Holy shit. Some of the best work I've seen on the forums. Really amazing. Are you handpainting all of this, or are you making really amazing use of ambient occlusion maps and the like?
Wonderful work! I think if the cloth/leather parts had a bit of material texture to them that the metal on the knee has then this would be nearly flawless.
oof love it, el scorcho!
a few people mentioned the feet, but they feel accurate to concept to me. I think you could tone down the intensity of the sternomastoids a tiny bit though, the contrast there distracts me from your expert face/hair
sup Scorcho, back to the ol' awesome, are you ? Really dig where you are going with this one, it would definitely fits in a Tera-ish game. What I love the most is your colors. Really vibrants and well saturated.
ahhhh this is gorgeous! Really love the colour/ texture style u went for. Some of the textures looks handpainted. It'll be cool if you can explain ur texturing process. I'm very curious
sweet sweet stuff, Im struggling with hair modeling yet you able to make it! keep up the good work!
as for crit : her face ain't that cute. perhaps because of her long head and nose figure compared to the concept art. as you can see in concept, from front view the nose and cheek gap are quite narrow. so se cant have long thin nose.
maybe the face from the concept art based on fake plastic look of many hair fashion photos , you can take a look of that.
I find the flaw from the concept itself like thin long leg/feet that barely support her body. you can slightly disobey that part .
Makkon,JeremyRM,Hazardous,roosterMAP,afisher,AimBiZ,Scythe,pappete,chaosblade,JacqueChoi: Thank so much
haikai: Thanks man, I tried your suggestion unfortunatly I didn't dedicate enough resolution to the textures to pull it off well
Funky Bunnies: Thanks dude, good eye I fixed it I hope.
Iciban: Thanks, I'll try to do a write up. I've done one before so it might suck :P
xvampire: Thanks, yea there are a ton off errors but I'm happy enough to move on having learned allot with this project.
YellowSub: Thanks, no sorry I didn't record any. Actually I don't even know how to. Maybe next time
Wow posing her was a huge pain, between learning how to in modo and lack of exp rigging. I'm pretty much done with her, need figure out what I'm going to do for a background. I have some idea what I want to do but I wouldn't mind some suggestions Also what do you guys think of the more neutral facial expression? I got lots of conplaints of her looking too angry.
Hey scorch', cross-bossing I see ? I know you posed her like the art, but as it works in 2d, it doesn't really work in 3D (IMO) I think her pose lack dynamism.
With the great character you have here, you should really pose her with her body following more curves, and maybe in a slight 3/4 angle ?
Anyway, that's just my 2cents on an Ace wok. Congrats man !
Complains? Are you kidding? She is beyond perfection! I like her expression, a bit angry, but with style. I think that a smile on her face will give us just same of the same.
Super nice work man! I'm with Scythe about pushing the pose though. Shifting weight on her legs a bit and pushing the contrapposto might help make thangs pop.
Can we see the texture flats?
NICE! what's funny is that my eyes keep going to the "lightbulb" potion containers to her hip? i dont know what can be done if anything about that but everything else is on point! KUDOS
I like the concept's scenery so something similar would work best I think for the environment, but if you didn't want to go big like that I guess grass and flowers under her as a pedestal or even a Lilly pad and water ? for something quick or combination of all of those.
Either way if it's anything like the character it will come out great, congrats on this lovely piece of artwork.
It seems to me that the face is a little masculine, but maybe it's just me. Still, great job!
Maybe a tad bit more eyeliner/lash? Also, the reddish color immediately around the eye gives her a raw look, like a model without make-up, or one that has had a good cry . Smoothing that out might freshen up the look a bit. The orig artwork doesn't show a lot of make-up, but the reddish tones are also not there so much. This is pretty small details to be looking at. I think the work is fantastic.
John Warner,Trancos057,JR,Dan!,bounchfx: Thanks so much
Fnitrox: Thanks, I'll try giving her that
Scythe: Yep Thanks but oy was it hard getting her in this pose. Lots of modelling into it, my rig sucked. Don't think I want to go through that again, I'll have to settle for this for now.
daphz; Thanks, maybe if I rotate the camera some it might help. Sure I'll post some flats, here's the clothes diffuse, normals and specular. I'll post more later.
Mrskullface: Haha thx man, I think I got a fix for those christmas lights on her hip.
$!nz: Thanks for the suggestion, I actually had something similar in mind. I was going to take the original concept remove the girl and heavily photoshop it to put more focus on the model as well as set her on the ground well.
James Ordner,Kon Artist: I think it is a rather annoying optical illusion caused by the nearby pixels and resolution. I attached a close-up minus the neck and clothes to demonstrate. I have some ideas how to fix it in the final. Thanks for spotting this.
Boyd_Lake: Thank you, I cleaned up the rather sloppy ao that was causing allot of that.
Looks like I'm not quite done with her yet, Thanks for all the feedback guys. Always helps to some extra eyes on stuff
Calling this done, unless I missed something horribly wrong. My eyes are sooo tired of looking at her. Thanks for the feedback everyone, made a huge difference I'll post construction shots later.
This is fantastic. I seriously don't even understand what I'm looking at. I don't see a flaw anywhere on this. Did you photoshop this render? The normal map gen looks perfect. per. fect. the wrinkles have absolutely no sloppy zbrushy dottedness to them. What are you? Do you speak computer? Are you even human? Should I call the police?
now pose her and render it high res. she belongs on my bathroom wall.
a few people mentioned the feet, but they feel accurate to concept to me. I think you could tone down the intensity of the sternomastoids a tiny bit though, the contrast there distracts me from your expert face/hair
can't wait to see the finals either!
Great work, simply great
as for crit : her face ain't that cute. perhaps because of her long head and nose figure compared to the concept art. as you can see in concept, from front view the nose and cheek gap are quite narrow. so se cant have long thin nose.
maybe the face from the concept art based on fake plastic look of many hair fashion photos , you can take a look of that.
I find the flaw from the concept itself like thin long leg/feet that barely support her body. you can slightly disobey that part .
otherwisekeep it goin. I love the progress!
^_^ flawless execution of an amazing concept!
any chance seeing its timelapse? I would die to see it.
haikai: Thanks man, I tried your suggestion unfortunatly I didn't dedicate enough resolution to the textures to pull it off well
Funky Bunnies: Thanks dude, good eye I fixed it I hope.
Iciban: Thanks, I'll try to do a write up. I've done one before so it might suck :P
xvampire: Thanks, yea there are a ton off errors but I'm happy enough to move on having learned allot with this project.
YellowSub: Thanks, no sorry I didn't record any. Actually I don't even know how to. Maybe next time
Wow posing her was a huge pain, between learning how to in modo and lack of exp rigging. I'm pretty much done with her, need figure out what I'm going to do for a background. I have some idea what I want to do but I wouldn't mind some suggestions Also what do you guys think of the more neutral facial expression? I got lots of conplaints of her looking too angry.
for the expression i always thought she seemed a bit grumpy... maybe try giving her some kind of smile or even better a smirk...i think it'd suit her
With the great character you have here, you should really pose her with her body following more curves, and maybe in a slight 3/4 angle ?
Anyway, that's just my 2cents on an Ace wok. Congrats man !
Can we see the texture flats?
I like the concept's scenery so something similar would work best I think for the environment, but if you didn't want to go big like that I guess grass and flowers under her as a pedestal or even a Lilly pad and water ? for something quick or combination of all of those.
Either way if it's anything like the character it will come out great, congrats on this lovely piece of artwork.
This is looking great. However, I agree with this^^^
The jaw is very strong and maybe tone down those neck muscles.
Maybe a tad bit more eyeliner/lash? Also, the reddish color immediately around the eye gives her a raw look, like a model without make-up, or one that has had a good cry . Smoothing that out might freshen up the look a bit. The orig artwork doesn't show a lot of make-up, but the reddish tones are also not there so much. This is pretty small details to be looking at. I think the work is fantastic.
Fnitrox: Thanks, I'll try giving her that
Scythe: Yep Thanks but oy was it hard getting her in this pose. Lots of modelling into it, my rig sucked. Don't think I want to go through that again, I'll have to settle for this for now.
daphz; Thanks, maybe if I rotate the camera some it might help. Sure I'll post some flats, here's the clothes diffuse, normals and specular. I'll post more later.
Mrskullface: Haha thx man, I think I got a fix for those christmas lights on her hip.
$!nz: Thanks for the suggestion, I actually had something similar in mind. I was going to take the original concept remove the girl and heavily photoshop it to put more focus on the model as well as set her on the ground well.
James Ordner,Kon Artist: I think it is a rather annoying optical illusion caused by the nearby pixels and resolution. I attached a close-up minus the neck and clothes to demonstrate. I have some ideas how to fix it in the final. Thanks for spotting this.
Boyd_Lake: Thank you, I cleaned up the rather sloppy ao that was causing allot of that.
Looks like I'm not quite done with her yet, Thanks for all the feedback guys. Always helps to some extra eyes on stuff
Calling this done, unless I missed something horribly wrong. My eyes are sooo tired of looking at her. Thanks for the feedback everyone, made a huge difference I'll post construction shots later.
Are the potion vials duplicated geo? To get the glass effect?
Oh dog that face closeup is just rad. I didn't spend enough time looking at it on the whole piece, but apart from it it's just wow. Top notch spec.
amazing work!
Been very curious (nosey) what did the original concept artist think?
- BoBo