(Very hacked together shots, better placements to come)PDA - The Winning Hand - Finished (1008 Tris)
28/05 - Spy Card
29/05 - Red Deck Render
29/05 - Blu Deck Render
30/05 - Update: Optimized textures and model for better quality and more animation options - now 1008 tris (up from 720)Watch - Provocateur's Shill
31/05 - Concept and Initial Model
11/06 - More Concepts
Knife - The Heartbreaker - Finished (4491 Tris)
01/06 - Completed First Concepts
04/06 - UV & Quick Texture
Secondary - Starter Pistol - Abandoned
24/05 - Initial Sketch
Primary - Modded Winchester - Abandoned
24/05 - Inital Sketch
25/05 - Colour & Size fix
25/05 - Rough Model
25/05 - Model Progress
While I quite like how the stock and barrel have turned out, the whole section in the middle is looking incredibly plain.
26/05 - Design & colour changes
Looking better, although it also just looks like a fancy shotgun now.
I tried playing with the length of the barrel for a bit to make it look more different to a shotgun - too long and it just looked like a rifle, too short and it looked like some bizarre pistol. This seems to be about the best compromise between the two.
26/05 - Remodelled everything
I tidied everything up but still can't get the middle to look quite right - also started on the detail for the gold plate.
Misc - Teleporter - Abandoned
28/05 - Initial Idea
A fan-based teleporter that summons up a small team-coloured whirlwind to transport players - I think too similar to the original version though.
You should pick a theme, though. I don't see any connection with the starter pistol and a winchester, and all the items should follow the same overall theme.
That said, I'm still not totally sure on how vague the theme can be and how tightly the items need to be linked together. I'm being very loose with it unless I read it has to be otherwise.
Finishing with this for now because I need to move on to my other two items; 1008 tris, 2x512 textures (1 Red, 1 Blu).
Some poker bling might be in order for the spy, like some oversized cufflinks.
Some clever spin on "Ace up the sleeve" could work, too.
Nice work so far Ritz
If only you could animate some card tricks when he takes it out! That would be amazing and sure to catch Valve's interest.
As for the theme...hmmmm.
A knife called the House Edge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_edge#House_advantage) A taunt or flavor text description for it even writes itself: "The house always wins!".
As far as how it looks...it could be based on a playing card/the shapes of the suits of cards. An Ace of Spades/Diamonds would make a good blade.
A gun called the Russian Roulette? (Might confuse because of the Heavy being Soviet, hm - you culd replace Russian with something to do with spies, or 'European'/'Frenchman's'. Or just call it the Reckless Roulette. Damage could be rolled, with a potential minicrit/full crit/normal hit/back fire on right click. (Have to put away to cloak.)
Basically a gun with a cylinder (where the bullets are) based on a roulette table that you can see from first person. Instead of red and black it would be RED or BLU and black.
The taunt/flavor text writes itself here, too. "Do you feel lucky, punk?" "Always bet on black."
I did think about a gamblers visor, though it seems a bit low brow for a discerning gentlemanne such as the Spy. As for further additions to the gambling theme - I have a few vague ideas, though nothing solid enough to start working on.
I'd like to avoid the theme becoming a gimmick, which means no roulette wheels, no knives shaped like diamonds or spades, and no slot machine sappers.
When I heard Spy+Gambling, I imagined a wild west setting with one of these being used against a cheat. Perhaps you can use this with a red/blue and black theme (like the roulette table), or with engravings of the card symbols. Just an Idea.
Can't wait to see more from you.
A leather bound pocket watch with a hint of a roulette wheel in the middle. What d'you think? different enough to the Dead Ringer? Enough of a link to my theme?
Not sure if I like the leather thing, seems impractical and strange?
I love the winning hand though, it's genius.
As far as the pocket watch, I'm not sure about the leather obscuring the watch face.
Russian Roulette was one of the first thoughts I had when considering a gambling theme, however it's more of a gameplay thing than something I could reference through design. Even in gameplay, who would want to use a gun that fires 5 blanks?
As for a Roulette wheel as part of pistol cylinder, I did a quick mock-up and decided I didn't like it. Again, it felt like I was cramming the theme where it didn't fit just to link items together.
As for gameplay, those are up to Valve anyways, just suggestions.
I also like the shape of the roulette table wheel/cylinder.
No good software on this work laptop, but heres a terrible mouse drawn MSpaint sketch.
Since I'm still pretty stuck for ideas I decided to model up my watch concept. I have my PDA model done now and it looks like I'm going to end up with a watch done too, which leaves me with a choice for my third item: Revolver, Knife, Hat or Sapper.
Designing and modelling a Revolver replacement is certainly the most difficult of the four, however it's also by far the most interesting. I'll have to see if I can come up with any good ideas.
Spy's watches are cloaking devices in disguise, it feels that your cloaking device lacks the "in disguise" part.
I think it'd make it look a bit more interesting and further the roulette theme without having to completely redesign it.
Too bad there isnt a slot in the spy layout to replace the disguise kit.
I hope the TF2 team will manage something out for that tough.
Had a go at a knife unlock - It needs a lot of work but at least I've got a starting point now.
Few more concepts for the handle, pick a winner.
Believe me, I've been through a ton of different orders for the cards, this is the best way to go since it's the way the classes are bound in the disguise UI.
I'd have thought it would make more sense to make the handle ivory, and keep the correct suit colours. :poly121:
white pearl inlays look nice on dark wood.
And for the revolver:
Well here's the two favourites in a bit more detail, pretty sparkles included.
I'm pretty torn between them both, however since I've already done a card themed item I'm leaning towards number 1.
As my expert photoshop mockup shows:
I think it's just a problem I'm going to have to live with though, it's always going to be an issue. I guess I should try to include a little more detail where it'll be more visible.