuff looks nice!

    Bit 'o exposure (spam) since it took so long to complete...

  • System
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    System admin
    So much win on one page....

    Tryin to get better with thumbnailin, gotta push the character more!

  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Jackwhat - Nice! I can really tell what each of the characters are from the silhouettes. My personal fav is the bottom right one--makes me think of something fun and whimsical from an anime or jrpg or the like :D
    My only crit is I think the poses could be pushed further. The top two especially feel like they could be more animated in their still pose.

    Been feeling something elegant and Victorian trying to make its way outta me. :P This is what I got:
    Wasn't near a computer, so nothing from reference (though that obviously would have been easier).
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    Mezz wrote: »
    Been feeling something elegant and Victorian trying to make its way outta me. :P This is what I got:

    From this i feel more of a wild west showgirl kind of deal rather than elegant victorian.
    For elegant victorian i'd say make the dress a bit less floral and a bit more "smart," give her a hat on top of the hair, and replace the fan with a parasol.
    The hairstyle itself looks about right to me, as long as it's a ridiculous mound on the top-rear of her head you've nailed it.
  • audi100
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    audi100 polycounter lvl 11
    @Razorb: sweet concepts especially liking the "stealer guy" has a Link vibe going on.
    @seth: What you could add is some texture, meaning speckles, veines, skinfolds. Also you could increase the contrast for color (maybe consider a sunburn or try a different color now all is blueish not very interesting (skin and metal)...). A Specular Map should pop the Skin even more. Also try to define the muscles more, sharpen things up. Here is a quick Overpaint (looks real muddy but hope it helps transporting the points somewhat). Model looks great, nice proportions :).


    @Froyok: Thx for the kind words. Yes the buildings will stay, there will be a gradient instead of the black background tho. We had planned to make the buildings more detailed at the beginning but then decided on that simple stylized look (Also great for render times :D)
  • Simmo
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    Simmo polycounter lvl 12
    More winging it in max.. figuring out ways to build certain shapes.

    some sort of surveillance or sentry bot


  • The_Kozmonaut
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    M4 / M16's get modelled to death, but i really wanted to go all out, and i love this weapon:


    Been doing a bit every now and then, was gonna wait until the high poly, and still a lot to do, but having fun with it. :)

    I want to add one of the lasers to the front, but finding it hard to get a solid reference of a very specific model, can anyone suggest anything? (like an AN/PAQ-4 ...that's the only name of one of the things i know)


    like this:
    Anyone know any model names etc? sucks trying to find specific reference.
  • {scumworks}
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    Had an hour to kill in PS.,

  • tacit math
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    tacit math polycounter lvl 17
    diggin' the design of that {scumworks}. nice glove !

    speedo's from a day ago :

  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    JFletcher wrote: »
    M4 / M16's get modelled to death, but i really wanted to go all out, and i love this weapon:


    Been doing a bit every now and then, was gonna wait until the high poly, and still a lot to do, but having fun with it. :)

    I want to add one of the lasers to the front, but finding it hard to get a solid reference of a very specific model, can anyone suggest anything? (like an AN/PAQ-4 ...that's the only name of one of the things i know)


    like this:
    Anyone know any model names etc? sucks trying to find specific reference.

    theres this:


    and several more Insights if you just scroll down to about the middle of the page here:


    and if thats not enough, or you want to find something original you can take a quick look thru here:

  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Sunday again. Time for more LoL

  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 16
    Saw Glynn's thread about baking brick meshes to a plane to create a tillable texture, kinda worked, but can't figure why render to texture only works properly from a plane with scanline, and fails utterly with Mental Ray (for baking AO)


    Diffuse, Spec and Normal.
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