I got permission to model this lovely lady by Mr Dean Holdeen.
Any ideas what those things sticking out her head are? I'm pretty sure they are ears?
But they seem to be fury or have feathers, hard to tell because of the resolution
Here's a quick dynamesh girl I did for a start, will refine much further later.
I'd appreciate any and all feedback
I would make her legs longer and hands shorter, less pronounced nose and eyes, sitting farther from each other.
Face has more childish proportions.
either way, loving the anatomy so far, especially the hands, though i would probably make the legs a bit longer (lower legs) to stay truer to the concept, can't wait to see more!
Pulling off that look however will be interesting, also why not ask the author?
That sculpt looks so classy.
Also hurray, Dean gave me this ear sketch awesome!
Now nite nite
- waist is much slimmer
- chin and face is a different shape
It's coming along awesome so far. Good job translating the proportions from the image to 3d thus far. Looking forward to more!
You could always try searching for steampunk puffy sleeves, they might possibly have better options than pirate ones.
Looking forward to more progress!
Any here's some more progress, I roughed in most of the folds and made some overall tweaks before I start refining and then polishing. Still gotta model those flowers on her head. Sucks that I really only have Saturdays to work on this. Maybe I should stop hitting the gym and start eating fast food again, hmmm.
the cloth and accessories are great. I think maybe her face could round out just a touch? and i think her mouth and nose a little too far apart right now. I wish i'd seen all your pirate sleeve refs earlier haha. I'm pumped to see the finals, go-go fast food! haha :poly142:
I think once thats normal mapped you might loose the sensation of the metal plates having any depth and instead have them give off that 'paper thin' armor feel about them.
In the concept he makes them feel deep and pop by giving them a nice darker outline, to make them feel that extra bit deeper.
Other than that man, this is looking really sweet looking forward to the finals!!
Also glad to see those ears were what I thought they were.
Can't wait to see those vibrant colors in the texturing, I know I am already there and your not even done with the sculpt.
More power to you El Scorcho!
I fixed her face, this better?
No you don't, ahhh the horrors the horrors.
Callesw: Thanks, me too haha. I'm not sure how I'm gonna tackle it yet.
Hazardous: Thanks, I thickened those plates a little. Doesn't look like it from the renders though. I'm not a Zbrush rendering master like you. I'm trying though
GabeLamas: Thanks, yea definitely I'm going to try and recreate that scene from the concept. Not the background just a little pedestal with some grass, water and shrooms. About the polypainting maybe I dunno I don't do that often. That's what 3D Coat sexiness is for.
Stoop_Kid: Thanks me too.
Gods_Requiem: Thanks, what do you mean? Like a more intricate blade or handle? I like the simplicity personally, it doesn't distract from pretty girl holding it
$!nz: Haha thanks, I'm almost done now.
makecg: Thanks
Fomori: Thanks, hrmm I'm not quite sure what you mean.
alphajayel: Thanks, He is a rockstar!
Yea definitely, I'm having a lot fun modeling her.
Almost done with the high poly, just a little more refinement and detailing before I start the low poly. I swear those mesh things above her puff sleeves don't actually look that bad. I'm not to experienced with rendering out of Zbrush
Looks beautiful otherwise, look forward to seeing it textured
P.S Zbrush render master ??? I hit Shift R - the rest is photoshop!! One thing regarding that though, is i alwyas double my canvas size and render at that size and export the resulting documents out so im always working at massive sizes. Then when you shrink it down, it will have a nice AA feel about it.
Really great work so far. Can´t wait for the lowpoly and textures - keep us posted, please
Her shoes/feet seems a tad too small, but that a minor detail. Gratzies
Hazardous: Wow thanks man! I rarely get complements like that. And thanks for the tip on ZB rendering.
ghost-d: Thank you I will
haikai: Thanks man, hrmmm I'll see what I can do to bring back that softness to her face and skin with some material work.
Darkleopard: Thanks
Scythe: Thanks man, Small feet? I thought they were a little big compared to the concept and was going to scale them down or elongate them.
disanski: Thanks
fabio brasilien: Thanks dude, I'm not quite sure yet. I think I will be doing some kinda hybrid between the way Tera did their hair and the traditional alpha plane method.
woogity: Thanks
So I finally got the low poly made and the initial bakes done. Hair is a quick decimated stand in for now. Actual hair will be a sorta Tera and traditional strip style hybrid. Looks like I got some bake nasties to clean and then it's on to coloring inside the lines like a big boy haha.
On a side note anybody here got some good links/advice/tricks/etc for using modo 601? I've using this side project to learn how to use it.
Holdeen is one of my favourite concept artists too!
Minor crit.. the arms seem a tad long.
this is so amazing, gj
how do you make the seperate items? are they modelled in 3d program then bring into zbrush or do you sculpt all inside zbrush? i dont understand how you model all these amazing pieces. when i try to sculpt clotches it becomes all squashed and messy when pulling out clotches. ty very much if u reply.